View Full Version : I think i need help...

12-05-2003, 07:22 AM
I think i have a gambling problem, but how do you tell if you really do or not?

Its almost like coke benders.. but with money.. I can go months without gambling, but when i do, I DO!!!

I dont like it, so why the fuck do i do it?

wether it be online or a casino, Ill bet on it...

I am dead serious too.. anyone have a similar problem or HAD a similar problem, how did you fix it?

12-05-2003, 07:24 AM
I started playing poker to elimiate the house edge, then I could win most of the time... problem solved! :yowsa:

12-05-2003, 07:31 AM
When I lived in LA, Las Vegas was so close. Fly there on weekends like a fool. Used to do sports betting as well.

The best way is to sit back and add up all your losses. Most guys are afraid to look. Seeing how big that number can become can sometimes shock you into just going cold turkey and saying never again this is totally foolish. It worked for me.

Last edited by KRL at Dec 5 2003, 07:39 AM

12-05-2003, 07:53 AM
Originally posted by pimpdog@Dec 5 2003, 07:30 AM
I think i have a gambling problem, but how do you tell if you really do or not?

Its almost like coke benders.. but with money.. I can go months without gambling, but when i do, I DO!!!

I dont like it, so why the fuck do i do it?

wether it be online or a casino, Ill bet on it...

I am dead serious too.. anyone have a similar problem or HAD a similar problem, how did you fix it?
oh, fixing it is easy, ask Ryan Lanane how he beat the habit...I think he ran out of money and the gambling habit was fixed

12-05-2003, 09:15 AM
Shock Collar ................... :okthumb:

12-05-2003, 12:00 PM
Originally posted by sarettah@Dec 5 2003, 04:23 PM
Shock Collar ................... :okthumb:
Either that or get married... but I reckon the shock collar is less painful :biglaugh:

12-05-2003, 01:15 PM
It's different for everybody. If the stuff listed here like "adding up the losses and shock" don't get you to then just about every state has gamblking addiction programs available to help you quit.