View Full Version : What's the worse job you ever had?

10-27-2003, 03:39 AM
and thought it deserved its own thread. Whats the worse job you ever had? I had a bunch:
My two worst were
for a electrical contracting company in VA, I heard people used to say, "Could be worse, I could be digging ditches or a living" Thats this job. I dug trenches for electrical feeds to new homes. 36" deep for a single feed and the higher the line rating, the deeper it went. Time that gave me a nightmare, digging a trench through someones backyard (by a VERY old church) and 'finding' a gravestone. City official came out and spent the next serveral days determining if the new housing development had been built on............let's just say they were telling us to look closely at what was in our shovels. Thank GOD we didn't discover anything.
Next worst job, Honda Of America Manufacturing (HAM) here in oHIo. My very first factory job and non union. If your one of those people that hate unions, this is the job that would convince you of how good and nessesary they are. The first four months of working there, at the end of the shift it was painful to walk out to my car and I had a five speed. The clutch liked to kick my ass. cramps in the legs and all that. So physically hard taking a deep breathe made my back cramp, and i am no fragile little pussy.
They viewed their employees as "industrial atheletes' had to do exercises before the shift every day LOL

so what ya got? Lets hear some horror stories.


10-27-2003, 04:19 AM
My 'real world' job wasn't that bad actually... I'm an electrical mechanical engineer by trade. The area we specialized in was envelope machinery, well mainly second hand machinery.

I used to travel all over the world installing refurbished machinery and removing the surplus. These machines might sound like small desktop machines but the smallest one's we dealt with were in the range of 9 tons per unit and an average of 15 units per machine. The job was great but the down side was that I was the boss’s son... Hence I got slapped around quite a bit while I was in my apprenticeship!

I could never get back into that work again because the workload is just too physically demanding and I'm a hundred miles away from being up to it.

I got to see some fantastic countries along the way though :okthumb:

10-27-2003, 05:26 AM
I worked in a vets surgery as a Receptionist for short while and had to leave because of the heart ache that I felt when the animals came in to be put to sleep. :cryin:

10-27-2003, 06:03 AM
I worked for a commerical real estate broker starting when I was 16 until 19 or 20. I made a lot of money for someone my age and it was considered a prestigious company etc. The guy I worked for was the biggest asshole on the planet. If I made the smallest mistake he would take me into his office, shut the door and scream in my face until I cried. I was in high school and then college and needed the money. He was loaded but would do shit like go out of town and not pay me etc. but then when I graduated from high school he gave me a grand as a gift. It was psychological torture. I was just too young and dumb to realize I didnt have to put up with shit like that. The last straw was that he would get drunk at night and leave his car places so I would have to take him to get it the next day.....one day in the care he asks me if I would ever date a black guy. I said yes and he says "the only reason a white girl would date a black guy is if she is a coke whore". Ummm, right.

He owed money to the FDIC for some bullshit real estate scam in the 80's. He had a 100k commission coming to him and he somehow convinced the real estate company to issue the check into another brokers name to avoid the FDIC garnishing it. My boss goes out of town and tells me that I need to drive to the bank with the other broker and CASH the check and give it to his sister in law to put in a safety deposit box. Needless to say it was a very interesting experience watching someone cash 100k in Anchorage, Alaska, lol! It took hours. I was 17 or so and had 50k in my purse, I should have jacked it ;)

10-27-2003, 06:18 AM
MsEve, doesn't sound like the worst job to me, just the opposite, this job got you a GREAT peak inside of human nature and taught you valuable skills you used alter in life

10-27-2003, 06:28 AM
I was a newspaper delivery boy for a few years in my younger days. Wasn't a particularly distasteful job, howver the pay was less than peanuts.

Oh well.. gotta start somewhere :rolleyes:

10-27-2003, 06:50 AM
At 17 I did fill in for a garbage collection company in the summer. The people were great, but the rout included several camping spots and people on vacation are freaking pigs. Could not even stand to smell myself after a summer day of picking up trash.

Worst full time job I had was a shoe factory. Piece rate shoe production, once you got good enough to make $4.00 an hour they either changed the job you were doing or changed the rate of pay for the process you were doing. They also fired you for one days abscence with a note from a doctor.

10-27-2003, 07:04 AM
I've had some gems..

I guess the one that stands out the most is working for a healthcare company that did the laundry for local hospitals.

All the linnens and stuff from operations, deaths, bedpan mishaps and such. Pretty nasty stuff, plus the place was hot as hell inside.

10-27-2003, 08:45 AM
Mine weren't horrible, but:

I worked at a family run dry cleaning store for a week. Then I found out I was pregnant and quit due to the fumes.

Went to work at Honey Baked Ham (went to school with the founder's grandkids). THAT was fun except since I was pregnant, it was a pain lifting the hams. It was during the Christmas rush but most the people I went to HS with were working there. Plus since the store was where I lived, I got to see a lot of people I knew as customers. :)

Then when I was about 5 months pregnant, I worked at a comedy club. Again - a crappy job but I had a ball because of the entertainers there.

I worked telemarketing in HS but I was making $7+ an hour when minimum wage was $3+ an hour and people didn't hate telemarketers back then. :headwall:

Oh, and in college I worked at a fish house, lol! :P

I've had weird jobs, but I loved them all in some way - no grunt work crappy jobs. :)

10-27-2003, 09:10 AM
Worked at a telemarketing scam/outfit complete with a post and bell. We were what they called "toner phoners" basically you'd call fortune 500 companies, get some low level person to tell you what model of printer they had, then you'd call the purchaser and say you were "from the warehouse" and you had an extra shipment of toner that matched the kind they used. Some very fuzzy language later, you often had a big invoice.

Thing is i dont really think they ever got the toner :-/

Mr Benn
10-27-2003, 09:11 AM
Never had a "shit" job here. My worst moment was probably working as a techy (for a certain type of consultancy), and we only got half the commission for repeat clients that the sales people got (and we did all the work) - Which was still high paid.

After leaving the job, i took great delight in hearing how these fucks had spent their last year or two saving up 10k GBP to go travelling. And more delight into saying i was jobless and couldn't even imagine that kind of money in an account. *evil laugh*

10-27-2003, 09:12 AM
Worst Job? Hmmmm, been a few of those.

I was a maid for about a year, and damn was
these people pigs. No really, they were. I cleaned
pig pens in College for beer money. Now I grew up
on a farm, but with cattle, no freakin pigs. There was
6 buildings each housing 3000 pigs. That's alot of
pig shit.
Then, I worked for a drilling company as a roughneck
on an oil rig. That pretty much sucked as well.

10-27-2003, 09:46 AM
Originally posted by OldJeff@Oct 27 2003, 03:58 AM

Worst full time job I had was a shoe factory. Piece rate shoe production, once you got good enough to make $4.00 an hour they either changed the job you were doing or changed the rate of pay for the process you were doing. They also fired you for one days abscence with a note from a doctor.
piece rate sucks bro! The last job I had before I started this full time was for International Truck & Engine (take a look at the semi tractor trailers we built those and school busses, look for international) and we had a press room that did 'piece meal' work, but it was union, when you got good at a job there, you stayed there. They made mad cash. All the old timers that couldnt get repair, and had some stamina, would go there and make the monay! But the work.........ya had to hustle 8 hours a day, or ya made nothing.


10-27-2003, 09:49 AM
Had a few interesting and very challenging positions when I was younger

Worked on a trash truck - that lasted 3 days

Cleaned out oil tankers - yes someone actually goes into the holds and has to hose and scrub out the tankers

Worked construction - once working a concrete job with my brother he got concrete down his pants, by the time he got off the job site and home it hardened on his penis, his dick was so sore from it he had to wear a sock on his cock - ala Chili Peppers (true story)

First job I ever had was shining shoes as a 7 year old child, my grandfather built my shoe shine box. He found it a few years ago and gave it to me for Christmas with a note on it that read "Your First Business Venture"
One of the best Xmas presents I ever got, it sits in my office

Did a lot of landscaping as a teenager and early twenties, landscaping sound like a interesting job. It reality it can be laying sod in the rain after fire ants have gotten into the pallets of sod, that's after you rake and shovel all day to even the slope of the yard and to ensure rain runs away from the house or building

Also worked in warehouses in my twenties - hard physical labor (much like landscaping), in the tile warehouse I worked in I was the smallest guy there - as a result I can drive almost any forklift ever made

Worked a Hot Dog cart one summer at a college, lots of cute college girls

Worked on the lawn maintenance crew at a huge graveyard one summer, lots of strange stories there

Sure I'm forgetting a few

Moved into professional positions in my mid-late 20's with marketing firms - 60-80 hour weeks

That was after I had worked 40+ hours at the tile warehouse and then went to a part time job in the evening.
Got the nick name Clark Kent because when we worked overtime in the warehouse I had to go into the bathroom at the end of the day, clean up as best as possible and change into decent clothes for the part time job and head straight to the second job

Mike AI
10-27-2003, 09:54 AM
Yeah I am one of the foruntate people.... My wife claims I have never had to work a day in my life. But that is not true. I worked as a waiter for awhile, I was good at it.... Did the battender thing in college, at a country club - very easy job as well.

While in law school I was working for my uncle in construction, I tried to modernize the way things were done over there and we butted heads a lot - so I resigned, and decided to do something on my own....

Hence the internet and porn!


10-27-2003, 10:19 AM
my worst job ever is hearding MORONs on GFY

Mike AI
10-27-2003, 10:21 AM
Originally posted by Serge_Oprano@Oct 27 2003, 10:27 AM
my worst job ever is hearding MORONs on GFY

HAHA yeah right!!!

You take personal delight in it!!

10-27-2003, 10:24 AM
Originally posted by Mike AI+Oct 27 2003, 10:29 AM--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Mike AI @ Oct 27 2003, 10:29 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteBegin--Serge_Oprano@Oct 27 2003, 10:27 AM
my worst job ever is hearding MORONs on GFY

HAHA yeah right!!!

You take personal delight in it!![/b][/quote]
don't tell that to lensman, or he'd start charging me money

Dianna Vesta
10-27-2003, 10:28 AM
My worse job was a contract I accepted for a company that produces products for TV. I was hired on a yearly contract as an operations manager. That basically means you do all the stuff owners don’t want to do. The money was great but the job was extremely stressful. I worked for a couple who didn’t need the money in the first place. Trying to read their minds and keep them on a timely plan was next to impossible. I am really good at sitting down with an owner, hearing the plan they need and carrying out the details without bothering them. Imagine working your ass off to set up meetings, projects with deadlines and you must have final approval then busting your ass to track down the people who need to make the final decision. Everything falls on your ass and they are in Europe unavailable.

Then they would often change plans in midstream because it didn’t fit into their current lifestyle. This is all cool but they always need to maintain that final level of control yet not responsible enough to follow-up or through. Fuck now I’m bitching, huh?

I made great money but I worked all the time and often under stressful conditions. When my contract was up for renewal I declined and they couldn’t figure out why. It was the most stressful year (actually longer) ever working for a client. I wasn’t exclusive with them but the job was too demanding to do much of anything else.

The really fucked up thing was them insisting I fly to LA to oversee a commercial shoot only a week after 9/11 because they were too worried to fly. isn't that fucked up?

10-27-2003, 10:35 AM
Originally posted by Mike AI@Oct 27 2003, 09:02 AM
While in law school I was working for my uncle in construction, I tried to modernize the way things were done over there and we butted heads a lot - so I resigned, and decided to do something on my own....

Hence the internet and porn!

Just think, you could be representing smut peddlers had it not
been for the internet.


10-27-2003, 10:36 AM
I haven't really had a "worst" job. There were things about all of them that I really enjoyed.
I did work at McDonald's once for four hours on the morning shift; when the shift was over I handed my hat to the manager and told her I wouldn't be back. I was 16.

Probably the most fun I've ever had at a job was when I was working for a courier company before going up to positions of more responsibility. 300 miles a day through central new york, from Binghamton to Watertown and everywhere in between. Certain nights my routes were longer and I'd be in Buffalo and back before heading home. It was fantastic. I picked up checks to be processed and took them to the bank headquarters. Drove a big van around from 6 to noon and then switched into a new station wagon from noon to about 6 at night. The nights when I'd run out to Rochester or Buffalo I'd be back in a big cargo van - that was fun in the cities.
Nothing like the open road and the radio, with no asshole supervisor looking over your shoulder. It rocked :okthumb:
Then I got promoted and had to charter planes and coordinate drivers from all over New York to get the stuff for Chase Manhattan to them... having the Northeast Regional Manager of Chase Manhattan bank knowing you by name and kissing your butt to keep *his* butt out of a sling was nice, but I'd have rather been driving :)

Dianna Vesta
10-27-2003, 11:05 AM
I never really worked for anyone per se. I mean contracts and clients but always for my own businesses. Negotiating with several companies now and choosing carefully because now that I live in the country on my ranch I don’t want to be gone all the time. I mean I don’t mind traveling to HQ or to handle a project. Plus it’s hard to find jobs unless you want to agree to go exclusive. I understand a companies position on this but when I moved back to Florida to take an adult contact that was exclusive then the company closed two months after I started it makes me wonder what the fuck I would have done had it happened a year later. It’s always been hard for me to put all my eggs in one basket I suppose and these days there are few stable companies out there.

My favorite job/gig of all time was hosting a radio talk show. It was all about sex! It was years ago and became popular. The station wasn’t set-up properly to do required delays for obscene content. It’s hard to control callers on a live venue.

10-27-2003, 11:10 AM
Worst job as a teenager was as a cook for Kentucy Fried Chicken. I worked for 6 weeks before they found out I wasn't 16. That was, uh, more than a week ago and I still can't really eat the stuff.

Worst job as an adult was managing two& co-owning another residental/commercial cleaning and disaster restoration franchises. My employers/partners were absolute fucking lunatics who made the Bundys look normal. The employees were generally "bottom of the barrel" who had a habit of quiting right after payday.

A typical day would involve:

* explaining to a landlord that I probably couldn't make the 1970s green shag carpet look like new after the tenant and her 6 dogs had lived there for eleven years;

*explaining to another customer that no, the scotchguard guarantee did not cover your 3-year-old ADD brat opening and dumping your 56 bottles of fingernail polish all over the white berber carpet in the great room;

* explaining to a janitorial services customer that since his other employees decided to ignore the wet floor signs and hold a meeting in a room with fresh wax laid on it, I had to invoice him for redoing the floor;

* telling a disaster restoration customer that I did not really thnk my crew stole the 12" dildo from her bedroom while we were cleaning up after the fire;

* sending a guy just released from prision for felony theft back to the temp company before we go clean a bank; or, during the flood of '93, sending 7 of 18 guys back to a different temp company because they were drunk (the temp company had pulled a van up to the Salvation Army shelter in town and recruited new workers).

* personally supervise the cleaning of Paul Harvey's St. Louis office and broadcast studio;

* attempt to decipher the messages taken by the secretary they hired, who was the sister of the Regional Franchise Manager's assistant and was pretty good except for missing an average of 1 day every two weeks, and was only a little dislexic.

10-27-2003, 11:14 AM
I worked for the city of Manchester, I was the dead animal disposal man. Picking up dead animals off the streets.
Then I got a break
and worked as a towel boy at the gay bathhouse.
That was my in for adult net.
I met Serge there, Forest, MikeW, Steve Cohen, and Billy
Serge was the best tipper, but Billy took me to lunch twice
hee hee

10-27-2003, 11:18 AM
Originally posted by Meni@Oct 27 2003, 11:22 AM
I worked for the city of Manchester, I was the dead animal disposal man. Picking up dead animals off the streets.
Then I got a break
and worked as a towel boy at the gay bathhouse.
That was my in for adult net.
I met Serge there, Forest, MikeW, Steve Cohen, and Billy
Serge was the best tipper, but Billy took me to lunch twice
hee hee

the OLD days


10-27-2003, 11:18 AM
Originally posted by Meni@Oct 27 2003, 11:22 AM
I worked for the city of Manchester, I was the dead animal disposal man. Picking up dead animals off the streets.
Then I got a break
and worked as a towel boy at the gay bathhouse.
That was my in for adult net.
I met Serge there, Forest, MikeW, Steve Cohen, and Billy
Serge was the best tipper, but Billy took me to lunch twice
hee hee
Meni, I don't care what anybody says, but I've got my best head and towel from you!@

10-27-2003, 11:19 AM
Wow... very cool reading everyone's stories. :okthumb:

When I was 16 I worked at Taco Bell... the day I saw a cockroach drop in the refried bean pot and the manager said, "just stir it in, that happens all the time" I just walked off the job and quit. (Incidentally, a few months later they got a B rating, then a C and finally closed down... hopefully that manager is no longer with the company - ewwwwwwww)

When I was 17 I cleaned apartments at the complex that my mom & dad managed. It wasn't too bad pay-wise, I made $30 per vacant apartment cleaned, but WOW was that some hard work. And yes... people ARE pigs - I couldn't believe some of the gross stuff I found. But... I could work at my own pace, and got paid depending upon how many apartments I cleaned (it was a 500 unit complex), so my weekly salary was pretty much up to me. I liked that.

When I was 18-19 I worked as a motel manager for a cockroach-infested dive in Lawton, Oklahoma when hubby was in the Army. It was an awful place - I had to rent out the rooms, clean the rooms, stock the supplies and keep the drunken maintenance/painter guy in line. But it wasn't the worst motel on the blvd... at least ours was the only one that didn't have an "hourly rate" - lol The cockroaches are the one thing I'll never forget... then again Lawton was plague after plague after plague for us - lol

That's about it... after that I went into corporate property management and stayed there for several years before getting into this biz. The worst part about that was dealing with corporate spoiled brats, collecting rent and going to court for evictions... I always hated that part of things.

Reading some of the jobs here though I think I was pretty lucky - even WITH those icky cockroaches. *shudder* <_<

10-27-2003, 11:32 AM
Originally posted by Hooper@Oct 27 2003, 09:18 AM
Worked at a telemarketing scam/outfit complete with a post and bell. We were what they called "toner phoners" basically you'd call fortune 500 companies, get some low level person to tell you what model of printer they had, then you'd call the purchaser and say you were "from the warehouse" and you had an extra shipment of toner that matched the kind they used. Some very fuzzy language later, you often had a big invoice.

Thing is i dont really think they ever got the toner :-/

When I was in the Liquor biz, we were in a warehouse that used to belong to another liquor company... They had moved down the street into a bigger warehouse....

We used to get calls from folks like you, but they thought we were the other liquor company....

I used to have a truckload of supplies sent to them each month...I would play right along with the game, pretending that I thought the guy on the phone was my supplier........ The other company of course refused the shipments..............

I don't know how many trucks we sent to them all together....... But enough where it cost someone (not us) a whole lot of money in shipping and return shipping.......


10-27-2003, 11:35 AM
Hmmm.... from the "you gotta do what you gotta do" category:

My dad was sick for a number of years after I got out of college, so I worked nights. I delivered newspapers in Brooklyn for about a year. Bad neighborhoods, good neighborhoods, six floor walkup apartment buildings to drop one damn newspaper... it was seven days a week and it sucked bigtime, but it helped pay the bills and gave me the days free to be home with my father.

From the "daily misery" category:

A cabinet shop in Pennsylvania. We had a really talented foreman, whom they demoted to bring in the supervisor's friend. He was a total hack and he fucked up every single machine in the shop. Talk about an asshole to work for. He made our lives miserable until we finally got him fired. heh By the time I quit I was well on my way to carpel tunnel syndrome and had to run my hands under hot water every morning so I could get them to move. I learned a lot though, and anything I build now is indestructable. :okthumb:

I think that no matter how bad things get there is always some positive that comes out of it. By delivering newspapers I was able to be home during the day and save my father's life once... And hating the cabinet shop sparked my interest in the net which eventually led me to SweetT's neck of the woods.... :)

10-27-2003, 11:42 AM
Originally posted by VooMan@Oct 27 2003, 11:43 AM
Hmmm.... from the "you gotta do what you gotta do" category:
Hell yeah, gotta do what you gotta do. Folks in this biz get slammed all the time for having offline jobs but there ain't no shame in being responsible and getting out there making sure the bills are paid. Even if you *do* have to flip burgers. It's honest work.

10-27-2003, 11:50 AM
I pretty much never worked a miserable job... Worked for some miserable people who could turn a good thing to shit pretty easy.....

Prior to 10 or 11 years old, I raked leaves off of lawns for a dime a lawn..lol... Back when 10 cents was real money...

Started at 11 with a paper route, eventually built it up and took over a couple of other routes....

At 14 started doing busboy work for caterers....I looked 16..lol... It was all run by the waiters union and I only ever worked for Jewish and Italian companies... Both paid well... Learned the ins and outs of "real" business...."Boys, if you steal a bottle of wine, you have to steal 2...put one in the trunk of my car"...quote, Jimmy, the head waiter.......

Then started lifeguarding, first at a private ppol, then down at Jones Beach... Paid real nice..... Although "Qualude summer...1972" was a bitch and a half.......

In college worked for a "School for exceptional children" run by a Nun... Meanest lady I have ever met.....

Navy for 8 years....... Worst job there was cleaning out the incinerator....

Since then, I have been doing computer stuff....

8 years in the liquor biz for an Italian company......

a couple of years doing "Medical Claims processing" software for a company that eventually got sued by the state of Kansas and ended up paying the largest civil settlement in the history of the state... I was the only actual employee who had been hired from an ad... Every one else was a friend/cronie of the owners.....

Then a few years doing Cad/Cam stuff for a clothing company run by a lady who had the worst case of up and down syndrome I ever saw......

Then direct mail databases for 8 years or so.... boring stuff, but the ramp up to Y2K got me up in to a salary range I could live with....

Then my dream job....with a hosting company and that was wonderful !!! Until Crescent got taken down... between that and the dot com crash of 2000, ended up with the company cutting in half in 2001....

So, now it's back into direct marketing databases...........

But I do have an interview this week... Low end of the base salary on it is about 10k more than I make right now.... high end is 35k more than I make right now....... and my experience has always been that if I get the interview, I can usually get the job... I do a mean interview... :)

10-27-2003, 12:08 PM
errrr I don't think I've ever had a "proper" job since I was 19 ;-)))))

10-27-2003, 01:51 PM
Originally posted by Nickatilynx@Oct 27 2003, 12:16 PM
errrr I don't think I've ever had a "proper" job since I was 19 ;-)))))
Can we take that to mean you've had improper jobs since 19? :yowsa:

10-27-2003, 03:51 PM
A waitress!! I actually wasnt too bad, it was ALWAYS my "first day" :awinky:

10-27-2003, 03:56 PM
Originally posted by shawcutie@Oct 27 2003, 02:59 PM
A waitress!! I actually wasnt too bad, it was ALWAYS my "first day" :awinky:

From what you just said, the word Spoiled popped into my head.
Maybe it was just the way it was worded or something.


BTW, How was your time away from Brad? Did you have a
big party?
If so, do you have pics?


10-27-2003, 04:04 PM
I've only had 3 that I can remember and they were all when I was in college. First one was working in the warehouse of a department store with 2 psychotic old ladies. The first day I left for lunch and never went back.

Second one was being the night janitor at a private high school. I took the job because it paid $15/hr which was huge money back then but it was very humiliating work. At least the kids weren't around to make fun of me at night.

Third one was working for Chemlawn spraying liquid fertilizer on people's yards. I was the "helper" and they would put me with the guys whose routes had the biggest lawns so 2 of us could spray at the same time. Most of the time the guys sat in the truck and filled out paperwork and made me do the whole thing myself. Some of the guys were cool and would help and we would bust out the whole schedule by 1 or 2 PM and then go sit at the bar for a few hours. ;) The worst part was when you were reeling the hose back in and it would break. The power reeler was run by the same pump that pressurized the liquid so when the hose broke this crap would spray all over you like crazy. Burns your eyes like you can't believe. I'm thankful I don't have to do that crap anymore.

10-27-2003, 04:18 PM
Originally posted by voodooman@Oct 27 2003, 01:04 PM
From what you just said, the word Spoiled popped into my head.
Maybe it was just the way it was worded or something.


BTW, How was your time away from Brad? Did you have a
big party?
If so, do you have pics?

Heeeeeeeey watch it! Have Bradley tell you about his "worst" job. It sounds soooo baaadd :lol:

Lol, no parties, no pics. I just went shopping. Although I do think Brad may have rather I go out when he sees the cc bill. I look at it this way, at least I stay out of trouble ;)

10-27-2003, 04:22 PM
Originally posted by ulfie@Oct 27 2003, 03:12 PM
Third one was working for Chemlawn spraying liquid fertilizer on people's yards.
haha, thats funny. I used to build the spray rigs for Chem Lawn in
Lawence KS. This was my 2nd job after the pig pen job in college.

10-27-2003, 04:33 PM
This is the worst job I have ever had. Draw your own conclusions.

10-27-2003, 04:44 PM
umm, where to start:)
high school, kroger- bread department 2 years or so, easy but a early job
then after a semester of wasting my parents money on drinking and party at bama i enlisted (USMC) that wasnt to hard. it was good for me;)
after that, I had some sales jobs in the outdoor industry, mainly fishing related, did some guideing for a year(fav job:))) also, made a small try at professional bass fishing(didnt have the pockets to really do it though:(
Then went to work with a large constuction company and worked my way up to construction manager( desent pay but haveing every swinging dick at your door every morning bitching got old:/ Then in the early 90's started working with computers and the rest is history

so there ya are, danthemans work summary ;)

P.s Prolly will try the fishing thing again :)

Last edited by dantheman at Oct 27 2003, 04:52 PM

10-27-2003, 04:54 PM
I do have an *annoying* job, if that counts.
Having a headset on instructing computer idiots on how to get their taskbar back to the bottom of their screen, explaining to them that yes, that big black scorched patch on the back of their computer where the phone line hooks in means their modem is dead, and yes we even had the "cd tray coffee cup" call, although I didn't take that one.
My shifts were base 13.5 hours long; sometimes longer if the queue was full. The best clients were the old folks, they were very patient and did exactly what you told them to. The kids were great too, you hardly had to tell them anything - just point them in the right direction. It was the folks in their 20s and 30s that were a BITCH to try to talk to. They'd jump ahead of you, argue with you, literally scream and stomp their feet (you could hear it) telling you that they were A+ certified or they were computer gurus and this was NOT the way to fix it... always got a good laugh on that when they would find a reason to hang up REAL quick once my "this isn't going to work" solution would fix them right up.

After doing Gateway tech support and having full access to all of their intranet resolution issues for problems that officially did not exist... I can unequivocably tell you... don't EVER buy a Gateway computer. The best things about those pieces of shit are the cool moo boxes they come in.

10-27-2003, 04:59 PM
haha, carrie, I deal with the same dumbasses on our ISP side....very fuckin annoying :headwall:

10-27-2003, 04:59 PM
Originally posted by Carrie@Oct 27 2003, 05:02 PM
After doing Gateway tech support and having full access to all of their intranet resolution issues for problems that officially did not exist... I can unequivocably tell you... don't EVER buy a Gateway computer. The best things about those pieces of shit are the cool moo boxes they come in.
hey hey hey....

I have a gateway that I bought back in 99 that works great...

Of course, the first thing I did when I got it was tear it completely apart and reinstall everything from scratch...........


10-27-2003, 05:01 PM
I worked assembly at a box factory..... all women.

There seemed to be 2 different cliques, and trying to remain neutral was even worse - everyone hated you. The manager agiated the situation by pitting them against each other for production. I lasted 3 weeks.... it was awful! destroyed me desire to ever work with a group of women again.

10-27-2003, 05:59 PM
Blow job -- from this chick named Pamela.

10-27-2003, 06:13 PM
I once had to do a shoot and give a blowjob to some limpdick bastard named Biff or Boff or Bozo or something. Took 3 bottles of listerine before I felt normal again. On top of it, the fucking check bounced. :headwall:

10-27-2003, 06:14 PM
Originally posted by Sharpie@Oct 27 2003, 02:09 PM
I worked assembly at a box factory..... all women.

There seemed to be 2 different cliques, and trying to remain neutral was even worse - everyone hated you. The manager agiated the situation by pitting them against each other for production. I lasted 3 weeks.... it was awful! destroyed me desire to ever work with a group of women again.
I have learned over the years, women cause drama in an office. The fewer, the better.

Mike AI
10-27-2003, 06:15 PM
Originally posted by Pamela@Oct 27 2003, 06:21 PM
I once had to do a shoot and give a blowjob to some limpdick bastard named Biff or Boff or Bozo or something. Took 3 bottles of listerine before I felt normal again. On top of it, the fucking check bounced. :headwall:

:lol: :lol: :o


All could be true except the bouncing of checks.... I write them! :D

10-27-2003, 06:41 PM
Originally posted by Mike AI@Oct 27 2003, 03:23 PM
All could be true except the bouncing of checks.... I write them! :D
You're the one ?

Is your last name Mateo ?

Because I thought the name on the check was Mark Mateo, but if it is Mike,then I have had the collections company looking for the wrong guy.


Mike AI
10-27-2003, 07:15 PM
Originally posted by Pamela+Oct 27 2003, 06:49 PM--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Pamela @ Oct 27 2003, 06:49 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteBegin--Mike AI@Oct 27 2003, 03:23 PM
All could be true except the bouncing of checks.... I write them! :D
You're the one ?

Is your last name Mateo ?

Because I thought the name on the check was Mark Mateo, but if it is Mike,then I have had the collections company looking for the wrong guy.


It's a company check.... :o

And no, I am not Mateo..... you can call me the Creator!


10-27-2003, 07:22 PM
Originally posted by BradShaw@Oct 27 2003, 07:22 PM
I have learned over the years, women cause drama in an office. The fewer, the better.
I disagree - I've worked with 50/50 men and women and men can be just as much Drama Queens as the women.

Heck, I STILL hang out with men and women I worked with at my old jobs. :P

10-27-2003, 07:36 PM
Hmmm....Let me think on this one;)

10-27-2003, 07:42 PM
Originally posted by Tonda_WEGCash@Oct 27 2003, 08:44 PM
Hmmm....Let me think on this one;)

10-27-2003, 07:45 PM
I was working as a tech support at a local ISP. That was the worst job I ever had. Dealing with stupid customers who have no fucking clue about computers - I still get nightmares about this :(

10-27-2003, 07:47 PM
.... it could be worse ......
You could be picking fly shit out of pepper with boxing gloves on

Mike AI
10-27-2003, 08:16 PM
Originally posted by cezam@Oct 27 2003, 07:53 PM
I was working as a tech support at a local ISP. That was the worst job I ever had. Dealing with stupid customers who have no fucking clue about computers - I still get nightmares about this :(

I feel your pain, I used to have to help my family all the time. Now I just get Ed to handle it all.... I do not have much patience...

10-27-2003, 08:31 PM
Originally posted by Mike AI@Oct 27 2003, 04:23 PM
It's a company check.... :o

And no, I am not Mateo..... you can call me the Creator!

Well, the guy I am talking about wrote a personal check. His friend, some fat guy named Forest, arranged the shoot. I met both of them at a house down near Miami. I did Forest for free because he is just such a cutie (Forest, if you are around here, call me , the number is still the same swetie). But then the Bof guy wanted in on the shoot and I said I would do it for a grand. He wrote the check, I did him. I thought it was a really good deal at first. $1000.00 for a 15 second job, but then I had to drink all that listerine and then the doctor's visits cost about $500.00, and then there was all that embarassment with the health department having to talk to all my friends. Well, I could go on about it for a really long time, but this is probably neither the time or place.

10-27-2003, 08:50 PM
Pamela don't complain
Buff love you long time

10-27-2003, 09:15 PM
The visions we must endure in the name of humor...

Hell Puppy
10-27-2003, 09:46 PM
My worst job....

Well, once I had to take a picture of a fat fucker in a fur coat with his big white hairy belly hanging out.

10-27-2003, 10:08 PM
Originally posted by Hell Puppy@Oct 27 2003, 09:54 PM
My worst job....

Well, once I had to take a picture of a fat fucker in a fur coat with his big white hairy belly hanging out.
u win


10-27-2003, 10:12 PM
Originally posted by Hell Puppy@Oct 27 2003, 09:54 PM
My worst job....

Well, once I had to take a picture of a fat fucker in a fur coat with his big white hairy belly hanging out.
How's the therapy for that going, by the way? Nightmares stopped yet? :P

10-27-2003, 11:06 PM
Originally posted by Hell Puppy@Oct 27 2003, 10:54 PM
My worst job....

Well, once I had to take a picture of a fat fucker in a fur coat with his big white hairy belly hanging out.

10-27-2003, 11:39 PM
Hmmm. There was once this place called Condom, you see, and ... :P