View Full Version : Selling Goods on Ebay

11-20-2003, 05:30 PM
Anybody have links to good articles, resources, boars that deal with the ins and outs of selling goods on Ebay?

11-20-2003, 05:35 PM
Monk you might want to fine-tune your request a bit.
Will you be selling off extra stuff from your house, or things that you make, or would you like to sell things that are drop-shipped (no inventory for you), or are you looking to buy things in bulk (like pallets) and sell that?

11-20-2003, 06:13 PM
Thanks Carrie.

It is for a friend. She would be running it as a business.... what she will be selling has not been established yet.... part of what she is looking for is to find out what sells and what doesn't... I am assuming rare items that people cant get easily in their hometowns would sell better.

I can't see her selling things that would have to be stored in a warehouse or anything (yet)... but perhaps designer handbags or other smaller items. Depending on the item though, she may choose either drop-shipping or inventory.

Last edited by Monk at Nov 20 2003, 06:22 PM

11-20-2003, 06:35 PM
One of the biggest things people fall into when thinking about selling on ebay is to buy a bunch of ebooks telling them how to sell on ebay. With a little time you can get these ebooks for free rather than paying $50-$90 each for them, but I'll just save you some time:

Wholesale Sources 2002 (http://www.gotkinky.com/ebook/ws2002.exe)
Ebay Marketing 2002 (http://www.gotkinky.com/ebook/ebay2002.exe)
Ebay Marketing Secrets (http://www.gotkinky.com/ebook/ebayms.zip)
101 Auction Secrets Revealed (http://www.gotkinky.com/ebook/101Auction.exe)
How To Increase Auction Profits (http://www.gotkinky.com/ebook/auctionprofits.exe)

I haven't changed any of the URLs in this to mine, just grabbed them from my ultimate ebook package and uploaded them for you.
You might want to sit with her (if you can) as she goes through them so you can debunk any selling hype (and there is LOTS of it). But there's still good info in them.
Most of them are self-extracting exe ebooks, one is a zip file.

Hope that helps!

11-20-2003, 07:57 PM
Thanks Carrie, that should be a tremendous help!

11-20-2003, 08:04 PM
Wow Carrie! That's really generous of you! Mind if I take a look as well? I've always been curious as to this thing called ebay.....lolol

11-20-2003, 08:50 PM
Sure, go ahead and grab 'em :)

Mike AI
11-20-2003, 09:34 PM
Originally posted by Carrie@Nov 20 2003, 06:43 PM
One of the biggest things people fall into when thinking about selling on ebay is to buy a bunch of ebooks telling them how to sell on ebay. With a little time you can get these ebooks for free rather than paying $50-$90 each for them, but I'll just save you some time:

Wholesale Sources 2002 (http://www.gotkinky.com/ebook/ws2002.exe)
Ebay Marketing 2002 (http://www.gotkinky.com/ebook/ebay2002.exe)
Ebay Marketing Secrets (http://www.gotkinky.com/ebook/ebayms.zip)
101 Auction Secrets Revealed (http://www.gotkinky.com/ebook/101Auction.exe)
How To Increase Auction Profits (http://www.gotkinky.com/ebook/auctionprofits.exe)

I haven't changed any of the URLs in this to mine, just grabbed them from my ultimate ebook package and uploaded them for you.
You might want to sit with her (if you can) as she goes through them so you can debunk any selling hype (and there is LOTS of it). But there's still good info in them.
Most of them are self-extracting exe ebooks, one is a zip file.

Hope that helps!

Thanks Carrie....

I have a few ideas for a new business, and think selling the final products on E-bay may be a good way to start.

11-20-2003, 11:12 PM
Thanks m'dear! :)

11-21-2003, 11:08 AM
Originally posted by Carrie@Nov 20 2003, 05:43 PM
Monk you might want to fine-tune your request a bit.
Will you be selling off extra stuff from your house, or things that you make, or would you like to sell things that are drop-shipped (no inventory for you), or are you looking to buy things in bulk (like pallets) and sell that?
I'd love this info too. What ya got for drop-shipping Carrie? It would be a nice side income.

11-21-2003, 11:12 AM
I gotta get in the habit of reading a little farther ahead in a thread before I post. :P Been asking questions that were already answered with too much frequency lately.

11-21-2003, 01:11 PM
Actually, the November issue of Klixxx Magazine has a tutorial by Paul Nicholls titled, "Is this for me? How to Make Money Selling on eBay" - we will be featuring this title on Klixxx.com in December for anyone who doesn't receive the magazine @ home.

I have a brother-in-law who didn't do too well in the adult online biz, but started selling collectables from home on eBay. He did so well that his wife was able to quit her job and stay home. It's a lot of contant work, tracking, shipping, etc. but he says it's definitely worth the effort.

Been thinking about getting into that myself. Yeah, like I've got any "free time" to use for eBay. :awinky: