View Full Version : Oprano Radio will not be broadcasting today

06-29-2004, 08:55 PM
So that we can make sure every show has the maximum interesting and relevant information available to adult webmasters, without the same old crapping on you can hear on the other shows, we are going to switch to a monthly show ...

We'll announce our first monthly show as soon as we have decided when it will be.

Out of almost 3000 registered members, less than 20 opranauts can make it to a show each week ...


and be honest, we can take as good as we give :rokk:

06-29-2004, 09:02 PM
To be honest I'm kinda relieved you're not on today. I'm having one of those headless chook days and just rushed to my desk to start up winamp and the chat, refreshed Oprano and there's no show. :)

Monthly is a bit few and far between tho...alternate weeks maybe?

06-29-2004, 09:44 PM
Hey, if you guys wanna do a monthly show instead of weekly that's cool, but geez cj, do you really have to bash the rest of us while you're coming up with an excuse why you can't come up with a good show on a weekly basis?

06-29-2004, 10:47 PM
A monthly show will be great, IMHO. To be honest, 9 PM, especially in the summer time, is when I'm ready to unwind from work. Pour myself a glass of wine, and watch TV, a movie or read. And while the radio show obviously isn't "work", it is work related and it's become impossible for me to get in front of a computer screen and NOT work :(

I look forward to the new scheudule :)

06-29-2004, 10:50 PM

yeah ok hammer, I hit your raw spot huh?

In my opinion its better to accept a show isn't interesting enough to have each week than to continue to do the show each week for the same 15 people ... We already know we disagree on that. You are happy to do a show each week for the same few people, I'm not. Simple as that.

I didn't say anything in my post different to what we say every week on the show since our first broadcast ... we want our show to be different than the rest of the CRAP that is broadcasted ...

Our last couple of shows have been no different to the CRAP that is broadcasted repeatedly by the same people each week. So we figure it is time to change our direction.

Why be offended now by something that we've been saying for 3 months?!?!

06-29-2004, 10:53 PM
Peaches, excellent point and one that several people have mentioned.

I think we might just have to bite the bullet and have usa based hosts which makes it easier to pick a more reasonable time ... like you said, the show needs to be on during work hours, not when you are ready to watch soprano's!!!!!

Hell Puppy
06-29-2004, 10:54 PM
Originally posted by cj@Jun 29 2004, 09:54 PM
Peaches, excellent point and one that several people have mentioned.

I think we might just have to bite the bullet and have usa based hosts which makes it easier to pick a more reasonable time ... like you said, the show needs to be on during work hours, not when you are ready to watch soprano's!!!!!
I agree, move it later....TV starts to suck around 2AM...anytime after that would be fine.

06-29-2004, 11:10 PM
Originally posted by Hell Puppy+Jun 29 2004, 10:55 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Hell Puppy @ Jun 29 2004, 10:55 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-cj@Jun 29 2004, 09:54 PM
Peaches, excellent point and one that several people have mentioned.

I think we might just have to bite the bullet and have usa based hosts which makes it easier to pick a more reasonable time ... like you said, the show needs to be on during work hours, not when you are ready to watch soprano's!!!!!
I agree, move it later....TV starts to suck around 2AM...anytime after that would be fine. [/b][/quote]
Someone will need to open up a Starbucks within walking distance of my house (hmmmm - I have some property I could sell to Starbucks....:)) if I'm going to have to stay awake until 3AM to listen to a radio show :unsure:

06-29-2004, 11:15 PM
less than 20 opranauts can make it to a show each week ...

Who wants to listen to washed up people? Well about 20 people.

All the showing is missing is Serge, the king of being washed up.


06-29-2004, 11:19 PM
NOOOOOOOOO!!! Why can't I hear that sexy aussie voice every week damn it?!?!?!? :angry: :( :cryin: :headwall:

06-29-2004, 11:32 PM
Well I for one am saddened by this turn of events

Can I suggest some thought to a twice monthly format or maybe additional shows on a merit basis

Say something relevant, compelling and interesting occurs maybe a occasional "special edition" Oprano Radio segment or show

06-29-2004, 11:55 PM
Originally posted by Brad "little weasel" Shaw@Jun 29 2004, 10:16 PM
less than 20 opranauts can make it to a show each week ...

Who wants to listen to washed up people? Well about 20 people.

All the showing is missing is Serge, the king of being washed up.

Wheres Cheshire and your other "waitress" web cam girl on your Just Bidness network?

PS.... are they hiring?

06-30-2004, 12:29 AM
Originally posted by BradShaw@Jun 29 2004, 10:16 PM
less than 20 opranauts can make it to a show each week ...

Who wants to listen to washed up people? Well about 20 people.

All the showing is missing is Serge, the king of being washed up.

how is Brad "little weasel" Shawlive.com coming along?

looks to be really successful so far ...................

06-30-2004, 12:31 AM
Originally posted by cj+Jun 29 2004, 08:30 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (cj @ Jun 29 2004, 08:30 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-Brad "little weasel" Shaw@Jun 29 2004, 10:16 PM
less than 20 opranauts can make it to a show each week ...

Who wants to listen to washed up people? Well about 20 people.

All the showing is missing is Serge, the king of being washed up.

how is Brad "little weasel" Shawlive.com coming along?

looks to be really successful so far ................... [/b][/quote]
CJ, I have owned that domain for years, to host images on.

I am too sucessful for a radio show. Look around at who hosts them these days.

06-30-2004, 12:34 AM
cj, at the end of the day, unless there is REALLY something going on that is worth the time, most people won't give up an hour or two to listen to amusing banter... if we need it, we can just turn on the AM radio and listen to any of the talk radio channels.

You need to have subject matter, guests, and formats that are IMPORTANT, not just nice. "Fred is here to talk about how you can make money on his program" isn't going to get a big draw... having someone for Acacia on the air might change things....

(anyone notice their big lawsuit? http://news.moneycentral.msn.com/ticker/ar...&Symbol=US:ACTG (http://news.moneycentral.msn.com/ticker/article.asp?Feed=BW&Date=20040615&ID=3798085&Symbol=US:ACTG) )

It's all about creating value - you have to make me WANT to show up... which means you have to have something nobody else does. Personality isn't enough... you gotta have substance!


06-30-2004, 12:43 AM
Alex, excellent feedback, thank you.

Exactly what you have said about 'amusing banter' was what we wanted to avoid. We have had a few shows that are *exactly* as we intended them ... the confucy show, the spyware show, and every show where we had a serious subject and a guest to discuss it is what we wanted every show to be like - hence the monthly idea.

There's not enough 'issues' to discuss every week ... and we aren't exactly the kind of show that has guests who pay to come on to talk about how to market their programs - we've tried to largely avoid that. We've never had anyone who is 'nice' ... lol

I don't understand Acacia very well, so I've avoided talking too much about it ...

We've got a few topic ideas coming up and if anyone would like to be a guest or knows of someone with some valuable information about these areas (or any others), please let us know ...

Alternate Processing
Beyond Porn

etc ....

we may even drop the 'live' format all together :awinky:

06-30-2004, 02:20 AM
Ok, let a former washed up radio guy weigh in here, for what it's worth.

Doing a weekly radio show and keeping it at A+ level is impossible. Keeping it at B+ level is possible, but a grind and a total bitch. Been there, dont that, got the worn out Tshirt.

I think be it twice a month or once a month you would lose audience more so. There is a logical answer. Remember the old McCloud-Columbo-McMillan&Wife thing? Alternate every two weeks with another show or another series of hosts. Keeps the audience, keeps the time slot open, offers variety, yadda yadda.

I also agree, you need guests and topics. It may also have been (sorry, giving you all my feedback) a mistake "branding" the show with the Oprano name. Lots of times shows with their own "name" but associated with a resource works. Branding it often tells people who are not a part of that board or that resource that they are not wanted.

Further .... ok, you wanted feedback, here it comes .... the fact that the radio show is not marketed elsewhere, of course you're going to get only 20 people! Hello?? You and Gonzo are excellent marketing people! But you guys and AEBN's total lack of marketing is ultimately to blame. You guys know that the adage "build it and they will come" is the biggest piece of dung phrase ever said, but for some reason in this particular case, it seems you've fallen for it.

Get out there and push!! Get the guests, do your homework, make up the questions, do your research, plan the sucker, then promote the living piss out of it. And if it's too much work to do it right, then hang it up.

And I only tell you the unvarnished truth here because I respect you and I know you can handle it.

06-30-2004, 05:40 AM
Originally posted by Dravyk@Jun 30 2004, 01:21 AM
Ok, let a former washed up radio guy weigh in here, for what it's worth.

Doing a weekly radio show and keeping it at A+ level is impossible. Keeping it at B+ level is possible, but a grind and a total bitch. Been there, dont that, got the worn out Tshirt.

I think be it twice a month or once a month you would lose audience more so. There is a logical answer. Remember the old McCloud-Columbo-McMillan&Wife thing? Alternate every two weeks with another show or another series of hosts. Keeps the audience, keeps the time slot open, offers variety, yadda yadda.

I also agree, you need guests and topics. It may also have been (sorry, giving you all my feedback) a mistake "branding" the show with the Oprano name. Lots of times shows with their own "name" but associated with a resource works. Branding it often tells people who are not a part of that board or that resource that they are not wanted.

Further .... ok, you wanted feedback, here it comes .... the fact that the radio show is not marketed elsewhere, of course you're going to get only 20 people! Hello?? You and Gonzo are excellent marketing people! But you guys and AEBN's total lack of marketing is ultimately to blame. You guys know that the adage "build it and they will come" is the biggest piece of dung phrase ever said, but for some reason in this particular case, it seems you've fallen for it.

Get out there and push!! Get the guests, do your homework, make up the questions, do your research, plan the sucker, then promote the living piss out of it. And if it's too much work to do it right, then hang it up.

And I only tell you the unvarnished truth here because I respect you and I know you can handle it.

I appreciate your advice and Im happy to reread over it and learn.

I think the twice a month idea is excellent. However we cant get anyone to commit to one hour doing their own show for the past 6 months. I do however see a way this can be applied. Hit me up on ICQ and Ill be happy to share. No reason to spill free ideas eh?

Guests are a very tricky thing as you well know. Quite frankly we could have pulled another show out of our asses last night but to be honest with you I wasnt feeling well. Consider that we have been doing this pretty much off the cuff from the begining. We NEVER planned to do a live radio show. The chips fell into place and we rolled with it. Initially I had planned on spinning some tunes and doing a little interactive news. CJ came up with a great concept and name and we went live with it a few days after it was announced. We do these shows with no production staff, no input [which we are always open to] from the board, and no advertisers other than our friends at ACHdebit/Cybertokens who paid for the phone patch equipment that we use for live call ins.

I disagree with you about cobranding the show with the resource. The resousrce is the reason for doing the show in the first place. Which other resource can you go to and advertise with at some many different levels? Oprano/Serge/The Good,The Bad, and The Ugly are all inspirations in doing it in the first place.

And the marketing comment may look valid to you for a few more days my friend but in a very short time that remark is going to have a very bitter taste. AEBN only committed to providing the server and bandwidth for the radio shows. And promotional help they have or have not extended to us has been a gift. I do agree with your statement of build it and they will come is a crock. You have to develop traffic for the web and that includes audio broadcasts.

I appreciate you candor but do keep in mind your giving us a little advice based on your experience and not based on hearing any of our shows. A little credit where credit is due...CJ plans out a lot of those shows down to the minute. Im the one thats comfortable with half assing things.

06-30-2004, 07:31 AM
drav, i agree with almost everything you said ...

on the branding issue, we have a backup domain, naughtyradio.com ;-)

we planned to go with the resource show to make it fairly closed to oprano audience i guess ... i know i sound very picky about our numbers considering we have done little marketing, no reminders or announcements except here etc ...

i really like the idea of every 2nd week and am going to try to get some pre-recorded shows going for filling the timeslots ...

it would be nice if every show could just have a repeat cycle like cable tv ;-)

06-30-2004, 02:12 PM
Thanks for taking things in the spirit given, CJ and Gonzo. :)

As to the branding issue, Gonzo, I admit I could be partly in error there. There is obviously YNOT Radio and Netpond Show and all. But the part I said about keeping others away along WITH the name holds true. If you don't promote outside this board AND you have a branded name, then you are branding a cliqueishness, whether you realize it or not. The reason other branded shows don't have that stigma is they actually post outside their own world, inviting others to come by. Again, I think this is the biggest mistake.

I think one of the best ways to promote -- this worked in the olden days and I see it still works today as well -- is if Oprano is open to having other radio shows post theirs, then in turn other resources won't mind you posting your radio show announcements on their places. I've seen YNOT Radio promoting on XNations, NetpondRadio promoting on GFY, etc etc.

Radio shows have always been given a "free ticket" compared to other things that might be considered spam as they tend to be educational in nature. And various radio shows each announcing on other boards ends up being a cooperative where everyone gets greater market share and a picks up a new listener here and there.

It also tends to encourage a healthy competiion I've found as well. When so-and-so comes over one week and says they have these great guests, you usually find the following week that a competing show ends up having other great guests. It's a win-win situation. So if Oprano is open (?) to letting others post in return for posting elsewhere, this could work well for all. Again, it's done everywhere else but here.

Also, the greatest mistake I see constantly (in ALL radio shows everywhere) is not announcing guests or the show until an hour before it starts. If you have things lined up at least a day ahead, you can get the forum promo notices up earlier (and get your guests listed, aheam, in both the AOE radio page and the daily newsletter). The problem with the six hours or two hours notice is if people aren't around, they find it after the show is over.

Similiarly, if you can get a guest or topic line-up for a few weeks ahead, not only do you get to promote those future shows at the end of your show, but you get a "future shows" listing on your website. These all help to create a recurring listener base and a sense of continuity. It also helps convey the impression of a professional operation. I know when I see a show saying in two weeks that so-and-so is the guest or such-and-such is the topic and I run across that over and over, and the topic or guest interests me, I do end up marking it on my calendar.

Gonzo, I'll turn on my dreaded ICQ in a little while, bro.

06-30-2004, 02:39 PM
As a net radio veteran who used to do 4-5 shows a week plus full daily broadcasts, I can tell you, it gets tough to come up with something fresh.

To get people to come out of the woodwork, you need subjects and guests who are controversial and yet not a bunch of nutjobs. You need something to sell the webmasters and I don't mean a product, but an idea or topic.

For example, I haven't had the opportunity to make a show because they are generally scheduled around my family time. I have very little of that left these days with EGC and some other side projects, so try to make time in the evenings for them.

For me personally, my optimal listening time would be during the lunch-afternoon time when I'm usually listening to tunes or something like Brain Gell Radio. I'm not sure of others' times when they are most "in the mood" for a listen or have the time to listen in.

I like the trend I see and hear rumblings about of more video based shows. I have a few ideas on these too (Gonzo, I'll hit you up on ICQ later to discuss ;-)).

I have to admit, I like what they are doing at ynotradio with guests that aren't even in our industry. Most of us chat amongst ourselves on boards, ICQ, etc. all day long, so we're not as motivated to come out and listen to someone we talk with on a daily basis anyways, I'd love to see shows with guests who have things that are in the interest of our business, but aren't quite part of our "community".

We have all of these new legal issues challenging us as well as small business ownership issues. Why haven't there been more attorneys, tax accountants and even small business managers on these shows? Something different like this might get me to move my family time around a bit to tune in. While I know tax issues vary from state to state and most attorneys hate to give away "free" advice, it would be nice to have topic that aren't just "make money with so and so's new program or "how to make more money with those pesky TGPs"

I know there have been some great topics like the spyware show, etc. but I'd love to see more out of the community guests.

06-30-2004, 03:03 PM

Like it or not, controversey sells..... Debate - people with opposing views on serious subjects.

I use my evenings to move away from the computer..... problem is the various time zones. Afternoon is evening somewhere else.

Talk radio has lost it's novelity.

You guys have your work cut out, but CJ is a master planner.

06-30-2004, 05:50 PM
Is it really a surprise that nobody is listening?

You are getting a bit of *payback* or as we use to say, KARMA!

CJ, did you really expect to have a successful radio show when you are working with a slimeball like gonzo? Come on, now! The two of you bored the shit out of everybody with your bad connections, your ramblings, and especially...YOUR LIES put the nail in the coffin.

You tried to get an audience off of my misery. You never allowed me to comment. You banned my ass, and then refused to admit it. You never allowed me to hear the show that was about me. You gave only one side. You lied on the threads before the show and told everyone that I would not be mentioned, and then the entire fucking show was about me.

You lied to me in email. I told you the truth, and you used what I told you to condemn me and make fun of everything I told you in confidence. You went to that stupid ass radio chatroom and called me a psycho. You said you believed I would take my life. What bullshit is this???? I have been around in porn since 1995. I have dealt with a lot of assholes, but you and gonzo and dear peaches are the biggest bunch of backstabbing know-nothing people I have ever encountered.

Take your bling-bling celebrity shit and peddle it somewhere else, because as you have experienced on your so-called radio show...nobody gives a flying shit about what you and gonzo have to say.


It takes more than a voice on a microphone to make a good radio show. And Dravyk, listeners tune in every day for their favorite radio hosts. Look at the number of regulars on the top five radio shows...Howard Stern, Art Bell, Dr. Laura, Rush Limbaugh and whomever is the other show in the top five. Some have no guests. Some have many. They do daily shows. They are good at what they do. They are not boring gabby amateurs like gonzo and CJ. Even their guests can't make them look good.

Vick, are you smoking a little too much, or are you just kissing ass? The show must go! Even once a month is too much.

See what happens when you get too smug! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA :rokk:

Mike AI
06-30-2004, 05:56 PM
Confucy glad to see you are not bitter any more!


06-30-2004, 06:00 PM
Originally posted by confucy@Jun 30 2004, 05:51 PM
See what happens when you get too smug! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA :rokk:
"What happens"? Exactly what is it that happened? I certainly don't see anything that even the most psychotic could call "bad" happening to cj or Gonzo.

Not to mention, I seriously doubt you lying and faking being a victim would ever result in bad Karma towards anyone else but yourself. But you're right - your life is a perfect example of how bad Karma can put the nail in the coffin :)

06-30-2004, 06:01 PM
Mikey, I am never bitter, just disappointed. I have built my board reputation on being a psycho bitch. If you don't know the truth by now, then Serge should replace you asap.

The only time I attack is when someone lies to me and tries to hurt my family. Gonzo has done both. He has been so desperate for recognition that he clings to the shirt tails of even bigger assholes than himself.

I have learned in life that if you are an unfair bastard, you will get paid back. As Lee Noga said, "what is worse than betrayal?" Nothing. :yowsa:

06-30-2004, 06:01 PM
Originally posted by Mike AI@Jun 30 2004, 05:57 PM
Confucy glad to see you are not bitter any more!

:biglaugh: :biglaugh: :biglaugh:

06-30-2004, 06:03 PM
I left for a few months, and my icon has grown and grown.

Is this Oprano's way of welcoming me back? :awinky:

06-30-2004, 06:06 PM
Peaches, dear.

I no longer will respond to your posts. You have no credibility. You are a clinger-on. You follow me from board to board and make a fool of yourself. The GFY crowd feels sorry for you, thus I will stop egging you on. I wouldn't want your son to see you *losing your cool* on the boards because of me. :wnw:

06-30-2004, 06:17 PM
Originally posted by confucy@Jun 30 2004, 06:07 PM
Peaches, dear.

I no longer will respond to your posts. You have no credibility. You are a clinger-on. You follow me from board to board and make a fool of yourself. The GFY crowd feels sorry for you, thus I will stop egging you on. I wouldn't want your son to see you *losing your cool* on the boards because of me. :wnw:
Yet you just responded to my post :)

There are posters who feel sorry for me? Cool! I need to get a Paypal address :yowsa: And don't worry, my son's seen my lose my cool MANY times - but in my 7+ years on the boards, he knows I don't lose it on them or about anything said on the boards. :okthumb: Thank you so much for your sudden concern for my child :unsure:

Mike AI
06-30-2004, 06:29 PM
Originally posted by confucy@Jun 30 2004, 05:04 PM
I left for a few months, and my icon has grown and grown.

Is this Oprano's way of welcoming me back? :awinky:
Confucy you have to resize your banner in the controls. Takes 2 seconds.

I agree with you about betrayal, not much worse then that.

Hell Puppy
06-30-2004, 09:13 PM
Confucy, if you're gonna hang around I hope you have some new material. That old shit is mighty stale.

06-30-2004, 09:38 PM
amazon (http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/1572305258/qid=1088645736/sr=1-1/ref=sr_1_1/104-8452878-5986351?v=glance&s=books)

06-30-2004, 10:46 PM
Confucy, get out of my thread.

How many times do I need to repeat the same things to you before you stupid fucking brain will comprehend?

Like I said all along, if you could have figured out how to use your computer you would have heard the show and hear me DEFENDING YOU YOU STUPID PSYCHO!!

Don't blame me because you were too GUTLESS to discuss the subject when given the opportunity. You crapped on for a year with your bullshit and when you were given an opportunity to speak you chickened out like the keyboard warrior you are.

Learn to notice when you've stepped into the net fuckhead instead of running off at the fingers like you do the moment your brain has a thought.

Our radio show has actually been kicking ass over EVERY show but netpond numbers wise ... I just expect every show to be packed with listeners, just like the show where I defended your psychotic ass.

You have ABSOFUCKINGLUTELY no reason to feel negatively towards me except that I refuse to accept your excuses for behaving like a psychotic bitch at every given opportunity.

Remember our email discussion confucy? I told you I believe your Mitnick stories, but using it as an excuse to be a bitch towards everyone and everything doesn't work ... especially when you behave the same way towards those who believe you and those who don't. 2 months ago I was your hero, now you hate my guts?!?!?

I & Oprano dismissed you long ago ... you have nothing left for us to use, so run along & get out of my thread. :moon:

06-30-2004, 11:16 PM
Wow, this thread is like a country song, it's got all the elements!

cj, gonzo, sorry to see you guys having a tough go of it with the show. I can understand your frustration since it's got to be hard putting forth an effort for something that should work well but just hasn't clicked. :(

My personal opinion is this -- back when I was a newb and Dokk's was the only game going, it was a great novelty and a way to network with people, especially on Friday nights when I was at home. Then more and more shows started surfacing and it got the point that there was no possible way to listen to them all. So I'd pop in occasionally for a show somewhere to see what was up, and if it was interesting hang around. Your show with the idiot from Solar Billing was a good one and I enjoyed being Melody the Cam Girl in the chat room ;)

The problem I've noticed with a few of the radio hosts is that if you show up in the chat for a show that's not theirs, they tend to get testy with you for not showing up to theirs. Most of us don't have the time or inclination to spend all day sitting in radio chat, especially not with so many different shows going on. Right now I couldn't tell you who has a show and who doesn't, I don't even keep up.

I pop onto the set of AlyTV occasionally, but even though Aly's one of my best friends, I don't generally end up watching her show unless I'm on the set... once again a time issue.

I'd love to see you guys come up with a format that keeps you on the air, but I do agree that you need some sort of hook to get the guests to tune in. I hope that you guys do find it, hell I enjoy cj's accent as much as anyone!

I also find it hugely amusing that confucy has to make a half assed attempt at gloating over what's not yet a failure either.

06-30-2004, 11:54 PM
Originally posted by *KK*@Jun 30 2004, 10:17 PM
I also find it hugely amusing that confucy has to make a half assed attempt at gloating over what's not yet a failure either.
Whats ever more funny is that the figures CJ quoted you are for the CHAT room.
She doesnt see the stream stats. I DO! And theres a LOT of people that listen to the stream and dont have the time for the chat room.

Pretty amusing when really all she just wants to do is interact with her friends and associates ...

Some yall should be ashamed!

If its sucking so bad....I wonder why I spent an hour and half on the phone with Bishop calculating new server specs and increased pipe based on the Tuesday night show alone? Complaints just tell me its time to shake things up again.

KK dont worry... Im not. And I just got back from getting food stamps and govt peanut butter and cheese.

07-01-2004, 12:04 AM
Originally posted by *KK*@Jun 30 2004, 10:17 PM
I enjoy cj's accent as much as anyone!


I may have to respectfully disagree :awinky:

Unless ......... :)

07-01-2004, 12:04 AM
KK, I'm glad someone could see our point in asking for feedback ... our standard of 'success' and 'failure' for this experiment is based on what *we* want to achieve from it, not having more or less listeners than other shows. I don't consider 50 listeners to be enough ... which explains our eagerness to change direction.

We have a few things coming up at the end of July for phase 2 which incorporates many of the comments made here by everyone ...

Lets just say that "Live shows" are the least important part of our future ;-)

We appreciate the feedback everyone, thank you ;-)

07-01-2004, 12:05 AM
Originally posted by confucy@Jun 30 2004, 05:04 PM
I left for a few months, and my icon has grown and grown.

Is this Oprano's way of welcoming me back? :awinky:
If I left for a few months would my penis grow?

Or do I need pills and a pulley system for that :lol:

Hell Puppy
07-01-2004, 12:10 AM
GonZo and CJ are the Elton John and Kiki Dee of the internet airwaves.

07-01-2004, 12:27 AM
Originally posted by Hell Puppy@Jun 30 2004, 11:11 PM
GonZo and CJ are the Elton John and Kiki Dee of the internet airwaves.
"Dont go breakin' my heart"

07-01-2004, 12:47 AM
Is Oprano radio still hiring?

07-01-2004, 12:51 AM
Originally posted by BradShaw@Jun 30 2004, 11:48 PM
Is Oprano radio still hiring?
Purecash is...

07-01-2004, 01:23 AM
Originally posted by gonzo+Jun 30 2004, 08:52 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (gonzo @ Jun 30 2004, 08:52 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-Brad "little weasel" Shaw@Jun 30 2004, 11:48 PM
Is Oprano radio still hiring?
Purecash is... [/b][/quote]
Can I fetch the donuts, or is that job taken?

07-01-2004, 01:41 AM
Originally posted by BradShaw+Jul 1 2004, 12:24 AM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (BradShaw @ Jul 1 2004, 12:24 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> Originally posted by gonzo@Jun 30 2004, 08:52 PM
<!--QuoteBegin-Brad "little weasel" Shaw@Jun 30 2004, 11:48 PM
Is Oprano radio still hiring?
Purecash is...
Can I fetch the donuts, or is that job taken? [/b][/quote]
Yeah Cheshire took that job a few weeks ago.

07-01-2004, 01:41 AM
Originally posted by BradShaw+Jul 1 2004, 01:24 AM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (BradShaw @ Jul 1 2004, 01:24 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> Originally posted by gonzo@Jun 30 2004, 08:52 PM
<!--QuoteBegin-Brad "little weasel" Shaw@Jun 30 2004, 11:48 PM
Is Oprano radio still hiring?
Purecash is...
Can I fetch the donuts, or is that job taken? [/b][/quote]
Gabe has that job :) You could wrassle him for it, but my bets are on Gabe in that situation :awinky:

07-01-2004, 01:49 AM
Originally posted by cj@Jun 30 2004, 08:05 PM
KK, I'm glad someone could see our point in asking for feedback ... our standard of 'success' and 'failure' for this experiment is based on what *we* want to achieve from it, not having more or less listeners than other shows. I don't consider 50 listeners to be enough ... which explains our eagerness to change direction.
Exactly CJ -- at the end of the day you and Gonzo, along with AEBN and Oprano judge the success or failure of the project based on standards that you decide upon -- not based on the rantings of a half-cocked hermit that lives around the corner from me.

Her eagerness to gloat over what she perceives to be your failure is yet another sign of her total lack of class.

I wish you guys the best with this -- I'm actually looking forward to seeing what it morphs into, and if it's not a live show I'd be even more interested since I could check it out when I'm not pressed for time :)

07-01-2004, 02:11 AM
Originally posted by *KK*+Jul 1 2004, 12:50 AM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (*KK* @ Jul 1 2004, 12:50 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-cj@Jun 30 2004, 08:05 PM
KK, I'm glad someone could see our point in asking for feedback ... our standard of 'success' and 'failure' for this experiment is based on what *we* want to achieve from it, not having more or less listeners than other shows. I don't consider 50 listeners to be enough ... which explains our eagerness to change direction.
Exactly CJ -- at the end of the day you and Gonzo, along with AEBN and Oprano judge the success or failure of the project based on standards that you decide upon -- not based on the rantings of a half-cocked hermit that lives around the corner from me.

Her eagerness to gloat over what she perceives to be your failure is yet another sign of her total lack of class.

I wish you guys the best with this -- I'm actually looking forward to seeing what it morphs into, and if it's not a live show I'd be even more interested since I could check it out when I'm not pressed for time :) [/b][/quote]
Some people run away from negative comments and feedback.

There are others that take it and use it as inspiration.

Stay tuned

07-01-2004, 02:39 AM
Originally posted by *KK*+Jul 1 2004, 12:50 AM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (*KK* @ Jul 1 2004, 12:50 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-cj@Jun 30 2004, 08:05 PM
KK, I'm glad someone could see our point in asking for feedback ... our standard of 'success' and 'failure' for this experiment is based on what *we* want to achieve from it, not having more or less listeners than other shows. I don't consider 50 listeners to be enough ... which explains our eagerness to change direction.
Exactly CJ -- at the end of the day you and Gonzo, along with AEBN and Oprano judge the success or failure of the project based on standards that you decide upon -- not based on the rantings of a half-cocked hermit that lives around the corner from me.

Her eagerness to gloat over what she perceives to be your failure is yet another sign of her total lack of class.

I wish you guys the best with this -- I'm actually looking forward to seeing what it morphs into, and if it's not a live show I'd be even more interested since I could check it out when I'm not pressed for time :) [/b][/quote]
KK, you are one of the people I have had in mind as an 'example listener' who I want our network to appeal to ...

Whenever I'm marketing something new, or developing a new project for webmasters, I use actual people as case studies in my research and development.

I know you don't listen to radio shows often anymore and over the years since Dokk's shows stopped drawing us all in, I've read your comments as to why ... you represent the 'business & networking professional' in this industry, a group who does serious business with many of the top tier companies both in this industry and online in general. You are more an 'in person' and 'on phone' networker than an online one, you use the internet as a tool for business rather than spending your entire working day building sites etc.

You also speak your mind so I know the feedback you've given over the years is genuine and if the 'issues' that prevent you from tuning into live radio were resolved, you'd be a potential set of eyes/ears.

Internet radio in its current format is impractical for you ... the 2nd phase we are developing will be a place you will drop by a couple of times a month, and spend 20 minutes there ;-)

07-01-2004, 03:05 AM
Get out of your thread? Shit, that was my line last year.

CJ, just accept the fact that you never came to your radio show prepared. You and Gonzo didn't have guests for weeks, and when you did, either they couldn't hear you or you couldn't hear them.

Of course, KK is taking your side. She was so desperate for work that she hurried her ass to Los Angeles to make a buck. The two of you should get together. Every time KK has appeared on Aly's show, she has sat there like a silent monk. What a lousy fucking guest you have been, dear Kimmy. You know damn well if CJ's show was worth a damn, you would be listening.

Why does everyone think it is such a smart move to have a radio show? Even Joesho is talking about having a show. As KB said on GFY, having a radio show is an *ego trip!* At least KB was good at being a radio host. How can you women accept being part of a team with Gonzo whose vocabulary is limted to using the NNNNNNNNNNNN word over and over. He has no class...no respect for himself or others...and his Krispy Kreme mentality is revolting.

CJ, you never could take criticism. As long as I laughed at your comments and agreed with you, I was Queen Confucy. You even wanted to work with me when my threads were setting records on Oprano. You want the right to mouth off, but you don't want to allow others to do the same.

If you and Gonzo can't be winners on a weekly show, how in the hell do you expect to do a monthly show? I could teach you how to be a success, but you would have to supply me with meds each day, and figure out a way to get my wheel chair in and out of the studio. :biglaugh:

07-01-2004, 03:11 AM
Originally posted by cj@Jun 30 2004, 10:40 PM
Internet radio in its current format is impractical for you ... the 2nd phase we are developing will be a place you will drop by a couple of times a month, and spend 20 minutes there ;-)
Get my attention and you'll have me for much longer than 20 minutes at a stretch. And I'll be happy to check out what your advertisers are offering as well. The internet is a tool, and while I couldn't make money without it, I quit being a slave to it last year.

confucy, confucy, confucy, you never learn do you? I can bait you so fast and so predictably it's not even amusing to me any more, which is one reason why I don't waste my time on it any more. As for my quick dash to LA, of course it's about the bucks. And the beach, but with that said, I'm sure you'll come back with your usual rant about how much time I spend in the sun. It's unfortunate you don't actually go grocery shopping, you would see this miraculous stuff they sell now called hats and sunscreen. As a matter of fact, I had a wonderful three day weekend last week in Santa Barbara. Took the kayaks up and cruised all over the place.

07-01-2004, 03:39 AM
Come show us all how its done.


07-01-2004, 03:52 AM
Originally posted by confucy@Jul 1 2004, 02:06 AM
I could teach you how to be a success
If I ever want to learn how to be a bitter old bitch who got rejected by a man and uses it as the excuse to live the rest of her life in her apartment ordering groceries from the internet and mouthing off about shit I know nothing about ... I'll give you a call.

As for the rest of your bullshit ... I made Gonzo vow to leave you alone after 'the show'. He has kept his promise and I will not be doing what I asked him not to do - giving you the attention you crave.

Say bye bye Confucy ... your future here is in the opranauts hands.

07-01-2004, 04:39 AM
if you follow the stock market,
the stocks of all radio stations are on the down path,
radio seems to be a dieing media, replaced by new delivery technoligies every day

07-01-2004, 06:05 AM
Originally posted by TheEnforcer@Jun 29 2004, 09:20 PM
NOOOOOOOOO!!! Why can't I hear that sexy aussie voice every week damn it?!?!?!? :angry: :( :cryin: :headwall:
Who's would that be? :blink:

07-01-2004, 06:25 AM
Originally posted by Serge_Oprano@Jul 1 2004, 03:40 AM
if you follow the stock market,
the stocks of all radio stations are on the down path,
radio seems to be a dieing media, replaced by new delivery technoligies every day

why would anyone want to listen to radio when you can get so much content on demand, when and how you want it online?

radio is not the way to present multimedia online. its using an old technology to achieve something more limited than what is available elsewhere on the internet.

gonzo & have known that all along ;-)

07-01-2004, 12:43 PM
Sure thing, radio is OLD stuff. Where are you getting this crap! Tell Art Bell that radio means nothing as he piles up his millions. Tell Dr. Laura that she should be delving into something else because radio is passe.

Radio, when done right, is wonderful. When you have a failed radio show, then of course, it is a piece of garbage. RADIO IS AN ART FORM, and even Oprano webmasters aren't going to bother wasting their time with amateurs like you, CJ. Stick to posting underage pictures on websites. That's what you do best. And Gonzo, keep eating those donuts with Peaches. The two of you might stand a chance of being hired by Krispy Kreme. :agrin:

KK, wasn't that you with Rick Latona on Washington Boulevard with dual signs on your backs giving out the url for the lastest beheading? :salute:

07-01-2004, 12:51 PM
Originally posted by confucy@Jul 1 2004, 10:44 AM
Sure thing, radio is OLD stuff. Where are you getting this crap! Tell Art Bell that radio means nothing as he piles up his millions. Tell Dr. Laura that she should be delving into something else because radio is passe.

Radio, when done right, is wonderful. When you have a failed radio show, then of course, it is a piece of garbage. RADIO IS AN ART FORM, and even Oprano webmasters aren't going to bother wasting their time with amateurs like you, CJ. Stick to posting underage pictures on websites. That's what you do best. And Gonzo, keep eating those donuts with Peaches. The two of you might stand a chance of being hired by Krispy Kreme. :agrin:

KK, wasn't that you with Rick Latona on Washington Boulevard with dual signs on your backs giving out the url for the lastest beheading? :salute:

07-01-2004, 01:01 PM
Originally posted by confucy@Jul 1 2004, 11:44 AM
Sure thing, radio is OLD stuff. Where are you getting this crap! Tell Art Bell that radio means nothing as he piles up his millions. Tell Dr. Laura that she should be delving into something else because radio is passe.

Radio, when done right, is wonderful. When you have a failed radio show, then of course, it is a piece of garbage. RADIO IS AN ART FORM, and even Oprano webmasters aren't going to bother wasting their time with amateurs like you, CJ. Stick to posting underage pictures on websites. That's what you do best. And Gonzo, keep eating those donuts with Peaches. The two of you might stand a chance of being hired by Krispy Kreme. :agrin:

KK, wasn't that you with Rick Latona on Washington Boulevard with dual signs on your backs giving out the url for the lastest beheading? :salute:
for the life of me I can't u8nderstand why confucy isn't welcomed here....this woman is all about LUV!

07-01-2004, 01:04 PM
Originally posted by Serge_Oprano+Jul 1 2004, 12:02 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Serge_Oprano @ Jul 1 2004, 12:02 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-confucy@Jul 1 2004, 11:44 AM
Sure thing, radio is OLD stuff. Where are you getting this crap! Tell Art Bell that radio means nothing as he piles up his millions. Tell Dr. Laura that she should be delving into something else because radio is passe.

Radio, when done right, is wonderful. When you have a failed radio show, then of course, it is a piece of garbage. RADIO IS AN ART FORM, and even Oprano webmasters aren't going to bother wasting their time with amateurs like you, CJ. Stick to posting underage pictures on websites. That's what you do best. And Gonzo, keep eating those donuts with Peaches. The two of you might stand a chance of being hired by Krispy Kreme. :agrin:

KK, wasn't that you with Rick Latona on Washington Boulevard with dual signs on your backs giving out the url for the lastest beheading? :salute:
for the life of me I can't u8nderstand why confucy isn't welcomed here....this woman is all about LUV!
;-=)))) [/b][/quote]
I love her too Serge...ive been listening to her phone sex tapes for months now!

07-01-2004, 01:07 PM
Gonzo, she makes great tapes, I spoke with her, she has vERY sexy voice and I'll NEVER forgive you for posting her pic and ruining my PERFECT wet dream!

07-01-2004, 01:10 PM
Originally posted by Serge_Oprano@Jul 1 2004, 12:08 PM
Gonzo, she makes great tapes, I spoke with her, she has vERY sexy voice and I'll NEVER forgive you for posting her pic and ruining my PERFECT wet dream!
Yeah I think it crushed Lee Noga too....up until that point I think every battery in the Keys were getting sold out while she listened to that interview with Darren over and over and over....then BLAMMM.

Albertsons struck terror in the hearts of mortal men and women. Blame Albertsons!
Support Homegrown....boycott Albertsons!!!

07-01-2004, 01:32 PM
Gonzo, the only tapes I ever made that you could possibly have are tapes I used against a ham radio operator. They were planned. He stabbed me in the back and was lying to the hams. His initials are MR. I circulated those tapes at a ham event, so you have very old stuff. Glad you are enjoying them. Do you plan to enter my home through the window like MR? :zzz:

07-01-2004, 02:17 PM
Originally posted by confucy@Jul 1 2004, 08:44 AM
KK, wasn't that you with Rick Latona on Washington Boulevard with dual signs on your backs giving out the url for the lastest beheading? :salute:
No but one of those Panamanian hookers I saw in their thread did seem to bear a remarkable resemblance to that photo Gonzo has of you.

07-01-2004, 04:21 PM
Originally posted by cj@Jun 30 2004, 06:47 PM
Our radio show has actually been kicking ass over EVERY show but netpond numbers wise ... I just expect every show to be packed with listeners, just like the show where I defended your psychotic ass.
Oh my. Were do you get your numbers? :lol:

I can't remember a single time when you've had half the number in your chat room I've had in mine and I don't get very many so I'm sure not bragging. And surely you don't believe you've been kicking ass like the Humpday Show? Let's see now, a few weeks ago they had Heidi Fleiss and a week before that they had Don King. The chat room has been packed for all of those shows not to mention the hundreds listening.

Why don't you just talk about your show based on its own merits and shortcomings instead of trying to puff yourself up by belittling everyone else's shows? Seriously, do you really believe you are the only one on internet radio that has anything interesting to say? I'm with confucy, because it always seemed to me that the purpose of your show was to promote yourself. Bling bling.

I noticed that you're campaigning to get confucy banned now because she pissed in your thread. Now that's really sad.

07-01-2004, 04:51 PM
Thank god for CJ being on Oprano payroll, so she does not have to go back to her night job. :suck, suck, swallow:

07-01-2004, 04:55 PM
Originally posted by BradShaw@Jul 1 2004, 03:52 PM
Thank god for CJ being on Oprano payroll, so she does not have to go back to her night job. :suck, suck, swallow:
we know that you are saying that because she is in australia and won't sue your ass like the model whose pics you sold without model release.

you are my hero!

07-01-2004, 07:47 PM
100's of listeners hammer?! of course if you bring in a surfer icon!! we aint talking surfer radio here dude!

got a boner for me have you hammer? you seem to like to jump on me when theres a chance of getting some free publicity ..........

I've been saying all along that the shows that are currently on air are rubbish ... back patting, self congratulating tripe. Our show started to turn into that ... so yes, your comments about the negatives of our show are taken as feedback, we are changing them, you are happy to stick with the same format.

You were happy enough with the numbers at our show to keep tuning in and getting publicity, playing the little spy running back to your YNOT friends and telling them everything we said and did. Perhaps we should change your name to weasel?

What pisses you off the most? the fact that we aint satisfied with the maximum potential of internet radio, or that you don't know what we are up to next?

07-01-2004, 08:09 PM
Originally posted by cj@Jul 1 2004, 03:48 PM
You were happy enough with the numbers at our show to keep tuning in and getting publicity, playing the little spy running back to your YNOT friends and telling them everything we said and did. Perhaps we should change your name to weasel?
What in the world? I listened to your shows for a while because I thought the idea of owning some of these assholes would be interesting. Please tell me you don't seriouly think I came to your chat room full of 10 people for promotion purposes. :lol:

Unfortunately the only show that really lived up to the hype was the show Mitnick was on and that kinda sucked because he couldn't hear you. The confucy show you seem to think was one of your best was nothing more than some people hashing over the same crap we've all known and since you couldn't actually get confucy on the show, it was basically a bunch of rhetoric and no one was owned.

The accusation you just made is ridiculous. I like Gonzo and we actually started promoting each other's shows even though they were on different networks. I don't give a shit who's network someone's site is on if I like it, but you take every opporunity to take potshots at the other shows and networks. The funny part about that is that until recently your shows had so many technical problems, at times it was hard to not think of it as a comedy show.

Maybe you should talk to Gonzo about some of the talks he and I had before you go around making foolish unfounded accusations about me being a spy. SEGuru is capable of doing his own spying without using me. Watch out cj, you're almost starting to sound as paranoid and bitter as confucy. :lol:

07-02-2004, 12:38 AM
Now Hammer, I thought my bitter and paranoid days were behind me. :unsure:

Today on Lee Noga & Kre8tOr's show, they had the king of radio as a guest, dokk. I have had my share of arguments with the dokkster, but when his world started to collapse, I realized that what he said today was true...he was experiencing *burn out!* I barely recognized him today. He was mellow and down-to-earth, and very apologetic for some of his actions. I believe with the help of friends, he will be back on the air doing what he does best...producing the best radio shows he can put together.

When asked what he thought of the current radio shows, he wasn't all that impressed. Why? Because the professionalism has disappeared, and everybody believes they can host a radio show without one bit of effort. BULLSHIT !! Today's show was a fast one hour and very interesting. Dokk was open and answered all the questions thrown at him. This bitter paranoid bitch wanted to give him a big hug.

CJ, just calm down. Hammer is not the one you should be attacking. You should sit down and listen to some of your archived shows. They stink, my dear. You and Gonzo just walked through them like a couple of boring amateurs. If you plan to return, then for God's Sake, do it right. My mommy told me if I'm going to so something, then give it my all or why do it. I have been the best bitch I could possibly be. I accomplished my goal. Why don't you put your energy into being a good radio host. You can't have my BITCH award. I promised to return it to Kimmy Kim Kim Kim when I'm through with it. :rolleyes:

07-02-2004, 12:41 AM
CJ, take that cock our of your mouth, I can not understand you. Didn't momma teach you anything, do not talk with a mouth full of random cock.

07-02-2004, 01:04 AM
see you gotta keep confucy....serge you get way more traffic/posts when her name comes up.

07-02-2004, 01:09 AM
Mary, there are a lot of haters in the world. My mission is to create a home for all the webmasters who are angry, bitter, jealous, pissed off, unhappy, and constipated. ALL LOSERS UNITE !! I think a good orgasm is the answer. Keep showing your sexy pictures, and you will do more good than valium, xanax, and ativan combined. :okthumb:

07-02-2004, 01:54 AM
Originally posted by confucy@Jul 2 2004, 12:10 AM
Mary, there are a lot of haters in the world. My mission is to create a home for all the webmasters who are angry, bitter, jealous, pissed off, unhappy, and constipated. ALL LOSERS UNITE !! I think a good orgasm is the answer. Keep showing your sexy pictures, and you will do more good than valium, xanax, and ativan combined. :okthumb:
Dont be hitting on my fiance!

07-02-2004, 07:21 AM
Originally posted by confucy@Jul 2 2004, 01:10 AM
Mary, there are a lot of haters in the world. My mission is to create a home for all the webmasters who are angry, bitter, jealous, pissed off, unhappy, and constipated. ALL LOSERS UNITE !! I think a good orgasm is the answer. Keep showing your sexy pictures, and you will do more good than valium, xanax, and ativan combined. :okthumb:
The only person who fits the description of being angry, bitter, jealous, pissed off, unhappy, constipated and a loser is you - and you're not a webmaster :( Looks like the home you plan for them is going to be rather empty! :unsure:

07-02-2004, 11:23 AM
Luv you Peachy Peaches! May you and you family have a spectacular holiday weekend. :okthumb:

07-02-2004, 12:39 PM
Originally posted by confucy@Jul 2 2004, 11:24 AM
Luv you Peachy Peaches! May you and you family have a spectacular holiday weekend. :okthumb:
That's now three of my posts you've responded to, even when you said you weren't going to respond to them :P You're SO easy! Though I have to admit, before you started actually responding to me, which I knew you'd do, I thought you'd pull the stunt you usually pull where you answer someone else but reference something I said. :awinky: You're getting WAY too easy to figure out to be much fun any more, but you're the only psycho we've got so we'll take you :)

07-03-2004, 12:50 AM
Well my two cents is I have been sucking at radio shows for 5 years and I have fun doing it if it's 20 or 120 people in the chat - and I make a good income from radio!

Brad - you fat jiggly fucktard - fuck off

Confucy - you're a worm on the apple of adult webmastering!

Gonzo - keep it krispy my brother and don't worry about that washed up content guy!

07-03-2004, 09:32 AM
Originally posted by D-man@Jul 2 2004, 11:51 PM
Well my two cents is I have been sucking at radio shows for 5 years and I have fun doing it if it's 20 or 120 people in the chat - and I make a good income from radio!

Brad - you fat jiggly fucktard - fuck off

Confucy - you're a worm on the apple of adult webmastering!

Gonzo - keep it krispy my brother and don't worry about that washed up content guy!
No worries on my account...

Ive found the thread a touch informative and pretty amusing. All this bitching about what wasnt there 6 months ago. And most of it from Mr Gay sites and Art Bell's biggest fan.

Its good entertainment though when you cant afford a dollar movie. But for the most part ya cant take it too serious.

On the stereo now . . . Fusebox - Transmission

"All you get is NOTHING"

07-03-2004, 12:02 PM
Originally posted by cj@Jun 30 2004, 09:32 PM
no reminders or announcements except here etc ...

i really like the idea of every 2nd week and am going to try to get some pre-recorded shows going for filling the timeslots ...

it would be nice if every show could just have a repeat cycle like cable tv ;-)

Those 2 points nailed it for me - reminders especially..

How many of us plug away, then look at the clock, and say, "Fuck, it is THAT the time already?".

Being able to then go and listen to the recorded version would be a blessing.

Damn, I video tape EVERY TV I really like to watch (or at least my Mom does - thanks Ma !!), because I am forever only getting to then during the final credits...

Also, and as per your previous request, I will happily be a guest at some time and we can sort that at lunch....... ring me :-)

My 2c

07-03-2004, 04:54 PM
I was just thinking what a cool thing it would be to have recorded interviews with people about various topics -- everything from attorneys to cpas to 'gurus' of this or that.

That way if I were looking for something in particular, say an attorneys viewpoint on the new 2257 rules, I could get it when I had time to hear it, not just when someone had time to come on the show and do it.

Talk radio is fine, but I'd be more interested in things that were organized and indexed that I could use while I was working on other things.

Anything relevant to business or the adult industry would be great, cj, and I'm sure you could create a decent sized library in a reasonable amount of time if you decided to work on such a thing. You've always been one to get things accomplished. :)

07-03-2004, 11:30 PM
Good luck, I am sure you guys will figure out something new and innovative.

I apppreciate the fact, that you are trying to create a show, not based on your needs, but based on the listeners needs... :okthumb:

Confucy, seriously try weed it might help the PHycosis....

weasel how does it feel to be someone who thinks they are successful but gets laughed at by their peers and looked upon as a piece of shit by so many? I know it aint the money.... cause with as bad as SIC cash converts now days, you are probably about out of the money SERGE, was responsible for you making HUH?

07-03-2004, 11:34 PM
Originally posted by JoesHO1@Jul 3 2004, 07:31 PM
Good luck, I am sure you guys will figure out something new and innovative.

I apppreciate the fact, that you are trying to create a show, not based on your needs, but based on the listeners needs... :okthumb:

Confucy, seriously try weed it might help the PHycosis....

weasel how does it feel to be someone who thinks they are successful but gets laughed at by their peers and looked upon as a piece of shit by so many? I know it aint the money.... cause with as bad as SIC cash converts now days, you are probably about out of the money SERGE, was responsible for you making HUH?
Let me know when you want to compare incomes. Until then, you are dismissed.

07-03-2004, 11:38 PM
Originally posted by BradShaw+Jul 3 2004, 07:35 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (BradShaw @ Jul 3 2004, 07:35 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-JoesHO1@Jul 3 2004, 07:31 PM
Good luck, I am sure you guys will figure out something new and innovative.

I apppreciate the fact, that you are trying to create a show, not based on your needs, but based on the listeners needs... :okthumb:

Confucy, seriously try weed it might help the PHycosis....

weasel how does it feel to be someone who thinks they are successful but gets laughed at by their peers and looked upon as a piece of shit by so many? I know it aint the money.... cause with as bad as SIC cash converts now days, you are probably about out of the money SERGE, was responsible for you making HUH?
Let me know when you want to compare incomes. Until then, you are dismissed. [/b][/quote]
Tisk tisk, life is not about money... so just cause you are on a downward slide, is no reason to get definsive about your money...LOL

You many other weaker points to adress first , if you are ever truely to become successful as you wish...

07-05-2004, 04:25 PM
Originally posted by confucy@Jul 2 2004, 12:10 AM
Mary, there are a lot of haters in the world. My mission is to create a home for all the webmasters who are angry, bitter, jealous, pissed off, unhappy, and constipated. ALL LOSERS UNITE !! I think a good orgasm is the answer. Keep showing your sexy pictures, and you will do more good than valium, xanax, and ativan combined. :okthumb:


07-06-2004, 04:35 AM
Originally posted by *KK*@Jul 3 2004, 05:55 PM
I was just thinking what a cool thing it would be to have recorded interviews with people about various topics -- everything from attorneys to cpas to 'gurus' of this or that.
Snoops did something like that http://www.webmasterclass.com/interviews/ and later so did Jayman http://www.netpond.com/forumdisplay.php?s=&forumid=52

07-12-2004, 01:57 PM
I agree with many of Dravyk's earlier points. Doing a radio show is alot of work. Brian and I put in about 4-5 hours planning each show, and although our show is information/technically based with tutorials and marketing/design advice we do not rely on guests each week. Yet when we do, it is often difficult to confirm them prior to the show date due to the "flake out factor". However at the end of each show we try to inform our listeners what will be coming next week. Our tutorials run in series and we try to split the show between techy/tutorials (photoshop, flash, dreamweaver, tools/software applications) with marketing perspectives and ideas, opinions, and innovations.

Last week we had an "everyday surfer" on to review a few sites and give us his opinion as a consumer, almost like a mini "focus group" - it was actually very interesting and informative. Not every show has to be based on guests or talk/entertainment based to get listeners. Each show is valid to produce it's own interested audience, each person has their own reason for participating. I think the variety of networks and personalities and show topics helps to enrich our community, and the cross promotional efforts I admire. The size of the audience comes with time and word of mouth, doing our best each week regardless of how many listeners is my true source of pride in doing Fusion.

We're all in business to succeed, how, why, and where we spend our time is up to us. I am looking to explore shows beyond the radio networks I currently participate at. It's not a political thing. I'm not looking for an ego trip (if ego trips take this much work I might as well spend my time patting myself on the back). I'm just looking to build up my own experience working with webmasters and help educate them in the areas I know best.

I'd like to say hello to the familiar names and faces I see here at Oprano and extend my best to those I don't know yet.

Internet Marketing Director

07-12-2004, 02:05 PM
You should read your copy of Klixxx this month ...

I know you realize we quietly covered the marketing. Congrats on your new job...I think its a good match for you. You are one of smartest stratigists Ive ever seen in the biz. Klixxx should be happy to have you.

Again though... there wasnt a problem with the radio show overall. We just werent happy with the direction it was taking. So we are retooling. I dont want to get in the habit of taking the easy way out. Im sure you can respect that!

Welcome to Oprano and the gumbo!

07-12-2004, 02:17 PM
Thanks Gonzo, congrats to you as well :) Making alot of improvements in our corner one week at a time. Have some good things coming out this week including an affilaite program to refer new Klixxx magazine subscribers. Here's a sneek peek http://KlixxxCash.com - will most likely launch it within the next week.

AEBN is a great company, they were on my strong considerations list when considering new employment. I really like working with Cynthia and the rest.

When you're done retooling please let me know, I'll be there to celebrate with you! Best of luck, and if you need anything or would like to chat you can find me at Cyn@Klixxx.com or 102092490

Internet Marketing Director

07-12-2004, 02:31 PM
Originally posted by Cyndalie@Jul 12 2004, 01:18 PM
Thanks Gonzo, congrats to you as well :) Making alot of improvements in our corner one week at a time. Have some good things coming out this week including an affilaite program to refer new Klixxx magazine subscribers. Here's a sneek peek http://KlixxxCash.com - will most likely launch it within the next week.

AEBN is a great company, they were on my strong considerations list when considering new employment. I really like working with Cynthia and the rest.

When you're done retooling please let me know, I'll be there to celebrate with you! Best of luck, and if you need anything or would like to chat you can find me at Cyn@Klixxx.com or 102092490

Internet Marketing Director
Looks like good stuff to me! As you know we are cobranded partners with you guys on opranoplus.com so there are some things we can discuss I am sure. Ive always liked Klixxx for the meat and potatoes part of this business. Youll find most of us here are not too fond of the self proclaimed "porn royalty".

Ive also enjoyed the cobranding you mentioned with AEBN. They have been very easy to work with as well and extremely flexible. Both companies are fine examples on how there is strength in numbers and there can be a peaceful coexistance.

I know I personally look forward to a long and even more enhanced relationship with both Klixxx and AEBN.

07-12-2004, 03:01 PM
:D Cheers! :hic:

07-12-2004, 08:40 PM
Gonzo, I think in celebration of the Klixxx feature we should do a show tomorrow :okthumb: