View Full Version : My Dad is getting divorced

11-09-2003, 04:20 AM
I know many of you have been through this so I thought I would ask! My stepmom is leaving my dad for another man and wants out asap. They have a 15 year old daughter and she says she will give custody etc and do whatever to get divorced immediately so she can marry this other guy.

My dad thinks that if he can "strike while the iron is hot" he can get her to sign over stuff now that she might not if she has enough time to think about it.

I know there are obvious things like getting her off the bank account, mortgage etc. How difficult is that? also, how do you establish a date of separation? She agreed to take the day off on Monday and go to the bank etc. I remember hearing something about notifying credit bureaus so she couldnt get CCs in their name anymore.

I would appreciate any advice I can pass along to him! They live in Washington state, btw.


11-09-2003, 06:13 AM
Sorry, but I would NEVER divulge the secrets of taking advantage of woman in love on the public boards

11-09-2003, 09:05 AM
MissEve the best advice you can give him is to tell him to talk to a lawyer immediately. First consultations are usually free, so he can talk to a few until he finds one he likes.
He's right... if she's so horny that she wants out asap, he probably *can* get her to agree to things she wouldn't normally agree to. However she'll probably just come back later and fight for those things.

He should start keeping a log of everything she says and does, with the date & time noted. If he's got a video camera, just "happening" to videotape one of these conversations by accident where she's admitting to adultery and saying she wants out could prove to be useful later in court, especially if she starts spouting later that she never said these things.

11-09-2003, 11:09 AM
The best practical advise I have found the HARD WAY..... is to be supportive, but when it come to affairs 'of the heart.......... stay out of it, as much as possible.

11-09-2003, 11:15 AM
He needs a lwayer , right now.

Sorry, but I would NEVER divulge the secrets of taking advantage of woman in love on the public boards

But that advice is available on icq? ;-)))))

11-09-2003, 11:17 AM
Originally posted by Nickatilynx@Nov 9 2003, 11:23 AM
He needs a lwayer , right now.

Sorry, but I would NEVER divulge the secrets of taking advantage of woman in love on the public boards

But that advice is available on icq? ;-)))))
yes...$1.99 per sentence

11-09-2003, 11:23 AM
yes...$1.99 per sentence

Very reasonable :)

11-09-2003, 11:27 AM
Originally posted by MissEve@Nov 9 2003, 05:28 AM
I know many of you have been through this so I thought I would ask! My stepmom is leaving my dad for another man and wants out asap. They have a 15 year old daughter and she says she will give custody etc and do whatever to get divorced immediately so she can marry this other guy.

My dad thinks that if he can "strike while the iron is hot" he can get her to sign over stuff now that she might not if she has enough time to think about it.

I know there are obvious things like getting her off the bank account, mortgage etc. How difficult is that? also, how do you establish a date of separation? She agreed to take the day off on Monday and go to the bank etc. I remember hearing something about notifying credit bureaus so she couldnt get CCs in their name anymore.

I would appreciate any advice I can pass along to him! They live in Washington state, btw.

carrie is right....make sure he documents everything.

my parents divorced 10 years ago and my mother, the stupid bitch that she is, tried to rake my father over the coals. the one thing that saved him was that she was so adament about was she wanted her maiden name back(he wanted the divorce and i cant blame him). she got what she wanted and once that happen, she revoked any and all rights to his property.

this happened in florida so you may want to check the state laws where your father lives. i hope your father gets custody and your step mother gets what she deserves. to leave a kid for selfish reasons....well at 15, that is going to have one hell of an impact on the kid for a long, long time and that is just beyond WRONG!

Last edited by Cassie at Nov 9 2003, 12:36 PM

11-09-2003, 07:40 PM
your dad needs a lawyer asap..one, for the financial issue and second for the child's custody. MissEve, remember that she's the one asking for the divorce because of another man....