View Full Version : You gotta love Persian Kitty.....

11-11-2003, 10:37 PM
Just doing a look through some stats....

I have sites on PK that are still getting a pretty good number of hits a year or so after I first listed them....

RR's traffic on them has died down, GG's traffic on them has died down... But the PK traffic just keeps coming and coming... Not a big bunch, but a nice steady trickle.....

Thanx PK :)

Mike AI
11-11-2003, 11:07 PM
As I always say, PK has made a lot of people a LOT of money.... I know I appreciated the traffic over the years!!

11-11-2003, 11:17 PM
Originally posted by sarettah@Nov 11 2003, 10:45 PM
Just doing a look through some stats....

I have sites on PK that are still getting a pretty good number of hits a year or so after I first listed them....

RR's traffic on them has died down, GG's traffic on them has died down... But the PK traffic just keeps coming and coming... Not a big bunch, but a nice steady trickle.....

Thanx PK :)
I was thinking you were going to thank her for giving Confucy a nice big cold glass of SHUT THE FUCK up.

I guess I should thank Lew?

Fletch XXX
11-11-2003, 11:38 PM
PK rocks.



11-12-2003, 12:26 AM
Gonzo, unlike you, I speak when I have something to say.

You dribble out daily crap to make a buck from Oprano. You have no credibility. You are and will always a be a big pile of shit.

Persian Kitty and Lew Payne do not tell me what to do! So fuck you, Gonzo Bonzo. You know nothing. PK is a hard worker and she has some ethics which you will never have. You attack those you don't know, and defend scum. You show a gutter mentality.

I say, bring back Robin. He gave Oprano some class. :rokk:

11-12-2003, 12:36 AM
*blink blink* She IS still alive!
Confucy you have missed some prime ripping-apart opportunities around here the last two weeks with the influx of new posers that have been arriving.

(Yes, I meant posers, not posters.)

11-12-2003, 12:39 AM
Many of us, myself included have benefited from PK's site, business, traffic and generosity

PK - thanks!!! you :rokk:

11-12-2003, 12:49 AM
Carrie, I agree with you about the majority of the GFY gang which Gonzo has dragged over here. They are his brothers. They sound like him...no class fucks! :biglaugh:

11-12-2003, 12:55 AM
Carrie, are you going to LV in January? Does Netpond still have their bumper car race thing? Cute avatar! :cdance:

Why didn't they put you in control of their cellphonebucks.com site? You would have done well with it.

11-12-2003, 01:57 AM
Originally posted by confucy@Nov 11 2003, 09:57 PM
They are his brothers. They sound like him...no class fucks! :biglaugh:
I KNOW you are not lumping Gonzo in the same group as J'Springer, your buddy the pedophile, sexeducation.com, and Grogan. At least they ARE webmasters. My God, if you're going to pimp Lewis' site, at least do it properly.

{a href="http://www.caseyscumshots.com" target="_blank"}{img src="http://www.goodbyeguns.org/caseys/caseys.gif"}{/a}

Replace all the { with <, and the } with >.

Don't say I never did anything for you. :yowsa:

11-12-2003, 02:17 AM
Geeky, want to come to my house and teach me?

Aren't you the one who got upset when I posted to your thread? Why don't you just stay away from me. After all, I am old and poor and in a wheel chair. My memory is fading, and if I'm not careful, I will be having heart palpitations & foot fungus like your boyfriend. :P

11-12-2003, 02:26 AM
One other thing, Geeky. If you aren't pimping Kevin Mitnick, then what the hell are you doing? You are his babysitter. He needs more attention than your daughter. You drive him to airports - you hold his hand on the planes - you drive his fat ass around the country - you are his secretary, his whore, and his pimpette. Before you start bitching at me, look at your life...if that is what you call it! You are tied to Mitnick's shitty diapers.

11-12-2003, 02:29 AM
Originally posted by confucy@Nov 11 2003, 11:25 PM
Geeky, want to come to my house and teach me?

Aren't you the one who got upset when I posted to your thread? Why don't you just stay away from me. After all, I am old and poor and in a wheel chair. My memory is fading, and if I'm not careful, I will be having heart palpitations & foot fungus like your boyfriend. :P
It's not your thread, as a matter of fact, none of them are. All threads are open for anyone to post.

I never noticed those conditions. That must have been when you actually knew something about my boyfriend, which you haven't for many years now. Maybe it was your presence in his life that brought those on?

Sheesh, try to do some people a favor! Don't make me reach back into my Lewis goodie bag. I gave you more than one opportunity to stay away from me, but you declined and kept fucking with me. So, I think I'll pass, too.

Now run along and fix your signature, so maybe tomorrow you won't look so pathetic. As I've learned here, it's all about page views.

11-12-2003, 02:38 AM
Geeky, I kinda like it the way it is, except the flashing shit is giving me a headache. Why are you allowing your bitchy side to take over? If you are such a technical whiz, what the fuck are you doing on a porn board shooting the shit with a loser like Gonzo? Do you just attract FAT FUCKS naturally? Don't you have your hands full with the FAT FELON FUCK who sleeps next to you?

Aren't you tired of running all over the internet defending your BF? When are you going to open your eyes and see the truth? I feel sorry for you, geeky, but I don't have the time to help you see the light. You must grow up and do it all by yourself.

11-12-2003, 02:51 AM
And you believe everything that comes out of that loser felon's mouth. For the first time you are sporting a banner from one of his sites, so he is fair game, since he seems to be condoning your lies told here. Keep bashing on Kevin, and I will share a few more things with you that your precious Lewis probably hasn't told you.

Bitchy side? Sweetheart, your mistake was in assuming that I didn't have one in the first place. You brought it out when you printed lie after lie about us here and in other places on the internet. Did you think I was just going to sit by and let you get away with it?

Keep responding until I get bored. All you're doing is making an even bigger fool out of yourself, except now you have Lewis' banner and can reflect poorly on him. The only reason I tolerate you and have a few back and forths, is because Oprano enjoys the page views. I'm nothing, if not a team player.

Oh, and if you don't like the flashing shit, tell him to give you a JPEG instead of a GIF. That should cure your headache.

11-12-2003, 03:02 AM
Geeky, why are you so concerned about this little ole banner? I have been on the boards for years and I never used an avatar or a banner until recently. They mean nothing to me.

It's the words, babe! For someone like you who claims to be such an expert regarding the tech stuff, you sure do have a piece of shit website! Yes, I still check out your blog when I feel the urge. As dumb as I am, I am able to deal with your infantile attempts to block me.

If you have any kind of backbone, you will soon be like Candi and Bonnie, and you will leave your loser whoremate behind. Why not wise up and do it now! Save your money and return to San Francisco. Your ex-husband has given out a much different story than you are spouting. Why not give full custody to him. Then you can live in sin with FAT FELON FUCK without jeopardizing the welfare of innocent people in your family. :redance:

11-12-2003, 03:10 AM
Geeky, you and Kevin have never been team players. You are both out for yourselves. You both invented the true meaning of lies. Christ, you are involved with a career criminal and you think life will be different this time because your BF has changed. Yes, he has changed for the worst.

Must I bring forth articles by John Markoff, John Johnson, Christoper Painter, and hundreds of other respected parties to show the true Kevin Mitnick.

Geeky Darci Dear, you don't know what the fuck went on in your BF's life. You are totally in the dark. He has social engineered the shit out of you. Such a shame. KM will never change. He is a sick individual, and you are under his spell.

Poor little techie with ears! I really do feel sorry for you. :(

11-12-2003, 03:12 AM
HAHAHAHA! You are so full of shit. The blog is members only and has been for over a month. You haven't gotten through, that is just more lies. What would your username and password be?

My ex and I actually had a good laugh over your posts last weekend when I was up north. I warned him about lying, psycho, stalker bitches that may try and contact him. He said no one has ever contacted him. Lie away some more. I'm finding this quite entertaining.

You better check that story again on who left who. Oh, that's right, you believe the guy who likes picking up Kevin's leftovers. Didn't he fly that girl all over the place and pay $20K for her divorce, only to have her dump him afterwards? Who's the pathetic loser?

Don't you worry about my daughter, she's just fine right where she is. You can't defend yourself, so you resort to this kind of behavior. You really are a freak! LOL!

11-12-2003, 03:26 AM
Why in the fuck would I contact your ex? Do you really believe you deserve that much of my attention?

As far as your blog goes, I have been a member for a long time, and I know several people who are members. What's the big deal? Anyone with half a brain can read your blog. It's boring shit. You control everything that is said. It is your way, or you are out. That is how you conduct your life. You don't listen to anyone who has a different opinion. Here on Oprano, you pretend to be *little geeky girl* but you are a fucking bitch.

What is your hangup with Lew? Have you ever met him? Do you have a clue what kind of relationship he had with your BF? Your asshole FAT FELON FUCK whoremate used and abused all his friends. You are so damn pathetic that you are posting shit about someone you don't even know. Wait until your ex-husband tells his side about you. When he discovered what you are all about, he packed his bags and took the highway out of town and away from you.

Shouldn't you be washing Mitnick's stained shorts and giving him his evening blowjob? Are you neglecting your pimpette duties? :rolleyes:

11-12-2003, 03:35 AM
I couldn't get a site listed with PK with a dozen roses and a box of chocolates! heh heh Believe me, I have tried.


11-12-2003, 03:41 AM
Spaz, it's no big deal getting listed by PK. She is very fair.

You probably listened to Geeky and filled out the forms incorrectly. :cdance:

11-12-2003, 03:45 AM
Thanks for your imput Confucy, it's always appreciated you know that. However, I have been doing this for a few years, filled out a couple of submit forms from time to time. Somehow I doudt the the 'filling out the forms wrong' theory is inaccurate.
I'm not bitching about it, she's free to list who she wants, its her site. I am just stating I never had the pleasure of benefiting(sp) from her traffic is all.


11-12-2003, 03:47 AM
Originally posted by confucy@Nov 12 2003, 12:18 AM
Geeky, you and Kevin have never been team players. You are both out for yourselves. You both invented the true meaning of lies. Christ, you are involved with a career criminal and you think life will be different this time because your BF has changed. Yes, he has changed for the worst.

Must I bring forth articles by John Markoff, John Johnson, Christoper Painter, and hundreds of other respected parties to show the true Kevin Mitnick.

Geeky Darci Dear, you don't know what the fuck went on in your BF's life. You are totally in the dark. He has social engineered the shit out of you. Such a shame. KM will never change. He is a sick individual, and you are under his spell.

Poor little techie with ears! I really do feel sorry for you. :(
If you had been reading the site, you would know that Kevin is out of town. I just talked to him and told him that his psycho was back spouting more of her lies. He's touched that you can't stay away from him very long. You think what you want about my ex, I don't really care. You say I don't know Lewis. I know him better than you think. You know nothing about Kevin, because you haven't spoken to him in five years, but you make all kinds of untrue claims about him. Lewis knows how to make it all stop. Obviously, he's not interested.

Markoff? Johnson? You're kidding right? These are the same guys you, yourself, accused of being liars just a few years ago. Christopher Painter? Doesn't he work for the same office that issued the press release stating Lewis cooperated with the government? I thought you said they were all liars, too? Which is it?

What if I told you that the blog didn't even exist at all, and you have been played once again. I'm surprised Lewis hasn't told you that yet. You are so easy to catch in your lies! Go away, Jackie. No one believes you here, so just keep spouting your garbage.

Fucking bitch? Well, if that isn't the pot calling the kettle black. That's OK, I've been called worse. Then again, so have you!


11-12-2003, 04:02 AM
Geeky Geek Girl!

I don't give a shit about you and your blog or Kevin's trips. Who does care?

Are you back on that damn website rant about cooperatring with the government? Give us all a fucking break. Your boyfriend, Kevin Mitnick, is the one who cooperated with the government. Mitnick was scared shitless of the government. They will be on his ass until the day he goes to cracker hell. :agrin:

I have been in touch with Mitnick many times since the bastard limped out of prison holding his ass. We spoke many times on the radio...you know, frequency 147.435, where your BF libeled and slandered me. Tapes are wonderful things and very admissible in court when taken from the public airwaves.

Darci, just relax. You don't have to defend your FAT FELON FUCK. Haven't you ever heard of giving blowjobs on the telephone? Didn't Kevin tell you how he tried to get off talking to me on those collect calls he made to me? Didn't he tell you how many girlfriends he called from prison, trying to convince them to give him a little phone sex? Nooooooooooo, of course, he wouldn't tell you any of his little dirty secrets.

Poor innocent Darci! I wonder who Kevin is calling these days when he is away from you? HA HA HA HA HA HA AIN'T LOVE GRAND! :inlove:

11-12-2003, 04:04 AM
Feel free to keep talking to yourself. I'm going to bed.

Nighty night psycho! How many more lies will you tell while I am sleeping? :zzz:

11-12-2003, 04:12 AM
Nitety nite, geeky!

Question: Since Kevin has always had a weight problem, how is his skin? Is it hanging over his cock? Is he preparing for plastic surgery to remove all the extra flab? :agrin:

Will we be seeing him soon on "Extreme Makeovers?" Be sure to give us a date and time along with your other boring news items so we can tune in and watch. :okthumb:

Does he still prefer doggy style fucking? Better make him wear a condom. :o

11-12-2003, 04:17 AM
Is it just me or is the girl in Confucy's sig banner goddam oogly™

I really find tatoos a turn off

* oogly™ is a Sarettah - Hatteras Designs Trademark

11-12-2003, 04:23 AM
Spaz, I was kidding you, but there is some truth to what I said. I know webmasters who followed all the rules...filled out all the forms...and still were not listed on PK. But, when I examined what they sent, there were a couple little items that were awry. As soon as those mistakes were corrected, they were listed.

After all, if nobody gets listed, there is no PK site. :wnw:

11-12-2003, 04:23 AM
Originally posted by Trev@Nov 12 2003, 01:25 AM
Is it just me or is the girl in Confucy's sig banner goddam oogly™

I really find tatoos a turn off

* oogly™ is a Sarettah - Hatteras Designs Trademark
I like a little tasteful ink myself Trev, but that is way overboard! A woman with that much 'art' on her body isn't trying to express herself IMO, but trying to hide her insecurities.

and next on Oprah

"Poor Fat men with piercings and why they post on boards!!"
LOL thats me BTW


11-12-2003, 04:27 AM
Wait a second, boys! Tattoo girl is very sexy. Don't judge her by this picture alone. Tattoo's are art. Some are very bad and some are very good. This model's body is a piece of art. :)

11-12-2003, 04:31 AM
Originally posted by confucy@Nov 12 2003, 01:31 AM
Spaz, I was kidding you, but there is some truth to what I said. I know webmasters who followed all the rules...filled out all the forms...and still were not listed on PK. But, when I examined what they sent, there were a couple little items that were awry. As soon as those mistakes were corrected, they were listed.

After all, if nobody gets listed, there is no PK site. :wnw:
A buddy of mine used to get listed there every time he posted. He is the one that pointed me in that direction, told me he got a LOT of productive traffic from PK, so I gave it a try. Out of all the forms I ever filled out, hers is the only one that I stopped and read each time I posted there (like in some magical way it would work this time and I'd get listed). Her's is definitely a little different than any others. After about 2 years of trying (I am persistant) we (me and my wife, I am not a Royal) just stopped submitting to her. It could have been a couple of things really
1) She had plenty of gay submissions and needed no more
2) My designs sucked and she didn't want them cluttering up her site
3) She already had plenty of submissions and never saw mine
4) She just didn't like them
But filling out the form incorrectly just isn't one of the feasible explanations in my eyes. I have/had way to much experience to mess up like that.
This may sound bitter, I'm not, and I may come across as offended by something you said, again I am not. Just stating the facts as they occured in the past. I guess the most that can be said as far as negative is I am a little jealous of the traffic those that get listed there receive, but more power to them ya know?


11-12-2003, 04:33 AM
Originally posted by confucy@Nov 12 2003, 01:35 AM
Wait a second, boys! Tattoo girl is very sexy. Don't judge her by this picture alone. Tattoo's are art. Some are very bad and some are very good. This model's body is a piece of art. :)
Not to everyone Confucy, I like tribal a LOT. I personally have Celtic on me and plan on getting more. For my personal taste, that much ink on a woman detracts significantly from the 'art' that is her nude. I want to see the woman, not an artist rendition of a woman.
And on the slightly sarcastic side of things, if ya oil her up those will look like dark slug trails LOL


11-12-2003, 04:37 AM
Spaz, send me the website that you want to list. I might be able to help. confucy@nitebites.tv

11-12-2003, 04:41 AM
Originally posted by confucy@Nov 12 2003, 01:45 AM
Spaz, send me the website that you want to list. I might be able to help. confucy@nitebites.tv
Thanks Confucy, I appreciate that a lot, really I do, but they would be Gallery pages (does she still accept them? I know she used to) and it would be for 4 seperate sites (and a fifth one coming soon if a certain billing processor ever pulls their collective head out of their collective asses). Tell ya what I will do, after my move (things are insane right now) I will be happy to shoot you litterally hundreds of galleries if ya like, and if any of those get listed on PK I will personally have myself a little happy dance :cdance: :bjump: :bdance:


11-12-2003, 04:45 AM
I don't have one tattoo, let alone an entire body of them, but they have always fascinated me.

It takes a very special person to cover her entire body with drawings. There was a street fair I recently visited where I watched a tattoo artist do incredible work. I don't like tattoo's on the face or fingers. HBO's "Real Sex" has spotlighted many who have had their entire bodies tattooed, including their faces.

11-12-2003, 04:48 AM
do you want me to fix your sig so banner be clickable?

11-12-2003, 04:48 AM
Sounds good, Spaz. We'll check on it later. Off to bed to join girlgeek.

11-12-2003, 04:48 AM
I was just dragged up with my dad always saying "don't ever get a tattoo! because like scars they're an identifying mark" Yes a shady past lol

but I did rebel in a way by getting more holes in my ears than needed, damn he hated that :D

11-12-2003, 04:49 AM
Originally posted by Mike AI@Nov 11 2003, 11:15 PM
As I always say, PK has made a lot of people a LOT of money.... I know I appreciated the traffic over the years!!
PK made me money by denying hewr traffic thus forcing to innovate and look for new ways

11-12-2003, 04:50 AM
Originally posted by confucy@Nov 12 2003, 01:53 AM
I don't have one tattoo, let alone an entire body of them, but they have always fascinated me.

It takes a very special person to cover her entire body with drawings. There was a street fair I recently visited where I watched a tattoo artist do incredible work. I don't like tattoo's on the face or fingers. HBO's "Real Sex" has spotlighted many who have had their entire bodies tattooed, including their faces.
I like ink and piercings. But I am one of those who, in this instance, happens to believe in moderation. With ink I will never have full sleeves (maybe half sleeves on both arms) and with piercings I have both ears pierced (and not with a gun either LOL 10ga hoops) had the genital piercings, didn't keep them, something about sounding like a junk truck every time I had to pee and 'whip it out'!
But in regards to 'Casey' I think models who have an exorbidant(sp I bet i butchered that word) amount of ink turn off a vast majority of consumers. I don't know how much money there is in that niche, but i probably wouldn't promote it.


11-12-2003, 04:51 AM
Serge, it's irritating Darci so much that I think I like it as it is, but you can do what you want with it. It's the first time I have ever used a banner, and it doesn't feel right...too busy!

11-12-2003, 04:51 AM
Originally posted by Serge_Oprano+Nov 12 2003, 01:57 AM--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Serge_Oprano @ Nov 12 2003, 01:57 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteBegin--Mike AI@Nov 11 2003, 11:15 PM
As I always say, PK has made a lot of people a LOT of money.... I know I appreciated the traffic over the years!!
PK made me money by denying hewr traffic thus forcing to innovate and look for new ways
what a cool fucking way to look at it, sure beats my method of calling her names and crying to anyone who will listen how unfair it all is LOL


11-12-2003, 04:53 AM
Originally posted by Trev@Nov 12 2003, 01:56 AM
I was just dragged up with my dad always saying "don't ever get a tattoo! because like scars they're an identifying mark" Yes a shady past lol

but I did rebel in a way by getting more holes in my ears than needed, damn he hated that :D
Trev, I want 3 in each ear but the wife is unconvinced. I finally got her to agree to let me get my eyebrow pierced, but then I needed glasses, so it would be pointless :(


11-12-2003, 04:58 AM
Originally posted by girlgeek@Nov 12 2003, 02:37 AM
That must have been when you actually knew something about my boyfriend, which you haven't for many years now. Maybe it was your presence in his life that brought those on?

One Jew came to Rabbi and told him he suspects his wife wants to poison him.
Rabbi told him not to worry and that he'll talk to the woman.

Next day they met and Rabbi told him:
I had 3 hours conversation with your wife....take the poison

11-12-2003, 04:59 AM
Originally posted by spazlabz+Nov 12 2003, 12:01 PM--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (spazlabz @ Nov 12 2003, 12:01 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteBegin--Trev@Nov 12 2003, 01:56 AM
I was just dragged up with my dad always saying "don't ever get a tattoo! because like scars they're an identifying mark" Yes a shady past lol

but I did rebel in a way by getting more holes in my ears than needed, damn he hated that :D
Trev, I want 3 in each ear but the wife is unconvinced. I finally got her to agree to let me get my eyebrow pierced, but then I needed glasses, so it would be pointless :(

Do the brow and get contacts


11-12-2003, 05:00 AM
Originally posted by confucy@Nov 12 2003, 04:59 AM
Serge, it's irritating Darci so much that I think I like it as it is, but you can do what you want with it. It's the first time I have ever used a banner, and it doesn't feel right...too busy!
it's busy but very unusual to see your sig with color
I like it

11-12-2003, 05:02 AM
Originally posted by girlgeek@Nov 12 2003, 04:12 AM
Feel free to keep talking to yourself. I'm going to bed.

Nighty night psycho! How many more lies will you tell while I am sleeping? :zzz:
Anytime you need a body guard while you asleep-
I'll gladly do that...especially during your sleep in Boca

11-12-2003, 05:12 AM
Originally posted by Trev+Nov 12 2003, 02:07 AM--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Trev @ Nov 12 2003, 02:07 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>Originally posted by -spazlabz@Nov 12 2003, 12:01 PM
<!--QuoteBegin--Trev@Nov 12 2003, 01:56 AM
I was just dragged up with my dad always saying "don't ever get a tattoo! because like scars they're an identifying mark" Yes a shady past lol

but I did rebel in a way by getting more holes in my ears than needed, damn he hated that :D
Trev, I want 3 in each ear but the wife is unconvinced. I finally got her to agree to let me get my eyebrow pierced, but then I needed glasses, so it would be pointless :(

Do the brow and get contacts

hahahaa I looked into that too Trev, I really wanted the eyebrow(sp) done up, like several. But my eye doctor told me they don't make contacts that would work for me (I am legally blind in my left eye which is strange because 4 years ago I had near perfect vision in both! Go figure). I will end up getting 2 more in each ear, but they won't be 10ga, those muthers are just too big.


11-12-2003, 07:15 AM
Originally posted by confucy@Nov 12 2003, 12:34 AM
Gonzo, unlike you, I speak when I have something to say.

You dribble out daily crap to make a buck from Oprano. You have no credibility. You are and will always a be a big pile of shit.

Persian Kitty and Lew Payne do not tell me what to do! So fuck you, Gonzo Bonzo. You know nothing. PK is a hard worker and she has some ethics which you will never have. You attack those you don't know, and defend scum. You show a gutter mentality.

I say, bring back Robin. He gave Oprano some class. :rokk:
Your welcome to register your complaint with Mike and Serge....somehow in the light of recent events I dont think it will go very far. BTW since your keeping up with me...Serge is the one whos dragging all the GFYers over here not me. I guess youll demand he gets fired too eh?

One thing is for sure...your very consistant. Thats about the easiest button in the world to push. Makes me wonder based on your writing style and signature that maybe you and Lew share this id?

Bow to the power of a master blogger!

11-12-2003, 07:24 AM
Originally posted by gonzo@Nov 12 2003, 07:23 AM
Serge is the one whos dragging all the GFYers over here not me. I guess youll demand he gets fired too eh?

I will submit my letter of resignation soon...very soon...

11-12-2003, 08:30 AM
Originally posted by Trev@Nov 12 2003, 05:25 AM
Is it just me or is the girl in Confucy's sig banner goddam oogly™

I really find tatoos a turn off
What's bizarre is that she's using that graphic and saying "Shy college girls". :zoinks:

11-12-2003, 08:33 AM
Originally posted by Peaches+Nov 12 2003, 08:38 AM--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Peaches @ Nov 12 2003, 08:38 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteBegin--Trev@Nov 12 2003, 05:25 AM
Is it just me or is the girl in Confucy's sig banner goddam oogly™

I really find tatoos a turn off
What's bizarre is that she's using that graphic and saying "Shy college girls". :zoinks:[/b][/quote]

11-12-2003, 09:01 AM
Back to the subject................

I would also like to thank PK for all the listings I have had with her over the years.

Now how did a nice 'Thankyou PK" thread get turned into a girl-fight? Too bad!

11-12-2003, 10:16 AM
Gonzo, don't fall over...I'm going to agree with you for once. You did push a few buttons. This thread should be about persian kitty and how she has helped webmasters along the way.

I can't think of anything I can bring up that is different from what I have said in the past, so I am taking my own advice and shutting the fuck up. It's time for the holidays and good cheer, and I don't feel good about fighting with you or Darci.

Darci, thanks for the banner tip. Enjoy your upcoming trip. No, Gonzo, nobody is telling me to shut up. I just don't see the point in a war with geeky when we don't really know each other. I saw a side of her that I liked and respected a long time ago before she met KM. The boards bring out the bitch in both of us, and I think she is as tired of this BS as I am.

Have fun. :okthumb:

11-12-2003, 10:24 AM
here go our impressions

girls, what would it take for two of you to continue?

11-12-2003, 10:24 AM
Gonzo, don't fall over...I'm going to agree with you for once. You did push a few buttons. This thread should be about persian kitty and how she has helped webmasters along the way.

I can't think of anything I can bring up that is different from what I have said in the past, so I am taking my own advice and shutting the fuck up. It's time for the holidays and good cheer, and I don't feel good about fighting with you or Darci.

Darci, thanks for the banner tip. Enjoy your upcoming trip. No, Gonzo, nobody is telling me to shut up. I just don't see the point in a war with geeky when we don't really know each other. I saw a side of her that I liked and respected a long time ago before she met KM. The boards bring out the bitch in both of us, and I think she is as tired of this BS as I am.

Ok.Who hacked confucy's login?

A sane post! , well done :-)

And thanks for the nice email btw , confucy. :-)

11-12-2003, 10:54 AM
Confucy - that WAS a good post! Way to go girl, from another Marionite.

11-12-2003, 11:14 AM
I just wanted to also offer up my thanks to PK for the listings... I can still remember getting my 1st PK listing. All the other noobs in my graduating class thought it was cool - I really felt like I'd "arrived." lol However... all the vets on the boards slapped me silly telling me that a site that was good enough for PK would never ever convert.

Fortunately they were wrong. I did pretty well with those sites for a long time. The traffic wasn't overwhelming (a la my experience with The Hun! lol), but it was pretty solid and converted well. :okthumb:

11-12-2003, 11:24 AM
Originally posted by Nickatilynx@Nov 12 2003, 10:32 AM
Gonzo, don't fall over...I'm going to agree with you for once. You did push a few buttons. This thread should be about persian kitty and how she has helped webmasters along the way.

I can't think of anything I can bring up that is different from what I have said in the past, so I am taking my own advice and shutting the fuck up. It's time for the holidays and good cheer, and I don't feel good about fighting with you or Darci.

Darci, thanks for the banner tip. Enjoy your upcoming trip. No, Gonzo, nobody is telling me to shut up. I just don't see the point in a war with geeky when we don't really know each other. I saw a side of her that I liked and respected a long time ago before she met KM. The boards bring out the bitch in both of us, and I think she is as tired of this BS as I am.

Ok.Who hacked confucy's login?

A sane post! , well done :-)

And thanks for the nice email btw , confucy. :-)
She took my advice and bowed down to the power of a master Blogger!

11-12-2003, 12:46 PM
Originally posted by confucy@Nov 12 2003, 07:24 AM
Gonzo, don't fall over...I'm going to agree with you for once. You did push a few buttons. This thread should be about persian kitty and how she has helped webmasters along the way.

I can't think of anything I can bring up that is different from what I have said in the past, so I am taking my own advice and shutting the fuck up. It's time for the holidays and good cheer, and I don't feel good about fighting with you or Darci.

Darci, thanks for the banner tip. Enjoy your upcoming trip. No, Gonzo, nobody is telling me to shut up. I just don't see the point in a war with geeky when we don't really know each other. I saw a side of her that I liked and respected a long time ago before she met KM. The boards bring out the bitch in both of us, and I think she is as tired of this BS as I am.

Have fun. :okthumb:

It's not like we haven't seen this flip-flop before only to have it come back to bite us in the ass, but it is a first for me personally. I've been sick of this BS for a lot longer than the past evening.

I will refrain from adding additional commentary, because I'm not sure how long it will last. FWIW, thanks for the well wishes on my trip. The code for the sig will make your banner clickable, if you decide to bring it back.

11-12-2003, 03:22 PM
Ya PK is great for that, I am still seeing a small amount of traffic after 15 months.

Thanks a great deal PK
your okay in my book.

11-12-2003, 05:15 PM
Originally posted by girlgeek@Nov 12 2003, 01:54 PM
It's not like we haven't seen this flip-flop before only to have it come back to bite us in the ass
Manic depressive, passive aggressive.

11-14-2003, 05:28 AM
Coincidence? I dunno. But after a couple of years of not submitting to PK we tried again this week, and what do ya know, it was accepted!! Whooohooo now I get a taste of that traffic heh heh.
Thanks PK


11-14-2003, 08:05 AM
Originally posted by spazlabz@Nov 14 2003, 05:36 AM
Coincidence? I dunno. But after a couple of years of not submitting to PK we tried again this week, and what do ya know, it was accepted!! Whooohooo now I get a taste of that traffic heh heh.
Thanks PK

Cool Spaz :)

TGP or Free site or what ??

From my experience on free sites over there, the initial jump will be very comparable with RR and Greenguy..... The overall traffic will last longer :)

And that is not meant to denigrate Richards or Greenguy... My listing with them have always gotten good amounts of traffic too... It just seems that either PK's older listings are easier to find or she is keeping them up longer, haven't really investigated.....

I guess I oughta start a thread thanking Richards and Greenguy too.....lol....Maybe later :)

11-14-2003, 08:40 AM
Its a TGP, I did a few free sites awhile ago, but the amount of time it was taking me to create each page was too time consuming, so I stick with TGP pages now. And now that I have the video editing gig, I probably won't have time for those either any more, just more of a workload for my already overworked wife I guess LOL


11-14-2003, 12:52 PM
Originally posted by spazlabz@Nov 14 2003, 08:48 AM
Its a TGP, I did a few free sites awhile ago, but the amount of time it was taking me to create each page was too time consuming, so I stick with TGP pages now. And now that I have the video editing gig, I probably won't have time for those either any more, just more of a workload for my already overworked wife I guess LOL

lol... The way I do TGPs is the two gallery pages from the free site each become a stand alone tgp :)

I use the Voltar VNWR (http://www.vnwr.com) methodology usually.......

Warning Page...... Main page linking to 2 gallery pages.......

Submit the whole thing to link lists...

submit each of the gallery pages as a standalone tgp gallery to the TGPs..

Then link it from my hub with an FPA between the hub and the free site.....
(hub is taken directly from Voltar's terminology and as such should be considered a copyrighted concept...Please see VNWR for more details.......)

11-14-2003, 01:29 PM
She rocks hard. Oh yes.

11-20-2003, 09:05 PM
Gee I knew when I saw the number of posts in this thread that they couldn't all be about me. Even amidst the bickering of a few.. thanks ya'll :) Ya made my night.

11-20-2003, 09:06 PM
Originally posted by spazlabz@Nov 12 2003, 01:43 AM
I couldn't get a site listed with PK with a dozen roses and a box of chocolates! heh heh Believe me, I have tried.

You must of sent them to the wrong person :huh:

As always, my reply is... send me an email with a sample url and I'll figure out the what/why/how.

11-20-2003, 09:08 PM
PK, did you bookmarked this thread???

"Vanity is my favorit sin"

11-20-2003, 09:09 PM
Originally posted by sarettah@Nov 14 2003, 01:00 PM
(hub is taken directly from Voltar's terminology and as such should be considered a copyrighted concept...Please see VNWR for more details.......)
Don't fall into that trap - Voltar does enough tooting of his own horn, even when he isn't given the opportunity.

11-20-2003, 09:13 PM
Originally posted by Serge_Oprano@Nov 20 2003, 07:16 PM
PK, did you bookmarked this thread???

"Vanity is my favorit sin"
LoL..no.. I can over and did a search for "PK" (one of the few boards that take 2 letter searchings) figuring there'd be some dirt I missed that would make me miserable. Instead I found this. What a surprise.

11-20-2003, 09:14 PM
Originally posted by spazlabz@Nov 14 2003, 03:36 AM
Coincidence? I dunno. But after a couple of years of not submitting to PK we tried again this week, and what do ya know, it was accepted!! Whooohooo now I get a taste of that traffic heh heh.
Thanks PK

Pure coincidence since I just saw the thread tonight.

Still send an email my way and I'll peek.

Mike AI
11-20-2003, 09:31 PM
Originally posted by PK@Nov 20 2003, 09:13 PM
Gee I knew when I saw the number of posts in this thread that they couldn't all be about me. Even amidst the bickering of a few.. thanks ya'll :) Ya made my night.

PK lots of us love ya.... and appreciate all the help from back in the day!

Plus not many chicks can appreciate muscle cars!!


11-20-2003, 09:48 PM
Originally posted by PK+Nov 20 2003, 09:21 PM--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (PK @ Nov 20 2003, 09:21 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteBegin--Serge_Oprano@Nov 20 2003, 07:16 PM
PK, did you bookmarked this thread???

"Vanity is my favorit sin"
LoL..no.. I can over and did a search for "PK" (one of the few boards that take 2 letter searchings) figuring there'd be some dirt I missed that would make me miserable. Instead I found this. What a surprise.[/b][/quote]
who loves you, baby!?

11-20-2003, 11:54 PM
You know it's funny ... some can get listed all the time with PK and some cant. I get listed every submit with her and have always had my 2 sites rotated there for 3 years now.

But some of the most wealthy and successful webmasters started out by getting frustrated that she never listed them and looked for other sources of traffic.

11-21-2003, 12:14 AM
Originally posted by Sausage@Nov 20 2003, 09:02 PM
You know it's funny ... some can get listed all the time with PK and some cant. I get listed every submit with her and have always had my 2 sites rotated there for 3 years now.

But some of the most wealthy and successful webmasters started out by getting frustrated that she never listed them and looked for other sources of traffic.

11-21-2003, 12:56 AM

PK rocks!!

11-21-2003, 02:57 AM
I absolutely love PK. :inlove:

11-21-2003, 03:05 AM
PK's links are the best! Especially when you get a long term one. :wnw:

11-21-2003, 03:53 AM
Originally posted by Sausage@Nov 21 2003, 12:02 AM
But some of the most wealthy and successful webmasters started out by getting frustrated that she never listed them and looked for other sources of traffic.
hehe that sounds like me, i was frustrated but never bitched.

but PK, i always appreciated you having one of my sites there for a while.
helped me grow.

11-21-2003, 04:36 AM
Originally posted by Sausage@Nov 21 2003, 12:02 AM
You know it's funny ... some can get listed all the time with PK and some cant. I get listed every submit with her and have always had my 2 sites rotated there for 3 years now.

But some of the most wealthy and successful webmasters started out by getting frustrated that she never listed them and looked for other sources of traffic.
that's was me

11-21-2003, 04:38 AM
Slav, you too???

PK discriminates againt successful Russians!!!