View Full Version : Porn Pics and Spam

01-10-2004, 12:54 PM
(Spam I am:)
I am Spam
Spam I am

That Spam I Am
That Spam I Am
I do not like
that Spam I Am

(Spam I am:)
Do you like Porn Pics and Spam ?

I do not like them
Spam I am
I do not like
Porn Pics and Spam

(Spam I am:)
Would you like them at home or work ?

I would not like them
at home or work
I would not like them
you stupid jerk
I do not like
Porn Pics and Spam
I do not like them
Spam I am

(Spam I am:)
Would you like them
if there was a lez ?
Would you lick them
if they taste like Pez ?

I do not like them
with a Lez
I would not lick them
if they taste like Pez
I do not like them
at home or work
I do not like them
you stupid jerk
I do not like porn pics and spam
I do not like them Spam I am

(Spam I am:)
Would you look at them
if they showed some cock ?
Would that make you
hard as a rock ? :unsure:

Not showing Cock
Not hard as a rock
Not with a Lez
Even if they taste like Pez
I would not look at them at home or work
I would not look at them you stupid jerk
I would not look at Porn Pics and Spam
I do not like them, Spam I am

(Spam I am:)
Would you ? Could You ?
if they had a pornstar ?
Look at them Look at them
Here they are

I would not
could not
If they had a pornstar

(Spam I am:)
You may like them
Just take a sip
You may like them
with a whip :groucho:

I would not, could not with a whip
Nor with a pornstar, You fucking twit :grrr:

I do not like them showing cock
I do not like them even if I'm hard as a rock
I do not like them with a lez
I do not like them if they taste like Pez
I do not like them at home or work
I do not like them you stupid jerk
I do not like Porn Pics and Spam
I do not like them, Spam I am :ph34r:

(Spam I am:)
A midget! A Midget!
A midget! A Midget!
Would you like them with a midget? :yowsa:

Not with a midget. Not with a whip.
Not with a pornstar, you stupid twit. :grrr:

I would not look at them showing cock
I could not look at them hard as a rock
I will not look at them with a lez
I will not lick them though they taste like Pez
I will not look at them at home or work
I will not look at them you stupid jerk
I do not like Porn Pics and Spam
I do not like them Spam I am :headwall: :headwall:

(Spam I am:)
In the park?
Here in the park
Would you look at shots from the park ? :yowsa:

I would not look at shots
from the park :angry:

(Spam I am:)
Would you look at them if they featured a widget ? :unsure:

I would not look at them if they featured a widget.
Not from the park. Not with a midget.
I would not like them with a whip.
or with a pornstar you stupid twit
Not showing cock. Not hard as a rock.
Not with a lez. Nor if they taste like Pez
I will not like them at home or work
I do not like them you stupid jerk :headwall: :headwall:

(Spam I am:)
You do not like Porn Pics and Spam ? :unsure:

I do not like them, Spam I am :(

(Spam I am:)
Would you like them if they had a goat ? :groucho:

I would not like them with a goat. :zoinks:

(Spam I am:)
Would you look at them if they were on a boat ? :yowsa:

I would look at them not on a boat.
I would not look at them with a goat.
I will not look at them if they had a widget.
Not in the park, not with a midget.
Not even if they featured a whip
or with a pornstar you stupid twit.
I do not like them showing cock.
I do not like them hard as a rock.
I will not like them with a lez
I do not like them even if they taste like Pez
I do not like them at home or work
I do not like them you stupid jerk
I do not like porn pics and spam
I do not like them Spam I am. :grrr:

(Spam I am:)
You do not like them
So you say
Try them, try them
and you may
try them and you may, I say. :yowsa:

Spam I Am,
If you let me be
I will try them
you will see :huh:

I like porn pics and spam :cdance:
I do, I like them, Spam I Am
and I would look at them on a boat.
and I would like them with a goat :yowsa:

And I will look at them if they have a widget
and in the park, and with a midget
and especially if they have a whip
and with a pornstar, guess you aint such a twit :okthumb:

So I will look at them showing some Cock.
Damn, I'm getting hard as a rock. :yowsa:
and I love the ones with a Lez.
and I Licked them, they do taste like Pez. :unsure:
and I will download them at home and work.
say, I've been missing out, I've been being such a jerk. :headwall:

I do so like
Porn Pics and Spam
thank you
thank you
Spam I am :wnw: :wnw: :wnw:

01-10-2004, 01:06 PM
You have WAAAYYYYYY to much time on your hands , my friend ;-))))

01-10-2004, 02:04 PM
All I've got is time :awinky:

01-10-2004, 07:54 PM
If you look up "warped" in the encyclopedia, there's a pic of... :awinky:
Too funny!