View Full Version : Do You Eat Taco Bell?

Fletch XXX
11-03-2003, 11:00 AM

Slavery has never been abolished.

if I didnt live in Southern California and hear about things like this I wouldnt believe it.

But it's true.

Eat Taco Bell and you support modern day slavery.


Mike AI
11-03-2003, 11:09 AM
Slavery is still rampant through out Africa, parts of the Middle East, and even in Eastern Europe now....

Amazing how these things can exist in modern times.....

Fuck Taco Hell....

Make a run for the border should become make a run to freedom! haha

11-03-2003, 11:12 AM
Haven't eaten Taco Hell in probaby 8 years now, although it used to be a nightly thing when I was partying a lot.

11-03-2003, 11:24 AM
Same thing goes with Nike shoes. The workers are billeted in barracks style buildings on the property of the factory (whish is surrounded by high fences etc). The people are paid in Nike bucks for the most part, that can be spent only in the Nike compound. And the people need to apply for weekend passes to visit their family.

This happens in many many areas. Taco Bell and Nike are just 2 of the many many corporations out there cashing in on the poor.

11-03-2003, 11:25 AM
I see nothing in this article that proves Taco Bell is using or even supporting slave labor. Their closest link is that the area of tomato farms in south florida is ONE of the MANY *areas* that Taco Bell gets its tomatoes from.
They cannot prove that Taco Bell uses any of the "slave labor" farms; they cannot even mention which farms these are. Nor do they make mention of any of the other hundreds of companies which buy tomatoes from this same area - just Taco Bell.

This is clearly an unsubstantiated slam piece on Taco Bell using coincedental theories with no facts whatsoever.

Saying that Taco Bell supports slave labor simply because it buys tomatoes from a particular county that allegedly harbors a few slave farms is a huge reach.
Give me facts, not conjecture.

And by the way, indentured servitude is not slavery; you don't see college students complaining when they get internships to Microsoft. Same thing.

11-03-2003, 11:28 AM
Originally posted by Mike AI@Nov 3 2003, 10:17 AM
Slavery is still rampant through out Africa, parts of the Middle East, and even in Eastern Europe now....

Amazing how these things can exist in modern times.....

Fuck Taco Hell....

Make a run for the border should become make a run to freedom! haha
I don't mean to come off as callous here Mike, but
there are already enough people running to the
USA already. We are getting overpopulated and
I for one don't care to fork out my money to pay
for these illegals babies to be born here and pay
for all their other bullshit troubles they get into.

They should all take a stand for themselves in
their own countries, there are far more slaves
than owners, an uprising could easily occure and
change the way things are in that country for ever.

Now, back to reality...

Fletch XXX
11-03-2003, 11:29 AM
One would assume Carrie, that such a horrible accusation would be met with a slightly more aggressive attitude instead of just denying it.

I think its very naive to even consider this not a possibility considering I see groups os Mexicans on the side of the roads here willing to work under the same situations.

Maybe you dont see things like this around you, but some of us do.

Mike AI
11-03-2003, 11:33 AM
Originally posted by voodooman+Nov 3 2003, 11:36 AM--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (voodooman @ Nov 3 2003, 11:36 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteBegin--Mike AI@Nov 3 2003, 10:17 AM
Slavery is still rampant through out Africa, parts of the Middle East, and even in Eastern Europe now....

Amazing how these things can exist in modern times.....

Fuck Taco Hell....

Make a run for the border should become make a run to freedom! haha
I don't mean to come off as callous here Mike, but
there are already enough people running to the
USA already. We are getting overpopulated and
I for one don't care to fork out my money to pay
for these illegals babies to be born here and pay
for all their other bullshit troubles they get into.

They should all take a stand for themselves in
their own countries, there are far more slaves
than owners, an uprising could easily occure and
change the way things are in that country for ever.

Now, back to reality...[/b][/quote]

Hey Dude you are preaching to the choir here.

We let in all kinds of illegal 3rd world immigrants who have no education, yet we will not allow LEGAL immigrants over who want to come to the US - many have high end skills and educations. ( Engineers, doctors, etc...)

We really should review our immigrqtion policies - but it will not happen due to political correctness - and thus we will continue to be overrun.

Hope everyone learns to speak Spanish soon!

11-03-2003, 11:33 AM
I'm allergic to tomatoes. :awinky:

Fletch XXX
11-03-2003, 11:35 AM
Originally posted by Bex@Nov 3 2003, 08:32 AM
Same thing goes with Nike shoes. The workers are billeted in barracks style buildings on the property of the factory (whish is surrounded by high fences etc). The people are paid in Nike bucks for the most part, that can be spent only in the Nike compound. And the people need to apply for weekend passes to visit their family.

This happens in many many areas. Taco Bell and Nike are just 2 of the many many corporations out there cashing in on the poor.
Glad you brought this one up too.

I live in LA and can drive downtown and take you to Asian filled factories of little old ladies selling dresses for 25 cents each.

I can take you to another part of LA and show the same except its mexicans picking fruit and vegetables.

I happen to live in a state this is a high producer of produce (vegetables and fruits) as well as clothing, etc.

I see many immigrants working for change here.

Its a fact, and everyone in the US who eats salad, or buys an orange is reaping the benefits of modern slavery.

People can deny it all they want.

11-03-2003, 11:36 AM
Fletch I can't just assume that Taco Bell is to blame (or contributing) simply because it purchases tomatoes from an area of a state that has "slave labor".

Give me a list of the farms that are doing this, then give me a list of the farms in that area that Taco Bell purchases tomatoes from.
If one of the farms shows up on both lists, *then* I'll believe it.

Until then, it's like saying that all porn surfers are pedophiles because there are a *few* porn sites that have underage girls on them.
A + B != C

Fletch XXX
11-03-2003, 11:37 AM
Originally posted by Carrie@Nov 3 2003, 08:44 AM
Fletch I can't just assume that Taco Bell is to blame (or contributing) simply because it purchases tomatoes from an area of a state that has "slave labor".

I said 'assume its a possibility.'

you denounce the idea before even investigating.


11-03-2003, 11:37 AM
Originally posted by Mike AI@Nov 3 2003, 08:41 AM
We really should review our immigrqtion policies - but it will not happen due to political correctness - and thus we will continue to be overrun.

Hope everyone learns to speak Spanish soon!
Anyone see the new Leap Frog educational toy commercial?

It shows a little blond boy sitting on his front porch watching a Hispanic family move in. His mom hands him the new Leap Frog bi-lingual educational toy and in no time he has learned enough so he can go next door, say hello, tell the new kid his name and make a new friend!

While this all seems cute and edu-inspiring for most American families it sends a horrible message... why is it that WE need to learn THEIR language when they come HERE? Sure we're a melting pot... but immigrants from around the world learned English when they came here over the generations - why is it different this time around?

Living in Southern California I see so much of this happening. WE have to adapt. WE have to change. If not - WE lose out - not them. Take a look at the LA papers when ya'll come out for Webmaster Access at the end of the month and see how many jobs say "Bilingual Required" in the want ads. It's ridiculous.


11-03-2003, 11:47 AM
I'll use the metric system if the rest of the world will speak English

As for the slave labor issues ...... I don't know
Obviously slavery isn't something we as a people can not tolerate but who defines what and what do we do

As for Taco Bell - nothing like being dru ... er intoxicated at 2:00AM and ordering one of everything - whatever you don't eat ends up ammo for a FOOD FIGHT

11-03-2003, 11:47 AM
Bummer - so immigrants want to come here illegally and then want to be treated like legal citizens. They're breaking my heart.....<_<

Hopefully news of this "slavery" will get back to those in their current countries and convince them NOT to come here illegally.

11-03-2003, 11:48 AM
Originally posted by Fletch XXX+Nov 3 2003, 11:45 AM--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Fletch XXX @ Nov 3 2003, 11:45 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteBegin--Carrie@Nov 3 2003, 08:44 AM
Fletch I can't just assume that Taco Bell is to blame (or contributing) simply because it purchases tomatoes from an area of a state that has "slave labor".

I said 'assume its a possibility.'

you denounce the idea before even investigating.

You made the statement "Eat Taco Bell and you support modern day slavery." As proof of this, you posted that article/call for action.

I'm not denying the possibility, I'm denying that anything is proven here that by eating at Taco Bell, someone is supporting modern day slavery.

I realize that there are cheap workers all throughout the US and many, many other countries. I realize there's indentured servitude as well. I realize that there is actual slavery still going on in places like Africa, and I realize that modern day slavery has long been accepted and commonplace with fancier names like "internships" and "apprenticeships".

I'm not debating any of that, nor denying it.
What I'm denying is that *any* proof has been posted here that Taco Bell uses slave labor. It hasn't, plain and simple.

11-03-2003, 11:49 AM
Originally posted by kath@Nov 3 2003, 12:45 PM
Anyone see the new Leap Frog educational toy commercial?

It shows a little blond boy sitting on his front porch watching a Hispanic family move in. His mom hands him the new Leap Frog bi-lingual educational toy and in no time he has learned enough so he can go next door, say hello, tell the new kid his name and make a new friend!

While this all seems cute and edu-inspiring for most American families it sends a horrible message... why is it that WE need to learn THEIR language when they come HERE? Sure we're a melting pot... but immigrants from around the world learned English when they came here over the generations - why is it different this time around?

Living in Southern California I see so much of this happening. WE have to adapt. WE have to change. If not - WE lose out - not them. Take a look at the LA papers when ya'll come out for Webmaster Access at the end of the month and see how many jobs say "Bilingual Required" in the want ads. It's ridiculous.

Can you imagine the outcry if they'd had it the other way with the Hispanic boy having to learn English??!! :unsure:

Fletch XXX
11-03-2003, 11:50 AM
Well Carrie, I am not the investigator.

My job is to raise questions and pass it along.

Like ANY newspaper my title did what it was supposed to do.

Get your attention and get you to post.

Thanks for participating doll.

Last edited by Fletch XXX at Nov 3 2003, 08:58 AM

11-03-2003, 11:51 AM
Originally posted by Carrie@Nov 3 2003, 12:56 PM
I realize that modern day slavery has long been accepted and commonplace with fancier names like "internships" and "apprenticeships".
Good point. My white, American born sister worked for a TV station for several months while doing her "internship' without a dime of pay and she had to cover her own gas and parking. I didn't see anyone running to HER defense. B)

11-03-2003, 11:59 AM
Anyone else thinking Burrito Supreme for lunch today? Chalupa with nacho cheese anyone? Geez... I haven't hit Taco Hell in ages! :groucho:

Fletch XXX
11-03-2003, 12:02 PM
Originally posted by kath@Nov 3 2003, 09:07 AM
Anyone else thinking Burrito Supreme for lunch today? Chalupa with nacho cheese anyone? Geez... I haven't hit Taco Hell in ages! :groucho:
I eat real mexican food

I rather hit any of the million local taco places for some real carne asada but not taco bell.

they go out of business here.

mexicans dont eat taco bell.


Last edited by Fletch XXX at Nov 3 2003, 09:10 AM

11-03-2003, 12:02 PM
Fletch I don't recall any newspaper's job to be establishing guilt before innocence and placing the burden of proof on the accused. :awinky:

Okay, so there are all of these little chinese women working in california selling dresses for a quarter, and mexicans in the hot sun picking vegetables for a quarter per bushel.
What do we do about it? *Should* we do anything about it?

Playing devil's advocate, there is something to be said for unskilled labor. Not everyone can be the CEO of a company and there is a place for "grunt workers". If these people are voluntarily and willingly doing these jobs, who are we to stop them?
If we actively enforced minimum wage laws and forced those businesses to pay those little chinese women $7 an hour, what would happen? I'd make a guess that the little chinese women would lose their jobs and have *no* income whatsoever.

I honestly can't see today's high school students being willing to get out in a field and pick anything, no matter the pay. Ewww! They'd get all dirty and smelly! :awinky:

(Remember, devil's advocate - challenging the ideas, not you personally!)

11-03-2003, 12:04 PM
Originally posted by Peaches@Nov 3 2003, 08:57 AM
Can you imagine the outcry if they'd had it the other way with the Hispanic boy having to learn English??!!
I was just thinking that when I read her post.

Fletch XXX
11-03-2003, 12:11 PM
Originally posted by Carrie@Nov 3 2003, 09:10 AM
Fletch I don't recall any newspaper's job to be establishing guilt before innocence and placing the burden of proof on the accused. :awinky:

Okay, so there are all of these little chinese women working in california selling dresses for a quarter, and mexicans in the hot sun picking vegetables for a quarter per bushel.
What do we do about it? *Should* we do anything about it?

Playing devil's advocate, there is something to be said for unskilled labor. Not everyone can be the CEO of a company and there is a place for "grunt workers". If these people are voluntarily and willingly doing these jobs, who are we to stop them?
If we actively enforced minimum wage laws and forced those businesses to pay those little chinese women $7 an hour, what would happen? I'd make a guess that the little chinese women would lose their jobs and have *no* income whatsoever.

I honestly can't see today's high school students being willing to get out in a field and pick anything, no matter the pay. Ewww! They'd get all dirty and smelly! :awinky:

(Remember, devil's advocate - challenging the ideas, not you personally!)
Its easy to sit on top of the hill and talk about the people down in the valley working hard.

Sure your high school kids wont go pick bananas in the sun, thats why there is a demand for it. Sure your undereducated white kids wont be able to be a CEO either. Most white kids in high school have no value for education anyhow.

I put a hard working man over a spoiled kid any day.

We have discussed this already havent we?

About Walmarts using a labor company that has been busted numerous times for illegals? People who shop at Walmart ( i dont there are none near me) and who eat Taco Bell of course wont complain about these things. Walmart support Chinese children labor with their 12 billion a year import, but of course its up to ME to prove that to you right?

So you can say we need them, (grunts and illegals) of course we do. But that doesnt make it right, and I am not here to prove the case either way.

Of course we need 'grunt workers' as you call them. That does not change the practice does it?

It must be nice to sit so many miles from everything and just cast them off as 'here say' and without proof.

Yeah im just some dumb white boy fighting for minorites.

If anything im just not BLIND like the rest of America.

11-03-2003, 12:15 PM
Originally posted by Fletch XXX@Nov 3 2003, 01:19 PM
Yeah im just some dumb white boy fighting for minorites.
Actually, you're just a white boy (I don't think you're dumb) fighting for people who are breaking the law by being in your country illegally. :awinky:

11-03-2003, 12:37 PM
Originally posted by Fletch XXX@Nov 3 2003, 12:19 PM
Its easy to sit on top of the hill and talk about the people down in the valley working hard.

Sure your high school kids wont go pick bananas in the sun, thats why there is a demand for it. Sure your undereducated white kids wont be able to be a CEO either. Most white kids in high school have no value for education anyhow.

I put a hard working man over a spoiled kid any day.

We have discussed this already havent we?

About Walmarts using a labor company that has been busted numerous times for illegals? People who shop at Walmart ( i dont there are none near me) and who eat Taco Bell of course wont complain about these things. Walmart support Chinese children labor with their 12 billion a year import, but of course its up to ME to prove that to you right?

So you can say we need them, (grunts and illegals) of course we do. But that doesnt make it right, and I am not here to prove the case either way.

Of course we need 'grunt workers' as you call them. That does not change the practice does it?

It must be nice to sit so many miles from everything and just cast them off as 'here say' and without proof.

Yeah im just some dumb white boy fighting for minorites.

If anything im just not BLIND like the rest of America.
See, this is why you and I bang heads.
I challenged the situation and asked questions; you ignored the questions and tried to insult me personally for asking them. I am NOT sitting on my high horse denying they exist, quit trying to make me out as some elitist sitting here with a silver spoon in my mouth who has never even seen an immigrant. You brought up the problem, I'm asking you what you think the solution is or should be.

Let me try again...
What should we do about little chinese women selling dresses for a quarter and mexicans picking vegetables for change?

What's your solution?
Pay them minimum wage? Deport them? Legalize them and let them apply for unemployment and welfare? Or something else...?

11-03-2003, 12:40 PM
PS - I'd rather have a hard-working man over a spoiled kid any day as well. When I was down in Florida I'd frequently hire a man with *no* computer skills over a prissy paper tech who bragged about how he'd just passed his MCSE test.
The man with no computer skills wanted to learn and was willing to work, the paper techs just wanted to be paid for the certificate they were holding without having to work at all.

11-03-2003, 12:46 PM
Originally posted by Carrie@Nov 3 2003, 12:48 PM
PS - I'd rather have a hard-working man over a spoiled kid any day as well. When I was down in Florida I'd frequently hire a man with *no* computer skills over a prissy paper tech who bragged about how he'd just passed his MCSE test.
The man with no computer skills wanted to learn and was willing to work, the paper techs just wanted to be paid for the certificate they were holding without having to work at all.
MSCE what a fucking JOKE!
Just like the CNE I used to work with. Back in them days if you got him out of folio he wanted to know what to do at the command prompt!

I told him to call Marshall Maghee and get a copy of Automenu.

I wipe my ass with certifications. 90% of em couldnt plug in a network card or put an end on a piece of coax for arcnet.

And now when you take a class and a certification test for Microsoft they tell you...well this is the way it really wroks but heres how you have to answer for the test. I call BULLSHIT!!!

11-03-2003, 01:06 PM
To all sponsors, linklists, TGPs that I do or shall do business with... I demand that you prove to me that you are not doing business with any company that does business with Acacia.......

To all emaillist providers that I do or shall do business with... Prove to me that you have never supported SPAM....


Have you stopped beating your wife ?????

What do all these have in common, they are all Lose-Lose propositions....

The sponsors, linklists, Tgps and emaillist providers can not possibly prove what I have asked them to prove....

and Taco Bell is in basically the same position....

It's a lose-lose situation for Taco Bell....

They are being asked to prove that they do not use ingredients that were produced by slave labor....

At the same time, no article that I can find names who the "slave labor" growers are..... If the people making the accusations of "slave labor" can not name who is actually doing it, how do they expect Taco Bell to be able to do it...

Taco Bell can demand from their growers that they state that they are not using slave labor.. Will this mean that they aren't using it ?? No.. It will only mean that they signed a statement saying they don't use it...

Slave labor is against the law in the United States.... If a company is running a legitimate company within the United States, you have to assume, until proven otherwise, that they are operating legally... Taco Bell is a BIG buyer of Tomatoes, I am sure that, just like any company must, they buy on a competitive market at the lowest price that they can get... If they are buying in the US, a product produced in the US, they must assume that that product was produced legally... Any other assumption can lead to charges by producers, against Taco Bell, of favoritism etc.....

If you put someone in a lose-lose situation, one thing is sure, they will lose....

Taco Bell has not anwered the charges levelled against them.... If I were them, I wouldn't either......... No matter how they answer them, they lose.....


11-03-2003, 01:13 PM
Gonzo I hear ya. The paper techs couldn't believe that the job would actually involve working outside without air conditioning (gasp), or going into people's homes (eww) and opening up their computers. Most of them had never even cracked a case. They didn't know a mac address from a Macintosh and couldn't even set up email accounts in Outlook Express. They wanted to be at work at 9 and leave before 5 - working only in the office telling the DSL technicians what to do, of course.

The older guys coming would say "Look, all I've done is surfed around on the internet. I don't have any degrees but I promise you if you show me how to do it, I'll learn it." They were there every morning at 7:30 and they insisted on staying at the site until the problem was fixed, even if that meant going home at 10pm. Didn't matter if I wanted to send them down to Homestead or up to Jupiter, they were happy to go. The paper techs refused to drive their shiny cars into Miami because they might get carjacked and whined anytime I tried to send them further than Deerfield Beach. (This is from central Ft Lauderdale.)

It was pathetic.

11-03-2003, 01:19 PM
Originally posted by Carrie@Nov 3 2003, 10:21 AM
Gonzo I hear ya. The paper techs couldn't believe that the job would actually involve working outside without air conditioning (gasp), or going into people's homes (eww) and opening up their computers. Most of them had never even cracked a case. They didn't know a mac address from a Macintosh and couldn't even set up email accounts in Outlook Express. They wanted to be at work at 9 and leave before 5 - working only in the office telling the DSL technicians what to do, of course.

The older guys coming would say "Look, all I've done is surfed around on the internet. I don't have any degrees but I promise you if you show me how to do it, I'll learn it." They were there every morning at 7:30 and they insisted on staying at the site until the problem was fixed, even if that meant going home at 10pm. Didn't matter if I wanted to send them down to Homestead or up to Jupiter, they were happy to go. The paper techs refused to drive their shiny cars into Miami because they might get carjacked and whined anytime I tried to send them further than Deerfield Beach. (This is from central Ft Lauderdale.)

It was pathetic.
Mmmm.. tacos.
I wish Soviet finland would have taco bells. I'm forced to eat raw salmon and herring year around. Damn.

11-03-2003, 01:24 PM
OK, I don't know about all you big city folks, but having visited Texas a few times, and enjoying the Mexican food or Texicali I can say one thing so certain.

Taco Bell food (at least in oHIo) SUCKS!!
and not in that warm wet way either


11-03-2003, 01:30 PM
Originally posted by spazlabz@Nov 3 2003, 02:32 PM
OK, I don't know about all you big city folks, but having visited Texas a few times, and enjoying the Mexican food or Texicali I can say one thing so certain.

Taco Bell food (at least in oHIo) SUCKS!!
and not in that warm wet way either

We have several small REAL Mexican places around here (there's a huge market for Mexican manual labor). Personally, I like the Americanized larger Mexican restaurants and Taco Bell. Perhaps not being able to cook makes me appreciate eating edible crappy food. :D

11-03-2003, 07:15 PM
Originally posted by Fletch XXX@Nov 3 2003, 08:08 AM

Slavery has never been abolished.

if I didnt live in Southern California and hear about things like this I wouldnt believe it.

But it's true.

Eat Taco Bell and you support modern day slavery.

Taco Bell in CA is not getting their tomatoes from FL.

Besides, they are open until 3 AM

11-03-2003, 07:30 PM
As told to me by a Dutchman:

What do you call a person who speaks 2 languages

What do you call a person who speaks 3 languages

What do you call a person who speaks 1 language

11-03-2003, 07:31 PM
Originally posted by Fletch XXX@Nov 3 2003, 08:37 AM
One would assume Carrie, that such a horrible accusation would be met with a slightly more aggressive attitude instead of just denying it.

I think its very naive to even consider this not a possibility considering I see groups os Mexicans on the side of the roads here willing to work under the same situations.

Maybe you dont see things like this around you, but some of us do.
give me a break . . . you think the migrant workers you see are not getting paid? I don't recall seeing any fences, or armed guards.

Does the name Cesar Chavez ring any bells with you?

I can understand why Pepsico (I believe the parent company of Taco Bell) would not bother being drawn into this bullshit by responding.

11-03-2003, 07:34 PM
Originally posted by Fletch XXX+Nov 3 2003, 08:43 AM--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Fletch XXX @ Nov 3 2003, 08:43 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteBegin--Bex@Nov 3 2003, 08:32 AM
Same thing goes with Nike shoes. The workers are billeted in barracks style buildings on the property of the factory (whish is surrounded by high fences etc). The people are paid in Nike bucks for the most part, that can be spent only in the Nike compound. And the people need to apply for weekend passes to visit their family.

This happens in many many areas. Taco Bell and Nike are just 2 of the many many corporations out there cashing in on the poor.
Glad you brought this one up too.

I live in LA and can drive downtown and take you to Asian filled factories of little old ladies selling dresses for 25 cents each.

I can take you to another part of LA and show the same except its mexicans picking fruit and vegetables.

I happen to live in a state this is a high producer of produce (vegetables and fruits) as well as clothing, etc.

I see many immigrants working for change here.

Its a fact, and everyone in the US who eats salad, or buys an orange is reaping the benefits of modern slavery.

People can deny it all they want.[/b][/quote]
Fletch, you crack me up . . . .where do you see immigrants picking fruit in LA? maybe off their own trees

11-03-2003, 07:37 PM
Originally posted by Peaches@Nov 3 2003, 08:57 AM
Can you imagine the outcry if they'd had it the other way with the Hispanic boy having to learn English??!! :unsure:
ummm, they do, as soon as they step inside the classroom

11-03-2003, 07:44 PM
Originally posted by TeenGodFather@Nov 3 2003, 10:27 AM
Mmmm.. tacos.
I wish Soviet finland would have taco bells. I'm forced to eat raw salmon and herring year around. Damn.
fish tacos are good . . . . what is the matter? can't fold a corn tortilla in half? :agrin:

11-03-2003, 07:54 PM
Originally posted by baddog@Nov 3 2003, 07:39 PM
I can understand why Pepsico (I believe the parent company of Taco Bell) would not bother being drawn into this bullshit by responding.

Pepsi has not owned Taco Bell for a while, at least not directly....

They were spun off along with KFC and Pizza Hut to form YUM co.



PURCHASE, N.Y. (August 14, 1997) -- PepsiCo, Inc., announced today that its Board of Directors approved a formal plan to spin off to shareholders the corporation’s restaurant business.

The Board’s action authorizes PepsiCo to proceed with plans disclosed in January to spin off the restaurant business.

PepsiCo’s restaurant business, with about $10 billion in annual revenues, includes the global Pizza Hut, KFC and Taco Bell brands. Its packaged goods business consists of Pepsi-Cola Company and Frito-Lay Company, which generate some $20 billion in annual revenues.

Under terms of the plan, the separation of the packaged goods and restaurant businesses will occur at the end of the day on October 6, 1997. Shareholders of record on September 19, 1997 will receive one share in the new restaurant company, Tricon Global Restaurants, Inc., for every 10 shares of stock they hold in PepsiCo, Inc.

The plan approved by the Board calls for Tricon to enter into separate financing arrangements and to pay PepsiCo a one-time distribution of $4.5 billion at the time of the spin off. PepsiCo intends to use the money to pay down debt and repurchase shares.

11-03-2003, 08:05 PM
Originally posted by sarettah@Nov 3 2003, 05:02 PM


Pepsi has not owned Taco Bell for a while, at least not directly....

They were spun off along with KFC and Pizza Hut to form YUM co.

uh, okay . . . fill in the blank then, I stand by my earlier comment. There is nothing to be gained by getting drawn in by some b.s organization accusing them of supporting slave labor camps.

Damn . . . .I am never going to get used to the fact that I can't hit Alt-S to send here

11-03-2003, 08:15 PM
Based on the article in question ...

I have no reason to believe that Taco Bell (which is to Mexican what Chef Boy R D is to Italian) is knowingly using "slave labor."

I have no reason to believe that they wouldn't, either.

Last edited by PornoDoggy at Nov 3 2003, 08:24 PM

11-03-2003, 08:37 PM
Originally posted by baddog+Nov 3 2003, 08:45 PM--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (baddog @ Nov 3 2003, 08:45 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteBegin--Peaches@Nov 3 2003, 08:57 AM
Can you imagine the outcry if they'd had it the other way with the Hispanic boy having to learn English??!! :unsure:
ummm, they do, as soon as they step inside the classroom[/b][/quote]
That's not on a commercial. :awinky:

Hell Puppy
11-03-2003, 09:41 PM
I never have gotten along with Taco Hell anyway...

Far as I'm concerned they should change their slogan from "make a run for the border" to "make a run for the toilet".

11-03-2003, 10:53 PM
Originally posted by baddog+Nov 3 2003, 07:45 PM--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (baddog @ Nov 3 2003, 07:45 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteBegin--Peaches@Nov 3 2003, 08:57 AM
Can you imagine the outcry if they'd had it the other way with the Hispanic boy having to learn English??!! :unsure:
ummm, they do, as soon as they step inside the classroom[/b][/quote]
that's only true in some parts of the USA :o

11-03-2003, 11:30 PM
Originally posted by Vick@Nov 3 2003, 08:01 PM

that's only true in some parts of the USA :o
oh, where in the US is English not mandatory?

11-03-2003, 11:33 PM
Who cares, I'll eat there the same day I cash a welfare check. (that being never)

11-03-2003, 11:44 PM
baddog - I forgot my sarcasm smile

11-03-2003, 11:50 PM
not to get off topic... but my friend wanted me to ask a question... if someone happened to be in the market for one of these "slaves" where would one go about looking? what might one cost? what about delivery? can they be shipped UPS/DHL etc or do you need to go to the slave place and actually pick them up? anyone?

11-03-2003, 11:53 PM
Originally posted by JR@Nov 3 2003, 08:58 PM
not to get off topic... but my friend wanted me to ask a question... if someone happened to be in the market for one of these "slaves" where would one go about looking? what might one cost? what about delivery? can they be shipped UPS/DHL etc or do you need to go to the slave place and actually pick them up? anyone?
You can usually pick one up in front of the Home Depot any morning before 8:00 if you want a good one

11-03-2003, 11:54 PM
Originally posted by Vick@Nov 3 2003, 08:52 PM
baddog - I forgot my sarcasm smile
oh, thought you were being one of these bleeding heart types :blink:

11-04-2003, 12:08 AM
Originally posted by baddog+Nov 4 2003, 12:02 AM--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (baddog @ Nov 4 2003, 12:02 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteBegin--Vick@Nov 3 2003, 08:52 PM
baddog - I forgot my sarcasm smile
oh, thought you were being one of these bleeding heart types :blink:[/b][/quote]
That's almost as funny as the link you posted :lol:

11-04-2003, 01:22 AM
Originally posted by baddog+Nov 3 2003, 08:38 PM--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (baddog @ Nov 3 2003, 08:38 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteBegin--Vick@Nov 3 2003, 08:01 PM

that's only true in some parts of the USA :o
oh, where in the US is English not mandatory?[/b][/quote]
You'd be surprised - try some parts of Southern California.

A few years ago when we were living in Orange County I did one of those "surprise visits" to my son's 1st Grade class. I found that 1/2 of the class time was spent being taught in Spanish and the other 1/2 in English. Sure, my son was the minority, but 1/2 of his class-time was spent drawing or coloring so the rest of the class could "catch up" - yet not much attempt was given to teach these kids English, the whole course was being taught in Spanish.

I was told by the teacher and the principal "that's just the way it is." The next day I pulled my son out of public school and have been homeschooling both kids ever since.

California recently passed a law saying that classes (outside of ESL) were NOT to be taught in Spanish, that all classes had to be taught in English, yet when speaking with other parents in the area who send their kids to public school - that is STILL not the case. They are being told by the school admin that this policy is being "phased in" and that soon the classes will be 100% English.

Glad I didn't wait around for my son's education via English to be "phased in" to his school day. Best decision I EVER made. :okthumb:

11-04-2003, 01:25 AM
Originally posted by Fletch XXX@Nov 3 2003, 09:10 AM
I eat real mexican food

I rather hit any of the million local taco places for some real carne asada but not taco bell.

they go out of business here.

mexicans dont eat taco bell.

I have to agree with you there Fletch. But unfortunately I can't find a single taco stand in the Coachella Valley that can make a decent carne asada burrito. They all want to stuff it with rice and beans and bullshit... where's the beef? :rolleyes:

We make trips down to San Diego to see family and always make sure to stop @ the local hole-in-the-wall taco shops to get some REAL Mexican food. I don't care where their tomatoes come from or who is serving them up - the food down there seriously kicks ass. And the guacamole? Don't get me started! :groucho:

But... unfortunately... a trip to "the Border" @ Taco Hell is my only option - outside of homemade - as long as we live in the steenkin' desert. :awinky:

11-04-2003, 08:18 AM
Originally posted by kath@Nov 3 2003, 10:30 PM

You'd be surprised - try some parts of Southern California.

What school district was that? I am sorry, but your story reeks of bullshit.
Orange County teaching half the class Spanish? Vietnamese I might have believed.

11-04-2003, 10:48 AM
Originally posted by baddog+Nov 4 2003, 05:26 AM--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (baddog @ Nov 4 2003, 05:26 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteBegin--kath@Nov 3 2003, 10:30 PM

You'd be surprised - try some parts of Southern California.

What school district was that? I am sorry, but your story reeks of bullshit.
Orange County teaching half the class Spanish? Vietnamese I might have believed.[/b][/quote]
Reeks of bullshit? It was the city of Orange - near Chapman University.

Vietnamese? Maybe try Garden Grove or Anaheim... but trust me 1/2 the class was being taught in Spanish. I saw/heard it with my own eyes.