View Full Version : Sublime Moments

05-02-2004, 02:15 AM
Go to a Goth Club for the first time in months tonight, it's usually marginally amusing (in an annoying way)
Seeing all the supposed nonconformists become conformists in there quest for nonconformity (they all wear black)

Up on the screen in the club is a chop socky movie with subtitles

Then Kill Bill1 comes on the screen, fast forward to my favorite scene in the movie

"Do you want to fuck me?"
"Do you still want to penetrate me?"
"Looks like it is I who penetrated you"

While the the Clash's cover of "I Fought the Law" is playing

then on to the beheading scene with the Ramone's "I Wanna be Sedated" playing

Next up, the mambo cover of the Jungle Book song "I wanna be like you"

Sometimes little stuff tickles me

05-02-2004, 03:29 AM
My grandpa says "it tickles me" which I love. Its so endearing :)

05-02-2004, 12:11 PM
While the the Clash's cover of "I Fought the Law" is playing

then on to the beheading scene with the Ramone's "I Wanna be Sedated" playing

This is music they play at goth clubs!? Sounds cool!

I never thought about what music might be popular at a goth club.. but I would have imagined something closer to trance than punk!

05-02-2004, 05:23 PM
I love the concept of nonconformity through conformity. I also love when so-called nonconformists judge others because they don't fit their definition of cool.

But oh well, I still think Goth Chicks (http://www.gothchicks.net) are hot!