View Full Version : The rumors are not true

12-02-2003, 12:22 AM
lol I hope spaz can see the humor in this but although he is not posting during the transit figure I would give an update. He and wife and family are in florida using dial up of all things. Although we talked on the phone and he claims the dial up is temporary I think that he may have regressed. I can only hope that during our next conversaion that he doesnt use the letters AOL if that were to happen I dont think there would be any help for him


12-02-2003, 12:24 AM
I had to use dialup when my ADSL was down. It made baby jesus cry.

12-02-2003, 12:24 AM
Man I feel for him... uploading edited video sucks bad enough when you're on high-speed, it's got to be pure torture on dial-up!

Tell him we're rooting for him :)

12-02-2003, 05:03 AM
Originally posted by Nbritt@Dec 1 2003, 09:30 PM
lol I hope spaz can see the humor in this but although he is not posting during the transit figure I would give an update. He and wife and family are in florida using dial up of all things. Although we talked on the phone and he claims the dial up is temporary I think that he may have regressed. I can only hope that during our next conversaion that he doesnt use the letters AOL if that were to happen I dont think there would be any help for him

Yeah, Boy, do I see the humor in dial up connections now! Why, just the other day I found myself belly laughing (shook the whole house) at how long it took yahoo to load. What a hoot!
Dial up is gone, broadband is working but I have to admit, I am at the computer right now about 15 minutes a day. The rest is spent trying to get everything done. Just yesterday the AOL salesman/installer was telling us how much better it is then other high speed providers and ALL THE FEATURES! and the price couldnt be beat. 5,000,000 FREE nanoseconds! The logo itself is a dream.
I start my new job on Thursday, so I have a lot of things to get done before then. Change my license to FL, get the kids enrolled. I am telling you its been nothing but a series of challenges. Not to mention until we buy a couple of new office chairs my large ass is perched atop a dining room chair..................hard...................wood en...................cuts the blood flow off to your legs kinda chairs! I feel like a golf ball on a tee, probably look like one too heh heh
Thanks Carrie, nice to know ya'll are rooting for me, I should be back in action by Friday. I do come on and read posts from time to time, just cant devote quite as much time to it :unsure:

Brian........ :ph34r: AOL :ph34r:
