View Full Version : I'm raising a little nazi!

01-08-2004, 12:00 AM
So we're studying the American Revolution here, and of course while talking about the colonies and such we have to talk about King George III and the things he did.
We read a book about King George and talked about it a bit, and then I asked Kelsey (my son, age 5) what *he* would do if he were King for a day.

His answer? Tell everyone to stop cussing! :)
He's got the whole thing worked out, too.
He'd find out if you were cussing because if your neighbor or friend heard you cussing, they'd come tell him. Then he'd send the British soldiers to your house to bring you back to him and if you admitted that you had cussed, he would put you in a cage for 30 minutes!
If you lied and said you didn't cuss, he'd put you in the cage anyway for lying. (Damned if ya do, damned if ya don't...)

After 30 minutes he'd let you out and let you go home.
But if you got caught cussing again, he wasn't sure what he'd do... he said he'd just ask you to stop. (Kinda backwards here, aren't we? hehe)

My mom tried to put this to the test last night and asked him if he would put HER in a cage for 30 minutes... he stuck to his guns and told her he would! His own grandma!

I asked him what made him think that people would tell on their friends and family rather than just keeping it a secret, and he said "Because I am King! Everyone has to do what the King says or I'll put them in a cage, too!"

I suddenly feel this overwhelming need to rush ahead to the part where we learn about Liberty, LOL...
And you guys think President Bush is bad? :awinky:

01-08-2004, 03:09 AM
Hahahahaha :okthumb:

That boy is going to go far, I'd be sooo proud if he were mine :D

01-08-2004, 09:37 AM
Carrie -

Sounds like he is doing WONDERFULLY @ home! I sincerly doubt he would have ever been exposed to that lesson at this age - or been given the time to think about his own thoughts on "king for a day" in PS. So happy for you guys!

You could have some fun with your "little nazi" and have him help you develop house rules for the older ones - lol I'm sure they would "love" that! :rolleyes: He could then see what happens to the dictator that sets such high standards & harsh punishments. lol

01-08-2004, 09:45 AM
Hmmm mind is twirling .....

How to turn the King idea around and further the lesson on the American revolution

Maybe tax (use time or set a currency to be used for paying)the little guy on words he uses or toys he plays with, when he thinks it's not fair, up the tax - then use that to explain and show how the colonies were taxed without representation

Ok the idea is a little rough around the edges but I'm still on the first espresso .... and I think (therefor I is) you catch my drift

he he he

01-08-2004, 10:23 AM
Vick that's a great idea! Instead of the Stamp Act we could do the Verbal Act or the Matchbox Act (matchbox cars). Yesterday we learned about Paul Revere and he got to be PR all day; the little guy and I were British soldiers. He spent much of the day 'spying' on us from behind the couch and doorways, and dumping imaginary tea off of the couch-boat. Whenever we'd get up to go to the bathroom he'd run ahead of us yelling "The British are coming!", LOL.

Kath, thanks! :) :) We are having fun.
He is the oldest, the other one is 3 and there's one in the oven. Today's character was going to be Ben Franklin; we made a kite earlier this week but it has been BONE cold and we haven't been able to go out and fly it.
He has been begging me to do "chemistry stuff" though, so I think we'll do George Washington instead and then mix different liquids with baking soda and see what happens.
We'll end up making baking soda 'rockets' (SMALL ones!) and aiming them at a target on the fridge, like shooting cannons back during the war and trying to aim them. Thank goodness I've got a linoleum floor. Can't wait to see my kitchen when this is done! Speaking of which, I need to go draw a target... and then figure out some more on Vick's tax idea, hehe.

01-08-2004, 11:29 AM
That's excellent Carrie!!! Great job on the lessons and schooling

Sounds like learning is fun (which it should be) at your house

Always thought the first and most important thing is to teach how to learn (may sound unusual) - subject doesn't matter as much as sparking interest and desire

But once a mind gets turned on (to learning) anything can be possible