View Full Version : Luke Skywalker is 52.

11-01-2003, 09:35 AM
Forget the story ... he'll always be Luke as much as Nimoy will always be Spock ....

Who else feels old knowing Luke Skywalker is 52? :(

http://www.dailytimes.com.pk/default.asp?p...-11-2003_pg9_10 (http://www.dailytimes.com.pk/default.asp?page=story_1-11-2003_pg9_10)

Luke removes Star Wars from his CV

The actor who played Luke Skywalker in Star Wars has removed all direct references to the films from his cv (resume).

Mark Hamill says he wants to be known as more than “just the guy with a light saber”.

Hamill, now 52, is drawing attention to his other movies, his hundreds of cartoon voice-overs, his comic book work, the CD-ROMs and his Broadway plays.

He said: “It seems to me that it’s semi-fraudulent for me to be still playing on it. It seems to me that I just owe the public a new product. If I wanted to be a nostalgia artist, boy, I could embrace it wholeheartedly.” —Ananova

11-01-2003, 09:36 AM
Originally posted by Dravyk@Nov 1 2003, 06:43 AM
Forget the story ... he'll always be Luke as much as Nimoy will always be Spock ....

Who else feels old knowing Luke Skywalker is 52? :(

http://www.dailytimes.com.pk/default.asp?p...-11-2003_pg9_10 (http://www.dailytimes.com.pk/default.asp?page=story_1-11-2003_pg9_10)

Luke removes Star Wars from his CV

The actor who played Luke Skywalker in Star Wars has removed all direct references to the films from his cv (resume).

Mark Hamill says he wants to be known as more than “just the guy with a light saber”.

Hamill, now 52, is drawing attention to his other movies, his hundreds of cartoon voice-overs, his comic book work, the CD-ROMs and his Broadway plays.

He said: “It seems to me that it’s semi-fraudulent for me to be still playing on it. It seems to me that I just owe the public a new product. If I wanted to be a nostalgia artist, boy, I could embrace it wholeheartedly.” —Ananova
Yep I do feel really old now. :(

11-01-2003, 12:34 PM
Everybody’s a dreamer and everybody’s a star,
And everybody’s in movies, it doesn’t matter who you are.
There are stars in every city,
In every house and on every street,
And if you walk down hollywood boulevard
Their names are written in concrete!

Don’t step on greta garbo as you walk down the boulevard,
She looks so weak and fragile that’s why she tried to be so hard
But they turned her into a princess
And they sat her on a throne,
But she turned her back on stardom,
Because she wanted to be alone.

You can see all the stars as you walk down hollywood boulevard,
Some that you recognise, some that you’ve hardly even heard of,
People who worked and suffered and struggled for fame,
Some who succeeded and some who suffered in vain.
Rudolph valentino, looks very much alive,
And he looks up ladies’ dresses as they sadly pass him by.
Avoid stepping on bela lugosi
’cos he’s liable to turn and bite,
But stand close by bette davis
Because hers was such a lonely life.
If you covered him with garbage,
George sanders would still have style,
And if you stamped on mickey rooney
He would still turn round and smile,
But please don’t tread on dearest marilyn
’cos she’s not very tough,
She should have been made of iron or steel,
But she was only made of flesh and blood.

You can see all the stars as you walk down hollywood boulevard,
Some that you recognise, some that you’ve hardly even heard of.
People who worked and suffered and struggled for fame,
Some who succeeded and some who suffered in vain.

Everybody’s a dreamer and everybody’s a star
And everybody’s in show biz, it doesn’t matter who you are.

And those who are successful,
Be always on your guard,
Success walks hand in hand with failure
Along hollywood boulevard.

I wish my life was a non-stop hollywood movie show,
A fantasy world of celluloid villains and heroes,
Because celluloid heroes never feel any pain
And celluloid heroes never really die.

You can see all the stars as you walk along hollywood boulevard,
Some that you recognise, some that you’ve hardly even heard of,
People who worked and suffered and struggled for fame,
Some who succeeded and some who suffered in vain.

Oh celluloid heroes never feel any pain
Oh celluloid heroes never really die.

I wish my life was a non-stop hollywood movie show,
A fantasy world of celluloid villains and heroes,
Because celluloid heroes never feel any pain
And celluloid heroes never really die.

11-01-2003, 12:54 PM
I'm just glad he's older than me. :nyanya:

11-01-2003, 01:18 PM
52??? Where did the years go? I was 10 when Star Wars came out - seems like time really flew!

All these stars we know are dying... the rest of them are getting old... but when the Brat Pack starts looking when they are headed out to pasture (I've never FELT so old as I've felt watching CBS' Two-and-a-Half Men!), you just have to face facts and KNOW that you're getting older too. lol

Found this - http://www.eonline.com/Features/Features/Bratpack/ It's about 2 years old, but just tune in to CBS to see how old Duckie and Charlie have gotten... the "laugh lines" tell all.


11-01-2003, 02:03 PM
the first time i had any idea of what age i am was in that movie a few years back "grosse point blank", where john cusack was going to his high school reuinion and sees how everyone has changed.

all of my old friends are grown up now, with wives and kids and mortgages.

somehow i've managed to not have a wife or kids or a mortgage, but i don't have any old friends now either.

11-01-2003, 02:18 PM
I felt old when all the Halloween parties were last weekend so folks could take their kids out for Halloween and mine's too old for trick or treating. :(

11-01-2003, 05:45 PM
actually this made me feel younger, thank you

11-02-2003, 12:09 PM
Originally posted by baddog@Nov 1 2003, 05:53 PM
actually this made me feel younger, thank you
Bastard! :D

11-03-2003, 11:28 AM
Whew! I thought you were talking about the guy from 2 Live Crew!

11-03-2003, 06:53 PM
Originally posted by Buff@Nov 3 2003, 08:36 AM
Whew! I thought you were talking about the guy from 2 Live Crew!
now you just made me feel old . . . . 2 Live Crew has someone named Luke Skywalker?

11-04-2003, 06:34 PM
Yeah, Hamill was in Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back and you could tell his age, even under all the silly makeup they had him in. My biggest shock was seeing the pop stars of the 80's on VH1 and seeing how old Rick Springfield and some of the others look now. It was a real wake up call, because that doesn't really seem all that long ago.