View Full Version : Online Holiday Sales Numbers Strong

12-03-2003, 05:46 AM
NEW YORK · Shoppers crowded the Internet as well as store aisles during the Thanksgiving weekend.

BizRate.com, a comparison shopping site that also tracks sales at 2,000 e-commerce sites, reported that sales increased 30 percent on Thanksgiving Day to $197 million, compared with $151 million a year ago.

"Thursday was strong. Broadband is definitely having an effect," said Chuck Davis, CEO of BizRate.com. "Online shopping has also become more mainstream."

For the four-day weekend ended Sunday, BizRate.com reported that sales for the 2,000 sites it tracks totaled $820 million, compared with $735 million during the year-ago period.

According to BizRate.com, Monday remained the busiest day of the holiday weekend, reaching $256 million, up 26 percent from $203 million a year ago. But this year, Davis noted there was another spike at 6 p.m., not just one at noon, indicating that consumers are doing more of their shopping from home.

Online sales are expected to be a bright spot this holiday season.

Forrester Research estimated that online sales from Thanksgiving weekend to Christmas will increase 42 percent over a year ago to $12.2 billion. The results include travel and auction sites.

Jupiter Research, a division of Jupitermedia Corp., projects that online sales will be up 21 percent to $17 billion for the November and December period. The results exclude travel and auction sites.

From Nov. 1 through Nov. 30, online retail sales reached $5.89 billion, a 22 percent increase from $4.85 billion for the same period a year ago, according to BizRate.com.

12-03-2003, 05:50 AM
i buy everything online, mostly at amazon.
fuck fighting traffic and waiting in line at the register.

12-03-2003, 06:01 AM
Yes, and with the new low value dollar (as I´m writing this the dollar is at its lowest ever vs. the euro), then buying things in the US is even better :stout:

12-03-2003, 06:49 AM
If anyone is looking for the best prices around on computer hardware check out New Egg. I've found the best deals around here. They ship fast as heck also, usually within hours after you order and most items have free FedEx Express Saver shipping.


Last edited by KRL at Dec 3 2003, 06:58 AM

12-03-2003, 12:59 PM
I was watching the news on TV and it showed that more people shopped online over the weekend than in the department stores!

I don't have the exact stats in front of me, but as I remember, it was something like 32% of people shopped online vs. 29% in department stores.

Great news for online retailers.