View Full Version : Off to do my bit for the economy.....

12-22-2003, 06:35 PM
Hopefully I will be done with this tonight.......

I can't do another minute in Toys-R-Us.....

although Bestbuy is still cool and I managed to avoid WalMart completely (sent Jen instead...lolol)


Brad Xtremepay
12-22-2003, 06:47 PM
I thought Toys R Us was going bankrupt?

12-22-2003, 11:21 PM
Originally posted by sarettah@Dec 22 2003, 03:43 PM
and I managed to avoid WalMart completely (sent Jen instead...lolol)

Sarettah, you are an EVIL man. You remind me of Kevin sending me to the post office the other day, to do some last minute mailing---with the kid. :awinky:

I just got back from the Christmas masses and it is ugly out there. I stopped by Walmart to get some stocking stuffers and continue the search for a Gamecube Gameshark. Surprisingly, I made it out of there in twenty minutes. I must have hit it at the right time. Does anyone know why the gun section is next to the toy section??? I've only been in there a couple of times, and this was the first time I noticed it.

I hope Toys R Us doesn't go bankrupt by tomorrow. Two more things to pick up.

12-22-2003, 11:25 PM
Here's the trick of shopping at WalMart right before Christmas (at least in the Biblebelt): Go Sunday around 10:30 AM before everyone else gets out of Church. :okthumb:

12-22-2003, 11:31 PM
My local Walmart has been pretty quiet throughout the holiday season.

I will be finishing my Christmas shopping early this year. I'm going tomorrow. Of course, since my two youngest children (and my grandson) won't be celebrating Christmas with me until New Years, I can wait and see what goes on sale after Christmas for them.

I will not be following a tradition that started back in my drinking days, and going to Walgreens on Christmas Eve.

Besides, I think the family has every Chia pet made ... :)

Hell Puppy
12-23-2003, 12:23 AM
Originally posted by Peaches@Dec 22 2003, 11:33 PM
Here's the trick of shopping at WalMart right before Christmas (at least in the Biblebelt): Go Sunday around 10:30 AM before everyone else gets out of Church. :okthumb:
Who's up at such an ungodly hour?

I go at 3AM....you meet a really colorful class of folk in there at that time of morning, and it's not crowded at all.

12-23-2003, 01:45 AM
Originally posted by PornoDoggy@Dec 22 2003, 08:39 PM
Besides, I think the family has every Chia pet made ... :)
Ah, the wonderful Chia Pet...

The salvation of the truly desperate Christmas shopper.

Who's up at such an ungodly hour?


Great tip, Peaches, but I don't think that would work here in Vegas. :unsure:

Well, I have run out of tape, have paper cuts from wrapping paper, and am ready to be awakened at 5am on Christmas morning to answer the question, "Mom, how come you and Santa have the same handwriting?"

12-23-2003, 06:44 AM
Tell the kidlet that Santa finally got TechTV and a computer this year and printout the nametags :okthumb:

I'm with HellPuppy. There's nothing quite like WalMart at 3am. No crowds to speak of, and some very interesting people to watch.
Although I *did* go in there on Sunday for something needed with the boys, the Hubby, and my Mom... I scared quite a few people up at the registers when we were walking out and I raised both arms "Rocky" style and screamed "WE MADE IT OUT ALIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" :agrin:

12-23-2003, 07:12 AM
do your duty

start spending money like no tommorow

12-23-2003, 07:47 AM
Gun department next to toy department = big kid toys/little kid toys.

Interesting people at Walmart at 3am = strippers just got off work.

Biblebelt Shopping 10:30am = If they aren't at church they are afraid to leave the house thinking that people might notice they aren't at church.

12-23-2003, 06:19 PM
Oh my - I am SO glad I moved out of East Cobb. I was there running errands today (I still have to go there to get a good haircut and my dogs' nailed trimmed :P ) and it was bumper to bumper the whole freaking day. I was thinking of running into Bath and Body Works in one of the strip malls (grabbing some antiseptic hand stuff before Vegas.... :awinky:) and the line to get into the parking lot was 2+ blocks long. :angry:

I HATE TRAFFIC. :headwall:

12-24-2003, 09:42 AM
Well I am done...... finally.

I never knew there was so much new retail space in Kansas City. Mega plazas every fucking where, right around the corner from each other. Monster size stores, one right after another, on and on for miles, literally.

I don't know what is supporting all of them, the population of Kansas City (both sides of the state line) is around 1 million, then bring in the burbs and you might have 2 million... There is like a mega store for every 10 people here. Walmart across from Target. Circuit City across from Best Buy with an Ultimate Electronics across the street from a CompUSA just down the street and a BrandsMart caddy corner to it.

PetCo, PetSmart, PetThis, PetThat all over the place.

Bed, Bath and Beyonds out the gazoo.

:blink: :unsure: :blink: