View Full Version : Politicians

02-07-2004, 07:32 AM
OK, I remember 7 presidents starting with Nixon, however it was not until Carter was in office that I could understand anything that was going on really.

It seems to me that every president in my life was going to

Fix the school systems
Save Social Security
Provide health care for the elderly

It seems to me that there might not be any real interest in solving the problems, just using them as buzz words to get elected.

Has any politician in recent history really tried to fix any problems ?

02-07-2004, 07:57 AM
The problem is the fact that as soon as a politician gets elected, his job description changes to 'get reelected'...

And, in answer to your question, some have, but they had little support.

Last edited by Torone at Feb 7 2004, 07:07 AM

02-07-2004, 08:48 AM
Get rid of the human race.
http://www.porngreen.org/solution.jpg :rokk:

02-07-2004, 08:52 AM
Nixon for President in 2004!!!!!

He's Tan, Rested and Dead

Perfect for the job!!!

TGF - I keep rooting for the planet because the inhabitants are screwed (well that and I like to root for the winning team)

Almighty Colin
02-07-2004, 09:11 AM
A few things.

What some people consider "problems" aren't considered so by other people. Solutions to many social "problems" are not necessarily known.

Fixing one "problem" often exacerbates another. The majority of a presidential candidate's time leading into an election is spent campaigning not studying all the possible ramifications of particular legislative items on all of public policy.

There's an enormous amount of legislation passed each year that attempts to solve "problems". It's not like society is standing still. I in fact think that the world is a much better place today than it was a half century ago. The successes of the civil rights movement seem to me the most obvious positive changes in western societies. But this is just a cultural belief banged into my head by too many after-school specials watched as a kid. But hey, I embrace my slavery.

I would guess that most people who aspire to be president desire to make what they consider to be positive changes. Presidents don't make law though. They are only one part of the process. And of course, in the end any such legislation proposed by presidents tends to get passed as a watered down version if it passes at all. This is by design and is all a part of the system of checks and balances. In constitutional democratic republics a president's job is not to dictate.

All the various institutions that exist today exist as such for a reason. They were often created to solve other problems and I think that we citizens should always keep that in mind. That being said modern democracies have built into them the apparatus necessary to make changes and better reflect current society. This happens through legislation which usually occurs by a process of compromise between people with competing political beliefs and by common law which permits rapid change to changing social conditions.

Such change is not intended to be radical. Radical changes in institutions can have destabilizing effects on the entire system often ending it entirely.

02-07-2004, 09:26 AM
Right on. When most people think of 'politicians' they have been conditioned to think of the President (no matter who that is at the time).

Fact is, if anyone was paying attention, the Congress (and particularly the Senate) had much more to say than the President did between 2001 and 2003.

What is scary and needs to be changed is the Constitutional provision giving Federal judgeships a life term. Recent SCOTUS decisions deferring to the laws of other countries instead of interpreting our Constitution demonstrate a need to either limit the power of judges or provide for term limits and/or removal from the bench.

Evil Chris
02-07-2004, 10:23 AM
Why can a US president only stay in office for two terms?

It's not a joke, I'm really asking. But if you have a punchline for this, post that too. hehe...

02-07-2004, 10:36 AM
Originally posted by Colin@Feb 7 2004, 09:19 AM
I would guess that most people who aspire to be president desire to make what they consider to be positive changes.
and as I've stated many times before and will continue to say

Anyone who wants to be President of the US ....

... is unfit for the job :blink:

Just by the simple megalomaniac ego clause involved

EC - in the US we have term limits for the President - 2 terms and out
Been that way since FDR won 4 terms (or shortly after)

Nixon is the only real viable candidate for the 2004 presidency

He's dead, he can't fuck anything up

02-07-2004, 11:08 AM
Not one social program has solved one social problem... period ...

they might be well intended but ?

02-07-2004, 11:09 AM
Sorry ... in the Dead President's race, I'm still voting for Truman. Nixon - even dead - and the Patriot Act is not a pleasant thought.

02-07-2004, 05:11 PM
Originally posted by Evil Chris@Feb 7 2004, 09:31 AM
Why can a US president only stay in office for two terms?

It's not a joke, I'm really asking. But if you have a punchline for this, post that too. hehe...
Congress passed an amendment; and it was properly signed and ratified. I think term limits would be a good thing for ALL politicians.