View Full Version : Open Reply to Gonzo re: TRO

03-25-2004, 10:09 PM
Gonzo, you didn't serve me shit! The TRO was published in a Marina del Rey newspaper, and the papers were mailed to the MDR address. Don't take any credit for your stupid tricks.

Gonzo, you have derived a lot of attention because of my big mouth. You can't do a damn thing on your own, so you grab hold of anyone who has some claim to fame, and you tag along.

Hams should have the right to call the show. They know the guest...you don't. You pretend you know all - see all, and you are just a poor dumb bastard who doesn't have a life.

CJ said I was welcome to call. Do you want a one-sided show? You just said that Oprano was different from the other radio shows because there is no censorship on your show. WHAT A CROCK OF BULLSHIT!

The only name-calling I plan to dish out is to you for being such a backstabbing fucker! The only reason you have a show to promote is because of me. Must I start a survey as to whether I should be allowed to ask my questions?

Backing down and hiding under a rock isn't your style. Correct the problem or live with the reputation of being a sell-out Oprano moderator.

Gonzo, were you behind the tainted groceries delivered to the Marina del Rey residence? Do you know that a federal law was violated? Better contact your attorney, big brave bullshitter!

Cj ------------help! :rokk:

03-25-2004, 10:22 PM
One of the rare moments I agree with you Confucy - if the show is going to be about you, then you should be able to call in and defend yourself.

On the other hand, you've been presenting your side of the case for years, literally, and had quite a long presentation about it on Darren's show.

Is that picture they posted of the woman in the glasses really you?

03-25-2004, 10:25 PM
don'tmind me, just getting the best sig position. carry on...

03-25-2004, 10:28 PM
Damn I need a sig.

Or a nice walk thru the marina.

03-25-2004, 10:37 PM
Carrie, I haven't opened a door to a stranger in the past ten years due to ham radio nutcases. Along came the internet, and the situation got more dangerous. Pictures have been taken of myself, friends, and family coming and going from the Marina del Rey location for years. Isn't it something that the ugliest picture of all was selected to be me. If I posted a current picture of myself, nobody would believe it is real. It's a no-win situation.

I have been getting my ass kicked for the past four years on ham radio. Whenever I tried to defend myself, the hams changed my posts or destroyed my weak radio signal. I came to Oprano because I knew Serge would allow me to rant and rave and try to tell my side. Sure, I made a fool of myself, but I was very angry.

I don't know if I ever thanked Serge & Mike on the Oprano Board for allowing me to post all my craziness on Oprano. If not, then I am taking the opportunity to say *thank you* now.

It really doesn't matter whether I am allowed to ask my questions next week. What does botter me if that Gonzo is backing down. He has told me that I didn't have the balls to show up in court. He doesn't know the facts. I was told on the last Oprano Radio Show that I was welcome. Now I'm not. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

We'll see. Damn it Serge! Get your butt back in the USA and back me up!

03-25-2004, 10:42 PM
Originally posted by confucy@Mar 25 2004, 10:45 PM
He has told me that I didn't have the balls to show up in court. He doesn't know the facts.
Hi Confucy :) :yowsa:

So, what's the facts jack ??

03-25-2004, 10:44 PM

Well confucy has posted her side of the story for quite some time now so Mitnick should be able to get equal time (He could have recently)

What about this, let Mitnick do the show by himself tell his side and say what he would like to express .....

... until the last 10 minutes and then open it up to confucy for a little point counterpoint- if that is acceptable to Mitnick

Whadda ya think?

03-25-2004, 10:48 PM
Hey I can come over to your house and interview you for the show if you like, I dont leave for Phoenix til Wednesday.

I'm also looking for a good place to board my dogs while I'm gone, you have any suggestions, confucy?

03-25-2004, 10:48 PM
Originally posted by confucy@Mar 25 2004, 10:17 PM
Gonzo, you didn't serve me shit! The TRO was published in a Marina del Rey newspaper, and the papers were mailed to the MDR address. Don't take any credit for your stupid tricks.

Gonzo, you have derived a lot of attention because of my big mouth. You can't do a damn thing on your own, so you grab hold of anyone who has some claim to fame, and you tag along.

Hams should have the right to call the show. They know the guest...you don't. You pretend you know all - see all, and you are just a poor dumb bastard who doesn't have a life.

CJ said I was welcome to call. Do you want a one-sided show? You just said that Oprano was different from the other radio shows because there is no censorship on your show. WHAT A CROCK OF BULLSHIT!

The only name-calling I plan to dish out is to you for being such a backstabbing fucker! The only reason you have a show to promote is because of me. Must I start a survey as to whether I should be allowed to ask my questions?

Backing down and hiding under a rock isn't your style. Correct the problem or live with the reputation of being a sell-out Oprano moderator.

Gonzo, were you behind the tainted groceries delivered to the Marina del Rey residence? Do you know that a federal law was violated? Better contact your attorney, big brave bullshitter!

Cj ------------help! :rokk:
See what I mean?

Youve always been confused on your rights and shit.
Ill state it one more time its Kevin's turn he had no rebuttal when you called in to your momma Lee Noga. Your not the guest Kevin is.

No hams either this is an adult industry show and I told you last week Im not taking any calls from outside the industry. Go get you a feed from Bishop and take all the ham calls you want.

As for your Albertson's groceries delivery... if you have any proof that I had anything to do with that I suggest that you have Clarke file charges.
I trust you have my address since youve threatened me with C&D's before.

03-25-2004, 10:48 PM
Originally posted by Vick@Mar 25 2004, 10:52 PM

Well confucy has posted her side of the story for quite some time now so Mitnick should be able to get equal time (He could have recently)

What about this, let Mitnick do the show by himself tell his side and say what he would like to express .....

... until the last 10 minutes and then open it up to confucy for a little point counterpoint- if that is acceptable to Mitnick

Whadda ya think?
I'm more interested in axing Gonzo about the TRO he said he "personally" served to Confucy...

But, looks like Gonzo locked the thread before the question could be axed...


Kevin should get some open air time to state his case without any questions from anyone.

But shutting down questions from "certain" individuals seems wrong some how, almost like a republican thing, ya know .... :rolleyes:

03-25-2004, 10:49 PM
who in the fuck is going to serve you with anything? the closest he wanted to be was to put it in the newspaper in your town. he probably did that via the web from the other side of the country and through multiple proxy servers at that just to put as much distance between himself and YOU.

who could blame him.


03-25-2004, 10:51 PM
Originally posted by gonzo@Mar 25 2004, 10:56 PM
Youve always been confused on your rights and shit.
Ill state it one more time its Kevin's turn he had no rebuttal when you called in to your momma Lee Noga. Your not the guest Kevin is.

As for your Albertson's groceries delivery... if you have any proof that I had anything to do with that I suggest that you have Clarke file charges.
I trust you have my address since youve threatened me with C&D's before.
But did Lee say specifically that Kevin could not call in ? Or did he just miss the opportunity?

And "Albertson's" and "tainted groceries" ? what is that about ?

expired minds want to know..... :yowsa:

03-25-2004, 10:51 PM
Sarettah, do you remember when Brad and KK split? Attorneys jumped into the middle of it, and the parties to the lawsuit were told to shut up. I find myself in a similar situation.

Gonzo said that "the show is intended for closure on this matter." WHAT? SINCE WHEN HAS GONZO WANTED CLOSURE TO A SITUATION THAT HAS HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH HIM FROM DAY ONE!

I am the one who wants CLOSURE. How can I have closure when I have a TRO staring me in the face. My right to free speech has been eliminated. If all agree that both parties will be heard, then everyone can say what they please, with no name-calling, and then possibly some CLOSURE can take place.

Life isn't simple, but the answer to this radio show is! Certain people are making it difficult to suit their needs. WHATEVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

03-25-2004, 10:55 PM
this thread suddenly smells like fried chicken and biscuits and gravy with bacon and eggs on the side


03-25-2004, 10:58 PM
Sarettah, ask Gonzo about the *groceries!* He continues to mention them at every opportunity. If he wasn't involved, how come he knows about the delivery?

The radio show where I spoke was not about me. Lee Noga announced that she was soon to become Sister Lee. I called Darren's radio show to congratulate Lee. It was the first and last time I have called a live radio show. Darren got all excited about having the two of us on his show. It was unplanned. I should have shut up and hung up after saying hi to Lee. It felt like THIS IS YOUR LIFE, CONFUCY, YOU DUMB BITCH!

Hind sight is so wonderful!

Bad Bad Pic. Even the gorilla pic was better.

03-25-2004, 11:02 PM
Confucy, do you in fact have a restraining order?
Because if you do, that would probably keep you from calling in whether Gonzo allowed it or not.

Psst - Gonzo you should quit saying "non adult industry people"... Kevin is non adult industry, lol

Hell Puppy
03-25-2004, 11:04 PM
Originally posted by confucy@Mar 25 2004, 11:06 PM

Bad Bad Pic. Even the gorilla pic was better.
Send a better one then...a pic of you holding the TRO would be classic.

03-25-2004, 11:09 PM
Originally posted by confucy@Mar 25 2004, 11:06 PM
Sarettah, ask Gonzo about the *groceries!* He continues to mention them at every opportunity. If he wasn't involved, how come he knows about the delivery?

The radio show where I spoke was not about me. Lee Noga announced that she was soon to become Sister Lee. I called Darren's radio show to congratulate Lee. It was the first and last time I have called a live radio show. Darren got all excited about having the two of us on his show. It was unplanned. I should have shut up and hung up after saying hi to Lee. It felt like THIS IS YOUR LIFE, CONFUCY, YOU DUMB BITCH!

Hind sight is so wonderful!

Bad Bad Pic. Even the gorilla pic was better.
And like I always say....if you think I have anything to do with that Albertsons Grocery delivery when your in marina Del Rey and Im in Atlanta and a white man then I suggest you have Clarke draw up some federal papers....cuz I needs to be served.

I also have [along with a lot of stuff in prep for the show] a copy of that interview. I can certainly put it up where everyone can listen and see how long you congradualted Lee on being a sister. and decide for themselves.

I got you a simple solution though since Im a fair guy. Since your boss Lew DePayne out there in his own private Idaho isnt under a TRO you can certainly have him call on your behalf.

I mean really thats the true core of what this is all about.

We are all tired of hearing from the puppet. Lets hear from The Man!

Of course ya know the day before on Monday you can show up and exercise your freedom of speech and have that order lifted at that hearing. Or are you going to claim your living comfortably in Texar/Indiana coming to a us live from a Kinkos outta Marina Del Rey?

03-25-2004, 11:11 PM
Carrie, I don't officially have an attorney representing me.

Therefore, I called Donald Randolph, who represents the other party. I asked him if I would be violating a TRO if I spoke on the radio show. He didn't return my call.

I have questions to ask which others gave to me. If I can't ask them, then the other parties may call the show. Banning the hams is censorship, once again.

What doesn't seem right is that big mouth Gonzo posts from the hip like John Wayne, and then he receives a mysterious phone call, and suddenly he no longer wants me on the radio show.

Sure thing, Gonzo. I am an adult webmaster, and I can prove it. You are going from board to board and radio show to radio show hyping your big hacker show. What the fuck does your show have to do with the adult business?

Tell us, Gonzo. You have an audience waiting to hear what story you come up with next. The shit is oozing from your ears. Better pull up that mink coat and plug them shut. :unsure:

03-25-2004, 11:12 PM
Originally posted by Carrie@Mar 25 2004, 11:10 PM

Psst - Gonzo you should quit saying "non adult industry people"... Kevin is non adult industry, lol
Your proving out CJ's point to be correct. Shall I wax the chair for you a 2nd week?

Get for real...of course shes under a TRO. It was posted here pay a little more attention if your gonna wade in.

03-25-2004, 11:13 PM
now this thread smells like Krispy Creme doughnuts and pizza with extra meat and cheese with several baskets of deep fried cheese sticks.

03-25-2004, 11:16 PM
Gonzo, I have been asked by many hams and by many webmasters...WHY IS THIS GONZO PERSON INVOLVED?

And my reply is: because he has no life!

Here is your chance to explain to the Oprano users why you have seen fit to interfere with a fight that has absolutely nothing to do with you.

Poor Gonzo. Always a backseat driver! :purpdance:

03-25-2004, 11:18 PM
now this thread smells like a horse farted.

03-25-2004, 11:20 PM
Originally posted by confucy@Mar 25 2004, 11:19 PM
Banning the hams is censorship, once again.

What doesn't seem right is that big mouth Gonzo posts from the hip like John Wayne.......
No, it's not censorship

It's GonZo and CJ's show so they can do what they please, it is a forum provided by Oprano and AEBN.
Not tax dollars or grants so the hosts can do what ever they like

and I like the from the hip style

03-25-2004, 11:21 PM
Originally posted by Vick+Mar 25 2004, 08:28 PM--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Vick @ Mar 25 2004, 08:28 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteBegin--confucy@Mar 25 2004, 11:19 PM
Banning the hams is censorship, once again.

What doesn't seem right is that big mouth Gonzo posts from the hip like John Wayne.......
No, it's not censorship

It's GonZo and CJ's show so they can do what they please, it is a forum provided by Oprano and AEBN.
Not tax dollars or grants so the hosts can do what ever they like

and I like the from the hip style[/b][/quote]
apparently it is only censorship when you stop a stalking, psycho, bi-polar, delusional and megalomaniacal trailer bound cow from attacking people.

03-25-2004, 11:26 PM
did anyone try calling Animal Control? i can see some scared kid trying to sneak up on her with a dart gun, trying to get a clean shot.

poor kid.

03-25-2004, 11:27 PM
Vick, settle down.

It's fine to fire from the hip when you are John Wayne.

Gonzo is no FUCKING JOHN WAYNE. He is someone hired
by Oprano to stir up shit. The problem is, Gonzo doesn't
know horse-shit from human-shit. He gets all confused,
and ends up stirring his own private shit with a McDonald's
plastic spoon.

Gonzo gets his information from one source.


Gonzo is a gofer...a wannabe...a poor ignorant
bastard who has always wanted to be a "player!"

It's very sad. :zzz:

Hell Puppy
03-25-2004, 11:30 PM
Originally posted by JR@Mar 25 2004, 11:26 PM
now this thread smells like a horse farted.
Sorry, I had mexican....

03-25-2004, 11:30 PM
JR, I'm not here to throw insults back and forth.

You must be bored out of your head, and have
missed attacking me.

I made my point. I was invited to the show.
Now the invitation has been eliminated.

Hams aren't allowed to call. Only selected
individuals whose questions have been
screened are allowed to call.


03-25-2004, 11:32 PM

"Mitnick" is now replaced with "Gonzo"

how many times did you say "Gonzo" so far?

Gonzo, C O N F U C Y is stalking YOU!

03-25-2004, 11:35 PM
Originally posted by confucy@Mar 25 2004, 08:38 PM
JR, I'm not here to throw insults back and forth.

You must be bored out of your head, and have
missed attacking me.

I made my point. I was invited to the show.
Now the invitation has been eliminated.

Hams aren't allowed to call. Only selected
individuals whose questions have been
screened are allowed to call.

yes, i am bored.

bored and dissapointed knowing that you lay around your kitchen all day trying to suck the bacon grease out of the carpet while telling yourself and others that you are a hot, young girl who is "going out for a jog"

03-25-2004, 11:41 PM
This thread is taking a very disturbing turn :huh:

I'm starting to feel dirty just reading it

03-25-2004, 11:42 PM
Originally posted by confucy@Mar 25 2004, 11:59 PM
I am the one who wants CLOSURE.
Then why do you keep bringing this crap up?

YOU are the one who brought Kevin's name to the adult webmaster boards. YOU are the one who dared him to defend himself. YOU are the one who brought Darci's name on to the boards. YOU are the one who goes from board to board creating negative attention and then whining about it when you get it. YOU are the one who continues to come here and bring up Kevin.

You have been digging this big ol' hole all by yourself for all these years and now you get to sit in it. Stop making yourself look even more foolish complaining about your "rights", lol! :lol:

03-25-2004, 11:44 PM
Originally posted by confucy@Mar 25 2004, 07:59 PM
Sarettah, do you remember when Brad and KK split? Attorneys jumped into the middle of it, and the parties to the lawsuit were told to shut up. I find myself in a similar situation.
Lord but you are sick, you just cant resist. How many times a day do attorneys get involved in this business... oh wait, you don't have any real business that you've ever shown to be true... seriously Jackie, I'll be more than happy to stop by and interview you -- we can do it for a new web tv show that a friend of mine's starting, Oprano can sponsor if they like.

She'll bring the film crew, the cameras and mikes and so on, you'll choose what questions you want to answer or not, and we'll get the whole thing on tape. What do you think? We kayak in the marina at least twice a week, it's not a problem to stop by and see you.

Now, can you recommend a good kennel for the dogs while I'm in Phoenix? I'm counting on you here, don't let me down.

03-25-2004, 11:52 PM

03-26-2004, 12:22 AM
Sure Gonzo, wax up that virtual non-existant "chair" you've got for me. I'll be sure to rush right over and try it out.
I've got a better idea - how about you sit in it and explain why you've suddenly got a burr up your ass for me when I've done nothing to you or Oprano?

03-26-2004, 12:25 AM
Originally posted by Carrie@Mar 26 2004, 12:30 AM
Sure Gonzo, wax up that virtual non-existant "chair" you've got for me. I'll be sure to rush right over and try it out.
I've got a better idea - how about you sit in it and explain why you've suddenly got a burr up your ass for me when I've done nothing to you or Oprano?
Come set on the fat mans lap and I talk to ya!
I aint got no burr up my ass after you....now my partner and a few others...
ya gotta ask them.

03-26-2004, 12:34 AM
Bah, those are old long-standing burrs. They should be rubbed smooth by now.

If I sit on your lap do I get to pull your... beard? :P

03-26-2004, 12:40 AM
Originally posted by Carrie@Mar 26 2004, 12:42 AM
Bah, those are old long-standing burrs. They should be rubbed smooth by now.

If I sit on your lap do I get to pull your... beard? :P
Sure but its more fun if you pull my finger!

03-26-2004, 12:45 AM
Speaking of smelling farts... hehe

03-26-2004, 01:15 AM
Originally posted by confucy@Mar 25 2004, 10:59 PM
Sarettah, do you remember when Brad and KK split? Attorneys jumped into the middle of it, and the parties to the lawsuit were told to shut up. I find myself in a similar situation.
What happened and who paid the Attorney fees ??

Did Brad piss in your groceries ??

03-26-2004, 02:06 AM
cheers Confucy :rokk:

03-26-2004, 02:32 AM
:zzz: :zzz: :zzz: :zzz: :zzz:

03-26-2004, 02:38 AM
Originally posted by slavdogg+Mar 25 2004, 10:23 PM--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (slavdogg @ Mar 25 2004, 10:23 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteBegin--confucy@Mar 25 2004, 10:59 PM
Sarettah, do you remember when Brad and KK split? Attorneys jumped into the middle of it, and the parties to the lawsuit were told to shut up. I find myself in a similar situation.
What happened and who paid the Attorney fees ??

Did Brad piss in your groceries ??[/b][/quote]
LOL slav, only the lawyers profit when they get involved. And no, he might have rained on my parade a time or two but I don't recall any pissing in the groceries ;)

03-26-2004, 03:38 AM
LOL, Kimmy i dont care about your groceries, i was asking about Confucy's :D

03-26-2004, 06:47 AM
Confucy, about you saying that HAMs should be allowed to call in, as well as you, please allow me to express my thoughts on this subject.
Before I came to Oprano (Thanks to Gonz for dragging me over here) I had never heard of you......
KM's sainted Uncle
or any of KMs other sainted relatives or yours.
This I feel is significant because 'hacking' used to be of particular interest to me. I have nothing to do with it now and haven't for years, but I did pay a lot of attention to what was going on. a script kiddie i never was. What does interest me, and has for the past 4+ years is the adult industry, again, I paid as much attention as I was able, in order to learn. I avoided all webmaster boards for the majority of that time because
to be quite honest
I lived in a dark cave in oHIo and thought boards were for......
and you'll love this
name calling
jokes of the day
and other particularly useless bullshit.
I wanted to make money, and didn't see the connection between all that and my bottom line. I see it now.
My point being, I had never HEARD of any of this shit until you brought it to my, and by proxy the majority of the entire adult internet world's attention.
I did not know about it
I did not care about it
Now I know ALL about it
and I still don't care.
You have made this an adult internet issue (minimal) and this radio show is for adult internet business people
HAMs!? what could any HAM radio operator have to say that I, or any other adult webmaster, want to hear? seriously.....
Would I like to hear KM speak?
yes I would. Partly because of my ancient ties to the dark realm. Speaking to a master would be in a small way an honor........sort of.
If you have supporters, let them speak on your behalf, let them attack Gonzo for the blatant injustice your suffering. Let them eat up KM on the radio show. But you complaining on and on about it just sounds like what everyone else has been hearing for years. Do you not see that?
deal with it

Oh, on a final note. If that really isn't you in the posted pic PUHLEEEEEEEEZE post a real one, you'd be easier to hate if you were gorgeous!! :yowsa:


03-26-2004, 10:11 AM
Sigh... I don't know why but I always thought confucy would be some hot asian chick!! :P

03-26-2004, 11:00 AM

Very good post. Thank you for proving that webmasters on Oprano can be open and express their views without attacking.

I don't want any confrontations with anyone on the upcoming radio show. If Gonzo had told me...YOU ARE NOT WELCOME, I would have accepted his decision. However, I and the other party have been hams for a very long time. Ham radio was a big part of my life for many years. Some of my ham friends work in the adult business. So why should they be banned from calling the show?

As I pointed out several posts ago, I have never called radio shows, other than the one time I called Darren Austin's show. I listen to many, and I go to the chatrooms for the shows, but I have been content to be in the audience. Darren invited anyone who wanted to call his show...to call! As far as I know, nobody called or wrote to Darren requesting *equal air time!*

People have sent me questions to ask on the show. My personal questions have mostly been asked and answered, so the only thing that leaves a nasty taste in my mouth is the fact that somebody has gotten to Gonzo and told him I cannot ask my questions. I welcome closure. I'm tired of the fighting. I'm tired of having my phones bugged and my email read by outside sources. Nobody deserves to have their rights violated in this manner.

My beef is with Gonzo. He has no power. Serge told me in email that OPRANO DOES NOT CENSOR. Okay! If that is true, why is Gonzo censoring me after inviting me to call the show? We all know what is happening here. I don't know of one radio show show that wouldn't want all sides to be heard. My God! This is the world of porn. Porn people whine and bitch every day about how the government discriminates against the porn industry. Ashcroft is crucified on every board because he is coming down hard on webmasters in porn.

Gonzo is a hypocrite. He could have dropped this subject months ago, but he instigated negativity and has been riding my ass long before I talked about hams and hackers. Gonzo spits out venom and he doesn't verify what he says. I know of no other board that allows their moderators to attack users. Didn't Amputate get banned or fired from GFY because of being out-of-control? Boards set standards for their mods, or at least they should.

03-26-2004, 11:13 AM
Confucy, how about you post those questions here, and then CJ can make sure that they get posed to Kevin during the show.

03-26-2004, 11:52 AM
Originally posted by Carrie@Mar 26 2004, 11:21 AM
Confucy, how about you post those questions here, and then CJ can make sure that they get posed to Kevin during the show.
Because she thinks if she stirs up enough shit on here that it will somehow keep Kevin off the radio.

I tell you what Jackie you can come directly head to head on the radio with all of us....just show up in court Monday and have the restraining order dropped. Fuck then you dont need to come on the radio at all. You can talk directly face to face...flesh to flesh live with Kevin.

Then none of us will have to be involved and all of this will go away. Restraning order decided in a court of law....you prove that the picture is not you... you collect 21K cash because that picture is not you. Everything solved and you dont have to deal with any of us ever again!

Hell then you dont have to come on here anymore and the whole matter is dropped and over. You win becasue youve been telling the truth the entire time and Ill be the first to vigoriously make a public apology.

And Im sure the cameras onhand will capture the entire event and make us all look like fools.

So its all in your court. Go to court Monday and the your problems disolve and we all look like treacherous lying fools. None of us asked to be involved with this in the first place. We all know that Lew Payne is the puppeteer that caused this from the beginning.

03-26-2004, 12:05 PM
Hasn't she admitted that was a picture of her?

She just considers it a bad picture

Fuck Patrick Lichfield couldn't do anything with that subject

03-26-2004, 12:08 PM
Originally posted by Nickatilynx@Mar 26 2004, 12:13 PM
Hasn't she admitted that was a picture of her?

She just considers it a bad picture

Fuck Patrick Lichfield couldn't do anything with that subject
Yup she admitted it in the radio chat room 2 weeks ago...let her call bullshit and see who pops up remembering it.

She also forgets she could have ended this months ago in small claims court as well. She chooses to not to settle it where it should have been done in the first place in a court of law.

Tell it to the judge.

03-26-2004, 12:12 PM
After the radio show:

1.) Will confucy be banned
2.) Will Mitnick be active on Oprano?
3.) Will we just let this drop

I hope its a "yes" to all three.

03-26-2004, 12:15 PM
Originally posted by gonzo+Mar 26 2004, 09:00 AM--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (gonzo @ Mar 26 2004, 09:00 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteBegin--Carrie@Mar 26 2004, 11:21 AM
Confucy, how about you post those questions here, and then CJ can make sure that they get posed to Kevin during the show.
Because she thinks if she stirs up enough shit on here that it will somehow keep Kevin off the radio.

I tell you what Jackie you can come directly head to head on the radio with all of us....just show up in court Monday and have the restraining order dropped. Fuck then you dont need to come on the radio at all. You can talk directly face to face...flesh to flesh live with Kevin.

Then none of us will have to be involved and all of this will go away. Restraning order decided in a court of law....you prove that the picture is not you... you collect 21K cash because that picture is not you. Everything solved and you dont have to deal with any of us ever again!

Hell then you dont have to come on here anymore and the whole matter is dropped and over. You win becasue youve been telling the truth the entire time and Ill be the first to vigoriously make a public apology.

And Im sure the cameras onhand will capture the entire event and make us all look like fools.

So its all in your court. Go to court Monday and the your problems disolve and we all look like treacherous lying fools. None of us asked to be involved with this in the first place. We all know that Lew Payne is the puppeteer that caused this from the beginning.[/b][/quote]

That is all. She won't doit Gonzo, but that's a generous offer :)

03-26-2004, 12:21 PM
Now THAT is one hell of an offer!!
And so easy to do, too :okthumb:

03-26-2004, 12:21 PM
Originally posted by LadyMischief@Mar 26 2004, 12:23 PM

That is all. She won't doit Gonzo, but that's a generous offer :)
Then that is a shame...
That picture really honestly makes me feel sad. The person there has had a very hard life its its quite pitiful.

After all that and the current course of events....involving oprano or not... someone could end up broke and dying in jail. I dont wish that on anyone.

03-26-2004, 12:29 PM
Originally posted by Carrie@Mar 26 2004, 12:29 PM
Now THAT is one hell of an offer!!
And so easy to do, too :okthumb:
Leaves the entire weekend open to line up a ride from the guy across the hall that works on your computer too!

I bet KK would give her a ride.

03-26-2004, 12:48 PM
Originally posted by Nickatilynx@Mar 26 2004, 07:13 PM
Hasn't she admitted that was a picture of her?

She just considers it a bad picture

Fuck Patrick Lichfield couldn't do anything with that subject
Mind you I'd never admint to the pic of a guy wearing an ugly woman suit being mine either....


03-26-2004, 12:52 PM
Originally posted by gonzo+Mar 26 2004, 01:00 PM--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (gonzo @ Mar 26 2004, 01:00 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>Originally posted by -Carrie@Mar 26 2004, 11:21 AM
Confucy, how about you post those questions here, and then CJ can make sure that they get posed to Kevin during the show.
Because she thinks if she stirs up enough shit on here that it will somehow keep Kevin off the radio.

I tell you what Jackie you can come directly head to head on the radio with all of us....just show up in court Monday and have the restraining order dropped. Fuck then you dont need to come on the radio at all. You can talk directly face to face...flesh to flesh live with Kevin.

Then none of us will have to be involved and all of this will go away. Restraning order decided in a court of law....you prove that the picture is not you... you collect 21K cash because that picture is not you. Everything solved and you dont have to deal with any of us ever again!

Hell then you dont have to come on here anymore and the whole matter is dropped and over. You win becasue youve been telling the truth the entire time and Ill be the first to vigoriously make a public apology.

And Im sure the cameras onhand will capture the entire event and make us all look like fools.

So its all in your court. Go to court Monday and the your problems disolve and we all look like treacherous lying fools. None of us asked to be involved with this in the first place. We all know that Lew Payne is the puppeteer that caused this from the beginning.[/b]
Perfect :) That's an offer she shouldn't refuse.

<!--QuoteBegin--Nickatilynx@Mar 26 2004, 01:20 PM
After the radio show:

1.) Will confucy be banned
2.) Will Mitnick be active on Oprano?
3.) Will we just let this drop

I hope its a "yes" to all three.[/quote]


03-26-2004, 01:13 PM
Gonzo, you are not me. You choose to believe only one side.

There are others I must consider at this time. Nobody will ever be paid one dollar, let alone thousands....$21,000, sure! The battle would continue, and nobody would come out a winner. I am tired of being your poster child. Find another one.

Why are you so concerned with court appearances and legal matters? These affairs do not involve you, Gonzo. Why do you continue to bring up Lew Payne? You know nothing about him, yet you blame him for so many things. He is innocent. I am innocent. I don't give a damn what you think about me.

I had not posted for a long time. You are the one who invited me to the radio show. You are now the one who is refusing me a voice. You are the one who make the CLOSED POST about my not being allowed to ask my questions.

Carrie, I will give the questions to others or email them to CJ...not Gonzo. I don't trust him. He doesn't care about my welfare. He has treated me with disrespect from the first time he posted. I didn't start the fight with Gonzo. He jumped on my band wagon and harassed me on Oprano because nobody gives a shit about what he has to say, and those who love to hate me create lots of traffic for Oprano.

Hate away, and take your radio show with you. I have said what I wanted to say.

Bye Bye Gonzo! :bwave:

03-26-2004, 01:52 PM
Told ya....

03-26-2004, 01:56 PM
Originally posted by confucy@Mar 26 2004, 10:21 AM
I am innocent.


03-26-2004, 01:57 PM
Originally posted by JR+Mar 26 2004, 03:04 PM--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (JR @ Mar 26 2004, 03:04 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteBegin--confucy@Mar 26 2004, 10:21 AM
I am innocent.
FREE CONFUCY![/b][/quote]
(this just begs for a photoshopped t-shirt.......)

03-26-2004, 02:00 PM
Dunno. Someone might think we're giving it away. :o

03-26-2004, 02:01 PM
Originally posted by Dravyk@Mar 26 2004, 03:08 PM
Dunno. Someone might think we're giving it away. :o
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

03-26-2004, 02:02 PM
Originally posted by JR+Mar 26 2004, 02:04 PM--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (JR @ Mar 26 2004, 02:04 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteBegin--confucy@Mar 26 2004, 10:21 AM
I am innocent.

FREE CONFUCY![/b][/quote]

03-26-2004, 02:40 PM
Originally posted by confucy@Mar 26 2004, 10:21 AM
Gonzo, you are not me. You choose to believe only one side.

There are others I must consider at this time. Nobody will ever be paid one dollar, let alone thousands....$21,000, sure! The battle would continue, and nobody would come out a winner. I am tired of being your poster child. Find another one.

Why are you so concerned with court appearances and legal matters? These affairs do not involve you, Gonzo. Why do you continue to bring up Lew Payne? You know nothing about him, yet you blame him for so many things. He is innocent. I am innocent. I don't give a damn what you think about me.

I had not posted for a long time. You are the one who invited me to the radio show. You are now the one who is refusing me a voice. You are the one who make the CLOSED POST about my not being allowed to ask my questions.

Carrie, I will give the questions to others or email them to CJ...not Gonzo. I don't trust him. He doesn't care about my welfare. He has treated me with disrespect from the first time he posted. I didn't start the fight with Gonzo. He jumped on my band wagon and harassed me on Oprano because nobody gives a shit about what he has to say, and those who love to hate me create lots of traffic for Oprano.

Hate away, and take your radio show with you. I have said what I wanted to say.

Bye Bye Gonzo! :bwave:
How much hate have you brought upon yourself by posting bullshit, woman? Not for ONE SECOND am I going to sit here and read this and think you are the victim. Take your crybaby story somewhere where everyone hasn't seen the cards you play. I've been the "victim" of your wonderful stereotypes, the bullshit conclusions you draw with absolutely no knowledge whatsoever of the facts. Were I another person, I would probably hate you for some of the hateful things you said to me. However, I cannot find it in my heart to hate those who obviously can't tell wrong from right, are mentally unstable, are delusional, whatever the reason. I feel pity for them.

But on the same account, I cannot feel sorry for you for the way people feel about you, because every time you spit out your vitriol with someone else's name attached to it, you put another nail in your own coffin. Honestly, I think you would have a lot more sympathy to your cause, many more people willing to believe you the victim, if perhaps you weren't so busy... almost OBSESSIVE, about finding ways to be vicious and hurt people. You're going to prove me right again by finding some vile thing to say about me after this post, or some insult you think might tweak my nose, might make me upset, might get the rise you so enjoy when you move your fingers over your keyboard. Like a disease you have in your heart that requires you to be destructive all the time. You must have had some horrible things happen to you in your life to have a spirit so marred and twisted and tainted. I pity that in you. As for your "victimization", well, you called it upon yourself. You made your bed of nails. I will hear what you say, I will give you pity, but do NOT expect sympathy when your bed of nails perforates your sorry ass, sister.

Last edited by LadyMischief at Mar 26 2004, 11:49 AM

03-26-2004, 03:19 PM
Mischief, I know how much you love to fight, but you will have to go to GFY and attack someone there. I am through with the insults. Something about me brings out all the anger and hate in people. By the way, congratulations on the little one.

The point of this thread was to express my disappointment that my major hater, Gonzo, is a sell-out. Gonzo has been told that I cannot appear on his radio show after he invited me.

CENSORSHIP! Sure, that is the right of Oprano to take back their invitation, but don't try to fool webmasters. A major non-porn person said I wasn't welcome.

In order to change the subject and take it back to confucy bullshit legal matters, the point of this thread has been left behind.

And Gonzo, you tell everyone that I am the queen of avoidance. Well, Mr. Rabbit Fur Coat Man, you are the one who changes the subject and refuses to give straight answers.


I'm still waiting to hear what CJ has to say. :agrin:

03-26-2004, 03:25 PM
Originally posted by confucy@Mar 26 2004, 12:27 PM
Mischief, I know how much you love to fight, but you will have to go to GFY and attack someone there. I am through with the insults. Something about me brings out all the anger and hate in people. By the way, congratulations on the little one.

The point of this thread was to express my disappointment that my major hater, Gonzo, is a sell-out. Gonzo has been told that I cannot appear on his radio show after he invited me.

CENSORSHIP! Sure, that is the right of Oprano to take back their invitation, but don't try to fool webmasters. A major non-porn person said I wasn't welcome.

In order to change the subject and take it back to confucy bullshit legal matters, the point of this thread has been left behind.

And Gonzo, you tell everyone that I am the queen of avoidance. Well, Mr. Rabbit Fur Coat Man, you are the one who changes the subject and refuses to give straight answers.


I'm still waiting to hear what CJ has to say. :agrin:
I'm sorry you took my post as an attack and not just a statement of truth as I see it. You also missed the point. Thanks for the congrats though.

You need to do a lot of self-searching I think, because you have a lot of healing to do.

Last edited by LadyMischief at Mar 26 2004, 12:34 PM

03-26-2004, 03:42 PM
Originally posted by LadyMischief+Mar 26 2004, 03:33 PM--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (LadyMischief @ Mar 26 2004, 03:33 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteBegin--confucy@Mar 26 2004, 12:27 PM
Mischief, I know how much you love to fight, but you will have to go to GFY and attack someone there. I am through with the insults. Something about me brings out all the anger and hate in people. By the way, congratulations on the little one.

The point of this thread was to express my disappointment that my major hater, Gonzo, is a sell-out. Gonzo has been told that I cannot appear on his radio show after he invited me.

CENSORSHIP! Sure, that is the right of Oprano to take back their invitation, but don't try to fool webmasters. A major non-porn person said I wasn't welcome.

In order to change the subject and take it back to confucy bullshit legal matters, the point of this thread has been left behind.

And Gonzo, you tell everyone that I am the queen of avoidance. Well, Mr. Rabbit Fur Coat Man, you are the one who changes the subject and refuses to give straight answers.


I'm still waiting to hear what CJ has to say. :agrin:
I'm sorry you took my post as an attack and not just a statement of truth as I see it. You also missed the point. Thanks for the congrats though.

You need to do a lot of self-searching I think, because you have a lot of healing to do.[/b][/quote]
I hear choline is good for the memory. Allow me to inject some....


03-26-2004, 04:36 PM
Originally posted by confucy@Mar 26 2004, 04:27 PM
Something about me brings out all the anger and hate in people.
Your words, perhaps? :unsure:

03-26-2004, 05:21 PM
Look you fuckers, doesn't anyone know of a good kennel in the Marina area????

03-26-2004, 05:34 PM
Originally posted by *KK*@Mar 26 2004, 04:29 PM
Look you fuckers, doesn't anyone know of a good kennel in the Marina area????
I'll euthanize them for you.

03-26-2004, 06:04 PM
Originally posted by *KK*@Mar 26 2004, 06:29 PM
Look you fuckers, doesn't anyone know of a good kennel in the Marina area????
Try a dog sitter. That's what I've been doing recently and the dogs are in SUCH better shape when I get back home. There's some group they have to be member of. When I go back downstairs I'll get my chick's info as I believe it references the group. :)

03-26-2004, 06:25 PM
Originally posted by *KK*@Mar 26 2004, 05:29 PM
Look you fuckers, doesn't anyone know of a good kennel in the Marina area????
One minute later...

http://www.gonzomovies.com/inherownedwords...freeconfucy.wav (http://www.gonzomovies.com/inherownedwords/freeconfucy.wav)

03-26-2004, 08:46 PM
Radio Show Update!!!

Under the advise of his lawyer Kevin will not be discussing or answering any questions about the Confucy debacle. We got plenty more to discuss about his relation to the adult industry.

03-26-2004, 08:47 PM
ohoh I know pick me pick me!

03-26-2004, 08:52 PM
Originally posted by LadyMischief@Mar 26 2004, 08:55 PM
ohoh I know pick me pick me!
Tim Burton's sister is a future show...

03-26-2004, 08:55 PM
Originally posted by gonzo+Mar 26 2004, 06:00 PM--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (gonzo @ Mar 26 2004, 06:00 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteBegin--LadyMischief@Mar 26 2004, 08:55 PM
ohoh I know pick me pick me!
Tim Burton's sister is a future show...[/b][/quote]

03-26-2004, 09:14 PM
Originally posted by gonzo@Mar 26 2004, 08:54 PM
Radio Show Update!!!

Under the advise of his lawyer Kevin will not be discussing or answering any questions about the Confucy debacle. We got plenty more to discuss about his relation to the adult industry.

That bites.

03-26-2004, 09:19 PM
Originally posted by Bishop+Mar 26 2004, 09:22 PM--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Bishop @ Mar 26 2004, 09:22 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteBegin--gonzo@Mar 26 2004, 08:54 PM
Radio Show Update!!!

Under the advise of his lawyer Kevin will not be discussing or answering any questions about the Confucy debacle. We got plenty more to discuss about his relation to the adult industry.

That bites.[/b][/quote]
Dont shoot the messenger. I just posted what I was told.
However...tune in anyhow. I give you my word as a Fat Fucking Nobody that it will be entertaining and informative.

03-26-2004, 09:22 PM
Originally posted by gonzo+Mar 26 2004, 09:27 PM--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (gonzo @ Mar 26 2004, 09:27 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>Originally posted by -Bishop@Mar 26 2004, 09:22 PM
<!--QuoteBegin--gonzo@Mar 26 2004, 08:54 PM
Radio Show Update!!!

Under the advise of his lawyer Kevin will not be discussing or answering any questions about the Confucy debacle. We got plenty more to discuss about his relation to the adult industry.

That bites.
Dont shoot the messenger. I just posted what I was told.
However...tune in anyhow. I give you my word as a Fat Fucking Nobody that it will be entertaining and informative.[/b][/quote]

I don't doubt that.. I imagine Kevin is a very interesting person. It would still be nice to get his take on his apparent stalker though.

03-26-2004, 09:30 PM
Originally posted by Bishop+Mar 26 2004, 09:30 PM--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Bishop @ Mar 26 2004, 09:30 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>Originally posted by -gonzo@Mar 26 2004, 09:27 PM
Originally posted by -Bishop@Mar 26 2004, 09:22 PM
<!--QuoteBegin--gonzo@Mar 26 2004, 08:54 PM
Radio Show Update!!!

Under the advise of his lawyer Kevin will not be discussing or answering any questions about the Confucy debacle. We got plenty more to discuss about his relation to the adult industry.

That bites.
Dont shoot the messenger. I just posted what I was told.
However...tune in anyhow. I give you my word as a Fat Fucking Nobody that it will be entertaining and informative.

I don't doubt that.. I imagine Kevin is a very interesting person. It would still be nice to get his take on his apparent stalker though.[/b][/quote]
You dont have a take on her by now?
Let me dig up some more audio.

03-26-2004, 10:45 PM
Originally posted by Nickatilynx@Mar 26 2004, 12:13 PM
Hasn't she admitted that was a picture of her?

She just considers it a bad picture

Fuck Patrick Lichfield couldn't do anything with that subject
I dunno ... I thought maybe she was a star.

I think she played an orc in "The Two Towers."

03-27-2004, 04:30 AM

Sorry, but I can't stop laughing.

Sometimes I love attorneys. If you would just shut your
fat fucking mouth and let the attorneys handle this
matter off the boards in private, people could get on
with their lives.

Gonzo, aren't you embarrassed? All this hype about
the big radio show. What big radio show????????

Oh shit! You are such a failure. The sound on your
radio show sucks. Do you really think that you have
something to say that we want to hear? You are a
nobody. CJ is carrying the damn show.

CJ, walk away while you can with your pride in
place. You deserve so much more than what you
are getting with this lowlife Gonzo. :okthumb:

:purpdance: :purpdance: :cdance: :cdance: :purpdance: :purpdance:

Hell Puppy
03-27-2004, 05:04 AM
All I wanna know is who the hell is taking care of Kimmy's dogs?

03-27-2004, 05:27 AM

Vick you'll appreciate this....

To Quote Rick Flair right before they made Sting the 4th Horseman...

03-27-2004, 07:22 AM
Originally posted by confucy@Mar 27 2004, 05:38 AM
Gonzo, aren't you embarrassed? All this hype about
the big radio show. What big radio show????????
Unfortunately for you, you aren't the show. Kevin is. You are not important in Kevin's life. You are a bug in his oatmeal that he's TRYING to get rid of but you refuse to leave.

Read the boards, Confucy. People are tired of this crap between you and Kevin. The people who have expressed interest in tuning in want to listen to KEVIN and hear him talk about KEVIN.

Kevin has moved forward in his life and is interesting. You are still living 10 years ago and are boring.

:purpdance: :purpdance: :cdance: :purpdance: :purpdance:

03-27-2004, 11:31 AM
Peaches, I have always moved forward in my life.
But thank you very much for being so concerned. :inlove:

Now, why don't you follow your own advice and move
forward with yours. Try harder to heal the wounds
between you and your mother and your son.

Dr. Laura's number is: 800-ASK-DRLAURA
:inlove: :inlove: :gbounce: :gbounce: :inlove: :inlove:

03-27-2004, 11:48 AM
Originally posted by confucy@Mar 27 2004, 12:39 PM
Peaches, I have always moved forward in my life.
But thank you very much for being so concerned. :inlove:

Now, why don't you follow your own advice and move
forward with yours. Try harder to heal the wounds
between you and your mother and your son.

Dr. Laura's number is: 800-ASK-DRLAURA
:inlove: :inlove: :gbounce: :gbounce: :inlove: :inlove:
What "wounds" would those be, lol?! :lol: :lol:

Again, Confucy - everyone is tired of your crap. It was fun for awhile to watch you melt down on a regular basis and everyone learned quickly what your pressure points were. You were always good for a laugh and a wager to see how fast we could get you to respond and to see how close we were with guessing what your response would be. :)

But it's old now. Maybe it was seeing what you looked like that made a lot of us feel like we were kicking a dead dog, but watching you do your predictable lashing out just isn't much sport these days. :(

Gonzo and cj's show with Kevin will be awesome. People will post on the chat board and even more will tune in to listen. As proof of how good it will be, I can guarantee you won't be able to make yourself not listen even though you profess to think it's a farce. :nyanya:

03-27-2004, 12:06 PM
My dear dear dear dear dear PEACHES!

The confucy bullshit would have died a long time ago
if you and Gonzo had gotten on with your lives. You
are both attention seekers. Since you cannot attract
enough people to your threads, you jump on mine.
You just love me so much that you want to be with
me every second you are on the boards, even when
scary pictures are posted which are ALLEGED to be

I didn't admit that the recent picture is mine. Do you
honestly think I would open a door looking like shit
and then smile at a stranger taking the photo? Dear
naive Peaches. Remember, I have been accused of

But you know what????? I'm beginning to like that
picture. It reminds me of the granny on Dumb &

Better yet is the picture of GONZO EATING CROW!

http://www.oprano.com/msgboard/index.php?a...29276104cdf1300 (http://www.oprano.com/msgboard/index.php?act=ST&f=1&t=10542&s=02a3ea0decc4baf2329276104cdf1300)

03-27-2004, 12:14 PM
Originally posted by confucy@Mar 27 2004, 01:14 PM
My dear dear dear dear dear PEACHES!

The confucy bullshit would have died a long time ago
if you and Gonzo had gotten on with your lives. You
are both attention seekers. Since you cannot attract
enough people to your threads, you jump on mine.
You just love me so much that you want to be with
me every second you are on the boards, even when
scary pictures are posted which are ALLEGED to be

I didn't admit that the recent picture is mine. Do you
honestly think I would open a door looking like shit
and then smile at a stranger taking the photo? Dear
naive Peaches. Remember, I have been accused of

But you know what????? I'm beginning to like that
picture. It reminds me of the granny on Dumb &

Better yet is the picture of GONZO EATING CROW!

http://www.oprano.com/msgboard/index.php?a...29276104cdf1300 (http://www.oprano.com/msgboard/index.php?act=ST&f=1&t=10542&s=02a3ea0decc4baf2329276104cdf1300)
And so your deluded fantasies continue....... :P

03-27-2004, 12:20 PM
Confucy, why not make yourself useful and find Kimmy a good place to kennel her dogs! :)

03-27-2004, 12:35 PM
Peaches, I have always moved forward in my life.


Those are pretty much the same words that any number of people have said just before launching into yet another tirade about how their [ex-boss, ex-spouse, ex-best friend, ex-whatever] did them wrong.

pa·thet·ic ( P ) Pronunciation Key (p-thtk) also pa·thet·i·cal (--kl)
1. Arousing or capable of arousing sympathetic sadness and compassion: “The old, rather shabby crone struck her as extraordinarily pathetic”
2. Arousing or capable of arousing scornful pity.

03-27-2004, 01:04 PM
Quick Quiz:

who is more successful in life right now, has a book, gets paid good money as a consultant and is generally content and happy and not bitching and complaining about his pathetic life story on porn message boards?

Kevin Mitnick?



03-27-2004, 01:04 PM
Originally posted by confucy@Mar 27 2004, 12:14 PM
I didn't admit that the recent picture is mine. Do you
honestly think I would open a door looking like shit
and then smile at a stranger taking the photo? Dear
naive Peaches. Remember, I have been accused of

Better yet is the picture of GONZO EATING CROW!

Actually you did admit it was you in the radio chat room.

Pitiful to pompous in less than 60 seconds. Just a lesson to everyone...I told ya so. "Hell hath no fury like the family."

As for crow...I think the plan is for a fine feast at Morton's in celebration of adult internet radio history. Its just a shame that CJ is oceans away.

At the risk of sounding repetative I can only say...."Whooooooo!"

03-27-2004, 01:07 PM

How ya doin' JR?
Making any money?
Getting laid?

Thought so, NEXT !! :rokk:

03-27-2004, 01:10 PM
Originally posted by confucy@Mar 27 2004, 10:15 AM

How ya doin' JR?
Making any money?
Getting laid?

Thought so, NEXT !! :rokk:
what did you say Butterhog?

03-27-2004, 01:13 PM
Gonzo, it's a wonder you haven't been MUZZLED
by now. You remind me of Rush Limbaugh. If
good old boy Rush didn't have famous politicians
and celebrities to attack, he would be stuck with
his drugs and his demons.

His coat is probably MINK, not some smelly rabbit

For someone who thinks I am a poor pathetic
loser, you sure do spend lots of time making me
famous. :yowsa:

03-27-2004, 01:13 PM
Originally posted by confucy@Mar 27 2004, 01:15 PM

How ya doin' JR?
Making any money?
Getting laid?

Thought so, NEXT !! :rokk:
Bill Goldburg....

My favorite is The Rock's...

"You bring the ass...."

03-27-2004, 01:19 PM
Originally posted by confucy@Mar 27 2004, 02:21 PM
For someone who thinks I am a poor pathetic
loser, you sure do spend lots of time making me
famous. :yowsa:
It's sad that you don't see the difference between someone making you famous and someone making fun of you for free entertainment. :(

Then again, negative attention is better than no attention at all, and since you have the looks to go with your personality, it's plain to see you're not going to get any attention any way except through negativity.

Like I've said before, if I gave a rat's ass about you, I'd do what I could to help you out as you are obviously in a VERY VERY bad place in your life. But as far as I'm concerned, the deep, dark, dank hole you have dug has been a singular effort on your part and I don't help people who refuse to help themselves.

I'm off to do what all us rednecks in the woods do - go to WalMart and the dump. Much better options than dealing with you on this beautiful day. :)

03-27-2004, 01:47 PM
Peaches, the day I take your advice is the day I jump off
a 15,000 foot mountain top.

Those who are genuinely concerned about me know that
what I say and do on Oprano is therapy. It's a
way of acting out my frustration and anger.

Boards have always been just a place to vent. Once in
a while you meet webmasters who actually want to do
some business. The problem is: WHO CAN YOU TRUST?
Nick? JoeE? Acacia? Gonzo? (oh shit, did I really mention
the fuck RABBIT MAN!!!)

Women like you are content to live in a log cabin and
pretend you are happy. The bitterness drips from your
fingertips every time you strike a key.

Since you are tied to my hip, the least you should do
is discover what is true and what is bullshit. You pat
yourself on the ass for being such a free spirit and a
seeker of truth. THEN FUCKING DO IT, PEACHES.

Get off your butt and check with people who know the
truth. Until you do, you will be just another broad who
bitches and moans on the boards just to entertain
yourself. To me, you have never had any credibility.
I lost respect for your opinions years ago. HAPPY

03-27-2004, 01:54 PM
Kimmy, I wasn't ignoring your request for a kennel.
I thought you were referring me to being the *dog
of the month* and you wanted to put me in a kennel.

What are you doing in Southern California? I thought
you loved Arizona. What has you in sunny Los Angeles?
I know dog owners. I will find you a kennel. :okthumb:

03-27-2004, 01:54 PM
An awful lot of words flowing from someone who has put it all behind her and moved on, methinks.

03-27-2004, 01:58 PM
Give me a break, Doggy.

Peaches and I like to play. No big thing.

When Peaches and Gonzo stop bringing up
my tirades from the past, we can move forward
together into the sunshine holding hands and
bringing forth light and happiness to Oprano. :inlove:

03-27-2004, 02:00 PM
Originally posted by confucy@Mar 27 2004, 10:55 AM
Peaches, the day I take your advice is the day I jump off
a 15,000 foot mountain top.


Trivia Time!

Confucy leaps from 15,000 feet.

Question 1: The energy generated by the impact of confucy jumping from 15,000 feet and plummeting to the ground would equal the explosive force of how many kilotons of explosives?

Question 2: How big would the crater be?

Question 3: From how far away would the impact be felt by other crazy stalkers?

03-27-2004, 02:11 PM
JR, my little Oprano fan!

Let's examine this stalker thing.

Would you say that a stalker follows someone on
the internet and makes untrue statements about
the person?

Would you say a stalker is someone who scares
an innocent person with derogatory caricatures and
negative campaigns of hate?

Would you say a stalker is someone who embarrasses
and attacks an innocent person who is not a public

Would you say a stalker is someone who introduces bullshit
false pictures and stories about someone he doesn't know?

Well, JR, I think you are the STALKER.

You are a venomous asshole who likes to belittle those you
don't like, don't know, and don't understand.

GET YOUR OWN SHOW, SCUMBAG! I heard you on the
radio. You are a meek mouse without your keyboard.
Play with Gonzo. He is perfect for your rage. :barfon:

03-27-2004, 02:12 PM

Like it or not, learn to love it!

To be the man, you got to beat the man

Like Space Mountain I may be the oldest rde in the park, but it's still got the longest line

If ya Smeeeelllllllllllll what the Vick is ............

...... cooking

03-27-2004, 02:22 PM
Originally posted by confucy@Mar 27 2004, 11:19 AM
JR, my little Oprano fan!

Let's examine this stalker thing.

Would you say that a stalker follows someone on
the internet and makes untrue statements about
the person?

Would you say a stalker is someone who scares
an innocent person with derogatory caricatures and
negative campaigns of hate?

Would you say a stalker is someone who embarrasses
and attacks an innocent person who is not a public

Would you say a stalker is someone who introduces bullshit
false pictures and stories about someone he doesn't know?

Well, JR, I think you are the STALKER.

You are a venomous asshole who likes to belittle those you
don't like, don't know, and don't understand.

GET YOUR OWN SHOW, SCUMBAG! I heard you on the
radio. You are a meek mouse without your keyboard.
Play with Gonzo. He is perfect for your rage. :barfon:

03-27-2004, 02:24 PM
Originally posted by Vick@Mar 27 2004, 02:20 PM

Like it or not, learn to love it!

To be the man, you got to beat the man

Like Space Mountain I may be the oldest rde in the park, but it's still got the longest line

If ya Smeeeelllllllllllll what the Vick is ............

...... cooking
oh and the other one I saw in Atlanta....

"How Long's it been...?"

03-27-2004, 02:35 PM
"Paranoid personality disorder is characterized by a distrust of others and a constant suspicion that people around you have sinister motives. People with this disorder tend to have excessive trust in their own knowledge and abilities and usually avoid close relationships with others. They search for hidden meanings in everything and read hostile intentions into the actions of others. They are quick to challenge the loyalties of friends and loved ones and often appear cold and distant to others. They usually shift blame to others and tend to carry long grudges."

03-27-2004, 02:40 PM
Originally posted by confucy@Mar 27 2004, 11:19 AM
JR, my little Oprano fan!

Let's examine this stalker thing.

Would you say that a stalker follows someone on
the internet and makes untrue statements about
the person?

Would you say a stalker is someone who scares
an innocent person with derogatory caricatures and
negative campaigns of hate?

Would you say a stalker is someone who embarrasses
and attacks an innocent person who is not a public

Would you say a stalker is someone who introduces bullshit
false pictures and stories about someone he doesn't know?

Well, JR, I think you are the STALKER.

You are a venomous asshole who likes to belittle those you
don't like, don't know, and don't understand.

GET YOUR OWN SHOW, SCUMBAG! I heard you on the
radio. You are a meek mouse without your keyboard.
Play with Gonzo. He is perfect for your rage. :barfon:
http://www.4degreez.com/misc/personality_d..._test.mv?stat=1 (http://www.4degreez.com/misc/personality_disorder_test.mv?stat=1)

the problems of meek little me:

Disorder | Rating

Paranoid: Low
Schizoid: Moderate
Schizotypal: Moderate
Antisocial: Low
Borderline: Low
Histrionic: Low
Narcissistic: High
Avoidant: Low
Dependent: Moderate
Obsessive-Compulsive: Moderate

03-27-2004, 03:08 PM
1. Paranoid personality disorder is characterized by a distrust of others and a constant suspicion that people around you have sinister motives.
####I surround myself with people I love and trust.####

2. People with this disorder tend to have excessive trust in their own knowledge and abilities and usually avoid close relationships with others.
####I have many close friends, and I value their opinions.####

3. They search for hidden meanings in everything and read hostile intentions into the actions of others.
####I give people the benefit of my doubt until it has been proven that they are in fact...users & losers. One of my biggest faults is trusting others.####

4. They are quick to challenge the loyalties of friends and loved ones and often appear cold and distant to others.
####My friends and my family love me and I love them. I'm not even cold to my enemies. I'm am very forgiving, JR, in case you want to apologize and be forgiven.####

5. They usually shift blame to others and tend to carry long grudges."
####No grudges here. Talk to Gonzo about that problem. I'm quite willing to put the past behind me.####

NEXT !!!!

03-27-2004, 03:54 PM
Mitnick Message... for those of you following along page 28 chapter bottom of the page....

"As the old adage goes--even real paranoids have enemies. We must assume that every business has its enemies too--attackers that target the network infrastructure to compromise business secrets. Don't end up being a statistic on computer crime--it's hihg time to shore up the ncessary defenses by implementing proper controls though well-thought-out security policies and proceedures"

Jackie...even now Kevin is talking to you.

03-27-2004, 04:15 PM
I know lots of hackers. Over the years they have given
me very good advice about how to protect myself.

My suggestion for all of you Oprano users is that you
NEVER make a hacker your enemy. Never try to social
engineer a hacker.

Gonzo, take heed. Don't piss off hackers. It is better
to piss off another porn webmaster.


Now, the secret is to follow my own advice. :rokk:

03-27-2004, 04:20 PM
Originally posted by confucy@Mar 27 2004, 04:23 PM
I know lots of hackers. Over the years they have given
me very good advice about how to protect myself.

My suggestion for all of you Oprano users is that you
NEVER make a hacker your enemy. Never try to social
engineer a hacker.

Gonzo, take heed. Don't piss off hackers. It is better
to piss off another porn webmaster.


Now, the secret is to follow my own advice. :rokk:
Excellent then heres lesson #2....page 32 chapter 3...
Mitnick message
"It's human nature to trust our fellow man, especially when the request meets the test of reasonability. Social engineers use this knowledge to exploit their victims and to achieve their goals."

So sayth the Kev....is there anybody listening?

03-27-2004, 04:30 PM
Originally posted by confucy@Mar 27 2004, 03:06 PM
Give me a break, Doggy.

Peaches and I like to play. No big thing.

When Peaches and Gonzo stop bringing up
my tirades from the past, we can move forward
together into the sunshine holding hands and
bringing forth light and happiness to Oprano. :inlove:
Actually there's no reason to bring up your tirades from the past. Heck, there are several right here in this thread :)

You are so jealous of everyone else's happiness that it's almost comical. :)

There IS no one who genuinely cares about you, Confucy. If there were, you wouldn't be pandering for attention on adult message boards, hiding in your apartment, stalking someone who told you years ago to leave them alone, and being horrendously paranoid. Your own family not only didn't want to spend the Christmas holidays with you (as evidenced by your posting here for almost 7 hours on Christmas Day), but you felt the need to lie about it and make up stories about how much fun you were having with your nieces and nephews and having drinks with your "boyfriend".

If your hacker "friends" taught you how to protect yourself so well, then how did someone hack into your email regarding your grocery order as you have claimed at least twice they have done?

IIRC, when Kevin finally came here to post, there were several ham people who ALSO came here and expressed their dislike for you, so it's not your "board persona". It's YOU.

You have some serious issues. If you'll pay attention, I haven't given you any advice. I said if you were someone I cared about I would do what I could to help. Quite obviously, there is NO ONE in your life who is willing to help you. Sad, but not my concern. I have a few more hours of daylight and a John Grisham book calling my name :)

03-27-2004, 04:59 PM
Peaches, I have a very important question for you.

How do you decide what is the truth and what is
a lie when you are reading posts on a message board?

Do you have a special psychic sixth sense that gives
you the ability to tell bullshit from honest truthful comments?

You are like the majority of the users on pornboards.
You pass judgment so quickly that your head spins.
If I wanted to go back to the past and post your most
recent post concerning me that you posted on GFY, I
would be able to prove that every word that hit the
screen was a lie....eight lies all in one post. That is
a record. I have never read so many lies about me
as I read from you in those three short lines.

I don't have all the answers. I do what you and others
do to protect myself. However, a hacker is like a burglar.
If they want to get into your computer, house, or car...
they will do it. No matter how secure I think I may be,
I will always remain vulnerable, as will you and every
reader of this thread.

The smarter you think you are...the safer you think you
are.............the more stupid you really are.

You pick and pick at every little thing I say. Peaches,
for your own growth and sanity, open your eyes and
read your own words on the screen. I really am sorry
that I piss you off so much. We have so much in common,
but you choose to concentrate on my traits that you hate.

Maybe I am therapy for you. How many times are you
going to bring up my Christmas in 2003? How in the hell
do you know what I was doing? Why do you care? But
you took someone's comments on Oprano to heart, and it
was all bullshit. Just like the picture, and a hundred other
bullshit comments that Gonzo has made which is second-
hand crap.

Gonzo doesn't care about the truth. He cares about getting
attention at my expense. Look what is happening now.
Gonzo is wasting a Saturday digging around in a book to
find hacker comments he can post on Oprano.

Why don't the two of you get together and celebrate life.
Why sit there and insult me in my thread. Am I going to
your threads, Peaches, and attacking you? :(

03-27-2004, 05:07 PM
Originally posted by confucy@Mar 27 2004, 11:02 AM
Kimmy, I wasn't ignoring your request for a kennel.
I thought you were referring me to being the *dog
of the month* and you wanted to put me in a kennel.

What are you doing in Southern California? I thought
you loved Arizona. What has you in sunny Los Angeles?
I know dog owners. I will find you a kennel. :okthumb:
I guess you thought I was joking when I said I moved to LA. I need a dog sitter or a kennel, though after reading Peaches post, I'd rather have a sitter I think, much less stressful on the dogs.

I'm headed to the marina to drop my kayak in right now.

03-27-2004, 05:10 PM
Really Im just trying to help you....Ill skip ahead to some of the intermediate lessons...for those of you following along Page 38 Chapter 3 Top of the page.....

Mitnick Message
"Never think all social engineering attacks need to be eleborate ruses so complex that they're likely to be recognized before they can be completed. Some are ain and out, strike and dissapear, very simple attacks that are no more than...well just asking for it."

Reminds me...I dont want you to go hawngry. Can we have some Dominos or something delivered to you?

Hell Puppy
03-27-2004, 05:46 PM
Good to see Confucy happy as a hog in mud again. First time in a while she's had something to do to keep her occupied and happy on a Saturday.

Just a clarification though, GonZo's coat is not rabbit, it's cat. Anyone care to guess what kind of kitty?

03-27-2004, 05:51 PM

03-27-2004, 07:18 PM
So many lies I had to go take a nap...lesson time?

Page 47 top of the page chapter 3

Mitnick Message
"Its human nature to think that it's unliklely youre being decieved in any particular transaction, at least until you have some reason to believe otherwise. We weigh the ris , and hen, most of the time, give poeple the benfit of the doubt. That's the nature of natural behaviour of civilized people...at least civilized people who have never been conned or manipulated or cheated out of a large amount of meony.

As children our parents taught us not to trus strangers. Maybe we should all heed this age-old principle in today's workplace."

Pure fucking genius from The Kev!

03-27-2004, 07:19 PM
Originally posted by confucy@Mar 27 2004, 06:07 PM
Am I going to your threads, Peaches, and attacking you? :(
Uh, yes! :lol: :lol:

You and I have nothing in common except we are both female, lol!

And I decide on what is and isn't the truth by taking all the facts as I know them and as people whom I trust know them and then I form my own opinion. Pretty much SOP for most people on this planet. B)

03-27-2004, 07:26 PM
Originally posted by Peaches+Mar 27 2004, 07:27 PM--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Peaches @ Mar 27 2004, 07:27 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteBegin--confucy@Mar 27 2004, 06:07 PM
Am I going to your threads, Peaches, and attacking you? :(
Uh, yes! :lol: :lol:

You and I have nothing in common except we are both female, lol!

And I decide on what is and isn't the truth by taking all the facts as I know them and as people whom I trust know them and then I form my own opinion. Pretty much SOP for most people on this planet. B)[/b][/quote]
as the promo sez.....YOU DECIDE!!!

03-27-2004, 09:48 PM
all of those Mitnick quotes seem to add up to one thing...
just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they're not out to get you

03-27-2004, 10:28 PM
Originally posted by Carrie@Mar 27 2004, 09:56 PM
all of those Mitnick quotes seem to add up to one thing...
just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they're not out to get you
Do you watch rasstlin Carrie? YOuve missed the point if you dont.

03-27-2004, 10:49 PM
Stop the abuse!

Stop the persecution!



03-27-2004, 11:34 PM
Nope Gonzo, don't watch rasslin'. I can't say that I'm missing much, LOL

03-27-2004, 11:39 PM
Originally posted by Carrie@Mar 27 2004, 11:42 PM
Nope Gonzo, don't watch rasslin'. I can't say that I'm missing much, LOL
Except the point that ties it all together.

03-28-2004, 01:59 AM
Originally posted by confucy@Mar 25 2004, 10:17 PM
CJ said I was welcome to call. Do you want a one-sided show? You just said that Oprano was different from the other radio shows because there is no censorship on your show. WHAT A CROCK OF BULLSHIT!
I try to have a nice relaxing girls weekend in the country & I come back to this!

see ... ME RELAXING!


Gonzo, this show was to close the confucy/kevin suject once and for all, not to drag it through another stage of court cases & crap. Otherwise, what's the fucking point?!?! i know there are adult industry figures involed but the point of this show is to give kevin a chance to tell his side of the story and for confucy to respond and vice versa.

No more one sided shows, that's how this fucking waste of time mess ended up here & dragged out for this long in the first place.

Either they both go on air or I don't.


confucy, you may have your ham radio friends call the hotline & record their questions - please ask them to say at least that they are from 'ham radio' so our viewers know the difference between adult industry & not. If the questions don't get answered on air, i'll post them here. not that it will do much good but as you can see, my show has been ambushed by someone's legal manipulation.

for fucks sake, talk about wanking a dead horse. and ya'all had a go at me for dragging the joeE matter on for a couple of months! :rolleyes:

03-28-2004, 02:02 AM
viewers LMAO

i'm leaving that jessica simpson comment unedited incase someone already busted me & quoted it HAHHAHAHAHA

Hell Puppy
03-28-2004, 04:00 AM
Originally posted by gonzo+Mar 27 2004, 11:47 PM--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (gonzo @ Mar 27 2004, 11:47 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteBegin--Carrie@Mar 27 2004, 11:42 PM
Nope Gonzo, don't watch rasslin'. I can't say that I'm missing much, LOL
Except the point that ties it all together.[/b][/quote]
We'll get Anthony to explain it all to her sometime next week after it's over. He did a great job with the Netpond history lesson....

03-28-2004, 05:07 AM
Originally posted by cj@Mar 28 2004, 02:07 AM
Gonzo, this show was to close the confucy/kevin suject once and for all, not to drag it through another stage of court cases & crap. Otherwise, what's the fucking point?!?! i know there are adult industry figures involed but the point of this show is to give kevin a chance to tell his side of the story and for confucy to respond and vice versa.

No more one sided shows, that's how this fucking waste of time mess ended up here & dragged out for this long in the first place.

Either they both go on air or I don't.

Nothing I can do at it this point. Its all a legal thing. We wouldnt want your "sister" to get in any legal trouble now would ya?

Got a copy of Winamp?

03-28-2004, 05:19 AM
CJ that view is fantastic!

HP if that's what you think, here's a purple banana for ya. :purpdance:

03-28-2004, 09:35 AM
Originally posted by cj@Mar 28 2004, 03:07 AM
Gonzo, this show was to close the confucy/kevin suject once and for all, not to drag it through another stage of court cases & crap. Otherwise, what's the fucking point?!?! i know there are adult industry figures involed but the point of this show is to give kevin a chance to tell his side of the story and for confucy to respond and vice versa.
I am not a lawyer, but I would suspect Confucy could easily be looking at jail time if she came on the show due to the TRO. Granted, that would probably FINALLY shut her up, but you might be fighting a fight for her she doesn't want fought. Why would she want to screw herself over by doing something against the TRO? :unsure:

03-28-2004, 10:52 AM
Originally posted by JR@Mar 27 2004, 07:57 PM
Stop the abuse!

Stop the persecution!




Hell Puppy
03-28-2004, 04:01 PM
Originally posted by cj@Mar 28 2004, 02:07 AM


Someone needs to zoom in a bit, but it looks like CJ has a farmer's tan....

03-28-2004, 07:46 PM
Originally posted by Peaches+Mar 28 2004, 09:43 AM--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Peaches @ Mar 28 2004, 09:43 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteBegin--cj@Mar 28 2004, 03:07 AM
Gonzo, this show was to close the confucy/kevin suject once and for all, not to drag it through another stage of court cases & crap. Otherwise, what's the fucking point?!?! i know there are adult industry figures involed but the point of this show is to give kevin a chance to tell his side of the story and for confucy to respond and vice versa.
I am not a lawyer, but I would suspect Confucy could easily be looking at jail time if she came on the show due to the TRO. Granted, that would probably FINALLY shut her up, but you might be fighting a fight for her she doesn't want fought. Why would she want to screw herself over by doing something against the TRO? :unsure:[/b][/quote]
based on this thread, i got the impression she didn't care about the TRO and she asked to be able to say her piece ... i'm just trying to make the show fair to both parties.

it seems to me to be awfully convenient that this TRO is being made into a PRO in the week that the show is scheduled to go to air.

but hey, what would one expect from someone whose entire book is a lesson in how to read, con & manipulate people!

Confucy, why did you drag me in to fight your battle for you then disappear when I jump to your defence?! You know more about the paperwork that's been handed to you than I do ... I suggest you retain legal counsel because this looks set to explode beyond you and you don't want to get any splatters.

If you don't want to come on the air and risk the chance of getting into trouble, send Lew ... or Gary. You've taken/started enough crap for them already ... balls in your court!

03-28-2004, 07:58 PM
Originally posted by cj@Mar 28 2004, 07:54 PM
[send Lew ... or Gary. You've taken/started enough crap for them already ... balls in your court!
Dont look to Lew to asnwer anything right now....from the looks of Ebay....some one's ass is real busy!

Ah newlyweds...the bliss!!

03-28-2004, 08:47 PM
CJ, I left messages for Attorney Donald Randolph. Gonzo knows
who this is. He didn't return my calls. I specifically asked him if
I would be violating the TRO if I spoke on the radio show. NO ANSWER.

Suddenly, I'm not to be allowed on the radio show.

Then, Gonzo said, that on advice of counsel, things had
changed, and I was not to be discussed.

Gonzo has all the answers. I don't. I know nothing except what
I read on Oprano. I did not intend to make a *show* out of my
questions. As I said earlier, I asked my questions a couple of months
ago, Others gave me questions to ask on the radio show. Looks like
I won't be asking them.

03-28-2004, 08:54 PM
Gonzo, how does it feel to be a messenger?

I'm an expert at it. RUN, MY RABBIT FUR GOFER!

Messengers get shit on, kicked in the ass, used
beyond belief, and discarded in the trash bin when
they are no longer needed.

I, for one, am sick and tired of your secretive
innuendoes. Just spit out what you have to say.

03-28-2004, 09:07 PM
And finally........I would love to have others come forward who know the truth. You know that old saying about *the chances of that happening is like a snowball in hell!" Well, that applies now.

Gary Kremen did something very nice off the boards that helped me. His time is too important to mess with Gonzo's little radio show. Same applies to the other webmaster mentioned above. He has nothing to gain by calling the radio show.

I'm the one who wanted to call the show. CJ, I do appreciate your support. You are a woman of your word. I think it should be an interesting show. I will be listening. :okthumb:

03-28-2004, 09:10 PM
Confucy, lawyers don't work for free. I know mine charges a minimum of 15 minutes no matter what and it's always billed up. If I call him and he talks to me for 1 minute, I pay for 15. If we talk for 20 minutes, I pay for 30. Why would Kevin's lawyer take the time to answer YOUR QUESTIONS?!!! In addition, I'm not even sure he's legally allowed to answer your questions when Kevin's his client and you have a TRO against you! Of course, if you'd contact YOUR attorney, the one you had send the C&D to Michael and Serge, then he could answer these questions for you.

I also don't see where Gonzo's had any problem explaining himself. Where are the innuendos?

cj, from what I understand about the legal system (which, granted, can fit into a thimble <_< ) all Confucy has to do is go to court on Monday and prove that there's no reason for a TRO and the TRO will be tossed and no PRO will ever exist and she's free to do whatever she wants with no legal repercussions. :)

03-28-2004, 09:19 PM
Peaches, I helped Donald Randolph and his office for over 4 years. There is a lot of history between us. I deserve a return call. I don't want to dwell on the past. Gonzo mentioned the word, closure! I would like to see that happen when the radio show airs. All the parties involved have milked the case to death. Time to go forward.

As far as my statement about secretive bullshit, you know damn well that Gonzo is the king of shit. He continues to stir the pot and throw out little bits of BS each day. You did the same regarding his ebay comments.

Jesus Christ! Don't you people have better things to do? Both of you talk about KARMA....well, my little Georgia Peach, it's a comin'. What I do in or out of court regarding my legal situation is none of your fucking business.

03-28-2004, 09:40 PM
I for one am very disappointed. This show was billed as the 'truth about Confucy' show and now it's turned into an interview with a hacker. :angry:

03-28-2004, 09:48 PM
Originally posted by confucy@Mar 28 2004, 10:27 PM
Peaches, I helped Donald Randolph and his office for over 4 years. There is a lot of history between us. I deserve a return call.
Obviously he doesn't think you deserve one.

I don't want to dwell on the past. Gonzo mentioned the word, closure! I would like to see that happen when the radio show airs. All the parties involved have milked the case to death. Time to go forward.
Why do you care what will happen? After all, you'll be moving FORWARD! :)

As far as my statement about secretive bullshit, you know damn well that Gonzo is the king of shit. He continues to stir the pot and throw out little bits of BS each day. You did the same regarding his ebay comments.
And you allow yourself to be stirred. Remember what I said yesterday about how everyone knows your pressure points? :awinky:

Jesus Christ! Don't you people have better things to do? Both of you talk about KARMA....well, my little Georgia Peach, it's a comin'. What I do in or out of court regarding my legal situation is none of your fucking business.
We are "doing" this because YOU came here and stuck your whiney "Anti-Kevin" crap on these boards and YOU have been rude to almost every single person you've have correspondence with in this industry. You are 100% correct about karma and again, as I stated yesterday, you have dug YOURSELF into this hole :)

03-28-2004, 09:54 PM
confucy, the only question i have from those comments is why would the other parties lawyer answer your questions? isn't that something your own lawyer would advise you on and kevins lawyer try to sue you and your lawyer defend you etc??!?!?

bloody american legal system :rolleyes:

Confucy, have those you know ask their questions on the hotline ... AEBN gives free radio shows to anyone, gonzo & I don't have to be on the same show! I too have a copy of winamp & shoutcast.

You & Lew should come on my show together.

03-28-2004, 09:59 PM
Hammer, for once we agree.

I know from listening to your past radio shows, that you allow all sides to be heard. Nobody seems to mind that my voice has been stiffled with a Restraining Order, but Gonzo is acting as a messenger for the other side.

Whatever happens, I would like to see the subject disappear from the boards. The legal part should be handled in the courts...off the boards.

Are you reading this, Gonzo. Drop it. Both sides had ample time to express their views on Oprano. You won't let go of it. You are squeezing every bit of cheap publicity you can muster to continue the bullshit on a radio show where I am banned from speaking. :grrr:

I have spoken to many attorneys. I have not retained one to handle my case. Therefore, if I am my own attorney, I deserve a reply from Donald Randolph. He must deal directly with me since I do not officially have legal counsel. He can at least return my call and tell me on the telephone that he doesn't think it is proper to discuss my case, and that I should appear in court.

I go way back with Donald Randolph. Call me Donald. You have my number. :inlove:

03-28-2004, 10:06 PM
Originally posted by confucy@Mar 28 2004, 11:07 PM
Nobody seems to mind that my voice has been stiffled with a Restraining Order, but Gonzo is acting as a messenger for the other side.
You didn't seem to mind Kevin being restrained from being able to answer YOUR accusations, did you? More of your hole you've dug :) And again, if you're NOT stalking Kevin, then getting rid of the TRO tomorrow will be a breeze - even acting as your own attorney you should be able to pull it off. And didn't you mention having legal experience in your letter to the FCC? It should be a cake walk for you and there will be NO TRO by the time the show rolls around on Tuesday :)

Whatever happens, I would like to see the subject disappear from the boards. The legal part should be handled in the courts...off the boards.

Are you reading this, Gonzo. Drop it. Both sides had ample time to express their views on Oprano. You won't let go of it. You are squeezing every bit of cheap publicity you can muster to continue the bullshit on a radio show where I am banned from speaking. :grrr:
How about we promise to never, ever, ever bring it up ever, ever, ever again if you promise not to ever post here again? :) I bet making it "disappear" isn't THAT important to you. :awinky:

03-28-2004, 10:17 PM
Peaches, what would I do without you and all your cheap advice.

You and Gonzo have followed me from thread to thread for years. Get a fucking life, dearie!

When Serge and Mike tell me I'm not welcome, only then will I disappear. Gonzo keeps the bullshit on the boards. I post on many boards, and I have not mentioned anything about the lawsuit for weeks until Gonzo follows me to GFY and starts the BS all over again and again.

Gonzo talks about the recent picture taking event which involved a phony Albertson's Grocery Store delivery person appearing at the Marina del Rey address with three bags of groceries in Albertson's bags. The only way this hired harasser could have known about an order that was placed on the internet is by bugging my phones and/or stealing my email. I believe both occurred.


Enough is enough! :rokk:

03-28-2004, 10:18 PM
Confucy, if I were you I would have retained council long ago ... this has gotten really serious quite a few times ... a lawyer could probably get the TRO dropped in no time based on what you have told us.

Basically, if you get the TRO dropped, you can come on the air ... but, will Kevin then?

I know this looks like a matter that shouldn't be handled on boards, internet radio etc, and really no legal matter should ... but the bottom line is that this is where it began, with this group of people (and a few extras) a couple of years ago and taking the issue to the same place it started seems logical to me.

I can understand the legal position though and end of the day, that's what we have to follow. If there were no TRO, we could get on with the show ... & our lives.

03-28-2004, 10:19 PM
Originally posted by confucy@Mar 28 2004, 11:25 PM
Peaches, what would I do without you and all your cheap advice.

You and Gonzo have followed me from thread to thread for years. Get a fucking life, dearie!

When Serge and Mike tell me I'm not welcome, only then will I disappear. Gonzo keeps the bullshit on the boards. I post on many boards, and I have not mentioned anything about the lawsuit for weeks until Gonzo follows me to GFY and starts the BS all over again and again.

Gonzo talks about the recent picture taking event which involved a phony Albertson's Grocery Store delivery person appearing at the Marina del Rey address with three bags of groceries in Albertson's bags. The only way this hired harasser could have known about an order that was placed on the internet is by bugging my phones and/or stealing my email. I believe both occurred.


Enough is enough! :rokk:
Just wanted to make sure you didn't delete your accusations. :awinky:

03-28-2004, 10:27 PM

Get off your fucking white horse! You are a very vengeful woman.


There are many witnesses, including Albertson's employees.

I'm no drama queen. I didn't start all this crap on the internet or on ham radio. I don't back down when my family is involved. A line was crossed a long time ago. Family is off limits. Gonzo continues to bring up personal information that involves my family.

In case you lose your copy of this thread, Peaches, just contact me and I will send it to you. I have nothing to hide. I don't edit and re-edit like you do. One time I was using a different name and posted with that name thinking it was confucy, and you have never let me forget it. Good grief, if you spent the same amount of time on your family that you spend on stalking my ass, you would be one happy camper.

03-28-2004, 10:36 PM
Testing, check 1,2 check 1,2
I'd like to dedicate the following song to this entire thread

I'm not amused anymore
and nothing's a muse anymore
Sing of love and of hate
but your just masturbating your soul

And I don't want this to live anymore
It's got nothing to give anymore
if you fawn if you flirt, it ends up on your shirt
and it's taken it's toll

I wish you could fuck all your sorrow away
and fuck til the dawn of the next fuckin' day
fuck the chorus and verse
fuck the pain getting worse
fuck it all til you burn

I wish you could fuck all til you see
Who's the worst fuck up in all history
fuck your image and mine
fuck your limp valentine
fuck it all til you learn

You're not a kid anymore
Don't know or care what you did anymore
but on every damn pass
karma bushwhacks your ass
and you get it all back

I wish you would fuck all the memories you keep
fuck the next 10 years and just go to sleep
Fucked if you do and fucked if you say
fucked if you don't, so you're fucked anyway

I wish you would fuck all til you see
There is no mercyfuck sympathy
fuck your words and your prayers
fuck your stares and your cares
fuck it all til you learn

Thank you, thank you very much!
We'll be here at the Oprano lounge all week
Please remember to tip your wait staff
They're working hard for you

03-28-2004, 10:39 PM
Thank you, Vick...........prince of lyrics!

Nothing more to add. :okthumb:

03-28-2004, 10:40 PM
Originally posted by confucy@Mar 28 2004, 11:35 PM

Get off your fucking white horse! You are a very vengeful woman.

What do I have to be vengeful about, lol?! :lol: And where did I say anything about "FALSE"? Making things up as you go along....again? :awinky:

There are many witnesses, including Albertson's employees.
Allrightythen - I'm sure the FBI will be putting this at the top of their investigations list. :)

I'm no drama queen. I didn't start all this crap on the internet or on ham radio. I don't back down when my family is involved. A line was crossed a long time ago. Family is off limits. Gonzo continues to bring up personal information that involves my family.
That has to be the funniest thing you've said all night. :P

In case you lose your copy of this thread, Peaches, just contact me and I will send it to you.
That's OK - me having a copy of it isn't important. In fact, I don't have copies of ANY of your posts :)

I have nothing to hide. I don't edit and re-edit like you do. One time I was using a different name and posted with that name thinking it was confucy, and you have never let me forget it.
You mean when you got caught trying to use a fake name and you tried to convince everyone it was because you had a "friend" at your apartment and you were on "his" computer? It's hard to forget if YOU keep bringing it up like you just did. :unsure:

Good grief, if you spent the same amount of time on your family that you spend on stalking my ass, you would be one happy camper.
I'm already one happy camper. :)

03-28-2004, 10:47 PM
Originally posted by The Hammer@Mar 28 2004, 09:48 PM
I for one am very disappointed. This show was billed as the 'truth about Confucy' show and now it's turned into an interview with a hacker. :angry:
Nice sig view!

03-28-2004, 10:47 PM
Thank you, thank you very much
For bringing us back for an encore
We're going to do one more song
Before we call it a night

These triumphs and successes
Just lead to bigger messes
Once blessed and bound for glory
But that's another story

All your dreams will fall apart
Your fondest wishes too
And the fears you thought you conquered
Will be right here when they do

Whispers of a history
You left for dead and gone
Like the little bird who told me
That you ain't no fuckin swan

Self-taught and -referential
Drunk on your own potential
That cruel and patient chuckling
Is just your inner duckling

Eager to expose you
For the hero that your not
And remind you in its lullabies
Of failures you forgot

Whispers of a history
You left for dead and gone
Like the little bird who told me
That you ain't no fuckin swan

If you were really clever
You make it live forever
Pray God that when the drought hits
You get to keep the outfits

Thanks again
You've been a great audience
and if you'll have us back
We'd love to come back
and play for you sometime in the near future
Good Night

03-28-2004, 10:50 PM
Peaches, you know everything. You are a fountain of
facts, truth, and justice.

What would pornboards do without you! :redance:

Hell Puppy
03-28-2004, 10:52 PM

Instead of trying to plead your case here, why not plead it it in front of the one man who is legally bound to be impartial....the judge. Go to court tomorrow.

The judge is only hearing one side and is acting accordingly. You're doing the worst thing that you can possibly do in our legal system....and that's not even show up to defend yourself.

What's the worst that could happen? Someone take a picture?

03-28-2004, 11:47 PM
My poor dogs.

Hell Puppy
03-28-2004, 11:52 PM
Originally posted by *KK*@Mar 28 2004, 11:55 PM
My poor dogs.
Dont worry. GonZo had the guy from Albertson's stop by with some Alpo...

03-29-2004, 12:49 AM
recently overheard at an undisclosed FBI Field Office

"Yeah, boss, I went through all of those questionable letters. They are all from crackpots, and I shitcanned all but one of them.

"I did send one over to the Secret Service, however ... a very disturbed woman seems to believe that pornographers, computer hackers, and Albertsons grocery delivery workers are involved in a conspiracy against her. I don't recommend any action at this time, but they may want to keep an eye on her if she appears anywhere in the Washington, DC area..."

03-29-2004, 01:01 AM
Originally posted by PornoDoggy@Mar 29 2004, 12:57 AM
recently overheard at an undisclosed FBI Field Office

"Yeah, boss, I went through all of those questionable letters. They are all from crackpots, and I shitcanned all but one of them.

"I did send one over to the Secret Service, however ... a very disturbed woman seems to believe that pornographers, computer hackers, and Albertsons grocery delivery workers are involved in a conspiracy against her. I don't recommend any action at this time, but they may want to keep an eye on her if she appears anywhere in the Washington, DC area..."
De Payne is currently scheduled to be sentenced by Judge Pfaelzer on September 13. The government has agreed to recommend a sentence of five years of probation, which will include a six-month period of confinement in either a community corrections center or home detention and 225 hours of community service. The agreement to recommend probation is contingent upon De Payne’s promise to cooperate with investigators and by any company victimized by him or Mitnick.

Source- http://www.usdoj.gov/criminal/cybercrime/mitnick.htm

Nah he didnt cooperate...

03-29-2004, 02:44 AM
So let me see if I got this straight..

Confucy admitted that is a pic of her, taken by a fake Albertson's delivery man, who delivered taints. I mean tainted food.

Seriously Confucy, go to court. You're gonna be in a world of shit if you don't, and if you do, you could make it all go away.

03-29-2004, 10:10 AM
Originally posted by confucy@Mar 28 2004, 06:15 PM
And finally........I would love to have others come forward who know the truth. You know that old saying about *the chances of that happening is like a snowball in hell!" Well, that applies now.

here we go, I will act as the truth bringer.
I know Gonzo personally. He's a good guy. He enjoys you confucy.........yes he does. He is a straight shooter and a bullshitter (not a liar in my eyes, but someone who likes to joke) He is upfront. Tells me I am full of shit when necessary and lets me reciprocate without getting offended
as a matter of fact, I think he enjoys it when I say how fucking stupid this or that is........usually I am proven wrong heh heh
I can almost guarantee that IF it was possible to get you and KM in a kiddie pool with oil and pudding, Gonzo would do it!! So, I believe wholeheartedly that if he says he cannot allow you on the radio show, that its killing him. Deep down, inside, where the KrispyKremes hide and where it matters.
He wants you and KM to have it out...........err..........I mean find some closure just as sure as I am a fat old partially blind guy.
He wants it
no hypocrisy
no misleading
he wants it.
You said he invited you on the show, and then withdrew the offer. I believe that happened. But one of my rules for business is as follows (read it carefully now)
"Understand that facts sometimes change"
Because the facts change, even if it pisses you off completely, does not make it a lie, or even a show of hypocrisy.
He wants/wanted you on the show with KM, of this you can be as certain as I am, but the facts changed and thats not possible now.

again, this entire thing is something ya just need to deal with/get over.


03-29-2004, 10:13 AM
the unfortuneate reality here is that we are all playing mind games with what i think we all know and realize is a deeply troubled person. her "side" of the story is something we all know. she is disturbed, a chronic liar and suffers from multiple psychological disorders and belongs in therapy.

what she has to say is irrelevent considering her psychotic ranting of the past, her obvious lies and delusions. she needs help. no one would deny that. she is a very disturbed person. no one would deny that. she has lied constantly about almost anything she has ever said.

"her side of things"?

thats like saying "the world needs to hear charles mansons side of the story" - uh.. yeah. it matters. it will change everything to know more about the alleged hole in the desert with an entire secret civilization living at the center of the planet where charly promised to take his followers. that could certainly change everything.

who cares? i mean seriously... who cares? she is completely crazy and i for one have been struck with a sudden sense of shame for the fact that i have wasted any time taunting an individual who has proven herself to be so far gone, that she might very well be beyond the reach of modern treatment and medication.

as of this day, i declare myself "confucy free"

i have bigger and better ways to waste my time.

Last edited by JR at Mar 29 2004, 07:26 AM

03-29-2004, 10:19 AM
Originally posted by JR@Mar 29 2004, 11:21 AM
as of this day, i declare myself "confucy free"
Should you feel the uncontrollable urge to make another one your infamous pictures, please feel free to forward it to me for public release. :awinky:

03-29-2004, 10:31 AM
JR, how many times have you made those very statements?

Prove them, hotshot. You say you are through with me, and
you return time after time to kick me in the stomach with your
psycho babble. Who in the fuck do you think you are?

Definitely not Freud. You love to step on people when they are
down. You love to get a rise out of people. You mean nothing
to me, big guy. You are a wimpy webmaster who believes you
can hurt me with your words.

Listen all, I have been attacked by the biggest and the best
at kicking ass on the boards. If they couldn't scare me away,
then what chance do you think you have. Everyone wants
to join the gang and kick a dead horse. Well, folks, this horse
is not dead. You can show as many horrendous pictures as
you like. You can all pretend to be experts as to my state of
mind and my looks, but none of you know the truth. I take
that back. I think many of you do know the truth, but you
don't have the balls to admit it.

I forgive all of you. Have a nice day, JR. :inlove:

03-29-2004, 12:08 PM
Originally posted by confucy@Mar 29 2004, 10:39 AM
Everyone wants
to join the gang and kick a dead horse. Well, folks, this horse
is not dead. You can show as many horrendous pictures as
you like. You can all pretend to be experts as to my state of
mind and my looks, but none of you know the truth. I take
that back. I think many of you do know the truth, but you
don't have the balls to admit it.

I forgive all of you. Have a nice day, JR. :inlove:
I know you didnt have the balls to show up in court today. 3 years baby!

03-29-2004, 12:12 PM
Originally posted by gonzo@Mar 29 2004, 01:16 PM
I know you didnt have the balls to show up in court today. 3 years baby!

03-29-2004, 01:14 PM
Let me get this straight..

Confucy didn't show up to court today? So she has a restraining order against her for the next 3 years plus $$ judgements against her?

Can't we officially say to hell with her?

03-29-2004, 01:18 PM
Originally posted by Bishop@Mar 29 2004, 02:22 PM
Let me get this straight..

Confucy didn't show up to court today? So she has a restraining order against her for the next 3 years plus $$ judgements against her?

Can't we officially say to hell with her?
Will it make her go away? :(

03-29-2004, 01:23 PM
Originally posted by Peaches+Mar 29 2004, 01:26 PM--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Peaches @ Mar 29 2004, 01:26 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteBegin--Bishop@Mar 29 2004, 02:22 PM
Let me get this straight..

Confucy didn't show up to court today? So she has a restraining order against her for the next 3 years plus $$ judgements against her?

Can't we officially say to hell with her?
Will it make her go away? :([/b][/quote]

I would hope so.

05-29-2008, 09:05 AM
Man I forgot about this thread.

05-29-2008, 09:07 AM
Will it make her go away? :([/b]

I would hope so.[/quote]
Looks like it worked! Several years later.

05-29-2008, 09:16 AM
Yeah, I miss her.

05-29-2008, 10:43 AM
Testing, check 1,2 check 1,2
I'd like to dedicate the following song to this entire thread

I'm not amused anymore
and nothing's a muse anymore
Sing of love and of hate
but your just masturbating your soul

And I don't want this to live anymore
It's got nothing to give anymore
if you fawn if you flirt, it ends up on your shirt
and it's taken it's toll

I wish you could fuck all your sorrow away
and fuck til the dawn of the next fuckin' day
fuck the chorus and verse
fuck the pain getting worse
fuck it all til you burn

I wish you could fuck all til you see
Who's the worst fuck up in all history
fuck your image and mine
fuck your limp valentine
fuck it all til you learn

You're not a kid anymore
Don't know or care what you did anymore
but on every damn pass
karma bushwhacks your ass
and you get it all back

I wish you would fuck all the memories you keep
fuck the next 10 years and just go to sleep
Fucked if you do and fucked if you say
fucked if you don't, so you're fucked anyway

I wish you would fuck all til you see
There is no mercyfuck sympathy
fuck your words and your prayers
fuck your stares and your cares
fuck it all til you learn

Thank you, thank you very much!
We'll be here at the Oprano lounge all week
Please remember to tip your wait staff
They're working hard for you

I love a good song! Makes me want to dance!