View Full Version : Hooters in Atlanta

05-10-2004, 10:00 PM
did u guys corrupt this little girl along with the kids from the high school prom?

http://mary34d.com/images/internextatlanta/aftlanta 007.jpg

Last edited by Mary34D at May 10 2004, 09:11 PM

Hell Puppy
05-10-2004, 10:43 PM
If they took their prom dates to hooters, they deserve to be corrupted....

05-10-2004, 10:58 PM
Originally posted by Hell Puppy@May 10 2004, 06:51 PM
If they took their prom dates to hooters, they deserve to be corrupted....
HAHAHA LOL if they took their prom dates to Hooters, they already ARE corrupted! :agrin:

05-11-2004, 07:56 AM
Look how starstuck she looks. I bet she was on her cell phone right after they took that picture telling all her friends she just met this important film producer named Mike and he's going to make her famous. "He just kept telling me Pure Cash baby." :bjump:

05-11-2004, 08:19 AM
better hooters people than BK's people

05-11-2004, 08:19 AM
v. cor·rupt·ed, cor·rupt·ing, cor·rupts
v. tr.
To destroy or subvert the honesty or integrity of.
To ruin morally; pervert.
To taint; contaminate.
To cause to become rotten; spoil.
To change the original form of (a text, for example).
Computer Science. To damage (data) in a file or on a disk.

....yep :okthumb: .