View Full Version : Fox's New Porn Show - SKIN - 10 thumbs up!

10-20-2003, 08:43 PM
Anyone else watching it??
I really am shocked - it's true to form back to front. Shows the porn mogul as a real family man who happens to own a multi-billion-dollar adult enterprise. He's already made a HARD stand that kiddie porn is NOT welcome anywhere in his business... as he put it, "There's a reason it's called ADULT entertainment."

Ron Silva is the main character of the show and the producer. He hit the ball out of the park on this one so far. Let's hope the rest of the season stays as true as the pilot.

Oh, and Asia Carrerra looked mighty fine too

10-21-2003, 08:21 AM
I caught a fair postion of this show last night.. it was a very Hollywood look at things but I saw bits and pieces of several people in the industry in the main character. That was kind of fun. I tuned in because I was curious.. truth be told I don't care to much for the idea of a evening soap of sorts on this topic. I like the Vegas show better.

10-21-2003, 09:01 AM
Originally posted by Carrie@Oct 20 2003, 07:51 PM
Anyone else watching it??
I really am shocked - it's true to form back to front. Shows the porn mogul as a real family man who happens to own a multi-billion-dollar adult enterprise. He's already made a HARD stand that kiddie porn is NOT welcome anywhere in his business... as he put it, "There's a reason it's called ADULT entertainment."

Ron Silva is the main character of the show and the producer. He hit the ball out of the park on this one so far. Let's hope the rest of the season stays as true as the pilot.

Oh, and Asia Carrerra looked mighty fine too
Im pissed! I was expecting a Sopranos meets porn.
Well i guess I got Oprano for that!

10-21-2003, 09:05 AM
For anyone who missed it, they're replaying it on Friday night.
Funniest line of the show... "I'm strictly prickly" :)

Gonzo, the sopranos meets porn is the LAST thing this industry needs :rolleyes:

10-21-2003, 09:11 AM
Anyone pay attention to who which ads were ran?

Didnt see Pepsi or Coors commercials. :)

10-21-2003, 09:14 AM
i saw plenty of sopranos... one bad guy ordering the death of another, one bad guy ordering the blackmailing of another guy

this'll be an interesting show... although i dont know if it could last more than one season cause the plot is very focused right now.

but i'm HOOKED :rokk:

10-21-2003, 09:15 AM
Originally posted by Carrie@Oct 21 2003, 08:13 AM
For anyone who missed it, they're replaying it on Friday night.
Funniest line of the show... "I'm strictly prickly" :)

Gonzo, the sopranos meets porn is the LAST thing this industry needs :rolleyes:
Carrie....remind me to get with you in Vegas to exorcise this old Netpond "non greed" bullshit from your system. Its holding back your inner bitch.

10-21-2003, 09:44 AM
The only things I DIDN'T like about it were the blatant "Romeo and Juliet" tones about the relationship with the kids. We were all 16 once - while the rest of it was believable, the relationship with the kids was too "storybook" IMHO. :headwall:

But I'm set to watch the rest of the episodes. And how cool was it to see Linc from Mod Squad? :)

10-21-2003, 10:14 AM
Originally posted by Peaches@Oct 21 2003, 08:52 AM
The only things I DIDN'T like about it were the blatant "Romeo and Juliet" tones about the relationship with the kids. We were all 16 once - while the rest of it was believable, the relationship with the kids was too "storybook" IMHO. :headwall:

But I'm set to watch the rest of the episodes. And how cool was it to see Linc from Mod Squad? :)
Linc.....hehehe. I still think they should have the porn angle in the Sopranos. The bada bing is nice but hey wheres the web cam and stuff?

10-21-2003, 11:13 AM
Judging from the previews, it looks like Larry gets some juicy photos of the DA having an affair next week :okthumb:

LOL @ exorcising me (and I'm sure a certain female who until recently plagued this board would tell you I'm quite in touch with my "inner bitch", lolol)

Yeah Peaches I'm not sure how much farther they can take the romeo and juliet aspect... it paled in comparison to the dynamics going on between Larry and the DA (can't remember his name). Plus they consumated their relationship as the show was closing... so now what? She gets knocked up? Can only carry the drama from that so far...

Voodooman those Victoria's Secret commercials had PERFECT timing - gotta hand it to the sales team there at VS who decided to buy a spot right in the middle of the show... brilliant :)

10-21-2003, 12:58 PM
Originally posted by Carrie@Oct 21 2003, 10:21 AM
Judging from the previews, it looks like Larry gets some juicy photos of the DA having an affair next week :okthumb:

LOL @ exorcising me (and I'm sure a certain female who until recently plagued this board would tell you I'm quite in touch with my "inner bitch", lolol)

Yeah Peaches I'm not sure how much farther they can take the romeo and juliet aspect... it paled in comparison to the dynamics going on between Larry and the DA (can't remember his name). Plus they consumated their relationship as the show was closing... so now what? She gets knocked up? Can only carry the drama from that so far...

Voodooman those Victoria's Secret commercials had PERFECT timing - gotta hand it to the sales team there at VS who decided to buy a spot right in the middle of the show... brilliant :)
I know for a fact she will be back. Right now...shes taking Lew and PK's advice of shutting the fuck up. Neither of them like the attention shes getting anymore and its starting to impact business.

Besides one must consult with judges and lawyers to figure out how to get out of making an appearance in small claims court and not loosing a decision by default.

10-21-2003, 01:08 PM
Gonzo don't forget the new fake move to Florida to be introduced into the sisterhood by non-nun Lee.

Sing it with me now...
Baaaaaaaaaand on the run.... baaaaaaaaaand on the runnnnnnnnn

PS she made an appearance over at GFY and was trying to woo, of all people, sexeducation into believing her tripe. He was falling for it hook, line, and sinker. If she paid half as much attention to the rest of the webmaster world as she does to how much gas you and I pass each day, she'd realize just what kind of person she's aligning herself with there. But no one ever blamed her of not being an utter fool!!

10-21-2003, 02:02 PM
I'm going against my principles by posting in a Carrie or Gonzo thread, but since both of you brought up my name, I feel I have a right to be here for a comment or two.

If the two of you think you are scaring me away from Oprano or any board, then think again, assholes!

As usual, Carrie, you had to comment on my comment on GFY. You never make comments about losers putting up SS#'s and talking about people's families with the violators giving out personal information that even the families don't know.

Noooooooooooooo, you sit back and make jokes about it.

What if your mother and father's SS#'s were on the internet, and you knew who was doing it. Would you sit back and laugh like you are doing now? You are a hypocrite, just like Gonzo. Gonzo has been dumping parts of SS#'s on Oprano. Gonzo is taking sides with a hacker/cracker who is known for bullshitting his way through life.

The fact that the two of you fail to accept the lies and backstabbing that are taking place by this cracker/hacker and his idiot GF, are just more nails into your coffins.

I will leave when I damn well feel like it or when I am banned.

Until then, Carrie, go back to Netpond and suck some dick. Maybe they'll give you your job back as a PAID POSTER.

Gonzo, nobody tells me what to do. You drool every time you mention the names of people in the industry who have done something to make it a better place. The people you mention wouldn't want to be within a 1000 miles of you for fear that the stench would rub off!

Frivolous lawsuits, lies, threats, stalking, harassing! Go kiss ass, losers!

Carrie, you are so caught up in hate that you can't tell satire from reality. I have many relatives in Florida. Many are Catholic. I'm sure that Lee will work things out with her church. For me, I will continue to lead my life and visit my relatives in Florida, Indiana, Texas, and Colorado.

You stick to your medicare benefits and your trailer, and see if Gonzo can raise some money for you so you can buy a decent camera. :okthumb:

10-21-2003, 02:10 PM
Originally posted by confucy@Oct 21 2003, 02:10 PM
I'm going against my principles by posting in a Carrie or Gonzo thread, but since both of you brought up my name, I feel I have a right to be here for a comment or two.
No, they didn't "bring up" your name. Once again, your accusations are baseless and without proof. :blink:

10-21-2003, 02:12 PM
I got to the part about commenting on your comment and stopped reading right there - the bullshit meter had already gone off of the scale.

Let me introduce you to a new concept, Confucy... chronology.
I posted bantering back and forth with Serge in that thread long before you dragged your short fat ass out of bed and did your usual GFY search to see where I had posted last. I did not comment on your comment. As a matter of fact, I was the first reply to Serge in that thread.

So go be a good girl now and kiss Lew's ass a little more so you can get this month's apartment rent check.

10-21-2003, 02:14 PM
Originally posted by confucy@Oct 21 2003, 01:10 PM
I'm going against my principles by posting in a Carrie or Gonzo thread, but since both of you brought up my name, I feel I have a right to be here for a comment or two.

If the two of you think you are scaring me away from Oprano or any board, then think again, assholes!

As usual, Carrie, you had to comment on my comment on GFY. You never make comments about losers putting up SS#'s and talking about people's families with the violators giving out personal information that even the families don't know.

Noooooooooooooo, you sit back and make jokes about it.

What if your mother and father's SS#'s were on the internet, and you knew who was doing it. Would you sit back and laugh like you are doing now? You are a hypocrite, just like Gonzo. Gonzo has been dumping parts of SS#'s on Oprano. Gonzo is taking sides with a hacker/cracker who is known for bullshitting his way through life.

The fact that the two of you fail to accept the lies and backstabbing that are taking place by this cracker/hacker and his idiot GF, are just more nails into your coffins.

I will leave when I damn well feel like it or when I am banned.

Until then, Carrie, go back to Netpond and suck some dick. Maybe they'll give you your job back as a PAID POSTER.

Gonzo, nobody tells me what to do. You drool every time you mention the names of people in the industry who have done something to make it a better place. The people you mention wouldn't want to be within a 1000 miles of you for fear that the stench would rub off!

Frivolous lawsuits, lies, threats, stalking, harassing! Go kiss ass, losers!

Carrie, you are so caught up in hate that you can't tell satire from reality. I have many relatives in Florida. Many are Catholic. I'm sure that Lee will work things out with her church. For me, I will continue to lead my life and visit my relatives in Florida, Indiana, Texas, and Colorado.

You stick to your medicare benefits and your trailer, and see if Gonzo can raise some money for you so you can buy a decent camera. :okthumb:
Ohhh bayyyyybeeeee!

You have principals? Do as I say dont do as I do.
Jackie...I dont want to scare you away. cant you feel the love?
Your better than the funny papers...and I love to see what hole your going to dig yoruself in and then tell blatant lies to get out of...then run to a Serge or Mike thread and try to kiss some sweet ass.

And yeah I DO make fun of you. You havent quite figured out what motivated me though have you? And yes i take the side that after 2 years of hearing your crap that Kevin has a right to a rebuttal. You know kinda like you just did? I forgot ...do as I say not as I do.

And coffin? Is that another thinly veiled threat like gun avatar?
Why do you ask if shes a physical threat? "So we know if we should send out gents armed or not." Your making your own case not me.

And thanks for the plug on GFY it makes me hard baybeee.
Give Lew and Beth a big old kiss for me!!