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03-01-2004, 03:20 AM
Dog tortured after woman flees house
INTRUDER: Police say drug-fueled rampage turned into bloodbath.

Anchorage Daily News

(Published: February 29, 2004)
An Anchorage woman's quick-thinking self-defense skills may have saved her life, though the family dog she left behind when she fled fell victim to a stranger's drug-fueled rampage through her home, police said Saturday.

In the end, Tommie Earl Smith, 19, of Anchorage was charged with cruelty to animals, first-degree burglary, fourth-degree assault and third-degree criminal mischief. He is lodged at Anchorage Correctional Complex East in lieu of $25,000 bail.

Smith is accused of strong-arming his way into the West Anchorage home of Theresa Keppler. After Keppler fled, court documents say, Smith tortured and killed her German shepherd as he kept police at bay outside.

When Smith ultimately came out, he had covered himself in the dog's blood. Inside, police found a "bloodbath," Sgt. Tony Henry said.

"Every room had blood," Henry said. "This guy used three different knives and a barbecue fork. You could see where the dog had tried to run and escape, and you could see where finally the dog had lost enough blood."

Bloody paw prints were on windows in two rooms, court documents say.

Henry didn't know Keppler's dog's name but said the German shepherd had come from a dog-rescue group in Anchorage.

Smith was apparently upset on Friday over a fight with his girlfriend and took a hefty dose of a drug similar to Coricidin, Henry said.

Common in cough and cold medicines, Coricidin is gaining popularity among drug-abusing youths for its availability, its psychedelic properties and amphetaminelike effects, according to drug information Web sites.

Henry said Smith -- who has previous convictions for consuming alcohol as a minor, according to court documents -- was on and off police radar all day Friday as he apparently made a number of bizarre appearances around Anchorage.

Smith barged into a Carrs store where his mother works, muttering something unintelligible, before wandering off, Henry said.

Another caller to 911 said a man behaving erratically and matching Smith's description tried to steal his truck. The caller said he threw the would-be thief out of the truck and the man ran off.

Smith showed up at Keppler's house about 4 p.m. His grandparents live in the same neighborhood, Henry said.

He knocked on Keppler's door, and she opened it. The two had never met, Henry said.

Smith grabbed Keppler's arm and rushed into the arctic entryway, trying to force her inside, according to court records.

What Keppler, who was home alone, did next was "superb," Henry said: Having taken some self-defense classes, she was able to twist free, getting past Smith and darting outside, barefoot.

"I know she probably is second-guessing herself for leaving her dog in there, but it could have been horrible," Henry said. "Everything he did to that dog, he could have done to her."

Keppler called police from a neighbor's house, warning authorities there was a gun in the home.

Police arrived and talked to Smith on the phone during an hour-long standoff. Twice they saw his left arm through a window.

Officers heard the sound of a yelping dog from inside the house. They speculated it was being tortured or killed, said Henry, who oversees the police force's K-9 unit.

When police finally coaxed Smith out, he ignored police instructions and reached for a rear pocket of his pants, court documents say. Officers used a Taser on him, "at which time he became cooperative," the documents say. Handheld Tasers stun their target with a painful electrical jolt.

Smith initially told police his name was Jesus. Later he gave his real name.

Inside the house, Henry said he found one of the most gruesome scenes he's come across during his police career.

"And what makes it so sad is it's so senseless," Henry said. "You've got a helpless dog. This is a family pet that's as defenseless as a kid would be. They can't fight back."

03-01-2004, 09:56 AM
:grrr: :grrr: :grrr: :cryin:

03-01-2004, 10:40 AM
I hope that asswipe, gets the same when he goes 2 jail

03-01-2004, 11:10 AM
Normally a german shepherd would have torn him up, but since this guy was doped up... sigh. I've heard cops tell horror stories about people on drugs who become invincible.

That is fucking cruel beyond words... and the police just stood by and let it happen. Couldn't they have thrown some tear gas through the window or *something*???

03-01-2004, 02:37 PM
wow, from coriciden?

probably took something else with it.

03-01-2004, 03:14 PM
I don't see why they didn't just send in a couple of police dogs. Some family pets are very socialized, old, lame... hard to find a reason why a German Shepard would let someone do that to it because they're normally a very aggessive breed. Send the dogs in and let them take care of their own.

I have two pits and you wouldn't want to try coming after either one of them with a fork or a kitchen knife, I don't care how much PCP you smoked.

03-01-2004, 03:47 PM
It really bugs me to hear of stories like this. Hopefully that fucker gets what he deserves.

03-01-2004, 03:54 PM
Originally posted by Deepai@Mar 1 2004, 12:55 PM
It really bugs me to hear of stories like this. Hopefully that fucker gets what he deserves.
probably not as much as your "stories" bug others.