View Full Version : who do you think will win the election

05-06-2004, 02:51 AM
curious on your opinions..
i don't see too much bush campaigning, but i do know of a TON of bush-haters (yes, even people not in the adult industry)

i personally think kerry has a good shot of ousting him (no jinx)

05-06-2004, 03:27 AM
Hippie's and bed wetting liberals are the worst plague humanity has ever seen - fucking clowns that scream individualism and enlightenment until faced with individualism that disagrees with their conformist/sheepish mentality...an extreme liberal is no different than a KKK member...and should be subject to the same ridicule and disdain.

That being said - georgie jr. has to go. I'm gonna have to take a shower after I vote for Kerry...I know I'll feel like I just got ass raped by a bunch of Nation of Islam brothers while NOW was video taping it.

Almighty Colin
05-06-2004, 04:13 AM
I don't know but I'm tempted to say Kerry based on my guess that the Democratic majority is more likely to vote this time around due to their downright hatred of George Bush. However Kerry hasn't even chosen a running mate yet which could help or hurt, we haven't had the conventions yet, we haven't had a debate yet, the economy has improved and Nader is in the election and there are the Iraq and the Afghan situations.

In short, I really have no idea. There is more that says "close one" than "this guy will win". The big question is whether Democrats will go to the polls.

05-06-2004, 05:41 AM
I like Bush but I'm not sure why... but hey I'm a Brit so it doesn't really matter, does it :D

Joe Sixpack
05-06-2004, 06:55 AM
Originally posted by Trev@May 6 2004, 01:49 AM
I like Bush but I'm not sure why... but hey I'm a Brit so it doesn't really matter, does it :D
No Trev it doesn't.

The English smell bad.

05-06-2004, 07:47 AM
Originally posted by Joe Sixpack+May 6 2004, 01:03 PM--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Joe Sixpack @ May 6 2004, 01:03 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteBegin--Trev@May 6 2004, 01:49 AM
I like Bush but I'm not sure why... but hey I'm a Brit so it doesn't really matter, does it :D
No Trev it doesn't.

The English smell bad.[/b][/quote]
Yaay your noticing me today :)

Should I feel special :huh:

05-06-2004, 12:24 PM
Nice post aeon

But why even bother voting - Do I need to chant my litany once more

If out of over 290,000,000 people in the USA Bush and Kerry are the best we can do it's sad sad world day, I wouldn't elect either to the post of dog catcher

What if there was an election and no one voted!!?

If you vote you have no right to complain,
if the candidate you supported won you got what you wanted,
if the candidate you supported loses that's even worse as you didn't do enough to get your candidate elected - go hang your head in shame

Politics breaks down to Poli - meaning many, tics - blood sucking parasites
That should tell you all you need to know

and your Presidential election vote doesn't count anyway ah ha ha ha

Apathy in USA
It's coming sometime ..... maybe

05-06-2004, 03:02 PM
Well I do have to give credit to the Rock the Vote people. My daughter and I spent last weekend between malls, movie theaters (girls weekend - the boys were @ NASCAR in Fontana), a coupla Starbucks and the Olive Garden for lunch and at EVERY stop we made there were Rock the Vote pamphlets and/or signs in the store windows.

I know I didn't even bother to vote until I was in my mid-20's because of all the negativity I'd heard from my parents... whether you think it counts or not, I think getting young voters interested & involved is a good thing. I'm shocked at how many kids today have no CLUE about politics or the way elections & government are run. <_<

05-06-2004, 03:33 PM
Originally posted by kath@May 6 2004, 12:10 PM
Well I do have to give credit to the Rock the Vote people. My daughter and I spent last weekend between malls, movie theaters (girls weekend - the boys were @ NASCAR in Fontana), a coupla Starbucks and the Olive Garden for lunch and at EVERY stop we made there were Rock the Vote pamphlets and/or signs in the store windows.

I know I didn't even bother to vote until I was in my mid-20's because of all the negativity I'd heard from my parents... whether you think it counts or not, I think getting young voters interested & involved is a good thing. I'm shocked at how many kids today have no CLUE about politics or the way elections & government are run. <_<

I'm surprised at you... how could you you do that to your daughter ?

the OLIVE GARDEN ?!?!?


05-06-2004, 03:37 PM
Vick, it a common problem of politics, and especially bad in the world of "two party" systems:

You get VERY average candidates, selected by their ability to offend the least people, to have the least in their past, and to have the least chance of "negative spin".

The choices are bad, and the choices aren't getting better.


05-06-2004, 04:09 PM
Originally posted by Vick@May 6 2004, 08:32 AM
Nice post aeon

But why even bother voting - Do I need to chant my litany once more

If out of over 290,000,000 people in the USA Bush and Kerry are the best we can do it's sad sad world day, I wouldn't elect either to the post of dog catcher

What if there was an election and no one voted!!?

If you vote you have no right to complain,
if the candidate you supported won you got what you wanted,
if the candidate you supported loses that's even worse as you didn't do enough to get your candidate elected - go hang your head in shame

Politics breaks down to Poli - meaning many, tics - blood sucking parasites
That should tell you all you need to know

and your Presidential election vote doesn't count anyway ah ha ha ha

Apathy in USA
It's coming sometime ..... maybe
I tend to think if I don't vote, then I have no reason to bitch.

Politicians are only one tier above wiccans in my opinion...they're all slime, it's just picking the one that isn't quite as bad.

05-06-2004, 06:43 PM
Maybe the best way to explain this is to use a very modern example:

American Idol.

Week after week, talented people (sometimes VERY talented people) are voted off, and often less talented more average performers move on. I have yet to see an American Idol winner do anything in the music business after their win that is worth anything. The losers have outdone the winners, from what I have read.

Politicians are selected in the same manner. In the US, there are state caucus "beauty pagents" that slowly but surely whittle it down to one candidiate on either side, who then selects his own running mate (no vote for that!). The voting public has shown in the past it's ability to pick American Idol type winners... good in theory, but not that good in the long run.

Basically one plays from the right to as far past the middle as he can, and the other plays from the left to as far past the middle as he can go. Exciting!


Almighty Colin
05-07-2004, 05:07 AM
What makes them good or bad choices? Compared to whom?

Clinton, Reagan, Kennedy, FDR? Some of us think they were great, some of us think they were good, some of us don't like them at all. Personal preference. Was Clinton good or bad?

What qualities would make for "good" candidates? A different set of beliefs or a different set of "qualities"?