View Full Version : Any 'Star Trek' fans left?

Greg B
06-11-2004, 03:42 PM
Any 'Star Trek' fans left around these parts? How do you like the way the latest movies and tv shows are goin'?

06-11-2004, 03:47 PM
I'm more of a TNG fan than anything else... and "The Enforcer" is a huge DS9 fan. So yeah, there are at least a couple of us. :)

06-11-2004, 04:36 PM
Oh yeah!! I'm a huge Trek fan. This 3rd season of Enterprise that just concluded was easily one of the best seasons of Trek ever.. even my beloved DS9!! They had a string of shows at the end of the season where they were all just phenominal shows. Of the last 7 shows this season starting with Azati Prime six of the episodes IMHO are worthy of 3 1/2 to 4 stars on a 4 start scale and the one that wasn't was easily a 3 start episode.

Here's a couple good Trek domains to check out...

http://www.st-hypertext.com/index.shtml this site has great and very comprehensive reviews for all the series except for TNG (sorry VooMan)

http://www.trektoday.com - Great for news and thei BBS is quite good and active for discussion on all of the series.

Greg B
06-12-2004, 09:51 AM
I admit DS9 is an awesome series. It took me a lonnnnnnnnnng time to warm up to that show. There were wayyyy too many characters for me to get familiar with when it first ran. It never ended with new characters showing up.

Now after watching the DVDs over and over I get more of a grip on what the heck it is about.

Gotta love that 'Nagus'!

What about DS9 really hooked you Enforcer?

06-12-2004, 09:52 AM
I am a "trecky" for life!

06-12-2004, 12:56 PM
Originally posted by Greg B@Jun 12 2004, 08:59 AM
I admit DS9 is an awesome series. It took me a lonnnnnnnnnng time to warm up to that show. There were wayyyy too many characters for me to get familiar with when it first ran. It never ended with new characters showing up.

Now after watching the DVDs over and over I get more of a grip on what the heck it is about.

Gotta love that 'Nagus'!

What about DS9 really hooked you Enforcer?
It's by far the "darkest" of all the Trek series and thus was the most real to me. The main characters were allowed to be in conflict with each other and everybody had a "dark" side that was explored. Not everything was black and white in the DS9 series as compared to TNG and such. It explored the beauty of grey areas of morality that none of the other series did. The characters of Garak and Dukat are two of the best characters written for tv ever.

Garak was someone who's actions you could never quite predict. If it suited him he would help Sisko/the Fedration and if it didn't he wouldn't hesitate to workj against their interests and he allowed the writers to explore the grey area of morality.

Dukat was the ego maniac extrordinare. It didn't matter what happened, he was ALWAYS able to rationalize his actions to make himself look like the hero. Something didn't go his way and he was made to look foolish his ego was big enough to ignore or and go right on. he was the series main villian but also wasn't always portrayed as a totally evil man. There were times he did do good things even if they were generally done so for a selfish self serving purpose.

THAT kind of complexity to characters makes DAMN good television.

Greg B
06-12-2004, 06:42 PM
Okay, you hit the nail on the head. Garak has got to be one of my most favorite if not best supporting character in a drama. How he didn't win an Emmy for that role is a travesty. Mark Alaimo who played Dukat was just eerie to the max. I have no words to place him. Same with Damar the sidekick turned terrorist. That scene where Damar, Garak, and Kira attempted to take over Cardassia and the Dominion killed all their allies so they were left to sleep in a messy basement with a grumpy maid was hysterical. It's worth the series just to see that.

Voyager is my favorite though. It wasn't as dark as DS9 but it was ghoulish no end. Those Vidians and the Borg gave me nightmares. That doctor was a freakin' riot. I could go on and on about Voyager but I'm on my way to eat. Will be back in a few.

06-12-2004, 07:16 PM
I enjoyed Voyager a lot too. The Doc was great. I could talk about Trek for hours!! :D

06-12-2004, 10:12 PM
I liked the doctor on Voyager, but I just couldn't get past Captain Janeway.

It's "make is so..." not DO IT! hahaha

Worf is my hero. Honor and loyalty all the way...

And if you don't know what it is, fire a photon torpedo at it. LOL

06-12-2004, 11:16 PM
Anyone looking for high quality toon content/logos should talk to this guy - he's the premier in that stuff...and is actually "talented" - take a look at his site, unlike most porn peddlers and designers, he's an actual artist.

I wish I had toon traffic :cryin:

06-12-2004, 11:31 PM
Originally posted by VooMan@Jun 12 2004, 09:20 PM
I liked the doctor on Voyager, but I just couldn't get past Captain Janeway.

It's "make is so..." not DO IT! hahaha

Worf is my hero. Honor and loyalty all the way...

And if you don't know what it is, fire a photon torpedo at it. LOL
I liked Janeway myself. While they are the lead characters NONE of the captains are among my favorite characters in Trek. Given how Worf was such a big part of DS9 after he joined the cast at the beginning of season 4 I'm surprised you didn't watch more of that show. Hate to say it but I never liked Worf, or Klingons in general for that matter, in Trek. Martok wasn't bad as a character. Far better than Worf IMHO. Myself, I wouldn't trust Worf to run a Federation garbage scow, but that's me! :P

If you are a Klingon fan you HAVE to see the DS9 episode Once More Unto The Breach (http://www.st-hypertext.com/ds9-7/breach.html) as it is truly the best Klingon centered episode in all of Trek IMHO. THAT is the one episode where I feel Klingon honor really shines through.

06-13-2004, 02:21 AM
i've never really liked star trek, i think it was a generation too early :unsure:

my uncle was a trekky geek - i found this in his parents house a couple of years ago ... its 2 years older than me :biglaugh:


will trade for old cigar tins :groucho:

Greg B
06-13-2004, 04:18 AM
Thanks Aeon! I appreciate that!

As for Janeway, believe it or not I think she's the epitome of what a Starfleet captain should be. A bit too much so. If you watch the entire series you'll see the transition. First she was a tight assed procedural type and then loosened up and became more Maquis-like.

Her situation was the worst most fucked up scenario. stuck on the other side of the Galaxy with a mixed matched crew deep in the heart of Borg territory. Add to that, no way of getting help. Unlike TNG and DS9 Voyager was more adventurous like TOS. We really went where no man had goen before. On DS9 and TNG we kept going places we'd already been.

Janeway's fight against the Borg was the biggest galactic catfight ever. Her and that Borg Queen went at it toe to toe. ONe ship against the entire Borg Collective. She fucked the Borg up. Meanwhile all of Starfleet had to fight just one Borg cube.

DS9 was valuable because it expanded on the Trek Universe. We got to learn more about all the races and cultures. Especially the Ferengi and Klingons. The 'Grand Nagus' cracked me up. He was soooo funny as well as Quark's mother Ishka. Just look at how the group ended up. Rom, Martok, Odo all became leaders of their people. Sisko had a bitter sweet end and it was like a big ass cliffhanger. Same with Voyager. Both series ended in cliffhangers. That pisses me off. As great as these series are, there's no hope of a movie or further series because of the way they fucked Trek up by going back to the beginning.

That's what pisses me off most. Trek was a rocking franchise but the bosses over at Paramount decided to do everything opposite of what the fans wanted and now they're crying the blues over the low ratings and and shit.

WTF did they expect?

Best episodes to watch for are " Far Beyond The Stars " from DS9, "Scorpion 1 and 2 " from Voyager. Just a few awesome episodes.

There's sooo much like the friendship of O'Brien and Bashir. The lvoe story between Kira and Odo. Worf dealing with Jadzia. Nog and Jake's friendship. Tom Paris and B'Elanna and his 'Captain Proton' fantasies.

Getting both series on DVD is a big plus.

Just got my 'Defiant' model kit. Price dropped from $30 to $9 BUCKS!!! Now I gotta find me a Voyager model kit to be complete.

06-13-2004, 09:39 AM
The designer of the Sword of Kahless (http://home.aeneas.net/~wormmy/conpic2.html), dressed as Worf (wearing the official forehead appliance and sash). My daughter calls him "Uncle Dragon" :agrin:


Oddly enough, even though I've been literally surrounded by Trekkies, people who worked on the series and movies, and even worked for the guy who ran the first official Trek BBS and then website, I've never come close to being obsessed with any of it. I *have* watched many episodes of all the different series and always enjoyed it, I never got hooked on it and HAD to watch - except when I was a little kid... TOS was a must-see around our house in the 60s. :) I wanted to be a Vulcan when I grew up, because Spock was the MAN! ;-)

Patrick Stewart as Picard inspired me to think, "Older bald guys CAN be sexy!" And the Borg is a shining example of the corporate masters for whom I toil every weekday; though I've yet to be assimilated in almost 10 years, so resistance isn't altogether futile, I suppose!

06-13-2004, 12:06 PM
Originally posted by Greg B@Jun 13 2004, 03:26 AM

Best episodes to watch for are " Far Beyond The Stars " from DS9, "Scorpion 1 and 2 " from Voyager. Just a few awesome episodes.

Just got my 'Defiant' model kit. Price dropped from $30 to $9 BUCKS!!! Now I gotta find me a Voyager model kit to be complete.
Ok.. Top 10 Star Trek Deep Space Nine episodes. I love Trek and there are a TON of great episodes that croos all the series but DS9 is my favorite and the best show ever on TV IMHO.

10- Treachery, Faith and the Great River- We get two off setting story types, serious and funny, that manage to mesh extremely well. One looks at religion and how it can play a role in one's life by looking at a truncoat clone of Weyoun that turns himself into Odo to help the Federation and gets chased down by Dominion forces set upon them by his clone successor and the cardassian damar. The second is a highly amusing turn where Miles O'brien allows Nog to use his Ferangi bartering skills to fill a request from captain Sisko that seems impossible to fill!

9- Crossover- A nod to the TOS episode where DS9 goes back to the same mirror universe that cuased so many problesm for the TOS crew.
http://www.st-hypertext.com/ds9-2/ds9-2rev....html#crossover (http://www.st-hypertext.com/ds9-2/ds9-2rev.html#crossover)

8- Hard Time- A great episode where Miles O'Brien has memories that seem entirely real of a 20 year long prison sentance implanted in his brain and seeing him deal with the effects of the many hardships he had to endure.

7- The Wire- Another great episode with my favorite chacter Garak where we learn quite a bit but about but not too much to lose the mystery of the character. Also build on my favorite DS9 relationship with the friendship between Garak and Bashir.

6- Nor The Battle To The Strong- a great examination of the horrors surrounding war and doing it in a way that hits fans hard and honest.

4-5 Improbable Cause/Die Is Cast- a two parter though not listed that way. An incredible insight into my favorite character Garak. Sets up a whole bunch of great shows in later seasons and has one of the most memorable and quotable lines from Garak.

(Bashir tells Garak the story of the boy who cried "Wolf")

Bashir: "If you lie all the time, no one is going to believe you, even when you're telling the truth."

Garak: "Are you sure that's the point, Doctor?"

Bashir: "Of course. What else would it be?"

Garak: "That you should never tell the same lie twice."

3- Duet- Great interaction between the freedom fighter of formely oppressed bajoran people Kira Nerys and a Cardassian that embodies all of the atrocities heaped upon her people. Great dialouge and a bunch of great twiosts and turns to the story. Harris Yulin plays the Cardassian labor camp overseer to perfection.

2- The Visitor- A poignant tale of an unbreakable and profound love between father and son. Will tug the heartstrings of even the most jaded viewer.

1- In the Pale Moonlight- great episode where they break just about every moral code Trek has it's foundations rooted in. Watching Garak play Sisko like a well tuned piano is a sight to see.

hehe.. i had this one already done but I suppose I could do a Voyager and/or TNG centered one as well. :P

06-13-2004, 12:08 PM
Originally posted by Rox@Jun 13 2004, 08:47 AM
Patrick Stewart as Picard inspired me to think, "Older bald guys CAN be sexy!" And the Borg is a shining example of the corporate masters for whom I toil every weekday; though I've yet to be assimilated in almost 10 years, so resistance isn't altogether futile, I suppose!
I have a really good female friend of mine who thinks Patrick Stewart is one of the sexiest men alive!! :D

06-13-2004, 01:01 PM
1- Tuvix- http://www.st-hypertext.com/voy-2/tuvix.html This episode is classic Trek moral dilemma when a transporter accident fuses Tuvok and Neelix into one person. The new resulting character is a completely believeable combination of both personalities. His integration into the crew and their pain when they finally find a way to change the error is felt very emotionally. His desperate plea to be allowed to live and the crew's pained reactions of being sympathtic but not wanting to lose the two seperate crew members is a great moment.

2 Timeless- http://www.st-hypertext.com/voy-5/timeless.html Holy shit! A great Harry Kim episode! Voyager has an experiamental "Slip Stream" drive that can get them back hope in one big jump and the crew is excited about it but Tom Paris thinks the drive will mess up. Harry, always one to want to get home ASAP figues out a way he says can fix the problems and he and Chakotay enter the slip stream ahead of Voyager and send them course corrections. Well it fucks up and Voyager crashesin mid-flight while Harry and Chakotay make it home. Harry becomes obsessed with fixing his error and they take years and become outlaws to go back to the site of Voyager's crash so they can fix the error through messeing with the time line. The ending with Harry's complete sense of frustration and desperation as he realizes he can't make the corrections necessary even after years of work to make Voyager reach home is great and then his great sense of joy at getting a message off to make sure Voyager doesn't ate least crash is great. The final scene of Janeway coming to a dejected Harry Kim wondering why they got knocked out of the stream and giving him a letter to Harry Kim from a future Harry Kim explaining it all is a GREAT and clasic Trek ending.

3- Scorpion Parts 1 & 2 http://www.st-hypertext.com/voy-3/scorpion1.html and http://www.st-hypertext.com/voy-4/scorpion2.html
The introduction of Seven of Nine as Janeway makes a deal with the devil in The Borg to save themselves from a greater enemy. Part one's cliffhanger of the Borg cube dragging Voyager away asa Borg cubes get destroyed all around them was one hell of a cliffhanger and the intru=oduction of Seven of Nine sets up some great confrontations in the future bween her and Janeway as Seven grows and adapts to being without the collective.

4- Year Of Hell parts 1 and 2- http://www.st-hypertext.com/voy-4/yearofhell1.html and http://www.st-hypertext.com/voy-4/yearofhell2.html While somepeople don't like the "reset button ending I am not bothered by it. Watching what the crew of Voyager went through in these two episodes was one hell of a treat!

5- Prey- http://www.st-hypertext.com/voy-4/prey.html Two great Trek races the Hirogen and Species 8472 show up here as we get the first of many moral conflicts between Janeway and Seven as Seven disobeys Janeway and sacrifices a would members of Species 8472 to the Hirogen.

has a GREAT quote by Seven on her struggle for asserting her individuality and humnanity and her trying to grasp that concept while also having Janeway at the same time trying to impose limits.

"I believe you are punishing me because I do not think the way you do--because I am not becoming more like you. You claim to respect my individuality, but, in fact, you are frightened by it."

6- Living Witness - http://www.st-hypertext.com/voy-4/witness.html A very interesting look at how history can be distorted to fit the perceptions and preconceived notions of the people writing it.

7- Equinox parts 1 & 2 http://www.st-hypertext.com/voy-5/equinox1.html and http://www.st-hypertext.com/voy-6/equinox2.html Janeway goes off the deep end sums this episode up. Voyager meets up with a Federation captain and crew with a smaller ship that has made it as far as them with less resources and then finds out that in doing so, they are killing off sentient lifeforms in order to boost their engines. The sense of rage at the betrayal to both Janeway and the Federation she has is an amzing site to see as she pushes the boundaries herself to catch them and the "renegade" Chakotay has to act as a balancing act to make sure she doesn't fully go off the cliff herself is a sight to behold.

8- One small Step- http://www.st-hypertext.com/voy-6/onesmallstep.html Voyager discovers the ship of one of the first manned missions to mars that dissappeared centuries ago that was swallowed up by a spatial anomoly that only appears every once in a greta while. The message is one I love on the worthiness of further space eploration and the flashbacks to the logs of that long ago captain are great. Also a good subplot as Chakotay teaches Seven the lessons of the importance of history.

9- Infinite Regress- http://www.st-hypertext.com/voy-5/infinite.html Jeri Ryan was able to shine in this episode showing off her broad range as an actor. basically a piece of borg technology that helps control some of Sevens brain functions is not functioning properly and needs to be replaced. This leads to Seven having to deal with the memories of the thousands of people she has assimiliated as a drone over the years. Her turns as a frightened 6 year old girl, a Klingon warrior, a human woman waiting to hear about her husband, and more were amazing. Especially good was her absolutely dead on turn as a Ferengi that had me in stiches.

10- Someone To Watch Over Me- http://www.st-hypertext.com/voy-5/watchover.html There are very few attempts at romantic relationships in trek I enjoyed more than watching the doctor pine for Seven over the years. This episode explores the doc helping Seven explore the more initmate aspects of humanity and is quite good. It also has one of the best exchanges in all of Trek as while exploring sexuality she has an encounter with the volatile BeLanna Torres that is quite hilarious.

Torres: "How the hell do you know when we're having intimate relations?"

Seven : "There is no one on deck 9, section 12, that doesn't know when you're having intimate relations."

Damn funny stuff and delivered greatly by both actors.

Last edited by TheEnforcer at Jun 13 2004, 12:13 PM

Greg B
06-14-2004, 01:08 AM
DS9 quotes?

When one of the Guls got into an argument with Kira, she accused him of genocide. He calmly retorts:

" What you call genocide, I call a day's work. "

That put DS9 into a whole new perspective for me and glued me to the show.

In episode "Shadows And Symbols" when Quark joins Martok and Worf on their suicide mission to destroy the J'em Hadar shipping yards and as part of the ceremony they had to draw blood with a knife Quark enter's the bridge and says,

" What's with all the cutlery? "

Martok and/or Worf tells him that they have to shed blood to show their courage and Quark replies,

" Can't you just take my word for it? "

Brock Peters as Pa Sisko is a rare treat. I really enjoyed him on the show. He made the show seem more real.

The main problem I had with DS9 was the amount of death and destruction. It was unfathomable how many people died on that show. Made Star Wars look like a pie fight. Death, death, death, non-stop. I got depressed because Star Trek is about our great-great-umpteenth grandchildren in the future and that's the life they'll live? It horrifies me.

I would rather see the 'wonderous' episodes like the first Star Trek had and Voyager too.

Voyager " Someone To Watch Over Me ", the scene where the Doctor tries to teach 7 of 9 about romance and mating rituals of various species. He mentions how Species 8472 has five sexes and says,

"Bystanders had better beware".

Then he goes on to explain the ova and sperm. It was hysterical.

"Timeless" was awesome. Also That 2 parter where they went back to 1996 to fight Henry Starling. I was at a supermarket and there's a homeless guy outside that looked just like Captain Braxton. I giggled, walked into the store and ran right into the actor who plays Chakotay. I warned him that Captain Braxton was outside waiting.

The episode starring Lori Petty where Tuvok had to recall his childhood crush on a girl. Lori Petty is sooooo good as an actress.

There are way too many awesome moments on Voyager to mention.

If you watch the episode Q2 when Q's son is on board Voyager and is having a party in engineering, if you watch closely when Janeway enters they mute her voice cause it looks just like she said " Get your fucking friends out of here ". I swear I rewinded that one a dozen times. I can read lips.

Neelix believe it or not is one of the best characters ever. Ethan Phillips who portrayed him did so flawlessly. He never, ever wavered from his basic character. He grew and wasn't a coward but became quite the hero although you knew he was holding back all those years. I really treasure Neelix.

Those Captain Proton episodes were a riot. When Paris invited 7 to join him in an adventure in the episode 'Night' the robot, Satan's Robot attacks her, she doesn't bat an eye and says

"We are Borg"

And then just opens up his chest plate and rips out his wires and non chalantly turns to Paris and says,

" The robot has been neutralized, may I go now? "

06-14-2004, 03:54 AM
Deep Space Nine was the best in the lot.

TNG was very uneven, but overall most enjoyable.

I like the current Enterprise's retro, non-prime directive, making mistakes, solve it with a punch if that's what it takes style.

Voyager was the worse of them all.

In sum, how to rectify a situation (and notice how the "pendulum swings"):

a) The original Trek: Whatever it takes

B) TNG: Talk it out until everyone surrenders so Picard will finally shut the hell up

c) DS9: Whatever it takes

d) Voyager: Everything is solved by technobable ("If we cross the deflector array with a phase induced graviton emitter and tie it in with the warp core reactor's field, rotating the frequency harmonics oscillations, the resulting space-time singularity pulse will destablize the subspace fabric with chronotomic particles ....") Note, this also started on TNG, but Voyager to it to levels that would make Stephen Hawkings spew!

e) Enterprise: Whatever it takes

Last edited by Dravyk at Jun 14 2004, 04:02 AM

06-14-2004, 05:34 AM
Trekkie (Treky) = Person who really REALLY enjoys any of the ST series

Trekker = Obsessive fan who speaks Klingon, dresses up in Star Fleet uniform for first dates and never, and I mean NEVER misses a convention.

Just thought I should define some terms here

OH BTW, I am a trekkie

spaz :matey:


Greg B
06-14-2004, 12:44 PM
Voyager was the worst???? Get outta here!!!

I'm an old timer. I remember when the first series aired! I have ORIGINAL autographed Shatner and Nimoy press photos that NBC would send out to us kids back then.

I know good Trek when I see it!

Voyager is in a class by itself. All the other series had fleets of starships and Starfleet to back them up. Voyager just had themselves against everybody and their third cousin. That's what made Voyager stand out. They actually had to solve problems instead of having to rely on Starfleet and databanks. Janeway to me isn't the best captain but the most real captain. She kept her principles and integrity together and didn't fall in love with every alien dude that came along. Her story is almost as bittersweet as Siskos. Sisko to me wasn't a captain. He was an admiral not recognized. All the shit he went through and it took them years to make him a captain and then they didn't even upgrade him to admiral. That sucked.

Voyager focused on the crew. Should have been more but they were up against a dozen or more advanced hostile species. Heck, the Borg alone was enough. That fight with Species 8472 would have been enough.

Ever notice that no matter when, whenever Chakotay or anybody flew a shuttle it would either crash, get captured? Soon as a show opened up with a shuttlecraft and a conversation took place on that shuttlecraft as soon as the coversation ended some shit would happen?

Look at Janeway. She's about to get engaged, she goes on her first mission with a brand new starship and gets sent to the other side of the galaxy. Then she strands her crew there. Then she falls for her first officer Chakotay yet she rescues a Borg woman whom Chakotay ends up falling in love with. She gave up a lot for 7 of 9.

Voyager is a great series.

Greg B
06-14-2004, 12:49 PM
How shit starts on these Trek series:

1.) Original Trek: Some woman shows up.

2.) TNG: Picard sticks his nose into something everyone else stays away from.

3.) DS9: Jadzia gets curious.

4.) Voyager: Someone flies around in a shuttlecraft.


1.) Original Trek: Put salt peter in the food.

2.) TNG: Give Picard a jigsaw puzzle so he won't be paying attention to shit he shouldn't.

3.) DS9: Get Jadzia drunk and keep her in Quarks til she passes out.

4.) Voyager: Take the keys to every shuttlecraft and put em' in a safe.

06-14-2004, 06:33 PM
Ahhh yes.. good Trek discussion.. I love it.

Some more good quotes....

"Jean-Luc! It's so good to see you again. How about a big hug?" -- Q (Qpid)

Q is a GREAT character and one of the best Guest Stars in all of Trek.

[after they kiss] "What were you just thinking?" -- Jenna

"In that particular moment, I was reconfiguring the warp field parameters, analyzing the collected works of Charles Dickens, calculating the maximum pressure I could safely apply to your lips, considering a new food supplement for Spot..." -- Data

"I'm glad I was in there somewhere" -- Jenna

My wife often accused me of having about as much emotion as Spock or Data!! :P

"If your lies are going to be this transparent, this is going to be a very short interrogation" -- Kira

"Then I'll try to make my lies more opaque..." -- Gul Darhe'el (Duet)

From one of the best episodes of DS9 Duet which had another good quote listed earlier in the thread.

"The truth is usually just an excuse for a lack of imagination." -- Garak (Improbable Cause)

Posted many times by me here before but always worth a repost!!

"Dimissed" -- Janeway
[stands there dumbfounded] "B...but.." -- Neelix
"That's Starfleet for get out" -- Janeway (The Cloud)

From a damn funny scene in an episode I didn't particularly enjoy.

"One thing you have never been... is a liar" -- Janeway

"I think you may have uncovered my one redeeming virtue! Am I blushing?" -- Q (Death Wish)

More good stuff from Q!

"Ever since my first day on the job as a Starfleet Captian, I swore I'd never let myself get caught in one of these Godforsaken paradoxes. The past is the future, the future is the past, it all gives me a headache." -- Janeway (Future's End Pt. I)

Too damn funny and a feeling shared by many Trek fans if they try and sort it all out!

Greg B
06-14-2004, 06:56 PM
Well now thar be some quotes!

But the most useful source of valuable information comes from none other than that great galactic tome, that wellspring of knowledge, that resource or unfathomable brutal truth:


Rule 001 » Once you have their money, you never give it back.

Rule 002 » The best deal is the one that brings the most profit.
Rule 003 » Never spend more for an acquisition than you have to.
Rule 004 » A woman wearing clothes is like a man in the kitchen.
Rule 006 » Never allow family to stand in the way of opportunity.
Rule 007 » Keep your ears open.
Rule 008 » Small print leads to large risk.
Rule 009 » Opportunity plus instinct equals profit.
Rule 010 » Greed is eternal.
Rule 011 » Even if it's free, you can always buy it cheaper.
Rule 012 » Anything worth doing is worth doing for money.
Rule 013 » Anything worth doing is worth doing twice.
Rule 014 » Keep your family close, keep your Latinum closer.
Rule 016 » A deal is a deal. (until a better one comes along).
Rule 017 » A contract is a contract is a contract - but only between Ferengi.
Rule 018 » A Ferengi without profit is no Ferengi at all.
Rule 019 » Satisfaction is not guaranteed.
Rule 020 » Only give money to people you know you can steal from.
Rule 021 » Never place friendship before profit.
Rule 022 » A wise man can hear profit in the wind.
Rule 024 » Latinum can't buy happiness, but you can sure have a blast renting it.
Rule 025 » There's always a way out.
Rule 026 » As the customers go, so goes the wise profiteer.
Rule 027 » There's nothing more dangerous than an honest businessman.
Rule 028 » Whisper your way to success.
Rule 029 » What's in it for me?
Rule 031 » Never make fun of a Ferengi's mother. (insult something he cares about, instead).
Rule 033 » It never hurts to suck up to the boss.
Rule 034 » War is good for business.
Rule 035 » Peace is good for business.
Rule 037 » If it's free, take it and worry about hidden costs later.
Rule 039 » Friendship is temporary; profit is forever.
Rule 040 » She can touch your lobes, but never your Latinum.
Rule 041 » Profit is its own reward.
Rule 042 » What's mine is mine, and what's yours is mine too.
Rule 044 » Never confuse wisdom with luck.
Rule 045 » Ambition knows no family.
Rule 046 » Make your shop easy to find.
Rule 047 » Don't trust a man wearing a better suit than your own.
Rule 048 » The bigger the smile, the sharper the knife.
Rule 049 » Everything is worth something to somebody.
Rule 050 » Gratitude can bring on generosity.
Rule 051 » Reward anyone who adds to your profits so they will continue to do so.
Rule 052 » Never ask when you can take.
Rule 057 » Good customers are as rare as Latinum, Treasure them.
Rule 058 » There is no substitute for success.
Rule 059 » Free advice is seldom cheap.
Rule 060 » Keep your lies consistent.
Rule 062 » The riskier the road, the greater the profit.
Rule 065 » Win or lose, there's always Huyperian beetle snuff.
Rule 068 » Ear stroking will get you anything.
Rule 069 » Ferengi are not responsible for the stupidity of other races.
Rule 072 » Never trust your customers.
Rule 073 » If it gets you profit, sell your own mother.
Rule 075 » Home is where the heart is, but the stars are made of Latinum.
Rule 076 » Every once in a while, declare peace. "It confuses the hell out of your enemies".
Rule 077 » It's better to swallow your pride than to lose your profit.
Rule 078 » When the going gets tough, the tough change the Rules.
Rule 079 » Beware of the Vulcan greed for knowledge.
Rule 082 » The flimsier the product, the higher the price.
Rule 084 » A friend is not a friend if he asks for a discount.
Rule 085 » Never let the competition know what you're thinking.
Rule 087 » A friend in need means three times the profit.
Rule 089 » Ask not what your profits can do for you, ask what you can do for your profits.
Rule 092 » There are many paths to profit.
Rule 093 » Act without delay! The sharp knife cuts quickly.
Rule 094 » Females and finances don't mix.
Rule 095 » Expand or die.
Rule 096 » For every Rule, there is an equal and opposite Rule, (except when there's not).
Rule 097 » Enough... is never enough.
Rule 098 » Every man has his price.
Rule 099 » Trust is the biggest liability of all.
Rule 100 » If they take your first offer, you either asked too little or offered too much.
Rule 101 » The only value of a collectible is what you can get somebody else to pay for it.
Rule 102 » Nature decays, but Latinum lasts forever.
Rule 103 » Sleep can interfere with...
Rule 104 » Faith moves mountains... (of inventory).
Rule 105 » Don't trust anyone who trusts you.
Rule 106 » There is no honor in poverty.
Rule 107 » A warranty is valid only if they can find you.
Rule 109 » Dignity and an empty sack is worth the sack.
Rule 111 » Treat people in your debt like family, exploit them [ruthlessly].
Rule 112 » Never have sex with the boss' sister.
Rule 113 » Always have sex with the boss.
Rule 115 » The best contract always has a lot of fine print.
Rule 116 » There's always a catch.
Rule 117 » Everything is for sale, including friendship.
Rule 119 » Never judge a customer by the size of his wallet, (...sometimes, good things come in small packages).
Rule 121 » Everything is for sale, including friendship.
Rule 123 » Even a blind man can recognize the glow of Latinum.
Rule 125 » You can't make a deal if you're dead.
Rule 126 » Count it.
Rule 127 » Stay neutral in conflict so that you can sell supplies to both sides.
Rule 135 » Never trust a beneficiary.
Rule 139 » Wives serve, brothers inherit.
Rule 141 » Only fools pay retail.
Rule 142 » There's no such thing as an unfair advantage.
Rule 143 » Risk is part of the game... play it for all it's worth.
Rule 144 » There's nothing wrong with charity...as long as it winds up in your pocket.
Rule 146 » Necessity, n. The mother of invention. Profit is the father.
Rule 152 » A lie is a way to tell the truth to someone who doesn't know.
Rule 153 » Sell the sizzle, not the steak.
Rule 162 » Even in the worst of times, someone turns a profit.
Rule 169 » Competition and fair play are mutually exclusive.
Rule 171 » Blood is thicker than water, and Latinum is thicker than both.
Rule 172 » Chances aren't what they used to be.
Rule 177 » Know your enemies... but do business with them always.
Rule 181 » Not even dishonesty can tarnish the shine of profit.
Rule 188 » A fool and his money is the best customer.
Rule 189 » Let others keep their reputation. You keep their money.

Rule 190 » Hear all, trust nothing.

Rule 191 » A Ferengi waits to bid until his opponents have exhausted themselves.

Rule 192 » Never cheat a Klingon... unless you're sure you can get away with it.

Rule 194 » It's always good business to know about new customers before they walk in your door.

Rule 200 » If you're going to have to endure, make yourself comfortable.

Rule 202 » The justification of profit is profit.

Rule 203 » New customers are like razor-backed Gree worms... They can be succulent, but sometimes they bite back!

Rule 204 » It takes a Ferengi to cheat a Ferengi.

Rule 208 » Sometimes the only thing more dangerous than a question is an answer.

Rule 211 » Employees are the rungs on the ladder of success... don't hesitate to step on them.

Rule 214 » Never begin a business negotiation on an empty stomach.

Rule 216 » Never gamble with an empath.

Rule 217 » You can't free a fish from water.

Rule 218 » Always know what you're buying

Rule 219 » Possession is 11/10 of the law.

Rule 223 » Beware the man who doesn't make time for oo-mox.

Rule 229 » Latinum lasts longer than lust.

Rule 231 » There's a sucker born every minute; be sure you're the first to find each one.

Rule 236 » You can't buy fate.

Rule 239 » Never be afraid to mislabel a product.

Rule 241 » Never trust a hardworking employee.

Rule 242 » More is good... all is better.

Rule 253 » Synthehol is the lubricant of choice for a customer's stuck purse.

Rule 255 » A wife is a luxury... a smart accountant, a necessity.

Rule 256 » Accountants do not play the game; they only keep the score.

Rule 260 » Life's not fair. How else would you turn a profit?

Rule 261 » A wealthy man can afford anything except a conscience.

Rule 262 » A verbal contract isn't worth the paper it's written on.

Rule 263 » Never allow doubt to tarnish your lust for Latinum.

Rule 265 » The customer is always right, (...until you get their cash).

Rule 266 » When in doubt, lie.

Rule 267 » If you believe it, they believe it.

Rule 270 » In business deals, a disruptor can be almost as important as a calculator.

Rule 277 » Anything worth fighting for is worth hiding from.

Rule 284 » Deep down, everyone's a Ferengi.

Rule 285 » No good deed ever goes unpunished.

Rule 286 » When Morn leaves, it's all over. (Quark made this rule up)

Rule 299 » Whenever you exploit someone, it never hurts to thank them. That way, it's easier to exploit them the next time. (Neelix made this rule up)

The Unwritten Rule
When no appropriate Rule applies, make one up!

06-14-2004, 07:57 PM
Ahahahahah!! The Rules of Aquisition are great!! :okthumb:

Many are very true and people could learn much from them!!

As a matter of fact I would say that the entire set of Rules should be an Oprano pearl!!!

Greg B
06-14-2004, 11:06 PM
ROFL! I tell you, DS9 had one of the funniest episodes ever on television. It was called "The Magnificent Ferengi". Quark and Rom's mother, Moogie/Ishka, was kidnapped by the dominion. Quark had to rustle up some commandos to rescue her. He ended up with his dimwit brother Rom, his eager beaver Starfleet nephew Nog ( who we think is really his son ), a psychotic hit man, Quark's loser cousin and Brunt the Ferengi Commerce liquidator.

It's so funny it's worth getting autographed. The key things to look for are Iggy Pop who guest stars as one of the Vorta. During one scene Iggy is planning to execute Moogie and she gets into a conversation about skin cream.

06-15-2004, 03:20 AM
Originally posted by Greg B@Jun 14 2004, 12:52 PM
Voyager was the worst???? Get outta here!!!
Funny, if someone says something about Voyager automatically the other feels it is a Janeway knock. Guess what? I have no problem with Janeway.

I have a problem with the scripts and where once creating personalities, the writers have the characters go to places, do things that are against the personalities they created. Chakotay would have fallen for Janeway, and never Seven. Any one can see that.

Let's mention some more things though:

The short pixie crewmember for no reason becomes god like.

Nelix was the most annoying character ever created.

The entire show changed from crew-driven to lust after Seven driven.

They could never have beaten the Borg nor that other species. Not if they were to be believable. And they rarely were.

Again, every situation was created by and solved by "made up physics". Yes it is science FICTION, but there are again laws and rules on what one can do, not do and when things are made up out the ass.

Speaking of shuttles, by the end of year two the ship that only had two shuttles had already lost about 15 of them!! And sorry, no, you can't prefabricate 13 more ones with the Trekkie food processor thingy. :)

It was as bad as Gilligan breaking the radio every week but there it was in the next episode, or how Ginger and Maryann had all those clothes for a three-hour tour! I think Voyager and Gilligan had the same writers in fact! :)

One more thing, count the number of crew deaths from the orignal episode. Apparently they did a lot of secret cloning because there had to have been enough killed to have a crew of 12, but they ended up with 80 or something in the end? hehe And two dozen more shuttles in the bay that could hold two as well.

I'll stick to every other Trek but Voyager, thank you.

Greg B
06-15-2004, 02:32 PM
Aw raspberries! All Trek shows are fulla technobabble. They toss it in to keep the tech geeks happy and have something to debate when they burst out of their cubicles.

Voyager plots are just as implausible as TNG and any other Trek show. Believe you me, I'm a techno-geek and question every anomaly.

I could go on about the constant need for deuterium or warp core dynamics and temporal theoretical physics and how even the old Trek didn't make sense.

There are a ton of continuity errors and part of the plot's problem solving is techno babble. It is 'science fiction' so you gotta have some science in there.

Sure I couldn't stand Neelix at first. I couldn't wait for him to get killed in the premier episode, but little by little as Tuvok came to understand he was the most versatile survivor of the crew.

Where any Trek series goes wrong is when they forget about 'us'. We, the character's ancestors. How does what we do and fear to do affect their future existence? That's why the time travel episodes are so popular.

It shows the ramifications of our mistakes.

Now if you REALLY wanna debate sci-fi continuity issues I'll start a thread about "Lost In Space" the other great show.

Greg B
06-15-2004, 02:44 PM
Sooo, how is the new series "Enterprise"? I've only seen about a dozen episodes and they put me to sleep. Two of them were quite interesting though. One was about the Borg. It had a funny scene where in order to stop a Borg drone Archer and his buddy tackled it and commenced to tear wires out of it's ass.

Another was where they went to a planet that was like the wild west.

Other than that I love the cast and sets etc. but the setting so far in the past of what we've been used to for the past 15 years or so is like repetitive.

If I recall my Trek history right, I think in TOS Kirk mentioned that the first Enterprise was lost in some accident. Could be they'll follow up on that and bring them all into the future.

Now on to characters you would love to beat up.

Kai Wynn from DS9. Louise Fletcher the actress made her so annoying that you couldn't wait for someone to beat her senseless with an Orb. Gad I couldn't stand that woman. I don't know where Fletcher came up with that personality but she shoulda gotten an Emmy.

I couldn't stand Wayoun but that's why I came to like Damar as he kept getting the Wayouns killed.

Funniest moment was when after Worf broke Weyoun 8's neck and Wayoun 9 showed up at Damar's office and complained, Damar snidely remarked,

"Maybe you should talk to Worf again."

What's cool is that Jeff Coombs who played Wayoun also played Brunt. He's an awesome actor.

There was a scene in Voyager that scared the bejeezus out of us. Of course it had the Vidians in it and one of them like B'Elanna so he cut off the face of another Starfleet crewman and grafted it on his own. We tossed popcorn and soda all over the den.

DS9's scariest moment was when Kai Wynn thought she was talking to the prophets and it turned out to be the Pah Wraiths instead. That shit was eerie.

I forgot, what happened to Kai Opaka? What episode did she get bumped off?

06-15-2004, 03:37 PM
Sooo, how is the new series "Enterprise"? I've only seen about a dozen episodes and they put me to sleep. Two of them were quite interesting though. One was about the Borg. It had a funny scene where in order to stop a Borg drone Archer and his buddy tackled it and commenced to tear wires out of it's ass.

I've watched Enterprise from the very beginning and I've enjoyed it but I must say Season three ahs easily been one of the best trek seasons no matter which show you want to bring up. It was a season long arc and the lst seven shows were all a minimum of 3 1/2 stars on a 4 star scale except one (E2) and that was at least 2 1/2 or 3.

I suggest this site for reviews for any season except TNG as he doesn't have them. http://www.st-hypertext.com/index.shtml He doesn't have the last three episodes reviewed yet and of course if you read the full reviews but he has a synopsis before the full review so you can check it out but i can honestly say season 3 was phenominal.

Kai Wynn from DS9. Louise Fletcher the actress made her so annoying that you couldn't wait for someone to beat her senseless with an Orb. Gad I couldn't stand that woman. I don't know where Fletcher came up with that personality but she shoulda gotten an Emmy

kai Winn was a great character and you are correct in lousie Fletcher's great performances of her. She was a such a weasel it wasn't even funny.

I couldn't stand Wayoun but that's why I came to like Damar as he kept getting the Wayouns killed.

Funniest moment was when after Worf broke Weyoun 8's neck and Wayoun 9 showed up at Damar's office and complained, Damar snidely remarked,

"Maybe you should talk to Worf again."

What's cool is that Jeff Coombs who played Wayoun also played Brunt. He's an awesome actor.

Jeffery Combs is an AWESOME actor and Weyoun was a great character. Combs played him to perfection. he plays an Andorian in Enterprise that has a very interesting relationship with the "pink skin" Archer. Always a great performance when he's on the show!

There was a scene in Voyager that scared the bejeezus out of us. Of course it had the Vidians in it and one of them like B'Elanna so he cut off the face of another Starfleet crewman and grafted it on his own. We tossed popcorn and soda all over the den.

The Vidians were a damn good villian and I wish they were explored as adversaries a bit more in Voyager.

I forgot, what happened to Kai Opaka? What episode did she get bumped off?

An episode entitled Battle Lines (http://www.st-hypertext.com/ds9-1/ds9-1rev.html#battlelines)which was the 12th episode in the first season.

06-15-2004, 04:15 PM
Wow, everyone at the office teases me because I still watch TNG after all these years. Ya'll are making me look like an amateur. haha

:wnw: :wnw: :wnw: :wnw: :wnw: :wnw:

06-15-2004, 04:59 PM
I'm telling ya VooMan take the time and hit up Ebay and/or Amazon and find all 7 seasons of DS9!! You won't regret it!! You'll love it compared to TNG and once you get to season 4 you can see a whole lot more of Worf, and while I am not a fan of Worf's character I do believe his characterization on DS9 is LIGHT YEARS ahead of how they portrayed him on TNG!!

Greg B
06-15-2004, 06:59 PM
What? Worf stole the show! Without Worf DS9 would have died.

Even on TNG Worf kicked butt once the writers realized how not to make him a stereotypical Klingon.

I'll tell you once scary assed episode of TNG was called "Parallels". In it Worf kept sliding through quantum alternate universes. Just wait til the 'Borg' scene shows up.

I was at a major comic book company when the episode aired. I came to the office the next day and guys were all weird-eyed looking and jumpy. So I didn't say anything and then figured it out. So I said,

"Man, that episode of Star Trek was cool last night wasn't it?"

Dude's jumped outta their skin and production stopped. We had to break for cigs and coffee. Scared the boogers out of em'.

06-15-2004, 07:23 PM
Oh man.. Worf HARDLY made DS9! Like I said I wouldn't trust Worf to run a garbage scow much less the Defiant or any other real starship. :P

I would say DS9 saved WORF and not the other way around!! While he did open up some storyline possibilities for the show I think he benefitted much more by the excelent DS9 writers expanding on the character a great deal from his TNG days.

06-15-2004, 08:37 PM
Originally posted by Greg B@Jun 15 2004, 06:07 PM
I'll tell you once scary assed episode of TNG was called "Parallels". In it Worf kept sliding through quantum alternate universes. Just wait til the 'Borg' scene shows up.

I loved that episode. Really made you think... :okthumb: :okthumb:

Aw c'mon TE, stop ragging on Worf. He was the man. Okay, he was always ready to blow up someone who didn't answer a hail, but Picard always kept him in check. It was his nature. hahaha He did well in getting back his family honor.

The Cha'Dich will be silent! :nyanya:

06-15-2004, 08:45 PM
Originally posted by VooMan+Jun 15 2004, 07:45 PM--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (VooMan @ Jun 15 2004, 07:45 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteBegin--Greg B@Jun 15 2004, 06:07 PM
I'll tell you once scary assed episode of TNG was called "Parallels". In it Worf kept sliding through quantum alternate universes. Just wait til the 'Borg' scene shows up.

I loved that episode. Really made you think... :okthumb: :okthumb:

Aw c'mon TE, stop ragging on Worf. He was the man. Okay, he was always ready to blow up someone who didn't answer a hail, but Picard always kept him in check. It was his nature. hahaha He did well in getting back his family honor.

The Cha'Dich will be silent! :nyanya:[/b][/quote]
Sisko made Worf into at least acceptable Star Fleet material!! :P

06-15-2004, 10:27 PM
Live long and prosper :D


Greg B
06-15-2004, 11:57 PM
Originally posted by FetishTemptress@Jun 15 2004, 06:35 PM
Live long and prosper :D

Wait a minute. What's a gorgeous woman doing commenting positively about Star Trek???

Will wonders never cease?

We now must mention how 'sexy' Trek is. Notice how 'sex' just has to be in sci-fi? The only sci-fi it ain't in is 'Star Wars'.

Trek is 'sexy' that's what makes it stand out.

Hey, no one mentioned 'Morn' from DS9. Funny tidbit: In the episode " Who Mourns For Morn " during Quark's comments during the wake, he asks a guy to sit in Morn's empty seat to keep it warm. It's the actor who plays Morn.

I've always wanted to see a 'Tribble Borg'. Must be the most terrifying concept in all of Star Trek. A pal of mine wrote lots of Trek shows and when I asked him he fell out of his chair.

06-16-2004, 12:20 AM
Originally posted by Greg B@Jun 16 2004, 12:05 AM
I've always wanted to see a 'Tribble Borg'. Must be the most terrifying concept in all of Star Trek. A pal of mine wrote lots of Trek shows and when I asked him he fell out of his chair.
Ok, I gotta admit I love that, Greg!!! :rokk:

Show us a drawing; I know you had to have made one!

06-16-2004, 12:32 AM
I just wanted to glom on the end of this thread about Mr Boone.
For those of you that dont know this guy is 1st class. It dont come any better than Gregg for any toon work.

If you need logos or illustration work done....this is the man. He isnt the cheapest in the world but hes one of the best.

In his spare time he does a few comic books as well!

Greg B
06-16-2004, 05:04 AM
Originally posted by gonzo@Jun 15 2004, 08:40 PM
I just wanted to glom on the end of this thread about Mr Boone.
For those of you that dont know this guy is 1st class. It dont come any better than Gregg for any toon work.

If you need logos or illustration work done....this is the man. He isnt the cheapest in the world but hes one of the best.

In his spare time he does a few comic books as well!
Well iffin' it ain't Gonzo himself!

Thanks for the props!

As for prices for toons I only charge $100 or $150 depending on complexity. Or I do a trade off. If a guy has a decent traffic website I do the toon for free.

Anyhow, I live in a 'Trek' neighborhood. Lotsa Trek stars and staff live here. I often meet them when I'm out and about. I remember my first week here I was walking past the famous Palermo's restaurant about 10pm and almost knocked over this stunningly tall blonde woman. I looked again and it was Gates McFadden who played Dr. Crusher. I'm gonna tell you guys right now, them cameras did not do that woman justice. In real life she is the most drop dead gorgeous woman I've seen in Hollywood in the past 5 years I've been here. She's tall too! Another time I think it was a month later I saw whom I assumed was Jery Ryan who plays 7 of 9 driving past. I got a good glimpse of her and as an artist I pick up on bone structure and make recognitions.

I saw Paul Warfield who played Capt. Terrell in 'Wrath of Khan'. Saw him twice.

I usually don't bother them except to say 'Howdy' or 'thanks' or something. A pal of mine who wrote for the show has many Trek folks at his house a lot. If they saw me there they would pass out. They would say 'Omigosh! It's that scary looking guy from the neighborhood!'.

Duke Skywalker
06-16-2004, 06:47 AM
I love the old next generation re runs. DS9 was good too. Boyager was the last one I was into. All were good though.

06-16-2004, 09:27 AM
Wait a minute. What's a gorgeous woman doing commenting positively about Star Trek???

Will wonders never cease?

We now must mention how 'sexy' Trek is. Notice how 'sex' just has to be in sci-fi? The only sci-fi it ain't in is 'Star Wars'.

Trek is 'sexy' that's what makes it stand out.

A really good female friend of mine that is quite good looking and smart as all hell (she has got all her course work done for her Phd and now has only her dissertation left) is a huge Trek fan. I talk to her about once a month or so and it always ends up being like a 2 or 3 hour conversation and invariably a good portion of that is talking about Trek!! Wish I wasn't married when I met her!! :P

Oh yeah.. she also has a Klingon dictionary though she hasn't gone as far as learning the language!! It's actually kinda neat that people created a whole language based on the Klingons.

I've always wanted to see a 'Tribble Borg'. Must be the most terrifying concept in all of Star Trek. A pal of mine wrote lots of Trek shows and when I asked him he fell out of his chair.

Hahahaha!! That is a rather scary concept!!


06-16-2004, 11:20 AM

Now, I will most certainly pick up Enterprise on DVD when it comes out even though I've taped nearly every episode of the 1st 3 seasons on VHS but you have to be a DIE HARD Trekkie to buy the Animated Series DVD set!! :P

06-16-2004, 11:29 AM

Here's a thread for your Voyager hating ass!!! :P

http://www.trekbbs.com/threads/showflat.ph...b=5&o=7&fpart=1 (http://www.trekbbs.com/threads/showflat.php?Cat=&Number=2935246&page=0&view=collapsed&sb=5&o=7&fpart=1)

06-16-2004, 11:32 AM
Originally posted by Greg B+Jun 15 2004, 08:05 PM--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Greg B @ Jun 15 2004, 08:05 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteBegin--FetishTemptress@Jun 15 2004, 06:35 PM
Live long and prosper :D

Wait a minute. What's a gorgeous woman doing commenting positively about Star Trek???

Will wonders never cease?

We now must mention how 'sexy' Trek is. Notice how 'sex' just has to be in sci-fi? The only sci-fi it ain't in is 'Star Wars'.

Trek is 'sexy' that's what makes it stand out.

Hey, no one mentioned 'Morn' from DS9. Funny tidbit: In the episode " Who Mourns For Morn " during Quark's comments during the wake, he asks a guy to sit in Morn's empty seat to keep it warm. It's the actor who plays Morn.

I've always wanted to see a 'Tribble Borg'. Must be the most terrifying concept in all of Star Trek. A pal of mine wrote lots of Trek shows and when I asked him he fell out of his chair.[/b][/quote]

06-16-2004, 12:36 PM
Originally posted by TheEnforcer@Jun 16 2004, 11:37 AM
Dravyk, Here's a thread for your Voyager hating ass!!! :P

http://www.trekbbs.com/threads/showflat.ph...b=5&o=7&fpart=1 (http://www.trekbbs.com/threads/showflat.php?Cat=&Number=2935246&page=0&view=collapsed&sb=5&o=7&fpart=1)
Shocked you posted to a thread post where the guy said "VOY succeeded where DS9 failed".

Anyway, for any of Voyager nuts out there, if you've ever read the "The Secret Logs of Mistress Janeway" or heard of author NovaD, she's a good long-time friend and I once hosted her site and did the site graphics the first few years it was up.

06-16-2004, 12:57 PM
We are looking for nuclear wessels.

Double dumbass on you!

He did a little too much LDS at Berkely.

You're from outer space?!
No, I'm from Iowa. I only work in outer space...

06-16-2004, 01:14 PM
Oh I still think DS9 was the best series but I enjoyed Voyager quite a bit too!! :D

06-16-2004, 01:35 PM
I like Star Trek in general.. I'm just not a fanatic. I like Andromeda more.

06-16-2004, 03:00 PM
Okay, so I'm probably the only person in the western world who doesn't have a DVD player, but I've got a bunch of TNG and Voyager episodes on tape that are well worn.. LOL

I didn't have the patience for DS9's stationary development when it started, it was kind of a let down after all the travelling thru space w TNG, but from the few episodes I did see, it was clear that the characters were far more complex and well developed than in other trek series.

The guy who played Sisko bugged the hell out of me, tho.

06-16-2004, 03:42 PM
Oh man "The Sisko" is my favorite of the Trek captains. The captains are never my favorite characters on the series but of the captains I like Sisko the best.

Greg B
06-16-2004, 08:17 PM
Originally posted by Rox@Jun 13 2004, 05:47 AM
The designer of the Sword of Kahless (http://home.aeneas.net/~wormmy/conpic2.html), dressed as Worf (wearing the official forehead appliance and sash). My daughter calls him "Uncle Dragon" :agrin:

Oddly enough, even though I've been literally surrounded by Trekkies, people who worked on the series and movies, and even worked for the guy who ran the first official Trek BBS and then website, I've never come close to being obsessed with any of it. I *have* watched many episodes of all the different series and always enjoyed it, I never got hooked on it and HAD to watch - except when I was a little kid... TOS was a must-see around our house in the 60s. :) I wanted to be a Vulcan when I grew up, because Spock was the MAN! ;-)

Patrick Stewart as Picard inspired me to think, "Older bald guys CAN be sexy!" And the Borg is a shining example of the corporate masters for whom I toil every weekday; though I've yet to be assimilated in almost 10 years, so resistance isn't altogether futile, I suppose!
The 'Sword Of Khaless' !!!

That was an awesome episode. "The Treasure Of The Sierra Madre" in 'Trek' mode.

Hey Rox, are you a singer? What's with all these babes talkin' bout Star Trek? You don't see em' at the conventions. All you see at the conventions are 300lb guys with beards and glasses squeezed into Ryker uniforms.

If I see another fat Klingon I'll scream.

Some of these DS9 and Voyager episodes must've cost a fortune to produce. Of all the 'bridges' I liked Voyager's the best.

Just saw the episode " Take Me Out To The Holosuite ". I laughed sooo hard. Seeing Nog with an oversized baseball cap turned backwards to fit his bulbous Ferengi head was a scream.

Yet I really like the 'Future's End' 2 parter from Voyager. Not only did it have a babe in it who played Rain Robinson, but alot of the episode was shot in LA and in my neighborhood. Especially Griffith Park Observatory. It's sooo cool.

What's extra funny is that here we are almost with 40 years of Trek and they don't run out of babes to have a crush on.

Greg B
06-22-2004, 02:49 AM
Eww! Just saw on CNN 7 of 9 had quite a controversial divorce problem with her hubby a congressman. As a fan I won't repeat the sordid details.

06-22-2004, 11:58 AM
Originally posted by Greg B@Jun 22 2004, 01:57 AM
Eww! Just saw on CNN 7 of 9 had quite a controversial divorce problem with her hubby a congressman. As a fan I won't repeat the sordid details.
Oh come now! I know exactly what you are talking about and you should not be ashamed to have dirty thoughts about a hottie such as Jeri Ryan!! :P

Her husband sounds like an asshole but don't tell me that catsuit didn't make you a bit envious of that fucker.