View Full Version : Who are you going to vote for?

05-10-2004, 07:07 PM
Kerry: I cannot vote for him.
Character: He's a lowlife, spineless piece of shit who doesn't even have an opinion on any important issues.
-- He served his country in the military, putting his life on the line.
-- He doesn't have much conviction, therefore he probably wouldn't be persuasive enough to get his agenda passed.
-- Already has a personal fortune, so maybe, just maybe, he won't try to loot the treasury for personal gain as much as others might.
-- He won't be serving in the Senate if he gets elected as President.
-- He's not Bush.

-- Since he's spineless, it's doubtful he'll have enough conviction to protect Americans from our enemies, be they arab muslims overseas trying to kill us or politicians and bureaucrats here at home trying to strip us of our liberties.
-- He has no understanding of economics, and he'll raise my taxes and increase government spending on sinkhole, failed government programs. He'll also try to prevent outsourcing with failed, protectionist policies.

Bush: I cannot vote for him.
Character: He's an inept leader who rewards the loyalty of his fucked up advisors/cabinet when they should be fired. He means well but he's ineffectual because he's still a politician at heart and doesn't have the balls to make the really hard choices.

-- Fucking up the War on Terror.
-- Fucking up the economy. His spending increases are insane, his tax cut too small. Pouring money into Iraq is a sick joke.
-- Won't hold the Saudis and Pakistanis accountable for terrorism.
-- Is extending the assault weapon ban.
-- Protectionist Policies (tariffs).
-- Can't speak in public.
-- Won't fire Tenet or Rumsfield or Powell.
-- Refers to Islam as a religion of peace.
-- Creating an enormous debt for future generations to pay off.
-- Disasterous liberal economic spending -- Medicare/Medicaid prescription drug fiasco.
-- Cracking down on freedom (porn, expanded police powers, etc.)
-- Replacing Marines with Iraqi troops??? Putting one of Hussein's Generals in charge???????? What message does that send to Iraqis? Sure, he got fired, but still -- what a fucking idiot move.
-- So many more... too many to list.

-- Actually waging war on terrorism, even though he's running the war like a politician, not a warrior.
-- Sticking to the war in the face of huge international pressures.
-- Means well (I think).
-- That's all.

Nolan (Libertarian): I cannot vote for him (when he gets the nomination).

-- Hates our government so much he actually thinks other governments are more honest and less corrupt.
-- Would stop the war on terror.

-- Everything else (economics/liberties) are 100% completely perfect. (www.lp.org)

Conclusion: Not voting.

Last edited by Buff at May 10 2004, 05:18 PM

05-10-2004, 07:21 PM
i'm not going to vote for anyone.

05-10-2004, 07:22 PM
Fucking Christ, Buff, believe it or not, I agree with about 95% of what you posted. ;-)

I am deeply entrenched in the undecided vote.

Nolan is a fucking joke, so I can't even vote Libertarian...

Fuck it, I'll just worry about local elections and things that impact me on a more local level...

05-10-2004, 07:29 PM
Buff, (and everyone else), I am going to make a suggestion that might make it easier to make a choice.

American has in many cases lost it's standing in the world. Once considered a world leader, it has fallen to the level of world bully in many people's minds. While I know most americans don't give a shit what anyone else thinks about them, my logic is this:

if you stay with the current fuckups, the world won't like you any more, and things probably are gonna get worse before they get better.

change for the other fuckup, and at least he can run around sort of saying "sorry the guy before me fucked you over...".

Bush is fighting terrorism agressively. Kerry will probably bring you less terrorism (don't poke a bees nest, they don't sting...).
