View Full Version : Win $100 AND Get Paid In This Thread !

06-24-2004, 10:20 PM
Okie dokie, here's the whack.......

Of late, we have been taking constant requests from our webmasters for special and different sized banners for many of our sites.

As those who made the request would know - those banners have been supplied and are now available in the Curious Cash members area for all to use!

So for webmasters of ours who want something different, or those who have some time to kill and are good at the banner design game (or even if you are not and need the practice !), we are now asking you to design some banners for any and/or all of our sites and submit them to Curious Cash to win !!!

The winner of the best banner (as decided by Webmaster Dan) will receive $100.00.

[/I]But here is the best thing.....[I]

If you submit banners, and we decide to use any/or all of the ones you submit, for any and/or all of our sites, we will pay you for EACH one of them !!
* $5.00 per static banner
* $7.50 per animated banner or half page advertisement
* $10.00 per flash banner or full page advertisement

So what's the catch? ONLY Curious Cash Affiliates are eligible to win and/or be paid, but REMEMBER, just by joining you get an entry into our Webmaster of the Year competition - a free trip to Syndey Australia for the 2005 Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras !! If you are a webmaster from the Southern Hemisphere you can even elect to swap that for a trip to Florida Internexxt 2005! You do NOT have to send ANY joins to stay in the draw!!

Click Here To Join Curious Cash now and qualify ! (http://www.curiouscash.com/index.php?rev=gaymoneymachine)

Competition rules are as below:

Rule #1 Competition is open to all Curious Cash webmasters and entries should be sent to banners@curiouscash.com no later than 31 June 2004 (next Thursday !!). Please attach all banners as attachments and provide a summary of banners submitted in the email text, with your name, Curious Cash Affiliate ID and PayPal or Bank Wire details.

Rule #2 You must ONLY use our images licensed to you for the sole purpose of manufacturing promotional banners for this competition. These images can be sourced from the hosted galleries, or if you need more please email webmaster@curiouscash.com for temporary access to the site you are designing banners for.

Rule #3 There is NO limit to how many banners you may submit - in fact we encourage you to make as many as possible for as many of our sites as you can ! The more we use the more you get paid, and the more chances you have to win !

Rule #4 Winner selection for the best banner and banner selection for use in http://www.curiouscash.com is at the sole discretion of Curious Cash, and no correspondence shall be entered into.

Rule #5 Payment will be made by either bank wire or PayPal at the discretion of Curious Cash.

Rule #6 Winner and successful banner submissions will be published in the Curious Cash Webmaster Update of 9th July (and here of course!).

Alright. So what has the best chances of getting selected so you get paid for your work ?

Let me give up some hints....

Insider Tip #1 What sites should I do banners for? We have quite a few new sites, banners are a bit thin on the ground for them, but yet again maybe some of the more established sites could use some new ones.... check out our current banner list, find some areas you think could be added or done better, but remember, others may think the same... Hmmmmm. Basically, it doesn't matter WHICH sites you do, if your submitted banners cut the mustard, they will be selected and you WILL be paid. Do what suits you best out of our 22 sites !

Insider Tip #2 Should I do static banners, or maybe animated or flash? We have NO flash banners presently. Go figure. We have a few animated, but maybe your angle is better? If you do static, maybe clean and simple is better than bright and busy... again, be creative as there are NO limitations here either.

Insider Tip #3 What sizes should I concentrate on? Now on this we can give some more specific hints on how to best maximize the return on your effort ! We do specifically NEED banners in 120 x 60, 500 x 80, 480 x 80, 120 x 180, 125 x 200. For half pagers go with 400-500 x 200-300. For full pagers go with 600-700 x 400-500. Odd size banners and verticals and buttons are also encouraged. If you submit "standard" banners they would usually be 468 x 60 or 468 x 90. Do what would suit you, but bear this in mind to ensure you make top bank.

Insider Tip #4 We need LOTS of new banners, so there is NO limit on how many you can submit or how many we will pay you for! The more the merrier.

Questions? Contact us. Good luck and get cracking ...........

06-24-2004, 11:30 PM
Lindsay ... a couple of tips ...

1) nobody here cares about winning $100 so your title won't attract the right eyes. Better would have been "Designers, we need banners" ... "and the best one wins $100"

2) this isn't gfy ... stop thinking like a gfy webmaster when you post here!!!! do I have to slap you!??!?!?!? ;-)))))

3) never post the entire details of a contest in a thread ... especially the rules and other details below the rules. it makes the post too long and many won't read it. Break it into 2 steps. Intro on the board, further details on your site.

3) what are you going to do with the webmasters who design banners that you choose not to use? They won't be able to use them for anything else if they are built for your sites ... you might piss off a few designers if you don't choose their work and they've spent a lot of time on it!!

4) $10 per flash banner or fpa?!?!?!??! yeah right!! "Tell 'im ees dreamin" LOL

5) You said 'unlimited banners' ... I could make $500 this afternoon based on that rule ... and there won't be any you could reasonably reject. Be really really careful when you give webmasters that much rope ... they will hang YOU with it!!

6) What's the difference between static and animated in *your* definition? I can make a static banner, then animate the 'click here' to flash on and off and there's 2 banners - 1 static and 1 animated. are you only going to accept 1 and not both?

7) are you giving anyone the raw psd files for the sites? how are designers supposed to get logos for the sites? cut them out?!?!? how annoying ... at least provide some tools for the designers or the banners will be shit and it won't be the designers fault.

with all that said though Lindsay, don't get me wrong ... this is an excellent idea - been thinking about a similar thing for months. its a great way to get a lot of cheap banners into your program quickly while generating some promotion. I just don't think your guidelines are very reasonable or fair ... you haven't given the designers many specifics, and knowing designers like I do many will waste a lot of time doing something which you will probably choose not to use because they interpreted what you wanted incorrectly.

Keep us posted how this goes, good job & excellent idea :okthumb:

06-25-2004, 01:46 AM

I always get a headache when I see CJ's nick in my threads....

He he he.

But it is a headache easily cured with good food, good company and good wine.


I take your points, and see the logic.

But also I am sure if we pissed people off they will sound out about it... if you used that static/animated trick and we didn't pay for either/or and you wanted to have a go, a quick post of them would also be clearly logical to most reasonable people. Unreasonable people I really do not give a hoot about.

We ARE looking for a fresh approach and a fresh look, so it was PURPOSELY non-prescriptive, but descriptive and extensive enough to provide direction for peopl who are creative enough.

If we wanted cheap same-old-same-old we'd have hit up the Indian or Phillipino guys.

We want fresh.

We want people to think how they would sell it instead of us thinking we knoe how to sell it for them.

If you don't like the terms, don't enter, it is impossible to make everyone happy all of the time. Having said that, the first flash banners and FPA's have already hit the decks, so obviously some people don't share your feelings.

We rewards the relationships we build, hence why we want people who are prepared to join the program to participate - we like to

Many of your questions show you failed to read what was in the rules, they were answered there. Too quick on the reply mayhaps?

Anyways, thanks for your input, as always I depend on receiving it, and I will surely post results here and elsewhere so people know how it all panned out.

If you feel the need, slap away, just don;t use the Kangaroo fillets, they need NO tenderising :P


Mike AI
06-25-2004, 02:03 AM
CJ is not ripping you, she is giving your valueable advice!

Learn from her!

06-25-2004, 02:09 AM
Originally posted by Mike AI@Jun 25 2004, 04:04 PM
CJ is not ripping you, she is giving your valueable advice!

Learn from her!
Mike I know that.

I agree totally with SOME of her advice, and I disagree with other parts.

That is allowed isn't it?

I was just responding.

As I always do, and as I always will.


06-25-2004, 05:06 AM
if you need banners and wanna spend $100,
just talk to Todd whose team designed our logo.

as simple as that.

06-25-2004, 07:15 AM
Originally posted by Serge_Oprano@Jun 25 2004, 07:07 PM
if you need banners and wanna spend $100,
just talk to Todd whose team designed our logo.

as simple as that.

I agree they do great work, but fresh is the attitude we are after, so we figured why not let the people who use them to make a buck be the guiders of how they lead the surfer to make it for them.

Really looking forward to the diversity of appraches and styles that this competition should bring out.

That's why instead of just one prize we are happy to pay for worthwhile efforts.


06-25-2004, 08:09 AM
Originally posted by CuriousToyBoy@Jun 25 2004, 12:47 AM
Many of your questions show you failed to read what was in the rules, they were answered there. Too quick on the reply mayhaps?
They weren't answered in the rules, that's why I raised the points in the first place duh :okthumb: Like I said, this aint gfy!

But for being cheeky, you get punished ... Next time, make sure your advertising campaign is in place *before* you post a company announcement, or i'll ignore it :awinky:

06-25-2004, 08:18 AM
Originally posted by cj+Jun 25 2004, 10:10 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (cj @ Jun 25 2004, 10:10 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-CuriousToyBoy@Jun 25 2004, 12:47 AM
Many of your questions show you failed to read what was in the rules, they were answered there. Too quick on the reply mayhaps?
They weren't answered in the rules, that's why I raised the points in the first place duh :okthumb: Like I said, this aint gfy!

But for being cheeky, you get punished ... Next time, make sure your advertising campaign is in place *before* you post a company announcement, or i'll ignore it :awinky: [/b][/quote]
Now that point is taken!

What can I say? That was a topic for lunch conversation !

Let's not wait too long to do that..... hit Tim up, because you guys are harder to nail down than me ....

BTW.. I thought you were going to be in Florida, but your earlier post indicated otherwise ????

What's the story?

06-25-2004, 08:19 AM
Originally posted by CuriousToyBoy@Jun 25 2004, 07:19 AM

Let's not wait too long to do that..... hit Tim up, because you guys are harder to nail down than me ....

true..I could never "nail" cj

07-03-2004, 03:22 AM
Originally posted by cj@Jun 25 2004, 01:31 PM
Keep us posted how this goes, good job & excellent idea :okthumb:
Curious Cash "Design a Banner" Competiton extended by 2 weeks !

Win $100 for Best Banner and get paid for entries.

Original details: here (http://www.curiouscash.com/webmasters/webmasterupdates/updatevol1ed02-25june2004.html)

Extension details: here (http://www.curiouscash.com/webmasters/webmasterupdates/updatevol1ed03-02july2004.html)


07-03-2004, 06:06 AM
You would be worth a lot of money as an employee to someone if they could afford you Lindsay.

Have you ever spoken to Halcyon from Porn Posse? I bet you two would brainstorm well if not even do some business.

btw.. got to agree with Cj. As far as attracting new affiliates, trying to drag in the ones that would stop to make you banners is only going to create more support work and will never ever snag you a whale.

This may seem a bit "me too" for you, but if you have loads of your own content.. why aren't you running hosted galleries and freesites for affiliates? It's an easy in with all the TGP owners and Linklist operators... most of whom make steady money at the very least.

07-03-2004, 06:39 AM
Originally posted by Opti@Jul 3 2004, 08:07 PM
You would be worth a lot of money as an employee to someone if they could afford you Lindsay.

Have you ever spoken to Halcyon from Porn Posse? I bet you two would brainstorm well if not even do some business.

btw.. got to agree with Cj. As far as attracting new affiliates, trying to drag in the ones that would stop to make you banners is only going to create more support work and will never ever snag you a whale.

This may seem a bit "me too" for you, but if you have loads of your own content.. why aren't you running hosted galleries and freesites for affiliates? It's an easy in with all the TGP owners and Linklist operators... most of whom make steady money at the very least.
Hey Opti :-)

Thanks mate, I should say that everyman has his price, but you are right, I doubt anyone could make me an offer that would be worth my while :agrin:

Don't let that dissuade people from making the offer though....... :-)

And you guys get me (well some of me anyway) for "free" if our Team Bling application gets accepted !!

He he.

No, I don't think I have ever spoken to Halycon, maybe you could hook the 2 of us up? I'll be in Florida of course so maybe we could sort something for then? Feel free to pass on my details.....

The idea was NOT to snag to new affiliates, it is to MAKE new banners. I'm sure I said that in response to CJ? Anyways..... because we are paying for entries I am not interested in cutting checks for people who I know have not at least fully checked out our program so they know what we are about... that is only fair and reasonable IMHO.

There is also nice potential for further work down the track, and I like to keep the money in the family and get some fresh ideas and angles.

Besides, I make the rules :stout:

We do offer 120+ hosted galleries at present, and you would have known this if you had checked it out, thanks for the perfect case-in-point of my last paragraph or 2 :bwave:

We are moving on many fronts, and banners is somewhere where with this comp we could make a start.

I always appreciate the feedback from everyone, and thanks to you for taking the time to put your thoughts down.


07-03-2004, 09:22 AM
I did read what you said, I just didn't believe that getting banners made was really the main idea :D I beleive you now though ;-)

We do offer 120+ hosted galleries at present, and you would have known this if you had checked it out, thanks for the perfect case-in-point of my last paragraph or 2

LOL.. You know what... I am sorry I hadnt checked out the program before now... I honestly thought it was just another front end for your other program with verotel billing.. But, I did go and look at the webmaster tour before I made that post to check if you did have hosted galleries... and must have missed them if they are mentioned.... And honestlty... as a person that uses loads of hosted galleries and freesites, if I had seen you mention that just once in all your posts.. I would have clicked through to grab them at that very moment.. (you will see I am now signed up and sent emails to the addresses provided for extra help) :wnw:

Just to keep on the tradition of offering you tips you havent asked for..... After looking at your program... I dare you to go and spam every webmaster board with a thread titled... "This Is Fucking Sick... BeastsWithBoys.com" then just have 1 sentence in the post.... "I don't care what anyone says, I am making thousands from this... and they say its legal!"

07-03-2004, 11:17 AM
Originally posted by Opti@Jul 3 2004, 11:23 PM
I did read what you said, I just didn't believe that getting banners made was really the main idea :D I beleive you now though ;-)

We do offer 120+ hosted galleries at present, and you would have known this if you had checked it out, thanks for the perfect case-in-point of my last paragraph or 2

LOL.. You know what... I am sorry I hadnt checked out the program before now... I honestly thought it was just another front end for your other program with verotel billing.. But, I did go and look at the webmaster tour before I made that post to check if you did have hosted galleries... and must have missed them if they are mentioned.... And honestlty... as a person that uses loads of hosted galleries and freesites, if I had seen you mention that just once in all your posts.. I would have clicked through to grab them at that very moment.. (you will see I am now signed up and sent emails to the addresses provided for extra help) :wnw:

Just to keep on the tradition of offering you tips you havent asked for..... After looking at your program... I dare you to go and spam every webmaster board with a thread titled... "This Is Fucking Sick... BeastsWithBoys.com" then just have 1 sentence in the post.... "I don't care what anyone says, I am making thousands from this... and they say its legal!"
Hey Mate,

Haven't got your emails yet, but I am sure I will and I will respond to be sure :D I do hope you nominated me as your account manager !!! He he.

The hosted galleries is prominent on the image which I recently removed to comply with the new sig rules :awinky: Maybe time to change the sig here, maybe I'll do that next !!

When we released http://www.BeastsWithBoys.com a week or so ago, I actually **DID** hit many boards in a somewhat similar vein to as you suggested - "Have We Gone Too Far" and stuff like that :okthumb:

OH and yes, it is doing just FINE thanks very much for asking :rolleyes:

On this board and a couple of others I sort of dodged being too spammy:

Does that mean Oprano has reached a new level of overall respect in my personal view?

Absolutely. Damn site better and constructive conversation here than the other 15-20 boards I frequent.

BTW, we are working on a gallery generator, but that is still probably a few weeks away.


07-06-2004, 08:17 PM

Thank PF @ Netpond for this idea on our banner competition (this post is going on all the boards!).... My mind was on an early comment from CJ @ Oprano about transparency, and PF's idea crystalized the solution in my mind.

We were ALWAYS going to post results in this thread, but this goes one step further.

Also, there has been some scepticism about who will get paid for what and whether in fact people will get paid for worthwhile work.

So, here is what we propose to do:

A couple of days after the close of the competition (we need a couple of days to sort through the final entries), we will post a link to ALL the banners submitted, INCLUDING notations of what will be used (and therefore paid for) and what won't (and therefore won't be paid for).

Remember that submissions close on Wednesday 14 July.

This will help people on a couple of levels:

- Let them compare what is an acceptable quality banner to what is not considered acceptable quality, allowing them improve their work and get better at the things they do.

- Show EVERYONE, entrant or not, that Curious Cash stands by it's word, ALWAYS, and allow feedback here in PUBLIC on the boards (we are always open to questioning because we run an ethical business and don't mind bthe scrutiny at all). It in all likelihood won't change our decisions at all (it is our check book we are opening, NOT yours), but at least EVERYONE can be confident that we at Curious Cash are ALWAYS good to our word.

- It may help some people get some work from others. That cannot be a bad thing - exposure is good marketing!

So for those of you who nhave submitted a couple of samples and gone no further, or wanted to have a go but have had second thoughts, you still have a week now to get on in for your share!

See the first post and subsequent posts from me in this thread if you are a late starter and want to know the full whack.


07-06-2004, 09:35 PM

excellent way to encourage more entrants and give them value Lindsay ...

I'll make you 1 banner just for the link on the competition page ;-))))

07-07-2004, 08:54 AM

I will most certainly hold you to that.

And will personally deliver payment for same.


07-07-2004, 03:05 PM
Looks like Brad missed this thread.

07-08-2004, 08:42 AM
Originally posted by Dravyk@Jul 8 2004, 05:06 AM
Looks like Brad missed this thread.

Nice pick up :)

Could be one of 2 reasons.....

Sometimes people who realize they don't realize who they are going to go at, tend not too in case they underestimate who they are going at, or are unsure at least.


He missed the thread.


It was only said to me over drinks yesterday by someone who knows him that they would love to be there if he ever did meet me.

Could care less really......


07-08-2004, 09:27 AM
before lisa or peaches picks it up ....

its COULDN'T care less!!! ;-)))

07-08-2004, 09:47 AM
Originally posted by cj@Jul 8 2004, 11:28 PM
before lisa or peaches picks it up ....

its COULDN'T care less!!! ;-)))


Thanks for saving me from the vocab police again!


07-31-2004, 02:34 AM
Originally posted by CuriousToyBoy@Jul 7 2004, 10:18 AM
A couple of days after the close of the competition (we need a couple of days to sort through the final entries), we will post a link to ALL the banners submitted, INCLUDING notations of what will be used (and therefore paid for) and what won't (and therefore won't be paid for).
As promised....

Digitial Jay won the $100 (and scored more than $250 for his submissions) with this little effort:


Full details and results can be found through the links in our latest update, which you can find RIGHT HERE (http://www.curiouscash.com/webmasters/webmasterupdates/webmasterupdatevol7.html)

Thanks all who entered :-)


07-31-2004, 02:46 AM
Hey Bro next time send me a press release and Ill give you some splash on Oprano Plus.

07-31-2004, 02:55 AM
Originally posted by gonzo@Jul 31 2004, 04:47 PM
Hey Bro next time send me a press release and Ill give you some splash on Oprano Plus.
Sweet Gonz.

Hey and if I get FFN'ed in FLA, please do me before Billy so I only have a check or 2 to pick up before it's his turn :-)

I also owe you and CJ an interview at some point. I believe CJ and I discussed the topic should be something like "Why ToyBoy Shaves His Head And CuriousCash Shaves Their Boys And Niether Shave Their Webmasters".


07-31-2004, 03:54 AM
Billy is slated to be made. Teeshirts are being minted. Of course the newest made man on the list picks up the tabs!

07-31-2004, 04:37 AM
Originally posted by gonzo@Jul 31 2004, 05:55 PM
Billy is slated to be made. Teeshirts are being minted. Of course the newest made man on the list picks up the tabs!

Wanna play hardball eh?


So how many packets of Tim Tams for the FFN'ers will be required to get me moved up the food chain above Billy (no offence Billy, it's only business). ??

Get back to me soon or you may never see the Tim Tams again.

Bwaha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ah ah.
