View Full Version : How the hell did our forefathers make it....

11-10-2003, 04:12 PM
(includes Foremothers too...btw)

They lived without electricity, running water, toilets........ In constant danger of death from Wild Animals, Outlaws, Disease, Weather.... They had ten times the cause for stress and despair that we do and somehow they managed to walk/ride across 3000 miles of predominantly wilderness and settle it for us........

So we can now complain and medicate ourselves over how stressfull our lives are.......

We have new diseases and conditions invented every day and new drugs to control them too...

We have "Chronic Fatigue Syndrome" (loosely translated to "always tired condition") we have "Organic Brain Syndrome" (Thats the one that gets me Organic==Live, so translated it becomes "Live Brain Condition"...ooops, your brain is alive, we got to medicate you).. and all sorts of various other ailments and conditions.......

So, how did they do it back then without shrinks and without the drugs.....

Were they healthier or stronger than us, did these "conditions" not exist back then... Or did they exist and were just never diagnosed....

My feelings on it are that we invent these conditions because we simply have too much fucking time on our hands... Back then, they were consumed by the need to survive... We are no longer consumed by that... Survival for most of us is pretty easy these days... Now living, thats a harder one and we become consumed with the need to live, the need to be happy, the need to feel accepted.......Bunch of fucking hogwash.........

We start substituting our wants in place of our needs and end up despairing because we don't have what we want and instead of getting our asses up off the ground and working our ass off for what we want, we sit and whine about not having what we want until someone labels our whining as a condition and invents a "feel better" pill for us....

If we can survive 3 days without something, we don't need it....... (Scott Nearing)

If we want the National Psyche to be better, perhaps we should majke it just a little bit harder to survive... Perhaps through our efforts at actual survival we would find that we don't have the time to be depressed or tired.........

Just imo of course.........

11-10-2003, 04:19 PM
They were too busy trying to make sure they had food for tomorrow to worry about whether or not they had Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.

In fact, if someone complained they were always tired, they were left to starve.

It's amazing how fast Chronic Fatigue Syndrome disappears when faced with the choice of doing something to get food or dying.

We're a nation of whiners now, and nothing is our fault.

11-10-2003, 05:21 PM
I'm almost willing to bet there's no tribesman in Africa complaining of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.

You both hit the nail on the head, too much fucking time on our hands to invent new diseases, if your supermarket closed down and there was no way to get food, I can bet a lot of these diseases would disappear as we wouldn't be consumed with our petty problems but bigger ones, like trying to kill/grow something to eat.

That's also a notice to the vegetarians out there, if you didn't have a supermarket and a fridge, how long would you be able to live on fresh food you had to grow? Here in the midwest I'd give you 5 months (summer) then in the winter you'd die of starvation.

Last edited by Toolz at Nov 10 2003, 02:29 PM

11-10-2003, 05:23 PM
Originally posted by Toolz@Nov 10 2003, 06:29 PM
That's also a notice to the vegetarians out there, if you didn't have a supermarket and a fridge, how long would you be able to live on fresh food you had to grow? Here in the midwest I'd give you 5 months (summer) then in the winter you'd die of starvation.
You must be too young to have heard of root cellars. :awinky:

11-10-2003, 05:37 PM
Haha no we had one in the house I grew up in, canned veggies and fruits are of course a possibility, show me one vegetarian that could grow enough food to survive on for a year in a few months. They're called farmers and everyone of them I know kills a cow to eat the meat.

11-10-2003, 06:05 PM
homemade bread n' butter pickles grown from the garden out back at my grandfather's house, canned in a hot and fragrant kitchen and cracked open and eaten in a cool, dark root cellar...
Now *that* was heaven. My grandmother made the world's best bread n butter pickles. (She was pretty good at canning everything else, too! Especially those huge Tennessee beefsteak tomatoes :awinky:)

11-10-2003, 07:39 PM
but they didn't have STALIN to cope with.....

11-10-2003, 07:42 PM
Originally posted by Serge_Oprano@Nov 10 2003, 07:47 PM
but they didn't have STALIN to cope with.....
I bet you there wasn't much Chronic Fatigue Syndrome or Chronic Stress Syndrome in Stalin's Russia either..... :blink:

11-10-2003, 07:45 PM
Originally posted by Carrie@Nov 10 2003, 07:13 PM
homemade bread n' butter pickles grown from the garden out back at my grandfather's house, canned in a hot and fragrant kitchen and cracked open and eaten in a cool, dark root cellar...
There's an orchard down the road that makes homemade B&B pickles. They're only open Summer to Dec so I always have to stock up. :inlove: Of course, everything else in there is to die for also..... :P

show me one vegetarian that could grow enough food to survive on for a year in a few months.
Toolz, there were people whose lifestock died back in those days and they may not have been able to find meat. Was it easy to live w/o meat? Nope. And many times they had to decide between eating chicken or eggs and having beef or milk. And even though I could NEVER personally be a vegetarian, there have been vegetarians for millions of years. :awinky:

11-10-2003, 07:48 PM
Originally posted by Peaches+Nov 10 2003, 05:31 PM--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Peaches @ Nov 10 2003, 05:31 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteBegin--Toolz@Nov 10 2003, 06:29 PM
That's also a notice to the vegetarians out there, if you didn't have a supermarket and a fridge, how long would you be able to live on fresh food you had to grow? Here in the midwest I'd give you 5 months (summer) then in the winter you'd die of starvation.
You must be too young to have heard of root cellars. :awinky:[/b][/quote]
Uhhh ... not me.

Got one right here in this-here house, as a matter of fact.

As a matter of fact, my girlfriend felt the need to supervise me emptying out all the old stuff that was in it. Seems that the house was owned by the local bootlegger from prohibition until after the war.

Town itself is still dry ... with taverns right outside on both ends of the highway. :stout:

11-10-2003, 07:54 PM
Originally posted by sarettah+Nov 10 2003, 07:50 PM--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (sarettah @ Nov 10 2003, 07:50 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteBegin--Serge_Oprano@Nov 10 2003, 07:47 PM
but they didn't have STALIN to cope with.....
I bet you there wasn't much Chronic Fatigue Syndrome or Chronic Stress Syndrome in Stalin's Russia either..... :blink:[/b][/quote]
nope...dead write no complains

11-10-2003, 08:03 PM
If only " Turets " existed when I was in junior school.


All the behavioural diseases were classed as in my house as "Being a little shit" - The treatment for this problem was always a damn good thrashing.

All the educational diseases were classed as " a.) you stupid little shit or b.) you lazy little shit" - The treatment for this problem was , surprisingly enough , a damn good thrashing.


Last edited by Nickatilynx at Nov 10 2003, 05:12 PM

11-10-2003, 08:06 PM
Originally posted by Nickatilynx@Nov 10 2003, 08:11 PM
If only " Turets " existed when I was in junior school.


All the behavioural diseases were classed as in my house as "Being a little shit" - The treatment for this problem was always a damn good thrashing.

All the educational diseases were classed as " a.) you stupid little shit or b.) you lazy little shit" - The treatment for this problem was , surprisingly enough , a damn good thrashing.

Nick and I must have went to different schools together :yowsa:

I wonder if our parents knew each other, that upbringing sounds familiar

11-10-2003, 08:09 PM
One of my baby sitters had an out house, made soap in the back yard in a great bid kettle, had a garden, chickens. god it was cold in the winter when you had to visit the out house, had a Sears Cat. nailed to the wall.
I use 2 collect the eggs, she showed me all the places the chickens would hide' em.. ( at least I thought they were hiding them ) :)
My mom didn't leave with her very often, thank god.

11-10-2003, 08:13 PM
I was once caught writing a naughty word describing the owner on the wall of a confectionary in my neighborhood.

The neighbor who caught me dragged me home by the ear to my grandmother, who applied the same cure as Nick n Vick got. She also told my grandfather, who repeated the same. Needless to say, when my mother found out about it, I got it AGAIN. And my father certainly didn't want to miss the opportunity to show me how much he loved me by whopping me again.

Of course, when I finally yelled that I wrote that the owner was a bitch because I heard my grandfather and father both referring to her that way, I got it YET AGAIN, and was sent to bed without supper.

Today I could have all their asses in jail and be a star on Montel. Oh, the indignaties of life ...

11-10-2003, 08:17 PM
Betcha you didn't write on the confectioners wall again though ?


11-10-2003, 08:18 PM
Originally posted by Nickatilynx@Nov 10 2003, 08:25 PM
Betcha you didn't write on the confectioners wall again though ?

Ummmm ... er .... well ....

on the advice of my attorney I will allow that I was never CAUGHT writing on the confectioner's wall again.

11-10-2003, 08:20 PM
Grandmother beatings are the worst

Not only is there the indiginty but .....
Grandmother's will grab anything handy to beat you with

Wooden Spoon, Coat Hanger (leaves a helluva welp), broom, frying pan

11-10-2003, 08:23 PM
Wooden Spoon, Coat Hanger (leaves a helluva welp), broom, frying pan

coat hanger is a sob!!!!

Hair brush really hurts...the bristles you know.

My Dad used to keep rythme with the sylables of the words as in...

"You (whack) little (whack) shit (whack)"

Last edited by Nickatilynx at Nov 10 2003, 05:31 PM

11-10-2003, 08:41 PM
Don't forget the switches!
My grandmother would have me go out back to the apple tree and strip off my own switch.
And god forbid I got one that wasn't green and flexible... she'd drag me right back out there and strip one off herself and I'd get it TWICE as bad!

Poor thing would be crying the whole time, telling me "this hurts me more than it hurts you"... I never believed her until I had my own kids.

God I miss that woman. *sigh*

11-10-2003, 08:51 PM
My grandmother would have me go out back to the apple tree and strip off my own switch.
And god forbid I got one that wasn't green and flexible... she'd drag me right back out there and strip one off herself and I'd get it TWICE as bad!

ahahahahaha absolutely. ;-))))

How can our upbringings have been so similar?

11-10-2003, 09:40 PM
Originally posted by Nickatilynx@Nov 10 2003, 09:59 PM
My grandmother would have me go out back to the apple tree and strip off my own switch.
And god forbid I got one that wasn't green and flexible... she'd drag me right back out there and strip one off herself and I'd get it TWICE as bad!

ahahahahaha absolutely. ;-))))

How can our upbringings have been so similar?
Me three. Damn I hated those switches my grandmother used to make me get.

My mother used to use the colored sticks that non-helium balloons were on at fairs and such. Those things hurt like hell and do NOT fall apart with age like a switch does. And then they'd wonder why we never wanted a balloon....

Wooden spoons were also a staple at our house along with having my mouth washed out with soap for talking back on MANY occasions. She'd scrape it against my teeth to make enough got in there and my Dad would walk in a few minutes later and give me gum. :awinky: But I can sure tell you what Camay soap tastes like. :barfon:

11-10-2003, 10:47 PM
Nick - it's because we were raised right! And now they've taken away our ability to do that. Hell if you swat a kid's butt (padded with a diaper even) with your bare hand in a store you'd better be prepared to spend the night in jail and never see your kids again. *grrrrrr*
So now we get disrespectful clods like Groggy who think the world owes him something. Namely respect, even though he doesn't give any to anyone but himself.

LOL@ Peaches' dad and the gum - daddy's girl :awinky:
(Psst - I was one too, hehe)

Okay who got the belt?
My Dad is a BIG man. A very big, patient teddy bear. But boy when his patience wore out... phew.
He had a way of folding his big leather belt in half and pushing the ends together, then *SNAPPPING* them taut - the mere sound of that could straighten up a room of misbehaving kids instantly.
Hell I'm 33 now and it could probably *still* strike fear into my heart, LOL.

11-10-2003, 10:55 PM
My Grandmother used to threaten a "wet noodle" and "The pancake turner"... However, I do not remember her ever carrying through...

My Mom, however, was quite fond of the wooden paddle that hund on the wall, had a picture of a deer and a bear and text that said "For the cute little dear with the bare behind"..... and afterwards, she would tell us "Just wait till your father gets home"...

Dad used the hand... Big old paw...... Lined all 5 of us up and proceeded right down the line......

11-10-2003, 11:19 PM
But I can sure tell you what Camay soap tastes like.

Same!!! LOL

did you also get this threats ---

" I spank your ass til your nose bleeds"

Hell if you swat a kid's butt (padded with a diaper even) with your bare hand in a store you'd better be prepared to spend the night in jail and never see your kids again.

Really? I rarely slap my kids...but I have.My son who is 9 like 3 or 4 times ever.A quick slap on the legs.

Last time WAS in public , on the way back from a restaurant actually.

Walking along the street , it was like he didn't think I would actually do it. ;-)))

He was being a bitch to Anthony actuially , who had been nothing but good with him.

Come on , my kids would piss there pants laughing if I gave them a "time out"

Seriously, you are not allowed to slap them?

Don't have to now though...the "look" works.

He had a way of folding his big leather belt in half and pushing the ends together, then *SNAPPPING* them taut - the mere sound of that could straighten up a room of misbehaving kids instantly.

My dad did that one too!



Last edited by Nickatilynx at Nov 10 2003, 08:31 PM

11-10-2003, 11:31 PM
In my grandmother's house there was soap, and then there was soap. I got the Ivory for a lot of verbal transgressions - and I probably farted bubbles most of the time, because I was a rebellious little snot. But for what George Carlin later called the seven dirty words there was Lava soap (most of which I learned from my grandpop). That pumice added a nasty touch to it.

As far as the weapons of choice go - my grandmother's fuggin thimble was probably more brutal than my grandpop's belt. Switches were nasty, belts were bad - I got more belts (and lava) because I refused to go cut the damn switches.

My mother, who had some serious mental health problems, was prone to more exotic things - the wire handle end of a flyswatter and the Louisville Slugger were pretty nasty, but by far the worst was the stilleto heel - I still got evidence of that one, and I turned 50 this year. She was going after me with that one in a department store shoe department because I'd wandered away for a couple of minutes. Some guy called the cops that time, who did absolutely nothing and sent me home with her because she promised not to do it again (and she did wait until she got back to the car). Ah, the good old days, when you could really discipline your kids ... :rolleyes:

So maybe I don't quite buy into the wailing and weaping and lametations; the loss of the right to take a poke at your kid does not keep me up much at night.

Last edited by PornoDoggy at Nov 10 2003, 11:41 PM

11-10-2003, 11:32 PM
Originally posted by Nickatilynx@Nov 10 2003, 11:27 PM
Hell if you swat a kid's butt (padded with a diaper even) with your bare hand in a store you'd better be prepared to spend the night in jail and never see your kids again.

Really? I rarely slap my kids...but I have.My son who is 9 like 3 or 4 times ever.A quick slap on the legs.

Last time WAS in public , on the way back from a restaurant actually.

Walking along the street , it was like he didn't think I would actually do it. ;-)))

He was being a bitch to Anthony actuially , who had been nothing but good with him.

Come on , my kids would piss there pants laughing if I gave them a "time out"

Seriously, you are not allowed to slap them?
Jeeze, I would think the chance of pissing off Anthony would be enough to scare a kid into behaving! LOL!

There have been many times where people have spanked misbehaving kids in stores and have had the police show up before they left the store. In one particular one that I remember, the management separated the mother from her daughter and kept them in different rooms for three hours while the police grilled both of them - the little girl was terrified and they were threatening the mother with never seeing her daughter again.
It really does happen. Smack your kid's butt in public and you're risking it all these days. :(

He had a way of folding his big leather belt in half and pushing the ends together, then *SNAPPPING* them taut - the mere sound of that could straighten up a room of misbehaving kids instantly.

My dad did that one too!


Well, my elder son is named after my great-great grandfather, Kelsey... you tell me :awinky:
Actually I'm Irish and Scottish, so I fight with myself all the time. :D (Got a little french thrown in there too from my mom's side but please don't hold that against me. It's a very, very little bit!)

11-10-2003, 11:41 PM
There have been many times where people have spanked misbehaving kids in stores and have had the police show up before they left the store. In one particular one that I remember, the management separated the mother from her daughter and kept them in different rooms for three hours while the police grilled both of them - the little girl was terrified and they were threatening the mother with never seeing her daughter again.
It really does happen. Smack your kid's butt in public and you're risking it all these days.

That is nuts.

Bring them across the border!!!!

"""Canadian law already prohibits child abuse, but it allows parents to use "reasonable" physical discipline. """"

phew :)


11-10-2003, 11:50 PM
About a year ago, Kelsey was acting like something wild in a store. You know, the kind of misbehavior where all of the parents turn and look at the child, then look at you with utter disgust.

I warned him over and over. Finally I had had enough. I yanked him up, stood him in the cart and spanked his butt (3 smacks) right there in front of everyone and then told him to "SIT DOWN AND BEHAVE."

It was like everything froze. There were women literally staring at me with their mouths hanging open. The first thought to cross my mind was "Oh shit... one of them is going to call the manager..."

This elderly gentleman was standing about ten feet away watching the entire time. When I spanked Kelsey and everyone just froze and looked at me, this man shuffled up to me, smiled, and actually held out his hand to shake mine and said "Thank you."

Then he turned to Kelsey, wagged his wrinkled old finger in Kel's face and gave him a stern "Now you mind your mother, young man," and shuffled off.

It made me feel really good. I guess he doesn't see misbehaving kids get disciplined too often anymore. I know I sure don't. He had to be in his 80's, or late 70's at least.

11-11-2003, 12:01 AM
See I don't see anything wrong with that. :-)))))

"reasonable physical discipline"

The world is getting too PC at the future cost to society.

11-11-2003, 12:06 AM
Heck I think it's already gotten too PC, and now it's just making a healthy foray into ridiculous.

11-11-2003, 06:31 AM
This thread cracks me up :yowsa:

We did some spanking scenes for BadTushy.com and all of a sudden a bunch of other spanking sites found out we did em and they keep ordering more and more. Our poor girls, over 85 of them in the past few months have left with hot, red asses.

I had no clue that the fetish was so big

11-11-2003, 07:30 AM
Originally posted by sarettah@Nov 10 2003, 01:20 PM
So, how did they do it back then without shrinks and without the drugs.....
They died young

In the last 300 years we have nearly added half-a-century to the average life expectancy...

11-11-2003, 08:31 AM
Originally posted by Carrie@Nov 10 2003, 08:58 PM
About a year ago, Kelsey was acting like something wild in a store. You know, the kind of misbehavior where all of the parents turn and look at the child, then look at you with utter disgust.

I warned him over and over. Finally I had had enough. I yanked him up, stood him in the cart and spanked his butt (3 smacks) right there in front of everyone and then told him to "SIT DOWN AND BEHAVE."

It was like everything froze. There were women literally staring at me with their mouths hanging open. The first thought to cross my mind was "Oh shit... one of them is going to call the manager..."

This elderly gentleman was standing about ten feet away watching the entire time. When I spanked Kelsey and everyone just froze and looked at me, this man shuffled up to me, smiled, and actually held out his hand to shake mine and said "Thank you."

Then he turned to Kelsey, wagged his wrinkled old finger in Kel's face and gave him a stern "Now you mind your mother, young man," and shuffled off.

It made me feel really good. I guess he doesn't see misbehaving kids get disciplined too often anymore. I know I sure don't. He had to be in his 80's, or late 70's at least.
Very nice. :)

I haven't seen someone discipline their kid in a store in a long, long, time. I can't even remember the last time, actually.

I have however, seen hundreds of kids who deserved a ass whoopin. I would probably shit my pants if I saw a mother whap her kid right then and there.

11-11-2003, 08:50 AM
Originally posted by Carrie@Nov 10 2003, 08:58 PM
About a year ago, Kelsey was acting like something wild in a store. You know, the kind of misbehavior where all of the parents turn and look at the child, then look at you with utter disgust.

I warned him over and over. Finally I had had enough. I yanked him up, stood him in the cart and spanked his butt (3 smacks) right there in front of everyone and then told him to "SIT DOWN AND BEHAVE."

It was like everything froze. There were women literally staring at me with their mouths hanging open. The first thought to cross my mind was "Oh shit... one of them is going to call the manager..."

This elderly gentleman was standing about ten feet away watching the entire time. When I spanked Kelsey and everyone just froze and looked at me, this man shuffled up to me, smiled, and actually held out his hand to shake mine and said "Thank you."

Then he turned to Kelsey, wagged his wrinkled old finger in Kel's face and gave him a stern "Now you mind your mother, young man," and shuffled off.

It made me feel really good. I guess he doesn't see misbehaving kids get disciplined too often anymore. I know I sure don't. He had to be in his 80's, or late 70's at least.
Nice one! I reserve "capital punishment" in my children for situations where it's very serious or they are being ESPECIALLY disobedient.. but it's nice to see parents actually DICIPLINING their children. There's nothing more I hate seeing than some woman with 4 brats running around in a store or restaurant making life hell on everyone else. I think it's a shame that government organizations feel they have to say how and when one can dicipline their own children, and make parents AFRAID to do it! We all grew up just fine.

Some people back in the day took it much more to extremes, but 99.9% of the time one or two well-timed swats to the rear is all it takes. Not beating the shit out of a child, not getting angry and taking the anger out, just showing them what they are doing is VERY unacceptable. Cause and effect. Children jump off a chair, they hit their heads, it hurts, they don't do it again. Cause and effect.

I think the most important thing though is that a child understands WHY they are being diciplined so they don't do it again. A lot of children get in trouble for something and it's left at that. I always appreciate when I see a parent explaining to a child why they are in trouble and why what they did is wrong (if it isn't obvious). That's THE biggest mistake parents make these days... They assume that a child understands, because either they are too busy or too lazy or whatever reason to explain it. I was raised by my grandmother the old-fashioned way, and believe me you when I was in trouble I KNEW what it was for. She let me know in NO uncertain terms what I did and why it was wrong. And most oftentimes, I never did it again.

Nice to see when people appreciate it. :)