View Full Version : For women resources & links

03-29-2004, 09:41 PM
I've been cleaning up the link list database of FemResources & looking for new sites & services to add ...

If you have a product or service relevant to women, please add it here. Only quality sites that actually offer products exclusively for women/couples will be listed, under 2 categories - Links for women (surfers) and Webmasters (affiliate programs, content etc)

If you have a surfer site which covers any of the following, please add your link for review:

Sex Toys
Pharmacy/Sexual Health (stimulants, supplements etc)
Male Models/Male Strippers
Straight Male Escorts
Sexuality Issues/Counselling

Webmaster services:

Affiliate programs (for sex toys, personals, lingerie, shopping, pharmacy, for women paysites etc.)
Link Lists, TGP's etc (with 'for women' or 'straight hunks' or 'couples' categories)
Content companies (with solo male or sexy couples photos)

Your site must contain more content than ads, no crap sites, no spam pages etc & it must be relevant to women. All sites hand reviewed, database to be used in more than 1 location.

Post new category requests here

Click here to add your site (http://www.femresources.com/links/)


Hell Puppy
03-29-2004, 10:00 PM
Dammit, by the title I was hoping to find a resource where I could obtain women....

03-29-2004, 10:22 PM
you could hp, add yourself as a male escort :biglaugh:

03-29-2004, 10:47 PM
Originally posted by cj@Mar 29 2004, 06:49 PM
I've been cleaning up the link list database of FemResources & looking for new sites & services to add ...

If you have a product or service relevant to women, please add it here. Only quality sites that actually offer products exclusively for women/couples will be listed, under 2 categories - Links for women (surfers) and Webmasters (affiliate programs, content etc)

If you have a surfer site which covers any of the following, please add your link for review:

Sex Toys
Pharmacy/Sexual Health (stimulants, supplements etc)
Male Models/Male Strippers
Straight Male Escorts
Sexuality Issues/Counselling

Webmaster services:

Affiliate programs (for sex toys, personals, lingerie, shopping, pharmacy, for women paysites etc.)
Link Lists, TGP's etc (with 'for women' or 'straight hunks' or 'couples' categories)
Content companies (with solo male or sexy couples photos)

Your site must contain more content than ads, no crap sites, no spam pages etc & it must be relevant to women. All sites hand reviewed, database to be used in more than 1 location.

Post new category requests here

Click here to add your site (http://www.femresources.com/links/)

Hi CJ,

Love your picture ... I like women who express themselves :groucho:

Anyway, I submitted my link as a webmaster affiliate doodad, but your thingy won't let me submit it under shopping for women. Technically it's a sex toy product, that can be used for personal relationships for couples at a distance, or by camgirls for a little extra money for their time, plus a webmaster program ... more or less "taking over" interactive Internet B)

So it would cover a broad spectrum of appeal. You can check my sig to see what I'm talking about. Also SinulatorCams (http://www.sinulatorcams.com) is being developed promote the entertainment aspect of the product.

03-29-2004, 11:29 PM
cj, let's put this device to a test...
you get one, I'll get one, and if we cum TOGETHER,
let's sign ourselves as affiliates and make lots of dough

Hell Puppy
03-29-2004, 11:45 PM
Originally posted by cj@Mar 29 2004, 10:30 PM
you could hp, add yourself as a male escort :biglaugh:
Will they pay by the pound? :D

03-29-2004, 11:54 PM
There's a version for guys, for two-way ... and many new variations in the developmental phase.

I personally like the concept of "Wireless Cell Phone Panties"...

"Not now honey, I'm in the middle of an important meeting!" :yowsa:

They've perfected the technology!

03-29-2004, 11:56 PM
Originally posted by Rjames@Mar 30 2004, 12:02 AM
There's a version for guys, for two-way ... and many new variations in the developmental phase.

I personally like the concept of "Wireless Cell Phone Panties"...

"Not now honey, I'm in the middle of an important meeting!" :yowsa:

They've perfected the technology!
funny thing is, we were talking about possibility of something like that coming on the market 6 years ago!

good job, man!

03-29-2004, 11:59 PM
The big thing is, there's no application to download. Any traveler can get online anywhere, hotel room, etc., and control a toy plugged into a USB port halfway around the world. And the toy itself is wireless to the control box, plugged into the USB port.

03-30-2004, 12:05 AM
Originally posted by Serge_Oprano+Mar 29 2004, 09:04 PM--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Serge_Oprano @ Mar 29 2004, 09:04 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteBegin--Rjames@Mar 30 2004, 12:02 AM

funny thing is, we were talking about possibility of something like that coming on the market 6 years ago!

The other things bombed badly. This thing works. Just ask Hone Lynn. I saw it demonstrated on TechTV Unscrewed and it was awesome. It's the balls!

03-30-2004, 12:06 AM
Rjames, I love these products! I remember todd has always sold a pretty cool product that the computer controls ...

Serge and I would love a sample ;-)

Imagine a website, where a camgirl or model let the customer control her sex toys with a panel on the screen .... now there's an idea!!!!

Rjames, i've added the site you submitted to the 'links for women --> shopping --> sex toys' section because the link you submitted is the store. Go ahead and submit a second time, but for the webmaster section please put the link directly to where affiliates can signup. Just so we can make sure links for surfers and links for webmasters stay separate. Thank you! ;-)

03-30-2004, 12:10 AM
Originally posted by cj@Mar 29 2004, 10:30 PM
you could hp, add yourself as a male escort :biglaugh:
Gives a new mean to Man & Bat Inc. !

03-30-2004, 12:18 AM
Originally posted by cj@Mar 29 2004, 09:14 PM
Rjames, I love these products! I remember todd has always sold a pretty cool product that the computer controls ...

Serge and I would love a sample ;-)

Imagine a website, where a camgirl or model let the customer control her sex toys with a panel on the screen .... now there's an idea!!!!

Rjames, i've added the site you submitted to the 'links for women --> shopping --> sex toys' section because the link you submitted is the store. Go ahead and submit a second time, but for the webmaster section please put the link directly to where affiliates can signup. Just so we can make sure links for surfers and links for webmasters stay separate. Thank you! ;-)
The girls listed at the site I'm developing at SinulatorCams (http://www.sinulatorcams.com) are already set up - they were the original beta testers. So they were more or less the girls that got the free samples.

I'm presently setting up some major changes to separate the two - surfers and affiliates. But both can use that URL for the time being. I've gotta crash for now, but I'll get that taken care of tomorrow. There are some big players involved with this. And I'll just leave it at that, because I can't go into much detail right now.

03-30-2004, 12:49 AM
Cool product rjames, looking forward to seeing where it goes ;-)

03-30-2004, 12:58 AM
Originally posted by cj@Mar 29 2004, 09:57 PM
Cool product rjames, looking forward to seeing where it goes ;-)
Where it goes ... :awinky: LOL

Well, aside from "where it goes" ... I want to make sure it turns up on Howard Stern; and with any luck, mentioned on some mainstream early morning talk show at some point.

I'm going beddy-bye, dreaming of making $$$ and giving them new found pleasures in the process :salute:

03-30-2004, 01:31 AM

I came in here to say hi, and tell you about someone who'd be a great radio guest... Looks like Rjames would be a good pick too!

Anyway... check out www.normalbobsmith.com

This poor bastard's being crucified (heh) and harassed for his Jesus Dress-Up fridge magnets, and now his website is threatened too, because of some frothing-at-the-mouth religious nuts. Because of all the publicity (and ensuing traffic), his host is going to shut him down -- he's looking for a deal, if anyone can help out.


This is a free speech issue, and I hope you, my pornographer friends, will help however you can -- if nothing else, by writing to this asshole at Laptop Lobbyist and/or Urban Outfitters. Or buying a fridge magnet... anything...

The news report that started the whole firestorm not only chose to do so riding on the crest of publicity for "The Passion of the Christ," but didn't even have the fucking integrity and sense of fair play to display the URL of Jesus Dress-Up. I mean, really... the least you can do in return for loosing the rabid Christians on the guy is to mention his goddamned website, which he's had up for FOUR YEARS! If he's got to take the inevitable heat, at least throw the guy a bone and give him a plug for fuck's sake.

What's really ironic is that the same people who want Bob's fridge magnets removed from the shelves of UO stores are probably flocking to retailers to pay their $20 for an official "Passion" pendant, replicas of the nails driven into Jesus at his crucifixion. What the fuck kind of sick shit is that? Yet these creepy, blood-thirsty bastards have the balls to flip out about a CARTOON?

03-30-2004, 02:28 AM
Originally posted by Rox@Mar 30 2004, 01:39 AM

I came in here to say hi, and tell you about someone who'd be a great radio guest... Looks like Rjames would be a good pick too!

Anyway... check out www.normalbobsmith.com

This poor bastard's being crucified (heh) and harassed for his Jesus Dress-Up fridge magnets, and now his website is threatened too, because of some frothing-at-the-mouth religious nuts. Because of all the publicity (and ensuing traffic), his host is going to shut him down -- he's looking for a deal, if anyone can help out.


This is a free speech issue, and I hope you, my pornographer friends, will help however you can -- if nothing else, by writing to this asshole at Laptop Lobbyist and/or Urban Outfitters. Or buying a fridge magnet... anything...

The news report that started the whole firestorm not only chose to do so riding on the crest of publicity for "The Passion of the Christ," but didn't even have the fucking integrity and sense of fair play to display the URL of Jesus Dress-Up. I mean, really... the least you can do in return for loosing the rabid Christians on the guy is to mention his goddamned website, which he's had up for FOUR YEARS! If he's got to take the inevitable heat, at least throw the guy a bone and give him a plug for fuck's sake.

What's really ironic is that the same people who want Bob's fridge magnets removed from the shelves of UO stores are probably flocking to retailers to pay their $20 for an official "Passion" pendant, replicas of the nails driven into Jesus at his crucifixion. What the fuck kind of sick shit is that? Yet these creepy, blood-thirsty bastards have the balls to flip out about a CARTOON?
That dude is truely fucked up....

Might as well keep up our theme of evil I say! Got a way to get in touch with this guy?

I wonder what he buys on Ebay?

03-30-2004, 02:44 AM
Rjames, LOL
oops, freudian slip :rolleyes:

Rox, good to see you!

what a joke!!

any hosts here interested in taking on a client with potential huge free speech publicity?!?!?

we'd love to have him as a guest Rox, have him drop by ...

03-30-2004, 02:46 AM

03-30-2004, 11:13 AM
Good to see you too, CJ! When are you coming back to Hollyweird for a visit? I miss you, girl!!!

Gonzo, you can contact Bob at normalbobsmith dot com or through the Normal Bob Smith Yahoo! Group (http://groups.yahoo.com/group/TheNormalBobSmithGroup)

A message from Bob (this morning):

From: Bob@N...
Date: Tue Mar 30, 2004 6:48 am
Subject: And down she goes.

I would like to make it clear that without the web host that I had
there would never have been a site. WebCast1.com contributed their
hosting service to me for more than 3 years because they support the
cause (and they still do). But now they are being threatened with
digital terrorism (I just received the notice from them minutes ago).

You already know who's responsible for this:
Laptop Lobbyist
Million Moms/Million Dads
American Family Assoc.

Let there be no doubt that I'm on this, and the site will be back.

Normal Bob Smith

PS. Fire Bush

I've written to Bob and told him to get in touch with you guys.



We will be staging a protest outside of Urban Outfitters 1627 Walnut
St. Philadelphia, PA (midtown Philly) Sunday, April 4th 3:30pm. I will
be coming with a camera crew, photographers and friends. We will be
contacting the local NBC news station (where this all began) and we
will be protesting the discontinuing of the Jesus Dress Up magnets. Be
there and let your voice be heard! This is no joke, so come with signs,
people, loud voices and energy. It'll be fun!

I don't think it's insignificant that religious parody is being painted with the same brush as porn, and by the same "godly" groups. AGAIN.

Does anybody remember Larry Flynt's being harassed for a parody of Jerry Falwell in Hustler? I do. This is exactly the same issue. Larry was within his rights to parody Falwell, a living, breathing human being... is Normal Bob not within HIS rights to make sport of Jesus, who is at best a long-dead prophet and at worst a mythical hero who never really existed in the flesh at all?

This is America. Nothing is sacred, and most of us like it that way. :salute:

(edit because I fucked up the I tags!)

Last edited by Rox at Mar 30 2004, 08:22 AM

03-30-2004, 03:46 PM
wow, two of my favorite "net babes" in the same thread ;-)

my wife and I have the cheap version of those cyberdildonics things...we got a couple of att wireless phones, put them in our pants, set them to vibrate and call each other (and since we get free cell to cell calling, it doesn't cost us....

03-30-2004, 04:15 PM
laptoplobbyist.com are idiots

and they won't accept my anonymous call :P

03-30-2004, 08:39 PM
Originally posted by SykkBoy@Mar 30 2004, 12:54 PM
my wife and I have the cheap version of those cyberdildonics things...we got a couple of att wireless phones, put them in our pants, set them to vibrate and call each other (and since we get free cell to cell calling, it doesn't cost us....
I'm serious about the "Wireless cell phone panties" idea, btw.

The technology is more sophisticated than you think - way beyond the original cyber dildonics thing; and goes farther than just sex toys.

It's a question of getting support from the big wireless carriers. You can control the existing Sinulator product from a palm pilot with a wireless modem, or anything that has a connection to the internet.

Basically, control any mechanical device from anything that can connect to the Internet, with no downloadable application involved - that's the concept. The applications are virtually unlimited. This is not what people have been seeing around here and there, off and on; just because a vibrator is at the end of the receiver.

BTW, I have nothing against Jesus Magnets. But I still like the idea of the "Norman Bates Roach Motel" better :yowsa:

I thought of it years before it was an SNL skit.

03-31-2004, 12:19 AM
Rjames, this statement is exciting as hell:

>Basically, control any mechanical device from anything that can connect to the Internet, with no downloadable application involved - that's the concept.

the technology is awesome, it boggles my mind trying to think of all of the potential products & marketing

i just have to question one thing about your site ...

>C.J.'s Toy Room


and she's pissing too!!!!



03-31-2004, 12:22 AM
Originally posted by cj@Mar 31 2004, 12:27 AM
Rjames, this statement is exciting as hell:

>Basically, control any mechanical device from anything that can connect to the Internet, with no downloadable application involved - that's the concept.

the technology is awesome, it boggles my mind trying to think of all of the potential products & marketing

i just have to question one thing about your site ...

>C.J.'s Toy Room


and she's pissing too!!!!


Dman better take a towen when you boneing out one of those!

03-31-2004, 12:31 AM
and i forgot to shave! :o

03-31-2004, 12:36 AM
Originally posted by cj@Mar 31 2004, 12:39 AM
and i forgot to shave! :o
Now aint that a pisser!