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05-18-2004, 10:27 PM
Without having to google can someone/anyone please tell me what Kerry's platform is ......

.... Besides "I'm not Bush" and my daughter has nice breasts/nipples?

05-18-2004, 10:35 PM
his platform is:
the problem with USA is that because Serge doesn't pay enough taxes

05-19-2004, 12:29 AM
I dunno what his entire platform is, but his views on Yucca Mountain are enough to sway me and get my vote. It's possible he was just blowing smoke because he was in Nevada, but he even went to the trouble of writing an article about it in the local paper Sunday, so hopefully that means a little something.

05-19-2004, 12:31 AM
"Not Bush" is good enough for me.

05-19-2004, 12:50 AM
Kerry/McCain..... :okthumb:

The "We fought in the fucking war while you hid in Alabama" platform... :yowsa:

05-19-2004, 09:02 AM
Very Interesting

Almighty Colin
05-19-2004, 09:17 AM
Don't know but I think his campaign strategy is sit back, be quiet, and let Bush self-destruct. Seems to be working.

Evil Chris
05-19-2004, 09:23 AM
Originally posted by PornoDoggy@May 19 2004, 12:39 AM
"Not Bush" is good enough for me.
haha... PD you beat me to it.

05-19-2004, 09:28 AM
Obviously we'll find out what Kerry is promoting as his platform when the debates happen

But isn't it a little scary that part of our nation is ready to elect a President because he's not the other guy

Not like this hasn't happened before :blink:

Mike AI
05-19-2004, 10:06 AM
What's going on with Yucca mountain?? Whats the deal - never heard of it.

05-19-2004, 10:09 AM
I get New England commercials here on a few station.

And every "Bush" commercial is just Kerry bashing with the scary dramatic voice from the movie trailers.

"Kerry voted on a bill to raise taxes, if he's elected HE WILL RAPE YOUR CHILDREN"

Never anything about what Bush might have accomplished. Its a very negative campaign.

05-19-2004, 10:29 AM
Originally posted by Mike AI@May 19 2004, 09:14 AM
What's going on with Yucca mountain?? Whats the deal - never heard of it.
Proposed nuclear storage site............

Not sure what Kerry's position on it is because I haven't gone and read it, but I know most of the locals in the area are against it.

05-19-2004, 10:32 AM
Kerry, along with the principles of the democratic party:

1.) urban development, not trickle down economics is what is nedded to establish, and maintain an economy that has a surplus, instead of a record deficit.

2.) nation building, is the cause of the ruin of all known society's that ruled over the course of history.

3.) AMERICAN children, should not suffer from a poor education, just cause their daddy was not an affluent person, or uneducated themselves.

4.) The ideals and principles of the constitution, were created to help ALL, not to be used as a tool to selectivly hinder others rights at will.

5.) That ALL men/women were created equal, and should have equal rights.

6.) Pro choice

7.) pro civil unions ( back to the equal rights thing)

8.) Global economy does not mean, cut everyones pay, and send the jobs to slave labor countries.

05-19-2004, 10:33 AM
DrGuile - I'm not saying Bush is a better choice, I think they are both bad choices

Just saying this is weird

We have some fairly politically savvy people who post and read here but ...

... no one is familiar with Kerry's Platform

05-19-2004, 10:35 AM
So far I haven't seen anything on TV from either side that is anything but "the other guy sucks more than I do".

Bush ads have been horrible, it is obvious that they are attempting to take votes and words from Kerry's past and use them out of context to create the most harm.

The only somewhat positive ad from Bush used 9/11 images to promote himself... a very weird sort of way to get positive.

I think you will continue to see the polls slide towards Kerry if this is the strategy for the rest of the campaign, as all the negative ads in the world haven't helped so far (except to keep Bush in the race, I guess)


05-19-2004, 10:36 AM
JoesHO1 - thanks

Is that really Kerry's actual campaign platform or just the philosophies of the Democratic party? or are they one in the same?

I can remember Clinton being big or National Healthcare (which never happened) and Welfare Reform (which we got some of but not enough)

05-19-2004, 10:45 AM
Originally posted by Vick@May 19 2004, 06:44 AM
JoesHO1 - thanks

Is that really Kerry's actual campaign platform or just the philosophies of the Democratic party? or are they one in the same?

I can remember Clinton being big or National Healthcare (which never happened) and Welfare Reform (which we got some of but not enough)
unfortunatly, clinton was hindered, by a right wing agenda, that felt spending millions of dollars to investigate a sitting president for being very ambigous in regards to leting someone other than his wife give him a blow job. Was slightly more important, than a complete overhaul of some antiquated systems that needed repair, for the good of the majority of our country ( isn,t that what our system is all about?)

The republicans spent more time attacking clinton personally for lying about a blow job, in less than one year, than they have collectivly over the course of 14 to 15 months of a president that lied about WMD, and any threats to our soveriegnty that he could think of, in order to commit, mass murder all for profits. and nation building, in a place where we were making great headway.

05-19-2004, 10:47 AM
Originally posted by Vick@May 19 2004, 06:44 AM
JoesHO1 - thanks

Is that really Kerry's actual campaign platform or just the philosophies of the Democratic party? or are they one in the same?

I can remember Clinton being big or National Healthcare (which never happened) and Welfare Reform (which we got some of but not enough)
Yes, those ar the no spin zone , principles of the democratic party, Kerry in every speach or conversation I have heard, backs those principles.

05-19-2004, 10:50 AM
Joe - thanks but that wasn't quite what I was asking

Don't have the time to debate the philosophies you posted (some are understandable, some of them scare the hell out of me) - we'll save that for another thread perhaps some day

You seem to be our resident Kerry expert

Can you fill us in with more detail about Kerry and his platform? Not just what you perceive as the democratic platform


05-19-2004, 10:52 AM
2 points for Joesho... He nailed it pretty well. I had to google it :)

from johnkerry.com:

John Kerry on the Issues

"I'm running for President to make the country we love safer, stronger, and more secure. I'm asking every American to be a Citizen Soldier again committed to leaving no American behind."

Restoring Jobs and Rebuilding Our Economy

George W. Bush has chosen tax cuts for the wealthy and special favors for special interests over our economic future. John Kerry has a plan to rebuild our future, starting with 3 million jobs in his first 500 days – and a plan to ensure that workers can achieve the American Dream in our changing economy.

Winning the Peace in Iraq

What does it gain America to win a war and lose a peace? The Bush failures will cost us dearly in the months ahead, in an Iraq consumed with suspicion, resentment and continued violence. What’s needed now is leadership – to finish the job in Iraq the right way – because America can and must do better.

Access to Affordable Health Care

John Kerry believes that your family’s health is just as important as any politician's in Washington. Our nation needs a leader who has the courage to take on the big insurance and drug companies to make that same health care plan affordable for every American.

Defending the American Homeland

We shouldn’t be opening firehouses in Baghdad and closing them in Brooklyn. America’s homeland security needs to take steps as big as the threats we face – and give our front lines the resources they need. John Kerry has a six-point plan to ensure that we are safer, stronger, and more secure on our own soil.

Creating a New Era for America's Schools

We need a president who will roll up his sleeves and get things done for America’s schools. By supporting teachers, reducing class sizes, rebuilding crumbling schools, and standing up for high standards in our public education system, John Kerry has the courage to fight for our children’s future every day.

A Cleaner and Greener America

We owe it to our families, our communities, and to our planet to elect a president who will unapologetically pursue our environmental values. Unlike the Bush Administration, where special interests rule and the environment suffers, a Kerry Administration will build its policies around citizens’ needs and aspirations.

A Principled Foreign Policy

Americans deserve a principled foreign policy backed by an enlightened self-interest and undoubted military might – a diplomacy shaped by our own national security. John Kerry will pursue a bold, progressive internationalism that commits America to lead the world toward liberty and prosperity.

Making College Affordable for All Americans

Today’s young people need a president who will take on the Bush tax cuts and stand up for their future – a leader with the courage to help them pay for, prepare for, and complete college. In a Kerry Administration, if you believe in yourself enough to work hard and do what’s right, your country will invest in you.

05-19-2004, 11:00 AM
I (LEFT) pun intended of course, out the clean air, and environmental issues specifically because I knew that would make me a tree hugging stoned leftist liberal, that only knows what hippies think, and cars more about an owl, than I do about polluting a river full of fish, etc..... LOL

:D The funny thing is, the rhetoric about patriotism, that is spewed by the republicans, is what they cloak their actions with...

I am a firm believer in looking at the actions one takes, verse the words that they say they take. (another stupid stoner mistake I guess)

05-19-2004, 11:03 AM
Originally posted by Vick@May 19 2004, 06:58 AM
Joe - thanks but that wasn't quite what I was asking

Don't have the time to debate the philosophies you posted (some are understandable, some of them scare the hell out of me) - we'll save that for another thread perhaps some day

You seem to be our resident Kerry expert

Can you fill us in with more detail about Kerry and his platform? Not just what you perceive as the democratic platform

and get crucified here, hmmm let me do some more homework first, I want to have my FACTS straight with evrything I say here before I post it, this board is to hard to "baffle em with bullshit "so to speak, this is a more "beat em with brains " sorta place.....

05-19-2004, 11:27 AM
It depends on the bullshit you're trying to baffle 'em with, Joe ... spew out a bunch of Coultereque hate speech about liberals, and you'll get a hallalujah chorus from at least a couple of people.

I doubt that Kerry has a platform yet - an official platform isn't usually established until the convention.

I still don't think that a vote AGAINST is such a terrible thing. One of the two cocksuckers is going to be elected. If I think one is only an asshole while the other one is a sorry-ass motherfucker, it only makes sense to vote for the mere asshole.

05-19-2004, 02:08 PM
Originally posted by Mike AI@May 19 2004, 09:14 AM
What's going on with Yucca mountain?? Whats the deal - never heard of it.
Yucca Mountain is where they are proposing to put all of the country's nuclear waste.

They spent several millions of dollars trying to convince the state of Nevada that it'll all be safe and they've shown endless propaganda videos of these huge storage containers where the waste will be stored.

Most residents are against it because we were burned before by that whole test site fiasco (people were sitting outside with their families watching them test the bombs and these many years later there area bunch of health problems with the later generation of kids).

If it becomes the site for the nations nuclear waste storage, it makes us a potentional terror target.

Most of the other states had no poblem with it until they found out the trains running the waste out this way would be passing through their cities, counties and states. Suddnely those assholes got concerned.

I don't trust the government enough to keep this secure (both the storage and the transporttation) enough. I don't want them to push down our throats how safe this is then watch my kids' kids coming down with "mysterious illnesses" years later.

It's very much a hot button issue here in Nevada and basically anyone who wanted to get elected here had to be anti-Yucca and have that as one of their top priorities.

If the Bush administration has their way, we'll have no choice. What do we get out of it? ooh a couple more jobs (for people that will die early and come down with mysterious maladies like at the test site).

These fuckwits couldn't even dig the big holes out there for this proposed site without hazard issues (improper resperitory devices, etc.).

The health of me, my family and my community is a very high priority. If this stuff was really so safe to store and transport, why don't we just store it in Detroit or the middle of New York City? If these storage holders are sooo safe, why don't we open a big amusement park called Nuke land and let the kids play on the big storage containers?

Sorry, the issue gets me a little agitated ;-)

05-19-2004, 10:47 PM
Originally posted by PornoDoggy@May 19 2004, 10:35 AM
I doubt that Kerry has a platform yet - an official platform isn't usually established until the convention.

I still don't think that a vote AGAINST is such a terrible thing. One of the two cocksuckers is going to be elected. If I think one is only an asshole while the other one is a sorry-ass motherfucker, it only makes sense to vote for the mere asshole.
What platform did Kerry run on on the primaries?

His jogging shoes, maybe his snowboard? :blink:

He won them pretty handily, he had to be promoting some types of ideas

This thing of choosing the lesser of two cocksuckers is making me ill, voting against someone means you could be voting for anything else

Let me stretch for an example, you have Mussolini or Hitler, maybe Manson or Damher, hell you can even enter Ted Bundy as the third party candidate

Still want to vote against someone or for the lessor of the two fucking cocksuckers?

05-20-2004, 01:41 AM
By the time we get to Hitler v Mussolini or Dahlmer v Manson I will be a revolutinary blowing shit up.

Sorry (not really, but I was raised to be polite) if my "voting for the lesser of two evils" is making you ill ... but your "it's all futile, so don't even get off your lazy ass and vote" has the same effect on me.

I don't believe that John Kerry will think he was appointed by God. I don't think that John Kerry would let Enron write his energy policy, the pharmacutical companies write his Medicare drug plan, the insurance companies and corporate benfactors write his tort reform bill, the energy companies write his environmental plan. I don't think John Kerry would appoint judges to the Supreme Court that will overturn most of the judicial precedents established in the last 50 years, Roe v Wade being only one of them. I don't think John Kerry will take us off into entanglements like Iraq that are counterproductive to the very real war on terror we need to be fighting, both by further enraging the very population that is generating the terrorists and by alienating the allies we are going to need for the fight.

But hell ... Buff hates him, Ann Coulter hates him, Mike AI hates him, Jerrry Fallwell hates him, aeon (12clicks with a thesarus) hates him ... I gotta vote for him.

05-20-2004, 10:07 AM
Originally posted by Vick+May 19 2004, 06:55 PM--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Vick @ May 19 2004, 06:55 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteBegin--PornoDoggy@May 19 2004, 10:35 AM
I doubt that Kerry has a platform yet - an official platform isn't usually established until the convention.

I still don't think that a vote AGAINST is such a terrible thing. One of the two cocksuckers is going to be elected. If I think one is only an asshole while the other one is a sorry-ass motherfucker, it only makes sense to vote for the mere asshole.
What platform did Kerry run on on the primaries?

His jogging shoes, maybe his snowboard? :blink:

He won them pretty handily, he had to be promoting some types of ideas

This thing of choosing the lesser of two cocksuckers is making me ill, voting against someone means you could be voting for anything else

Let me stretch for an example, you have Mussolini or Hitler, maybe Manson or Damher, hell you can even enter Ted Bundy as the third party candidate

Still want to vote against someone or for the lessor of the two fucking cocksuckers?[/b][/quote]
yeah but using your analogy

it would be more like

hitler(bush) vs. captain kangaroo ( kerry)

while one might be as incompetent for the job as the other, at least only one is filled with rage, greed, murder, and the evil heart of man bent on destruction!

05-20-2004, 10:14 AM
Originally posted by JoesHO1@May 20 2004, 09:15 AM
yeah but using your analogy

it would be more like

hitler(bush) vs. captain kangaroo ( kerry)

while one might be as incompetent for the job as the other, at least only one is filled with rage, greed, murder, and the evil heart of man bent on destruction!
Well I don't agree with your bent on the analogy I gave
I'm pointing at the lesser of 2 evils and captain kangaroo doesn't qualify as evil

Do you know GW Bush personally, that's a lot to see into a person

05-20-2004, 10:27 AM
Originally posted by Vick+May 20 2004, 06:22 AM--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Vick @ May 20 2004, 06:22 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteBegin--JoesHO1@May 20 2004, 09:15 AM
yeah but using your analogy

it would be more like

hitler(bush) vs. captain kangaroo ( kerry)

while one might be as incompetent for the job as the other, at least only one is filled with rage, greed, murder, and the evil heart of man bent on destruction!
Well I don't agree with your bent on the analogy I gave
I'm pointing at the lesser of 2 evils and captain kangaroo doesn't qualify as evil

Do you know GW Bush personally, that's a lot to see into a person[/b][/quote]
I see his actions, as compared with his words ( filled with lies and deciet mostly) is what I base those accusations on.

what makes you say Kerry is evil, as oppossed to just not qualified?

I have not seen anything close to being as evil as GW in Kerry's actions have you?

05-20-2004, 10:36 AM
Originally posted by PornoDoggy@May 20 2004, 12:49 AM
By the time we get to Hitler v Mussolini or Dahlmer v Manson I will be a revolutinary blowing shit up.

Sorry (not really, but I was raised to be polite) if my "voting for the lesser of two evils" is making you ill ... but your "it's all futile, so don't even get off your lazy ass and vote" has the same effect on me.

But hell ... Buff hates him, Ann Coulter hates him, Mike AI hates him, Jerrry Fallwell hates him, aeon (12clicks with a thesarus) hates him ... I gotta vote for him.
At least I'm advocating an action (or a nonaction), maybe a reaction to a terrible situation

You just want to keep on going with the status quo and accepting substandard and terrible options

Sorry (he he he) can't accept that any longer

05-20-2004, 10:56 AM
Originally posted by JoesHO1@May 20 2004, 09:35 AM
what makes you say Kerry is evil, as opposed to just not qualified?

let's take it a step farther (for arguments sake) and say incompetent

an incompetent President is a very dangerous thing, think Jimmy Carter (worse President of my lifetime and quite possibly the worst President of the 20th century)

Carter (great person, wonderful humanitarian) was elected mostly because of the Nation's dislike and distrust of the Republican Party after Nixon (and Ford)

Not a good thing, see any possible parallels here

I lived through the late 70's (remember spiraling inflation, unemployment, high interest rates) and some of the challenges the Carter Admin left with us still haunt us today (can you say OPEC?)

truthfully another thing we can't factor in at this time is who would be nominated or placed in Kerry's administration