View Full Version : google apologizes

12-11-2003, 02:14 PM
Just got forwarded an email from a friend.... This is from an update sent out by Garrett at webpronews I believe.. He is currently at the "search engine strategies" seminar reporting back......


Google Apologizes. There's been a lot of anger and frustration
since the Florida Updates. Apparently, Google understands the
fact that people's businesses rely on Google results. Craig Nevill-Manning,
Google's Senior Research Scientist, said, for what it's worth,
"I apologize for the roller coaster. We're aware that changes
in the algorithm affect people's livelihoods. We don't make changes
lightly." Well, at least that's good to know. Read more statements

An Exclusive Interview. Yesterday, I caught up with Marissa Mayer,
the Director of Consumer Web Products at Google, and asked, ~What
should people do if their sites were totally dumped from Google?~

She replied, ~If you dropped in rankings, go back and look at
who you linked to and who~s linking to you. If any of these people
are using spam techniques, they're the reason your site no longer
appears on Google.~

~Does this mean that the new algorithm somehow measures the ~neighborhood~
you're linked into more highly?~

Smiling, Marissa told me she couldn~t answer that question, because
it~s a direct statement about the new Google algorithm. We'll
take that as a yes. :)

Looking for ways to boost your Google ranking? Marissa says,
"Have unique useful content. Have sitemaps. Make your site easy
to reach with a text-based browser. Give your site a hierarchal
structure. Have a single domain with mini-sites within, rather
than having lots of sites."

Usability is a Must! Marissa says, "It's a good idea to design
sites that are usable from any browser. That's something that
Google may be taking into consideration - your cross-browser
compatibility." Check out WebProWorld's Accessibility and Usability
Forum for more tips!

Will Google Ever Get the Spam Situation Under Control? Greg Boser,
president of WebGuerrilla LLC, doesn't think so. He says, "It's
sixty engineers versus sixty thousand spammers - I like those

12-11-2003, 04:14 PM
Originally posted by sarettah@Dec 11 2003, 11:22 AM
"If you dropped in rankings, go back and look at
who you linked to and who~s linking to you. If any of these people are using spam techniques, they're the reason your site no longer appears on Google."
it's pretty difficult to control who links to you. to punish a site for inbound links borders on the absurd.

Fletch XXX
12-11-2003, 05:43 PM
Originally posted by eatapeach+Dec 11 2003, 01:22 PM--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (eatapeach @ Dec 11 2003, 01:22 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteBegin--sarettah@Dec 11 2003, 11:22 AM
"If you dropped in rankings, go back and look at
who you linked to and who~s linking to you. If any of these people are using spam techniques, they're the reason your site no longer appears on Google."
it's pretty difficult to control who links to you. to punish a site for inbound links borders on the absurd.[/b][/quote]
no joke.

reminds me of general motors suing 2600 for pointing fuckgeneralmotors.com to generalmotors.com.

they lost of course.

doesnt point there any more though.

judge said its perfectly legal for someone to point a domain to any domain they want to.



Last edited by Fletch XXX at Dec 11 2003, 02:52 PM

12-11-2003, 07:05 PM
Good find Sarettah. :rokk:

12-11-2003, 07:15 PM
Google's Florida fiasco can kiss my ass!! ... Bastards!! :butt:

12-12-2003, 09:51 AM
So lets see.......

If I want to take a competitor out of google.....

I build a real spammy site with lots of pages that break all of googles rules and I point all of the links to various parts of the competitors empire....

My stuff gets banned by google and takes his out with it ??

hmmmmm..... lots of marketing possibilities there.......


12-12-2003, 10:21 AM
That "Googleguy" who posts on another webmaster board, denies that a site can be affected by inbound links for that very reason.

He won't answer direct questions about how shit Florida was, but I am told he is actually a Google Engineer.

12-12-2003, 10:34 AM
That is a good find Sarettah...

As for inbound links...I agree....how the hell do we control that....and an EXCELLENT tool for taking out a competitor....

12-13-2003, 03:35 PM
I just want ONE simple question answered.

Google searches sites.
They take the spider info, but it in a db, have it "cook" for 4-12 weeks, spew it out in the results.
A blackout, a hurricane, something happens that makes 20% of the web gone, and 50% of the rest of the US sites can't be accessed. (I'm making up these figures, just go with it.)
They then put it on the back burner to "cook".

So my questions is ...
Now, since this shit isn't real time
Since they know the results it has gathered over oh, let's say 3 days, is screwed
Since they know if they put those bot gatherings into the mix everything will be f**ked.
And they have 4-6-10 however many weeks before it gets there.

... WTF don't they ever just say, "hmm, this batched is tainted, we won't add the past three days into the mix a month from now, we'll just go with the next three days, it's not worth it"?

Why don't they just do that instead of screwing up everything all the time? It doesn't really take a genius nor even advanced programming or anything to say, hmm, bad brew, we won't use that one?