View Full Version : This Senator is not happy with Viacom's Answer?

03-18-2004, 01:01 AM
who does this Senator think he is? writing to Viacom president?
Is that a duty of a Senator?
he's repping whom?

Viacom Inc. president Mel Karmazin's defense of a Howard Stern broadcast and Viacom's indecency-enforcement philosophy didn't sit well with Sen. Sam Brownback (R-Kan.).

The Senator's communications director, Brian Hart, today said the tone of the response to Brownback's request for information, as well as Karmazin's testimony several weeks ago before the House Commerce Committee, "seems like 'business as usual' instead of progressing toward upholding existing FCC regulations and working toward cleaning up our public airwaves."

The Senator is drafting yet another letter to the Viacom President that will include specific references to language on the Stern show "in hopes that Mr. Karmazin will explain how this material is not indecent under their own guidelines," said Hart.

Karmazin had apologized to the Senator for some of the broadcast's language and explained Viacom was taking steps to keep indecency off its airwaves. But Karmazin also said the company had determined the broadcast did not meet the FCC's definition of indecency. He added that that definition was a moving target and thus difficult to hit, though he pledged to try. While Clear Channel had pulled Stern from its airwaves following the Feb. 24 broadcast in question. Viacom's Infinity, which distributes the show, did not.

Also unhappy with Karmazin's answer was the Parents Television Council. "The FCC and Congress should interpret this move by Viacom as blatant contempt for parents and families," said PTC President Brent Bozell yesterday.

This is the religious freak who bathed an ex employees feet when he quit.
Who lives in a subsidized houseing, a nice Mansion paid for my the fellowship, Meese is in
this fuckin religious freak takes it upon himself to write to Mel? and ask how Stern is not indecent under Viacom's guidelines
its never been determined
listen to stern
sure you hear callers say Nigga, so fuckin what
he asked about anal sex
when chicks lost their virginity
Kids listen to the radio at night, going to bed
then they can listen to loveline and more explicit sex talk

this country is worried about language?
fuckin language?
turn the dial
and what do you think tv and radio will be like if the religious right takes over?
what will we watch?

the broadcast did not meet the FCC's definition of indecency
the broadcast did not meet the FCC's definition of indecency
the broadcast did not meet the FCC's definition of indecency
the broadcast did not meet the FCC's definition of indecency
the broadcast did not meet the FCC's definition of indecency
the broadcast did not meet the FCC's definition of indecency

03-18-2004, 07:58 AM
And that is the problem in a nutshell

What we need is a standard of decency, written, well defined, and non ambiguous (did I spell that right ?)

Of course we do not have any laws like that - well except maybe killing someone is illegal (notice I say maybe)

03-18-2004, 08:21 AM
what a bunch of fucking morons!

I wanna hear thsi senator's explanation to his grandchildren what ERECTILE DISFUNCTION is from the commercials they heard.

I'm sure he can also provide some demonstration

AM Jeff
03-18-2004, 08:36 AM
Yup, I enjoyed it when my 6yo girl asked me last week what Viagra was.
I was at lost for words.


03-18-2004, 08:38 AM
Originally posted by AM Jeff@Mar 18 2004, 08:44 AM
Yup, I enjoyed it when my 6yo girl asked me last week what Viagra was.
I was at lost for words.

it's much easier to explain about Janet Jackson's tit
(same like mommies, only BIGGER)
than about erectile disfunction....or "oral Sex" is not sex

03-18-2004, 12:47 PM
If anyone saw South Park last night (not their best show, not their worse), they nonetheless put this whole indecency thing (at the end of the episode) into a nutshell.

In any case, it's a presidential election year, and whether it's Stern, FCC, the new Justice Department hire, Clear Channel, the crackdown on advertisers of gambling ... it's been so far a three week concerted effort by right-wing conservatives and ultra-Christian whackos to try to SPIN that there is a (lmao) desire and (cough, spew) a "mandate" by the public at large for this behavior.

Meanwhile, the public at large are: watching Striparella and The Man Show, spending 10 billion a year on porn, 30 billion on gambling, waiting for more new South Park episodes, shopping at Hustler clothing stores, trying to find Paris Hilton mpegs, making the World Poker Tour the highest Travel Channel program, and turning into Unscrewed every night instead of Letterman.

03-18-2004, 01:00 PM
Originally posted by Dravyk@Mar 18 2004, 12:55 PM
If anyone saw South Park last night (not their best show, not their worse), they nonetheless put this whole indecency thing (at the end of the episode) into a nutshell.

In any case, it's a presidential election year, and whether it's Stern, FCC, the new Justice Department hire, Clear Channel, the crackdown on advertisers of gambling ... it's been so far a three week concerted effort by right-wing conservatives and ultra-Christian whackos to try to SPIN that there is a (lmao) desire and (cough, spew) a "mandate" by the public at large for this behavior.

Meanwhile, the public at large are: watching Striparella and The Man Show, spending 10 billion a year on porn, 30 billion on gambling, waiting for more new South Park episodes, shopping at Hustler clothing stores, trying to find Paris Hilton mpegs, making the World Poker Tour the highest Travel Channel program, and turning into Unscrewed every night instead of Letterman.
Problem is politicans have the power and many of them have a constinuency that will back them up at the polls and other places. It's almost always easier to fire up those who are against something and get them to go to polls and make a ton of noise than it is to rally the people who are for something. Especially when their is a rather large "morality" factor invloved.

03-18-2004, 01:36 PM
Originally posted by TheEnforcer@Mar 18 2004, 01:08 PM
Problem is politicans have the power ...
... Especially when their is a rather large "morality" factor invloved.
TE, that's the point, yes the more money one has the more the possessor of that money think they are gods themselves. At least that's my theory as to why so many ultra-religious conservative zealots are in control of money and power. Either way, the more someone clamps down the more the response is usally against them.

As to "large morality factor", it's a small morality factor as I've said. Look at tv show ratings, look at money spent on porn, drugs, gambling, etc. The majority of the voters are looking at these idiots clamping down and going "what the fuck"? The Moral Minority has been employing these same lame tactics for a generation now, and both the older folks and those born in the last thirty years (with the tattooed wrists and the "Pornstar" t-shirts) are all looking and laughing and saying, "gotta get these fucking dinosaurs trying to imprint their CroMagnon ideals the hell of here." Hopefully that will be taken to the polls as well.

03-18-2004, 01:56 PM
i only like democracy when i agree with the decisions made as a result. if i don't agree with those decisions, i complain that the system is broken because that better explains why my ideas, fears, concerns, paranoia and delusions are in the minority opinion.

03-18-2004, 02:08 PM
Originally posted by Dravyk@Mar 18 2004, 12:55 PM
If anyone saw South Park last night (not their best show, not their worse), they nonetheless put this whole indecency thing (at the end of the episode) into a nutshell.

In any case, it's a presidential election year, and whether it's Stern, FCC, the new Justice Department hire, Clear Channel, the crackdown on advertisers of gambling ... it's been so far a three week concerted effort by right-wing conservatives and ultra-Christian whackos to try to SPIN that there is a (lmao) desire and (cough, spew) a "mandate" by the public at large for this behavior.

Meanwhile, the public at large are: watching Striparella and The Man Show, spending 10 billion a year on porn, 30 billion on gambling, waiting for more new South Park episodes, shopping at Hustler clothing stores, trying to find Paris Hilton mpegs, making the World Poker Tour the highest Travel Channel program, and turning into Unscrewed every night instead of Letterman.
shit I was at a hockey game I missed SP
debut of season 8
what happened?

03-18-2004, 04:41 PM
Originally posted by Meni@Mar 18 2004, 02:16 PM
shit I was at a hockey game I missed SP
debut of season 8
what happened?
Knowing Comedy Central, they'll rerun it twice by Sunday, Meni.

JR, as you know, we're a republic; we just call it a democracy. And in actuality it's an oligarchy, but we won't let ourselves believe that.

03-19-2004, 12:11 AM
More on Brownback
Listening to Stern's show now, mp3
He points out
how the Senator is from Kansas
he's representing his people?
the show isn't broadcast in Kanas
he's repping the fellowship
he wrote 2 letters
its bordering in racketeering
almost threatening Viacom for having Stern on
And if they don't take him off ......

Stern will write to Brownback and tell him
first Senator, how about your dirty laundry
You live in subsidized mansion paid by the fellowship

03-19-2004, 01:18 AM

Fort Lauderdale FL - A young man named Meni killed 16 people and
wounded 23 in a local shopping mall with a stolen assault rifle and later
claimed that Howard Stern was giving him orders to carry out the
murders. "He was speaking to me through a secret code on his radio
station and I had no choice but to carry out his will" Meni claimed.

Details are sketchy at this point, but apparently Meni was running naked
through the shopping center in what appeared to be the yellow
crotchless "Fart Man" costum used in the movie "Private Parts" starring
Howard Stern and shooting people at random while trying to fart music
between strides. We interviewed a few of Meni's neighbors who all
expressed no surprise whatsoever upon hearing about this tragic
event. "He was a fucking nutcase" two neighbors chimed in chorus with
each other when asked their opinion of him. "that goofy twit would often
run around the yard naked, singing showtunes and quoting Barbara
Streisand 12-18 hrs a day". Meni is currently under psychiatric supervision
undergoing testing to determine whether or not he will be fit for trial.

Last edited by JR at Mar 18 2004, 10:29 PM

03-19-2004, 10:53 AM
Originally posted by JR@Mar 19 2004, 01:26 AM

Fort Lauderdale FL - A young man named Meni killed 16 people and
wounded 23 in a local shopping mall with a stolen assault rifle and later
claimed that Howard Stern was giving him orders to carry out the
murders. "He was speaking to me through a secret code on his radio
station and I had no choice but to carry out his will" Meni claimed.

Details are sketchy at this point, but apparently Meni was running naked
through the shopping center in what appeared to be the yellow
crotchless "Fart Man" costum used in the movie "Private Parts" starring
Howard Stern and shooting people at random while trying to fart music
between strides. We interviewed a few of Meni's neighbors who all
expressed no surprise whatsoever upon hearing about this tragic
event. "He was a fucking nutcase" two neighbors chimed in chorus with
each other when asked their opinion of him. "that goofy twit would often
run around the yard naked, singing showtunes and quoting Barbara
Streisand 12-18 hrs a day". Meni is currently under psychiatric supervision
undergoing testing to determine whether or not he will be fit for trial.
hee hee
ok lets say i didn't tell you babs said that
is it better now?
and if you don't think Clear Channel got stern off cuz of his bush stance, you are naive street.
Zero tolerance to indecency?
Elliot from DC a dj is looking at 250K in fines, Clear Channel isn't letting him go though
Elliot is fined and still there, Stern has not been fined, booted days after ripping on Bush