View Full Version : Hi To All

04-01-2004, 11:56 AM
Hello everybody. It's been a while.

Thought I'd see what's up with the whole gang and say hello.

Nice to see many old faces still around. Very comfy to visit a place that I still consider home. Hope all is fine with you all.

Yes it's me you bunch of "pukeasses" ; ))) j/k (Please repeat the word "pukeass" 57 times). [Inside joke.. for you old timers ; )))]

Serge, Mike AI, damn still doing the chatboard thing. Glad to see it is still a viable deal for you. Or maybe you just enjoy it. : ) Very nice job on your new board.

Serge, nice to see you still at. Still that sense of humer and hidden meaning in almost every post. Your like porn's Rock Of Gibralter. Always there. The music has not died yet.
: )

When you gonna start traffic brokering again? Buy at say .2 cents and sell for .3 ; )) j\k

Thats about the value of a typical jacked around unique now days. Of course you will have to monitor things heavily. : ) Aaaah that would be a nightmare now days wouldn't it. Sadly there is no easy money anymore. There is no time for me to hang with Serge all day anymore. Ahh the days when one could post and read on the board all day, piddle diddle a bit and still earn a good living. Damn I hated to see the old days die. But they surely did.

Aaahhhh the memories. The posts gone by. The days of piss, wine and glory. The echos in my mind.

Coming up... some thoughts i jotted down on todays state of affairs with the adult biz...

Gonna rap candidly like I once did. For old times sake. : )

It isn't pretty. Business is pretty tough at least from my perspective now days. ; (

04-01-2004, 12:01 PM

Well I'll be damned ( a given!) ;-))

Great to see you are still kicking.

Welcome to the board.


04-01-2004, 12:12 PM
HOLY SHIT! :) :)

Your name always comes around when we ask "Where are they now?"!

Hope things are going well with you - please don't be such a stranger (you can still be strange though :awinky: ). We missed you and no one else has dared used "pukeass" :okthumb:

04-01-2004, 12:16 PM
Oh, and if this is someone's AF joke, I will personally hunt you down and kill you. B)

04-01-2004, 12:19 PM
Originally posted by Peaches@Apr 1 2004, 09:24 AM
Oh, and if this is someone's AF joke, I will personally hunt you down and kill you. B)


04-01-2004, 12:23 PM
Originally posted by Peaches@Apr 1 2004, 09:24 AM
Oh, and if this is someone's AF joke, I will personally hunt you down and kill you. B)
That's what I thought at first. But the syntax and grammar is so dead on.

Whats up Cat?

04-01-2004, 12:44 PM
Hello Catman!

Nice to see you around after time away

and if this is an April Fools joke someone has the style spot on

04-01-2004, 01:36 PM
Hey Catman,

Long time no see :) How are things going with you?

Gosh I still remember when you won the contest from Dean (general), wasn't it 10 or 50k or something?



04-01-2004, 01:38 PM
Its not him...........


Don't believe in them.

If it was Catman he'll be able to tell me why I suspended his account at Netpond back in the day.

04-01-2004, 02:52 PM
Thanks guys for the nice welcome. Your all very gracious. Thanks.

Its me Nick. Well I don't think you ever did actually suspend my acct but you were real upset with me for using the word pukeass 57 times throughout a night of pissing posts. hehe That was in Nov or Dec 1999. Yeah we were some crazies in those days. Way too much venom flying. Glad to see that all settled down. Anyhow who else would spend that much time writing a long winded yet punctually perfect diatribe like my "business sucks today" one. ; )

Peaches! Good to here from you. Hope all is going great now days. Thanks for being the only one who missed me [along with Dan]

KK! Always good to see you. Always a very helpful in email for me and a great person. Hope all is going great! Wish I had some of that inside knowledge you must have from working with a lot of big programs.

Dan, Glad you enjoyed my posts enough to inquire about my absence.
Hope all is going great!

Todd, How goes it? Still in the sex toy biz I presume. Been meaning to give that a shot. Never have tried to sell sex toys. Seems like it would be a winner. I'll look ya up and get an acct at sextoyworld one of these days.

Anyhow I babbled enough. Thanks again all and to anyone else nice to see you. Hell Im still up But I usually get to bed at about 11:00 am anyhow. : ) Live in the dark most of the time it seems.

Anyhow I wont post so long again but it's kind of exciting to be back "home".

Catch you later.

Last edited by Catman at Apr 3 2004, 08:40 PM

Mike AI
04-01-2004, 05:20 PM
Welcome back to civlization Catman!!

Good to see you are still fiesty!

04-01-2004, 05:27 PM
holy crap! catman your ears must have been burning! there's a 'where are they now' thread around here somewhere ;-)

I remember that 50k winning day well!

welcome back ;-)

04-01-2004, 06:25 PM
Originally posted by cj@Apr 1 2004, 02:35 PM
holy crap! catman your ears must have been burning! there's a 'where are they now' thread around here somewhere ;-)

I remember that 50k winning day well!

welcome back ;-)
Yeah so do me and drav and others ;-))))

"Betcha catman wins" ;-)))

Welcome back , Old timer , you are right I didn't ban you ;-))

04-01-2004, 06:44 PM
Catman, I'm doing well, still trying to grow a baby(m3server.com/was simple-hosting.com in '99:) into a great hosting company. I'm also now a partner with Greg-gregory.com and helping him with the content biz. Plus a few other things that I hope to talk about soon; ) Other words, still humping it ; ))

it is good to see ya come out of the woods a little, hang around for a while

04-01-2004, 08:27 PM
You know how I know it's the real Catman?

Cause no one but "The Cat" would ever come back on April Fool's Day when no one would believe it was him! :rokk:

04-01-2004, 09:59 PM
Welcome back Catman
Nice to see ya around and posting

You have some points in your post about the current state of the adult industry

It's challenging, we'll see how it all shakes out

Hope ya stick around

Best Wishes

04-01-2004, 10:38 PM
Hey CJ glad to see your still at it too. Hope all is going well. Thanks for the nice words. Always trust any prog your involved in.

Dravyk, hows it going. Don't know if ya still run allofemtome but that is one of the few newsletters I still check over each day. A nice way to see what's happening at a glance. Nice job with that.

Dan, yes Ive heard of simple hosting. Hope all is going well in that field.
Hosting has had some tough times last few years. As profits fell many left the premier hosts. And there are a lot of free hosts, even sponsor hosts of course. Personally though, I still use all paid hosting. Ya have to keep the 404 traffic. Hope that project does well for you.

Mike AI How ya doing, I imagine your doing just fine. You always seemed pretty on top of things. Really like this new board. Hope all is going real well with your endevors. Yeah still fiesty I guess. Getting up there though. Not quite 50 though yet Peaches. ; ) Damn time is flying by aint it. Ahh well.

I always enjoyed posts where folks talked a little more in depth, like Webfather used to do. So thought I'd give it a shot today. It came across as a bit negative. And I sure can't wax as elegant as WF used to. Maybe it will inspire WF or others to come back and talk a little bit about what's up and there views on things now days. I loved those state of the industry posts WF used to make.

Hey Vick, How's it going? Hopefully real well. Always enjoyed your viewpoints. Very smart WM. There is money to be made but I also wonder if things will ever get cooking well again. Someone needs to shake it up. We need to pry a few million hits from these TGP's and get em back to viewing 10 pics per page. Dream on huh. : ))

Oh and thanks to the anonymous guy too. Ya know things have settled down now days when even the anon guys are friendly. :okthumb:

Last edited by Catman at Apr 3 2004, 08:46 PM

04-02-2004, 04:31 AM
As usual, a little late in on the thread, and since Peaches stole the
words out of my mouth...


OMG, I never thought I'd see the rousing cry of PUKEASS again ! :wnw:

Welcome back... B)

04-02-2004, 02:45 PM
OMG...he's ALIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!