View Full Version : Bush on TV today.... did he dye his hair?

04-19-2004, 03:12 PM
Just wathcing a live speech from Penn... he looks like he used "just for men" middle brown.

On the speech itself, he continues to harp on terror only... he mentiosn Iraq, he mentions terror. He says terrorists hide in holes in the ground. He is trying VERY hard to make Saddam into an Al Quaida member. He is trying hard to erase any lines between the two...

"We will defeat the enemy there (Iraq) so we don't have to face them here".



04-19-2004, 03:35 PM
Looks to me like he got it cut and also dyed. He looks a little younger now.

I'm glad he's got our troops killing muslims.

04-19-2004, 05:37 PM
Alex, I have to say you're starting to worry me a little with your um .... attention to GW :unsure:

Really what does coloring his hair matter he he he, and how do YOU know about "just for men" middle brown (personally I used loreal blue black to cover the grey)

and all Presidents of the USA go grey, look at Jimmy Carter 1976, then look at him in 1980. Looks like he aged 15 years in just 4

04-19-2004, 06:16 PM
Vick, I turned on the TV, expecting to get "news" and instead I got a televised campaign speech (oops, presidential address!). I just found it funny, the shift in color and all is VERY obvious. Usually the "grey" is the color of experience, something people find comforting.

I guess not.

I haven't done the grey thing yet, I might just get rid of all of the hair instead! ;-)
