View Full Version : Rich Folks... Us Liberals don't really want ..

02-25-2004, 09:47 PM
We really don't...

But, darn it, it's for your own good.

As we all know, Rich people are totally miserable. They work work work all the time, using their money to make more money. Never satisfied with what they have, in their minds, unless they have all of it, they don't have enough.

Poor poor rich people, so sad a life, never stopping to watch the sunset, never seeing their kids grow up, never knowing the joy of driving on expired tags because you can't afford the new tires that you need to get through the inspection.

So, for Rich Folk's own good, we should tax them into poverty. It is proven that the further we move a rich person from their goal of total ownership of everything, the more likely that they will eventually admit failure of their quest and stop pursuing it. At that point, they slow down, become more mundane and join the status quo. Rich folk will be much happier as poor folk and ya know, it occurs to me that pursuit of happiness is one of those American ideals. Taxes on the rich are good for the rich.

trust me..... :okthumb:

02-25-2004, 11:00 PM
You got gold in your mouth
We ain't see no gold since the priests left
You got silver on your wrists
We ain't seen no silver since the airplane crash last year

You got blue shining skies
we got the sun in our eyes
And we're going blind
We don't want your money
we want mine

You got shoes on your feet
We ain't seen no shoes since the soldiers came
You got food in your mouth
And that ain't even funny

If we should threaten you we're wasting our time
If we appeal to you we're wasting our time
But if we ask you very nicely please be kind
We don't want your money we want mine

You got lies in your mouth
We don't hear no truth 'til the kids cry
You got smiles to your ears
We don't got no smiles

02-26-2004, 12:24 AM
Robert owes half to grenville
Who in turn gave half to larry
Who adored my instrumentals
And so he gave half to a foreign publisher
She took half the money
that was earned in some far distant land
Gave back half to larry
and i end up with half of goodness knows what

Oh can somebody explain
why things go on this way
I thought they were my friends
i can't believe it's me,
i can't believe that i'm so green

Eyes down round and round
let's all sit and watch the money go round

Everyone take a little bit here
and a little bit there

Do they all deserve money
from a song that they've never heard
They don't know the tune
and they don't know the words

But they don't give a damn

There's no end to it
i'm in a pit and i'm stuck in it
The money goes round and around and around
And it comes out here

when they've all ta ken their share

I went to see a solicitor
and my story was heard
and the writs were served
On the verge of a nervous breakdown
i decided to fight right to the end

But if i ever get my money
i'll be too old and grey to spend it

Oh, but life goes on and on
and no one ever wins

And time goes quickly by
just like the money go round
I only hope that i'll survive

Hell Puppy
02-26-2004, 08:12 AM
Super Tuesday is coming up here, so we're starting to get campaign commercials.

I love the one from John Kerry....part of it says he want to repeal the Bush tax cuts for the rich because "it's the right thing to do".....

Almighty Colin
02-26-2004, 08:18 AM
Originally posted by Hell Puppy@Feb 26 2004, 08:20 AM
Super Tuesday is coming up here, so we're starting to get campaign commercials.

I love the one from John Kerry....part of it says he want to repeal the Bush tax cuts for the rich because "it's the right thing to do".....
Ahh, shit. Kerry's starting to lose my vote already. I guess i'll just not vote like every other year.

02-26-2004, 09:05 AM
Originally posted by Hell Puppy@Feb 26 2004, 09:20 AM
Super Tuesday is coming up here, so we're starting to get campaign commercials.
Let's not forget the flag vote too! :rolleyes: