View Full Version : Lee, what do you think of Brad's new board?

02-23-2004, 02:52 PM
you think brad has what it takes to put a stake in Lensman?

02-23-2004, 03:38 PM
I want to make something clear. I did not launch the board to put a stake in lensman. On a personal level he is a fine guy. On a business level, his weaknesses have been shown to be crystal clear time and time again.

I launched the board because I spend so much time on boards, and assist in making the board owners $, it was only a natural progression. I wanted a piece of the pie. I have an idea what GFY, Oprano, etc make and I want my share. I am a businessman.

I am very pleased the board has taken off, honestly surprised. Our intention is not to be GFY. Originally I would have been happy with #2 or #3, but I am now thinking of setting my goals higher long term as I see lens be his own worst enemy.Lens decided to take such an overly sensitive and defensive stand, in the end only hurting himself IMHO.

I look forward to working with Oprano, Pimp Board, and anyone else who wants to do some business and support each other. Scratch my ass, I scratch yours. Fuck me in the ass, and take it in the ass.

02-23-2004, 03:41 PM
Originally posted by BradShaw@Feb 23 2004, 12:46 PM
I want to make something clear. I did not launch the board to put a stake in lensman. On a personal level he is a fine guy. On a business level, his weaknesses have been shown to be crystal clear time and time again.

I launched the board because I spend so much time on boards, and assist in making the board owners $, it was only a natural progression. I wanted a piece of the pie. I have an idea what GFY, Oprano, etc make and I want my share. I am a businessman.

I am very pleased the board has taken off, honestly surprised. Our intention is not to be GFY. Originally I would have been happy with #2 or #3, but I am now thinking of setting my goals higher long term as I see lens be his own worst enemy.Lens decided to take such an overly sensitive and defensive stand, in the end only hurting himself IMHO.

I look forward to working with Oprano, Pimp Board, and anyone else who wants to do some business and support each other. Scratch my ass, I scratch yours. Fuck me in the ass, and take it in the ass.
Sound good BradShaw, can you get our opranopoker.com button up in rotation. just checkmy sig there. that's the one I have picked.

also, who do I send the Invoice to for the 2 special poker tournaments JBM had? BTW you did awesome last night in the tourney.


02-23-2004, 03:41 PM
Originally posted by BradShaw@Feb 23 2004, 03:46 PM
Scratch my ass, I scratch yours. Fuck me in the ass, and take it in the ass.
why didn't you tell everybody from the start you are running GAY board??????


02-23-2004, 03:47 PM
masterp74 email me all invoices. brad @ justblowme.com

Thanks for all your help with poker, we look forward to working with you more in the future.

02-23-2004, 04:59 PM
I had no idea Brad had a board, whats the URL? Then I will come back and tell you what I think.

If Brad does the board for fun it would probably take off but if he does it for money as the main reason, that does not encourage folks to support it....and he may be destin to fail, dunno.

Ask me in 6 months, but toss me the URL now please :-))

Good luck with your board Brad....have fun with it if nothing else.

02-23-2004, 05:27 PM
Originally posted by LeeNoga@Feb 23 2004, 02:07 PM
I had no idea Brad had a board, whats the URL? Then I will come back and tell you what I think.

If Brad does the board for fun it would probably take off but if he does it for money as the main reason, that does not encourage folks to support it....and he may be destin to fail, dunno.

Ask me in 6 months, but toss me the URL now please :-))

Good luck with your board Brad....have fun with it if nothing else.
Lee, see my sig.

02-23-2004, 08:19 PM
I like Brads board....... something different about it - can't put my finger on it. :-)

02-24-2004, 12:55 AM
SO far its getting a positive response. Needs time to build like anything does. But he's on his way for sure.

02-24-2004, 11:17 AM
Yeah, I know what you mean Sharpie, it has the likes of GFY without the downside.

But the board is new and this brings alot of momentum, the real work begins in about 90 days.....its refreshing, absolutely.....but can it remain so without the downside creeping in early in the development.

I like the board alot...what can I say.

02-24-2004, 11:58 AM
Key to success will be bringing back GOOD people. Easy to have a big grand opening, curiosity. But we will have to offer something worth while, and maybe just a little bit different, which is the plan.............

Already seen that the Private Biz board will be tough. 90% of "business men" in this business gave up on the boards long ago.

Last edited by BradShaw at Feb 24 2004, 09:07 AM