View Full Version : U.S. Transfers Sovereignty to Iraqi Govt.

06-28-2004, 02:39 AM
BAGHDAD, Iraq - The U.S.-led coalition transferred sovereignty to an interim Iraqi government Monday, speeding up the move by two days in an apparent bid to surprise insurgents who may have tried to sabotage the step toward self rule.

Legal documents turning over sovereignty were handed by U.S. governor L. Paul Bremer to interim Prime Minister Iyad Allawi in a ceremony in the heavily guarded Green Zone.

"This is a historical day," Allawi said. "We feel we are capable of controlling the security situation."

Bremer will leave Iraq sometime Monday, coalition officials said on condition of anonymity.

"You have said, and we agreed, that you are ready for sovereignty," Bremer said in the ceremony. "I will leave Iraq confident in its future."

In Washington, the Bush administration said it was pleased by the early transfer and called it was a proud day for the Iraqi people.

Allawi said he requested that the sovereignty be transferred earlier, reflecting a preference to have Iraqis control their own destiny as soon as possible. Last Thursday, the coalition transferred the final 11 of the 26 government ministries to full Iraqi control, meaning Iraqis were already handling the day to day operations of the interim administration.

Bremer went on a series of farewell visits to areas throughout the country over the past few days.

http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=stor...raq_sovereignty (http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&cid=540&e=1&u=/ap/20040628/ap_on_re_mi_ea/iraq_sovereignty)

Almighty Colin
06-28-2004, 04:56 AM
And now, one of the greatest experiments in the history of consensual government is underway. Good luck to 'em.

Almighty Colin
06-28-2004, 06:52 AM
Going to be some interesting times.

September, 2004 — Voter registration begins.

By Jan. 31, 2005 — Elections for Transitional Government.

Winter/spring, 2005 — Constitutional convention convenes to draw up permanent charter.

October, 2005 — Referendum on ratification of proposed constitution.

December, 2005 — Elections to select constitutionally based government.

Mike AI
06-28-2004, 10:19 AM
I happened to be up when this happened, Fox broadcasted it around 3:00 am.

I am not sure exactly why it was done ,I am sure it had something to do with all the violance - to throw off the terrorists.

Looks like a good move to me!

06-28-2004, 10:56 AM
The next months will be crucial - If the Iragi goverment is not able to bring security to their own people, then people will be in disbelief in Irag as a united country, which will create more support for fundamentalists. Going to be very interesting times indeed.

Mike AI
06-28-2004, 11:05 AM
Originally posted by Rolo@Jun 28 2004, 09:57 AM
The next months will be crucial - If the Iragi goverment is not able to bring security to their own people, then people will be in disbelief in Irag as a united country, which will create more support for fundamentalists. Going to be very interesting times indeed.

It will take longer then a month, but progress should be seen somehow.

People need to have faith in their gov't.

06-28-2004, 12:58 PM
I am the new leader of Iraq.

Hit me up on ICQ if you are interested in cabinet positions.