View Full Version : Congrats 'HeadPlaya' NatNet Pickem Winner!

11-11-2003, 09:02 AM
Congrats HeadPlaya, hit me up at mutt@oprano.com to claim your prizes from MaxCash and Webinc.

HeadPlaya also moves into the lead for the season long competition.

Tons of people still have a shot, standings are tighter than the strait jacket Sex Education will be fitted for shortly.

1 91 HeadPlayaIC 91-53 63.2 0 0 18.9 10 144
2 90 Shok 90-54 62.5 0 0 18.9 10 144
3 89 Meni 89-54 62.2 0 0 17.2 10 143
4 89 easyjesus 86-57 60.1 0 1 20.6 10 143
5 88 Toolz 88-56 61.1 0 0 17.3 10 144
6 85 Sharona 85-59 59.0 0 0 17.4 10 144
7 85 lanclannyc 85-59 59.0 0 0 17.9 10 144
8 84 Gator 81-63 56.2 0 1 15.7 10 144
9 84 luckydanny 84-60 58.3 0 0 16.5 10 144
10 83 SkyWalker 80-64 55.6 0 1 15.5 10 144

11-11-2003, 09:24 AM
I still suck : (

I never win, heck you would think I live in Canada the way I pick : )

Mike AI
11-11-2003, 09:34 AM
A decisive move by headplaya - good job!!!


11-11-2003, 11:39 AM
I've been really up and down with my picks this year!! And when I did do good and go 12-2 someone went 13-1!! :angry: Then last week I tied for 1st with the same points as the top pickers cause I picked the correct MNF score! Where was that one pick I needed for that extra point!!! GRRRR!!!

11-11-2003, 11:44 AM
Originally posted by Billy@Nov 11 2003, 09:32 AM
I still suck : (

I never win, heck you would think I live in Canada the way I pick : )
Just insert Billy for Bears!! :P


How many times must we take this disgrace
Another Bears fan throwing insults in our face
The Packers are the greatest team to ever play the game
Even if from time to time they've been a little lame

How could you ever love a team with Jim McMahon
Not even Porky Pig was as big a ham
They got a reputation that's mostly based on luck
The Bears…Still…Suck

The Bears still suck, the Bears still suck
The Bears still suck, the Bears still suck
They really really really really really really suck
Yes the Bears…Still…Suck

If you drive to Soldier Field they make you pay a toll
For cripes sake they only won one lousy Super Bowl
They make fun of Wisconsin, but we don't get upset
Where do you think that they're all headed every chance they get

We don't really hold a grudge 'cause this is all in fun
As far as football rivalries we're both number one
Still we wouldn't mind seeing Ditka run over by a truck
'Cause the Bears…Still…Suck

The Bears still suck, the Bears still suck
The Bears still suck, the Bears still suck
They really really really really really really suck
Yes the Bears…Still…Suck

(All the ladies now) The Bears still suck, the Bears still suck
The Bears still suck, the Bears still suck
They really really really really really really suck
Yes the Bears…Still…Suck

(Everybody now) The Bears still suck, the Bears still suck
The Bears still suck, the Bears still suck
They really really really really really really suck
Yes the Bears…Still…Suck…HEY !!

11-11-2003, 12:06 PM
Originally posted by TheEnforcer@Nov 11 2003, 11:47 AM
I've been really up and down with my picks this year!! And when I did do good and go 12-2 someone went 13-1!! :angry: Then last week I tied for 1st with the same points as the top pickers cause I picked the correct MNF score! Where was that one pick I needed for that extra point!!! GRRRR!!!
I agree TE....its been a wierd year for picks.....my weeks have been all over the board:

Wk 1 --->12-4
Wk 2 ---> 8-8
Wk 3 --->10-4
Wk 4 ---> 9-5
Wk 5 ---> 2-12
Wk 6 --->10-4
Wk 7 ---> 7-7
Wk 8 ---> 9-5
Wk 9 ---> 6-8
Wk10 ---> 9-5

Wk 5 just crucified me....and of course, since I can't win the contest anyway I pick the Falcons to win every week even when I know they are going to lose.....do you think Mutt would spot me the Falcons picks??? :agrin:


11-11-2003, 12:32 PM
Good question T!

But if he spots you the Falcons he better spot me then Packers!! :lol:

Man they have just had a shitty year this year!! :( They can't seem to win the close ones. Last night is a game they SHOULD NOT have lost!

11-11-2003, 12:45 PM
week 1 6-8
week 2 8-8
week 3 4-10 :huh:
week 4 12-2 :wnw:
week 5 7-7
week 6 7-7
week 7 7-7
week 8 5-9
week 9 8-6 tied for 1st cause I picked MNF score correctly!! :)
week 10 6-8

Hmmmm... I'm doing even worse than i thought I was!! :blink: :cryin:

11-11-2003, 01:58 PM
Hummm Let's see Tony is 82 - 62
and I am 70- 74 so can I still beat him ??

Because that is all that really matters !

Tony I am still waiting for some of your nuts !! People here know what I am talking about !!