View Full Version : Have you thought about ditching your phone?

02-27-2004, 12:45 PM
I've grown to hate the telephone.
I mainly talk to 2 people - my parents, who are 5 miles away, and my friend who is in Florida (he gets free LD so he calls me a lot).
Other than that I *never* make a call except for the once-in-a-blue-moon business call or letting Cox know that my internet is down.
Total all of that up, and I'm on the phone MAYBE 30 minutes a month, and 28 of that is usually my FL buddy calling *me*.
Both of the above are online and have ICQ.

The only other calls I get are the local Goodwill store calling me 2-3 times a week letting me know about what sales they're having (I've asked them to take me off of their list), and donation calls around holidays like the policeman's fund or fireman's fund. Oh yeah, and all of the wrong numbers (someone drunk saying "Yo baby, is Alish-ya dere? Lemme talk at da bitch") or doctors who think they need to remind me 3 times that I have an appointment coming up.
And these types of calls are ALWAYS right when I've laid down for a nap (or laid the kids down for their naps), right when we sit down for dinner or just when Survivor comes on. Oh, and the 3am ones are always nice. Ugh.

For this aggravation and interruption I'm paying $45/mo for *maybe* 30 minutes of phone time (including FCC taxes/surcharges). WHY??

I've been surfing around all of the different phone provider sites - both landline and wireless, and all of them seem to think that if you're not on the phone at least 200 minutes per month you're a mutant.
I guess I'm a mutant.
The cheapest non-mutant charges I could find were $29.99/mo and you still tack FCC charges onto that which puts me right up at the same level, only now I can carry my phone with me and get the aggravation in my car, too.

I'm thinking of ditching my phone all together and just going with a prepaid wireless plan. Even at $0.35 per minute I'm probably looking at $10/mo total. My only thing is, I need minutes that don't expire, since you have to buy them in bundles and I won't use an entire bundle in 60 days.

Have any of you gotten rid of your landline phones and gone fully wireless? Or have you gotten rid of your phones completely or gone prepaid?

I'm just sick of having to PAY for the inconvenience of having someone interrupt me and aggravate me. They should be paying ME.

Last edited by Carrie at Feb 27 2004, 12:56 PM

02-27-2004, 12:56 PM
I don't talk that often, but usually once I get started, it's a good 1-2 hour chat. Thank goodness for calling cards and cell phones since most of my calls are long distance :)

I had 4 lines when I moved in and I'm now down to 2 and eventually might just have the one for DSL/fax and get a cellular connection for the house alarm.

Last edited by Peaches at Feb 27 2004, 02:04 PM

Mike AI
02-27-2004, 01:49 PM
At the condo I don't have any phone lines yet. I was thinking I probably do not need one, I could just go with cell phone. Then I tried to order pizza.... so I was screwed.... Then my beautiful and smart wife suggested we order online - and BAM! we got pizza delivered!!

I think I may be giving up my sprint phones and moving to TMobile in a week to so when I end up in Tampa full time. I will also change my number to a 813 area code.

02-27-2004, 01:57 PM
ive got a phone line for dsl, but no phone.

cell phone minutes are cheap

02-27-2004, 02:01 PM
Originally posted by Mike AI@Feb 27 2004, 01:57 PM
At the condo I don't have any phone lines yet. I was thinking I probably do not need one, I could just go with cell phone. Then I tried to order pizza.... so I was screwed.... Then my beautiful and smart wife suggested we order online - and BAM! we got pizza delivered!!

I think I may be giving up my sprint phones and moving to TMobile in a week to so when I end up in Tampa full time. I will also change my number to a 813 area code.
Tmobile rocks.
I dont know if you saw me with in in Vegas but I have a sidekick and it handles phone,web and email all in one package. Its good for keeping up with Oprano when your plane lands and youve found that the Old Hags Club thinks you cant defend yourself. I wasnt even checked in.

Email finds me no matter where I am at and with a little headset the phone part is a breeze.

Carrie I almost ditched everything for an upgraded package with TMobile.

Then I found Vonage.
Voice Over IP...plugs into my cable modem and gives me unlimited long distance all the extra features for $35 a month.


02-27-2004, 02:08 PM
Originally posted by gonzo@Feb 27 2004, 03:09 PM
Then I found Vonage.
Voice Over IP...plugs into my cable modem and gives me unlimited long distance all the extra features for $35 a month.

Geeze, I'm paying about 2 cents a minute for LD through the phone card and then I get 250 anytime and 1000 n/w on the cell. I'd have to talk 1750 minutes a month on the phone card alone to make Vonage worth it. No one wants to talk to me that much. :P

02-27-2004, 02:35 PM

02-27-2004, 02:54 PM
Oddly enough, I got rid of my cell phone about a year ago due to just not being able to get away from anyone...now I'm thinking of going opposite and getting rid of the landline and going totally mobile...maybe grab a vonage account...it's getting crazy here with all the rate hikes, taxes and charges...everyonehas their 50 cents to a dolar charge and surcharge and suddenly you're looking at $60-70 per month before you even dial the 1 on your first long distance call of the month...

02-27-2004, 03:27 PM
Phones are evil. But such is life.

02-27-2004, 03:31 PM
Originally posted by *KK*@Feb 27 2004, 03:35 PM
Phones are evil. But such is life.
speaking of phones :yowsa:

02-27-2004, 03:31 PM
Does anyone have one of the wireless alarm monitoring connections? There's a Cingular tower on the top of the mountain (thank goodness since I can't get a signal from any other carrier) but I'm still paranoid about having it as the main connection. I wouldn't mind it as a back up if the lines are cut/fall, but I was talking to my Dad the other day and the call dropped...not sure I want that when my alarm is calling in... :unsure:

02-27-2004, 03:39 PM
Gonzo that Tmobile looks good. For the same amount I'm paying now I could have 2 cellulars (one for me and one for Hubby) and the calling between them would be free. (Good for "hey bring home soda" calls.)

But the Vonage cheapie plan looks good too. $15/mo and 500 minutes. Do they tack on all the dumb FCC charges and taxes or is it *just* $15? I couldn't find anything about that on the site.

02-27-2004, 03:39 PM
I got into a piss match with Sprint and thus have no phone service right now. I can honestly say I don't miss it that much at all. That said I will either have to give in to Sprint or get new service because as much as I enjoy not having one my family gives me no end of shit for not having one. Wonder if Vonage would be a good service to have? Is that only for outbound calls? That would be kinda nice cause then no idiots could call me soliciting shit all the time, even on my cell when I had it.

02-27-2004, 03:47 PM
Exactly, Sykk.
Everyone's advertising these "oh we're cheaper than the other guy" deals but then once all the stupid charges get tacked on you're paying more than premium broadband internet just to get 2 phone calls a week and not even make any LD calls. It's ridiculous.

Peaches how are your Cingular charges?

02-27-2004, 03:51 PM
Originally posted by TheEnforcer@Feb 27 2004, 03:47 PM
I got into a piss match with Sprint and thus have no phone service right now. I can honestly say I don't miss it that much at all. That said I will either have to give in to Sprint or get new service because as much as I enjoy not having one my family gives me no end of shit for not having one. Wonder if Vonage would be a good service to have? Is that only for outbound calls? That would be kinda nice cause then no idiots could call me soliciting shit all the time, even on my cell when I had it.
TE I thought about telling my buddy in FL that if he wants me to be available for his chats then he can pay for my phone, LOL. I spend more time on ICQ with my parents than I do on the phone - usually the phone call is 30seconds long and consists of "just checking to see if you were home yet, we're on our way over".

If your family is giving you shit about it tell them to buy you a cellphone :P

The only reason I don't want to dump the phone *completely* is so I can dial 911 if I need to. I know that you're *supposed* to still be able to dial 911 but whenever I've moved into a new house and the phone hasn't been set up yet, there's not even been a dial tone to dial 911 with, so I don't trust that if I get the phone shut off completely I'd be able to call for emergencies.

02-27-2004, 03:55 PM
Originally posted by Carrie@Feb 27 2004, 04:55 PM
Peaches how are your Cingular charges?
It's $29.95 for 250 nationwide anytime and 1000 n/w with a 2 year contract. I got the camera phone for $100. For an additional $2.99 a month I get unlimited multimedia messaging for 3 months and after 3 months I get 20 a month for the same price.

I had a Tracfone for years which uses Cingular, but it was big and didn't have a silent ring. Plus the minutes are high, but I wasn't using it that much. I'm using this one more :awinky:

I had Sprint PCS for years and was always happy with it, but I couldn't get a signal here. :(

02-27-2004, 04:21 PM

We have 1 vonage line, and 1 packet8.net line at home for the kids.

For 20.00 per month you can't beat, www.packet8.net

Unlimited LD in the usa and canada. if you have dsl or cable, give it a try.

02-27-2004, 04:35 PM
Originally posted by Carrie@Feb 27 2004, 03:47 PM
Gonzo that Tmobile looks good. For the same amount I'm paying now I could have 2 cellulars (one for me and one for Hubby) and the calling between them would be free. (Good for "hey bring home soda" calls.)

But the Vonage cheapie plan looks good too. $15/mo and 500 minutes. Do they tack on all the dumb FCC charges and taxes or is it *just* $15? I couldn't find anything about that on the site.
Tmobile rules...tell em I referred you hehehe.
Gimme your email address and Ill get a vonage referal credit too.

No FCC VAT fees were in my contract when I signed up.

02-27-2004, 05:06 PM
I found it.

Packet8: $20.55/mo after taxes.
NO 911 service.
From the terms it looks like incoming calls count against your minutes?

Vonage: $16.94/mo after taxes.
911 service IS included.
Can't tell if incoming calls count against your minutes, don't see anything about that.

Still looking around the sites, but Vonage definitely looks like a better alternative than just dumping the phone all together. (Packet8 has great features but the 'no 911' thing I don't like being as this would be my only line.)

Edit: Vonage says "Incoming, toll-free, voicemail, and Vonage-to-Vonage calls do not count against your 500 monthly minutes."
I'm sold.
Gonzo I'll zip my email addy over to you via ICQ. Do I have to put yours in to confirm the referral? If so give me the one you used when you signed up.

Last edited by Carrie at Feb 27 2004, 05:23 PM

02-27-2004, 05:23 PM

on packet.net there is no counting minutes.

$20.00 per month unlimted usa / canada.

Vonage has a few more features, like adding a fax line for 9.99 a month or getting the biz package, with a free fax line.

Remember the vonage 911 doesn't work exactly like normal 911, I mean you activate it, pick the closest 911 center to your home, but from what I have read it doesn't all work right.

Read up in the voip forum at, www.dslreports.com for some good info on lots of voip providers :)

02-27-2004, 05:50 PM
Hmmm.. interesting stuff here...

02-27-2004, 05:54 PM
i lost my cell phone a week ago, i was pissed
i lost all my #s AGAIN !

waiting for moto v600

02-27-2004, 06:28 PM
Originally posted by slavdogg@Feb 27 2004, 07:02 PM
i lost my cell phone a week ago, i was pissed
i lost all my #s AGAIN !

waiting for moto v600
I've got the V400 - what's the 600 have extra?

And did you see where I really needed you? :awinky: Your email is blocking me and it just dawned on me that if you email, I can't respond :( Can you ICQ me at 36734533? Simple question - I promise :)

02-27-2004, 08:34 PM
waiting for moto v600[/QUOTE]
I've got the V400 - what's the 600 have extra?

quad band, world phone with a camera. first flip phone of its kind. I like being able to use my phone in Mexico and Europe, and take pics in strip clubs haha j/k :)

No more tiny nokia, sony style phones for me, I seem to lose my mind and than my phone all the time.

maybe i should go totally unplugged
when i write phone #s on a scrap of paper, i never lose that. WHen i put #s into my phone i lose my phone. hmm

02-27-2004, 10:43 PM
We got rid of our regular phone several years ago and went 100% cellular. We love it!

In fact we are not even having phone lines ran in to the house we are building.


02-27-2004, 10:48 PM
Switch everything to ham radio....... :okthumb:


02-27-2004, 11:59 PM
Originally posted by Danielle@Feb 27 2004, 10:51 PM
In fact we are not even having phone lines ran in to the house we are building.
what r you gonna do when you sell the house ?

that sounds a little extreme to me not having landline at all

02-28-2004, 01:32 AM
Originally posted by slavdogg+Feb 28 2004, 12:07 AM--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (slavdogg @ Feb 28 2004, 12:07 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteBegin--Danielle@Feb 27 2004, 10:51 PM
In fact we are not even having phone lines ran in to the house we are building.
what r you gonna do when you sell the house ?

that sounds a little extreme to me not having landline at all[/b][/quote]
I agree. If I were building a house I'd be sure that sucker was wired to the hilt with everything before the drywall went up. Phone, cable tv, and network drops in every room.
When you can say that the house is completely outfitted with that, it really helps the resale value. (Plus it's really convenient for you!)

02-28-2004, 12:36 PM
Originally posted by sextoyking@Feb 27 2004, 05:31 PM

on packet.net there is no counting minutes.

$20.00 per month unlimted usa / canada.

Vonage has a few more features, like adding a fax line for 9.99 a month or getting the biz package, with a free fax line.

Remember the vonage 911 doesn't work exactly like normal 911, I mean you activate it, pick the closest 911 center to your home, but from what I have read it doesn't all work right.

Read up in the voip forum at, www.dslreports.com for some good info on lots of voip providers :)
I emailed you

02-28-2004, 12:42 PM

You emailed me??

02-28-2004, 12:55 PM
Originally posted by sarettah@Feb 27 2004, 10:56 PM
Switch everything to ham radio....... :okthumb:

only CB here : ))

02-28-2004, 01:42 PM
Fuck it
I'll go up on the roof, send smoke signals and beat my tom toms

Maybe next year I'lll get 2 tin cans and some string

02-28-2004, 02:08 PM
Originally posted by sarettah@Feb 27 2004, 10:56 PM
Switch everything to ham radio....... :okthumb:

Stalkers can find you on the ham radio...all they need is a rusted up old beat up Toyota Corolla or a pie pan and a 2 meter antenna!

02-28-2004, 02:09 PM
I have never had a phone line in my Florida houses. I just use cell. Since Dave and I are both on Verizion - the calls are free. No one locally that doesn't have a cell, calls me anyway.

I don't get those intruding sales calls. Occasionally, it is a pain. I couldn't get a Home Depot card.... oh well .... didn't really want one.

I use cable for internet.

The only thing I miss is needing to send a fax occassionally. Most things I can just scan and email.

02-29-2004, 12:21 AM
Originally posted by slavdogg+Feb 27 2004, 09:07 PM--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (slavdogg @ Feb 27 2004, 09:07 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteBegin--Danielle@Feb 27 2004, 10:51 PM
In fact we are not even having phone lines ran in to the house we are building.
what r you gonna do when you sell the house ?

that sounds a little extreme to me not having land line at all[/b][/quote]
The house is being built on land that has been passed down through the family for hundreds of years. It will never be sold. It will be passed down.

Plus, as bad as the phone system is out here you would not want land line phones anyway.


02-29-2004, 05:19 AM
Originally posted by Vick@Feb 28 2004, 01:50 PM
Fuck it
I'll go up on the roof, send smoke signals and beat my tom toms

Maybe next year I'lll get 2 tin cans and some string
Better hope a storm doesn't come up the Bay...
it'll scramble your smoke-signal :P

02-29-2004, 10:47 AM
Can't stand cell phones. My friends keep raving on about how i have to have one, and how behind the times i am, and all that. I got one as a gift, but i gave it to my brother. I just find them extremely annoying. Every time i'm out with my friends, they're forever getting text messages, or having some twat call them up to talk about nothing in particular for half an hour.

People keep telling me that they need them, but what has changed in the last few years to warrant it? Fuck all.

02-29-2004, 12:25 PM
Carrie...I am so sick to death of phone companies.....

We just got finished fighting Qwest Communnications and I'm talking about 3100 dollars over a period of a year and a half. They sold us a product for which we had no use; but, their experts insisted we needed. They are all predatory marketers. Sigh. Grumble.
While we didn't recover all of the money, they did give enough back so I would stop writing letters to every federal and state agency in this country.

We keep debating about whether or not to go cable or stay with dsl...so far, dsl has served us well here...cable wasn't here when we moved into the neighbourhood.

I don't love cell phones, but they are very convenient when I leave the house. Verizon, so far, seems to have the best nationwide coverage; and, since I travel a lot, I need one.

Now, I'm hearing about TMobile and how wonderful it is; but, do they have great reception? (Keep in mind, I live between two mountain ranges)...and how is the nationwide coverage.

Then again.....it's yet another contract.

I do like the Verizon to Verizon minutes.....but, hell, we're paying 80. a month for two cell phones.

I don't even know why I bother taking my cell phone places. I can't hear anyway, with all the background noise.

The 'Do Not Call'Registry is a joke, as far as I'm concerned. MCI calls both of my land lines weekly.

02-29-2004, 01:31 PM
Originally posted by Raven@Feb 29 2004, 12:33 PM
Carrie...I am so sick to death of phone companies.....

We just got finished fighting Qwest Communnications and I'm talking about 3100 dollars over a period of a year and a half. They sold us a product for which we had no use; but, their experts insisted we needed. They are all predatory marketers. Sigh. Grumble.
While we didn't recover all of the money, they did give enough back so I would stop writing letters to every federal and state agency in this country.

We keep debating about whether or not to go cable or stay with dsl...so far, dsl has served us well here...cable wasn't here when we moved into the neighbourhood.

I don't love cell phones, but they are very convenient when I leave the house. Verizon, so far, seems to have the best nationwide coverage; and, since I travel a lot, I need one.

Now, I'm hearing about TMobile and how wonderful it is; but, do they have great reception? (Keep in mind, I live between two mountain ranges)...and how is the nationwide coverage.

Then again.....it's yet another contract.

I do like the Verizon to Verizon minutes.....but, hell, we're paying 80. a month for two cell phones.

I don't even know why I bother taking my cell phone places. I can't hear anyway, with all the background noise.

The 'Do Not Call'Registry is a joke, as far as I'm concerned. MCI calls both of my land lines weekly.
Check the coverage plan for your area. Thats the only gotcha with TMobile is they arent building out too fast.