View Full Version : Paysite Portfolio Update at Webinc.com

05-03-2004, 02:39 PM
Hi Guys and Gals,

We have done a small update at:


Over 60 New Paysite Designs Added.

Feel free to let me know your thoughts on these




Last edited by sextoyking at May 3 2004, 10:47 AM

Mike AI
05-03-2004, 03:43 PM
Great work as always Todd!!


05-03-2004, 06:15 PM

Thanks :)

The team has been doing a super job..


05-03-2004, 06:25 PM
could link the new sites right in the thread, wouldn't hurt :)

05-03-2004, 06:33 PM
looks good todd :okthumb: we still need to get togther on that other deal we were talking about a few weeks ago :)

Brad Mitchell
05-03-2004, 11:52 PM
I like it! I've always liked your work, that's why you get orders from us :)

I'd recommend adding another page or two to personalize the site. You provide an excellent service that's very personalized. You also deliver on time, consistently.

Solicit clients for feedback and that will result in some good testimonials. Use those on your website and use them prominently! Nothing gets more business than the words of a satisfied client, in my experience. Also, create an about page expanding on your staff and adding some character. People like sites to feel less generic and I think to convey that you should bring in some of the information about the committed individuals that make it all happen.

Just my 2 cents! I've always added a little bit of that stuff to my sites and it seems to have gone a long way for me.



05-04-2004, 05:31 AM
Thats some awesome looking work!

webinc = top quality :okthumb: