View Full Version : Anybody here live in New York?

03-21-2004, 04:47 PM
May 1st I am moving the family and our local offices to the big apple, don't know anybody in manhattan so if you live there, post here, cause i'd love to meet you and make a friend who is nearby and in the industry.

Last edited by Hooper at Mar 21 2004, 04:55 PM

03-21-2004, 04:57 PM
just out of curiosity, what made you decide to move to new york?

03-21-2004, 04:59 PM
Hooper - have you spent some time in Manhattan?

Whole different world

Are you and your family going to actually live in Manhattan?

I'm about 3.5 hours away and get up a few times a year

Love to visit but don't know about living there, however a few people I know who do live there love it

03-21-2004, 05:03 PM
Seriously Hooper??!! :zoinks:

NYC is one of those places I love to visit but I never want to live there.

03-21-2004, 05:06 PM
I cant believe you are leaving Austin.

03-21-2004, 05:07 PM
I'm in Philly, semi-close by, about 90 minutes by train. Electra lived in NYC but is down in Philly as well now. Lived in Manhatten for five years in the Chelsea neighborhood. Chelsea's a sweet area, ten minutes walk to Midtown, ten minutes walk to The Village.

03-21-2004, 05:48 PM
we just really need a change in environment, been in austin for 20+ years and it's starting to turn into a little mini dallas.. strip malls and highways and more strip malls.. oh and a church about every 50 yards..

it's a HUGE move so we're giving ourselves a year, at the end of a year if we love it we'll stay, if we hate it we'll leave.. who knows... life is about adventure!

quite a relief that there are so many people there and pretty nearby, will be a real pleasure to make some new friends! :)

03-21-2004, 07:15 PM
Allrightythen - if I can't talk you out of it....remember how I said I loved visiting there? :okthumb:

03-21-2004, 09:01 PM

Congrats on the move. At least you will have alot of jewish company in NYC.

Also, one of the fastest cable internet companies, OOL in parts of nyc.

30-40.00 per month and around 6-9 meg down, 1 meg up :)


03-21-2004, 09:01 PM
I love NY.. this might be a reason to go now.. Hooper you have to find a little V bar for us : )

03-21-2004, 09:34 PM
I Love NYC!

Hoop, Expect a visit twice a year from me:-)

03-21-2004, 10:04 PM
Some (perhaps helpful) things about Manhattan

Manhattan is one of the dirtiest cities in the world (the early morning stench can rival Bourbon Street - the amount of trash on the street is bizarre)

If you can get it anywhere, you can get it anytime in Manhattan

You can really live without a car in Manhattan (and might be better off not trying to drive anyway)

Most cab drivers in Manhattan have amazing hand to eye coordination (sometimes you might be better off not paying attention)

Winters are Very Cold in Manhattan

You'll find some of the best bars in the world in Manhattan, some very um ... unusual - ditto restaurants


I'll post more as they come to me

Edit - Try not to gawk, you'll be there at least a year and will see and get used to everything, gawking will mark you as a tourist

Most personal cars in Manhattan have a dent or 4

Manhattan is an Island, you have New Jersey to the West and New York to the East, you're in the best possible place

Manhattan is fairly easy to navigate once you get used to it

Last edited by Vick at Mar 21 2004, 10:20 PM

03-21-2004, 10:32 PM
You can really live without a car in Manhattan (and might be better off not trying to drive anyway)
You can get anywhere by: walking, subway, taxi. Think I used the bus twice. Subways are safer then you'd expect. If you have a car, you'll need to buy it a thousand dollar "apartment" (parking spot) for it.

Most cab drivers in Manhattan have amazing hand to eye coordination (sometimes you might be better off not paying attention)
Yep, either ignore it or pretend you're on an A-ticket ride at Disney. Try any back-seat observation and you'll be a nervous wreck. It does take a few rides to get used to it. Also when you want to tell the guy which corner to get out on, it's not just right side and left side, it's also near side or far side corner. Eventually you'll even figure out the throughfares enough to leave off the street or avenue extentions. "Cabbie, take me to 5th and 42nd. Right side near."

You'll find some of the best bars in the world in Manhattan, some very um ... unusual - ditto restaurants
Amen! Vick, ever been to Jekel and Hydes?

Another tip. Be urban aware. Wallet in front pocket with 50% of your money in it and not all of your credit cards. 40% in back pocket oe other front pocket, folded flat. 10% find your own location.

If you're at an ATM, money goes into your wallet or pocket fast. Don't count it. Don't turn around with it. If anyone is closer to you than two feet, use the reflective surfaces to keep an eye on them. Again, normal stuff -- normal stuff if you're used to it. Never was robbed, not even attempted. I made sure anyone around knew I was aware of everything that was going on around me. Being uptight is as bad as being oblivious to your surroundings. Becomes reflexive and natural actually.

None of that is meant to scare. Just, like Vick said, some tips.

I miss the diversity and the energy there. The mix of different ethnic restaurants and hearing a dozen different languages walking down the street. And the music and art everywhere.

All this talk, I feel like I need a visit there soon.

03-21-2004, 10:34 PM
we're going to get this place.

http://www.corcoran.com/property/listing.a...istingID=711534 (http://www.corcoran.com/property/listing.aspx?Region=NYC&ListingID=711534)

ok, not really, but if i did it would be a neverending invite to party! :)

for ya'll who live in cold climates the cold weather might sound bad.. but we had 2 weeks.. countem.. 2 weeks of weather in the sub 40's this year... and it's already hit high 80's this week!

too much hot SUCKS

03-21-2004, 11:05 PM
I will take the small room : )

03-21-2004, 11:21 PM
Dravyk - never been to Jekyll and Hyde's, want to go sometime, Have checked out their website http://www.eerie.com/ and read reviews

As much as I dislike it when traveling with family or a female companion I carry "walk away" money ($30-40) in my front pocket in case a robbery was even attempted and no wallet (only carry a small card carrier with my license and a credit card) - If need be I could hand over the walk away money if I was with my family

By myself is different and fortunately I've never had a robbery attempted

Being aware of surroundings is crucial

Serge can probably give a lot of good NY info when he gets back

03-21-2004, 11:33 PM
we're going to the upper west side vick, not the ghetto :)

03-21-2004, 11:50 PM
Hooper - I'd expect nothing less :D and crime doesn't happen only in the ghetto (if you're robbing someone why would you rob someone in the ghetto)

but you will encounter all types everywhere, NYC is really a melting pot and you'll most likely be going to a lot of different and new places

Not trying to make you paranoid or give you a bad impression, just better to be safe. Like I said I've never had any problems there

Hope you and your family enjoy it, it really is very different from where you are now and it's an incredible place

Last edited by Vick at Mar 21 2004, 11:58 PM

03-22-2004, 11:27 AM
I really enjoyed Manhattan


Evil Chris
03-22-2004, 11:32 AM
You'll either love it or hate it.
You'll consume it or it will eat you alive.

Nice place. Rent is a bit steep don't you think?

Almighty Colin
03-22-2004, 12:18 PM
NYC is one of the few cities on my list of places to move next.

03-22-2004, 04:12 PM
Originally posted by Hooper@Mar 21 2004, 06:56 PM
we just really need a change in environment, been in austin for 20+ years and it's starting to turn into a little mini dallas.. strip malls and highways and more strip malls.. oh and a church about every 50 yards..

it's a HUGE move so we're giving ourselves a year, at the end of a year if we love it we'll stay, if we hate it we'll leave.. who knows... life is about adventure!

quite a relief that there are so many people there and pretty nearby, will be a real pleasure to make some new friends! :)
some things to understand about this great area:

if people are rude (and most of the time they are...myself included), it's usually because people dont have time to sidestep out of their schedule.

what i mean by that is if you ask for directions and someone replies, "what do i look like a f**king tour guide" and then proceeds to walk or drive away, it's because they are busy and those new to this area best know how to read a map or mapquest shit online.

last thing you want to get caught in is a contradiction (we like to call it lying) cause you will never, ever live it down (unless you move to jersey and then that's even questionable).

this is a tough place to live BUT it is also a fair place to live. the unity here is amazing when times are tough. the city is a big place where you can just disappear on one hand and be seen on another.

i moved back up here in 89 from florida (i lived in ga and then in fl). living down south until i graduated hs and then moving here were worlds apart from each other. being back here really toughened me up, showed me that common sense is the best form of sense and never, ever take things at face value. you should see the third degree i put people through now if even the slightest thing they do or say is off.

nyc and it's boroughs are a great place to visit and an even better place to live.

03-22-2004, 05:18 PM
Originally posted by Cassie@Mar 22 2004, 04:20 PM
if people are rude (and most of the time they are...myself included), it's usually because people dont have time to sidestep out of their schedule.

what i mean by that is if you ask for directions and someone replies, "what do i look like a f**king tour guide" and then proceeds to walk or drive away, it's because they are busy and those new to this area best know how to read a map or mapquest shit online.

People are assholes you mean?

eh, at least you realize it. ;)

Monteal is about as much the opposite of that as can be.... (for a big city, cant beat country folks for friendliness)