View Full Version : Is it just me

11-03-2003, 10:08 AM
Or does anyone else find this board to be extremely slow loading?

Like it hangs forever loading up threads etc.


11-03-2003, 10:12 AM
Originally posted by RichC@Nov 3 2003, 10:16 AM
Or does anyone else find this board to be extremely slow loading?

Like it hangs forever loading up threads etc.

It's just you....................


(seriously, I have not noticed any slow load today)

11-03-2003, 10:13 AM
No problems here..... but, I have heard others comment.

I use Netscape (yes I am a die hard) on cable modem.

Mike AI
11-03-2003, 10:14 AM
Yeah, I am in Tampa and have not noticed any slowdown!

Time to replace the 386!! :P

11-03-2003, 10:16 AM
Coming in fine here on my Apple II-C out here in the cornfields ... :)

11-03-2003, 10:16 AM
Slow here, but its because Im using all the bw uploading videos.

When I stop it the uploading, it loads just fine.

11-03-2003, 10:40 AM
it's quick here, hell it loads as if it's on one of our servers :wnw:

11-03-2003, 10:43 AM
It's just you - I have enough problems with my email so the internet gods have smiled upon me and allowed a fast connection. :P