View Full Version : Golden Idea

10-17-2003, 02:55 PM
I know a lot of people here have made some pretty good Bling in the business, So I have a couple of questions for you guys/girls. Did you start off with the capital to invest in what you wanted? Or was it the early boon in the on line adult industry that you capitalized on? Did ya ever have to struggle for the funds to start off on a new project? I am not asking for anyone to be a finacial planner for me, just curious how ya worked around any stumbling blocks you have.
I have a kick ass idea that I have researched as much as I can, and it looks like a freakin gold mine. Problem is, no money, and it would take a good chunk to get it rolling. I am doing my best at saving up, and every single site I open, every single minute of the day is spent working towards making this thing happen, but it feels like I am pissing into the wind ya know?
So what hardships did any of you face/overcome. I'm needing the motivation.


10-17-2003, 03:03 PM
Here's two sayings that I believe, even though they contradict each other.

1. It takes money to make money.

2. If you can't make money without money, then you can't make money with money.

Think about it.

10-17-2003, 03:06 PM
No capital in the begining.

Just one great idea.

Which was...

"""Where can I get sites linked easy ?
HOLY SHIT!! Make adultcheck sites.
Milk there own AdultCheck link list dry , and have great upsells inside. :)
They have already used there credit cards online!!!!!! (I once had 10% of all the sites adultcheck linked:) """

And then build , by hand AVS sites...all day everyday.

I'd get one upsell a week from each AVS site say $30 , times 1000 AVS sites = 30k...Oh yeah!!! :)

I told Tommy and Greenguy...then I told Meatman...and he told everbody!! LOL

It was great for a couple of years though :)

Hell Puppy
10-18-2003, 05:15 AM
I guess the real question is what does it take to start TODAY.

I think it's very different now. I came over from the BBS world early on and it was like it was raining money on the net. I have a strong techie background and was able to capitalize early on with scripts and programming and a few original ideas. No major capital needed. But I did constantly reinvest lots of the revenue to expand into other areas including producing our exclusive content, a bit of mainstream, etc.

It's a different game today. It's tougher to come up with something no one has thought of, the existing markets are saturated and margins are being squeezed at every level. However, on the positive side, content and pipe are dirt cheap, and if you're willing to work for beer money part time, that's not too terribly tough......yet.

I dont really think money is the key to entry today. I dont think you can buy your way in now. Instead, I think the keys now are to have some good original ideas and concepts, an understanding of the psychology of today's surfer, a thorough understanding of the business, a plan and a willingness to do a lot of hardwork.

10-18-2003, 06:49 AM
2. If you can't make money without money, then you can't make money with money.

How quaint. Easy enough to say when your the one WITH money LOL
No capital in the begining.

Just one great idea.

Nick that is fucking awesome! Thanks for letting me know how you got started. I know it isn't quite like that now, but I for one applaud your foresight.
I dont really think money is the key to entry today. I dont think you can buy your way in now. Instead, I think the keys now are to have some good original ideas and concepts, an understanding of the psychology of today's surfer, a thorough understanding of the business, a plan and a willingness to do a lot of hardwork.
Hell Puppy (is a semper fidelis due here bro?) I couldn't agree with you more. Pretty much everything you said is what I have been seeing as well. The money that I am trying to come up with is for the mechanics of the plan. The normal costs................it will require a LOT of hard work on my part. A huge commitment of my time, labor, and what knowledge I have. But it is something I am completely devoted to. And I am willing to do what it takes to make it happen. My goal is to be successful by my terms of what that is. I'm too old now to just sit back and exspect things to fall in my lap ya know?

Thanks guys, gave me something to mull over in the brain, now it's time to turn on the Tony Robbins CDs!! LOL


10-18-2003, 09:39 AM
What do you need to get started? Often if you list it out (even for yourself, not for us) it won't seem so insurmountable.
If we're talking a paysite, you've got at least $750 Visa fees and about $100 to register an LLC or Corporation (if you do the paperwork yourself). You may be able to save a bit of $$ in the beginning if you put it on hosting you already have, use content that you already have.

Bartering is always good, too... trading a small custom script in exchange for content or a couple months of a plugin, etc.

10-18-2003, 10:02 AM
Hi Carrie,
Yep, I started out with a small but growing list of things i needed to get this thing started. I figured I could go about it one of two ways
1)baby step by baby step
or as I like to call it, nickle and diming to the goal, this is my current process since I cant do the other way
2)The other way---do it first class from the jump.
a paysite I have got, 6 other them, all pretty much small time for a variety of reasons. One just opened so here I got my fingers crossed that it can make me an additional couple of grand a month, and then I will be on my way. I had a string of really bad luck hit right in July of this year (i was moving to Atlanta on Aug 1st, even had an apartment down there and everything) so I am working now on geting out from under that, but a move to the Bold New City of the South is definitely in my future :)
I wish I could barter for the hardware I need, but they want $$ bling bling, cash, check or money order LOL
thanks for the reply Carrie, that is really good advice.


10-18-2003, 10:13 AM
Bad luck is just another name for opportunity.
Hit the ground running and don't look back :)

10-18-2003, 10:17 AM
Originally posted by Carrie@Oct 18 2003, 06:21 AM
Bad luck is just another name for opportunity.
Hit the ground running and don't look back :)
LOL ya know, going with my rules of business, I say be positive. And that means normally I would agree 100% with you. However, this particular bit of bad luck was an ICQ message one day, and 3 days later 1/3 of my income gone. heh heh so....
I am positive that it SUCKED :lol:
And I dont run, I bounce! I hit the ground bouncing.


Mike AI
10-18-2003, 10:56 AM
Did you start off with the capital to invest in what you wanted? Or was it the early boon in the on line adult industry that you capitalized on? Did ya ever have to struggle for the funds to start off on a new project?

I started with the lint in my pockets. I put a 3 pass scanner on my credit card ( I had no job, I was a full time student), and got a $50 a month dialup account. So getting in early allowed me to boostrap. Of course it took me almost a year before a had money to spend. I kept putting the profits back into the company...

I have never had to struggle for fund to start a new project.... but I have LOST tons of $$ in many failed projects. But have to keep trying... as someone famous said, even if you bat .250 you can make the Hall of Fame!


10-18-2003, 10:59 AM
Originally posted by Mike AI@Oct 18 2003, 07:04 AM
Did you start off with the capital to invest in what you wanted? Or was it the early boon in the on line adult industry that you capitalized on? Did ya ever have to struggle for the funds to start off on a new project?

I started with the lint in my pockets. I put a 3 pass scanner on my credit card ( I had no job, I was a full time student), and got a $50 a month dialup account. So getting in early allowed me to boostrap. Of course it took me almost a year before a had money to spend. I kept putting the profits back into the company...

I have never had to struggle for fund to start a new project.... but I have LOST tons of $$ in many failed projects. But have to keep trying... as someone famous said, even if you bat .250 you can make the Hall of Fame!

Tanks MikeAI, that is an excellent post! I may read and re-read it a couple dozen times.


10-18-2003, 11:01 AM
Originally posted by Carrie@Oct 18 2003, 08:21 AM
Bad luck is just another name for opportunity.
Hit the ground running and don't look back :)
That's gotta be a PEARL! :agrin:

10-18-2003, 11:09 AM
Originally posted by Mike AI@Oct 18 2003, 09:04 AM
Did you start off with the capital to invest in what you wanted? Or was it the early boon in the on line adult industry that you capitalized on? Did ya ever have to struggle for the funds to start off on a new project?

I started with the lint in my pockets. I put a 3 pass scanner on my credit card ( I had no job, I was a full time student), and got a $50 a month dialup account. So getting in early allowed me to boostrap. Of course it took me almost a year before a had money to spend. I kept putting the profits back into the company...

I have never had to struggle for fund to start a new project.... but I have LOST tons of $$ in many failed projects. But have to keep trying... as someone famous said, even if you bat .250 you can make the Hall of Fame!

If you're going to quote that genius, get it right!!! It's .300!!
