View Full Version : Did Lush Rimjob quit over the comment ?...

10-02-2003, 07:42 PM

http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=stor...mcnabb_limbaugh (http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story2&u=/ap/20031002/ap_on_sp_fo_ne/fbn_mcnabb_limbaugh)

Limbaugh Faces Drug Probe Amid Race Flap
55 minutes ago
By JILL BARTON, Associated Press Writer

WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. - Rush Limbaugh refused to back down Thursday from disparaging comments he made about a black quarterback, as authorities confirmed he is being investigated for illegally buying prescription drugs.

The conservative commentator gave up his job as an ESPN sports analyst late Wednesday, three days after saying on the sports network's "Sunday NFL Countdown" that Philadelphia Eagles quarterback Donovan McNabb was overrated because the media wanted to see a black quarterback succeed.


Law enforcement sources who spoke on condition of anonymity confirmed to The Associated Press that Limbaugh is being investigated by the Palm Beach County state attorney's office.

The drug allegations were first reported by the National Enquirer. CNN reported Thursday that sources close to the investigation said Limbaugh had turned up as a buyer of powerful painkillers but that he was not the target of the investigation.

10-03-2003, 08:38 AM
What's even more interesting, is that the painkillers that Rush
allegedly used have been shown in medical studies that when
abused can cause deafness... The hearing loss that Rush
needed cochular implants to correct, was caused by... himself.


Mike AI
10-03-2003, 11:36 AM
Yeah I just read that this story is over 2 years old.... National Enquirer has been sitting on it for that long.

I think they released it after the ESPN incident to get maximum exposure.... and dare I say, to do the most damage?

10-03-2003, 11:59 AM
Mike, you mean a republican getting bit in the ass with a tactic usually used BY the republic types?

Say it ain't so!


Mike AI
10-03-2003, 12:08 PM
HAHA I think you have spent to much time in the great north my friend....

It is the liberals who use their control of the media to destroy people.... Actually I beleive its just an American thing, we raise people up faster then anywhere, but then we drag them down, and take delight in it.

Plus it sells newspapers.....

10-03-2003, 03:36 PM
Mike, it isn't a "media" thing as much as a "pile it on" thing. Both sides do it, and it sort of sucks.

It is funny as hell to see it done to Limbaugh, he is usually leading the "pile on" crowd, and now he is getting boned with it instead.

Wonder if all the dittoheads (ie: Rush's listening clones) will start taking that fine drug or making somewhat unimportant comments on race and race relations? That would be a real ditto.

Be nice to see him just sort of fade off into prison.


Mike AI
10-03-2003, 03:57 PM
Originally posted by RawAlex@Oct 3 2003, 02:44 PM
Mike, it isn't a "media" thing as much as a "pile it on" thing. Both sides do it, and it sort of sucks.

It is funny as hell to see it done to Limbaugh, he is usually leading the "pile on" crowd, and now he is getting boned with it instead.

Wonder if all the dittoheads (ie: Rush's listening clones) will start taking that fine drug or making somewhat unimportant comments on race and race relations? That would be a real ditto.

Be nice to see him just sort of fade off into prison.


I know its hard to comprehend, but Dittoheads are not the brainless zombies the left portrays them to be.

As far as Rush going to jail, as much as you woul like that... it's not going to happen.

10-03-2003, 04:11 PM
I love Rush's show. It's witty, funny, entertaining, etc. I am by no means a "dittohead" though. I don't agree with him on a lot of things. Today's show was disappointing to say the least. He offered the lame excuse that he "didn't know all the facts about the drug allegations and therefore it made no sense to comment on it." Get real, either you did the drugs or you didn't. Only he knows whether he did or didn't use them. I would have respected an answer of "this is a legal matter and I can't comment on it" but his excuses today were very lame.

Mike AI
10-03-2003, 04:21 PM
Originally posted by ulfie@Oct 3 2003, 03:19 PM
I love Rush's show. It's witty, funny, entertaining, etc. I am by no means a "dittohead" though. I don't agree with him on a lot of things. Today's show was disappointing to say the least. He offered the lame excuse that he "didn't know all the facts about the drug allegations and therefore it made no sense to comment on it." Get real, either you did the drugs or you didn't. Only he knows whether he did or didn't use them. I would have respected an answer of "this is a legal matter and I can't comment on it" but his excuses today were very lame.
Yeah Ulfie, I was thinking the same thing - I only listened to a little when I was driving in....

However, if there is a possible criminal case going on, I am sure his attorneys told him not to say a thing....

10-04-2003, 11:52 AM
Ulfie, people's desire to be part of the crowd is what creates "dittoheads" - people with no opinion except the one fed to them. Over the years, Rush as cultivated an audience of people who don't question, just go along with his views. Callers to his show are hilarious, either standing side by side to attack the democrat menace, or to toss up softball questions for Rush to whack out of the park.

If it was, say, I dunno, Al Gore caught out possibly being a big drug user, and making racist comments on national TV, don't you think Rush would be all over it like a dirty shirt? He would be spouting how insensitive the dems are to their "core" voters, and how it is beyond understanding why anyone in power would abuse drugs, etc.

Mike, it is easy to say "it's the media's fault" or "it's a liberal slander" or "the dems did it". It is easy to say without ever actually addressing the issue: Were Rush's comments racist? If Rush did enough drugs to actually lose his hearing (and that was a couple of years back) do you think he has a place on the national stage, portraying himself as the man of high morals and "excellence"?

Easy questions, I am sure you can answer them! :-)


10-04-2003, 12:37 PM
Alex, do you ever listen to Rush's show? He states over and over that "the purpose of the caller is to make the host look good." At least he's honest about it. People like Michael Moore stage "documentaries" and claim they are real and get applauded for it. Both Moore and Limbaugh are entertainers, the difference is one can admit it and the other one can't.

10-04-2003, 12:57 PM
First of all, I separate the drug thing from the ESPN controversy ... while I would not shed a tear if Rush disappeared from the national scene, I wouldn't wish an addiction problem on ANYONE.

It can't realy suprise anyone that Rush resorts to (and the dittoheads regurgitate) his stock-in-trade "liberal media conspiracy" theory after sparking a controversy for making race an issue in his evaluation of an NFL football player. It's what he does; he's made millions doing it.

And Mikey ... I don't pay a lot of attention to how the left "portrays" dittoheads. From my own personal experience, a lot of them are dumber than a box of rocks - the sort of folks who (today) don't really understand that Saddam and Osama are two different people. Some of them actually are intelligent people - but most of those are intellectually lazy (and there are many on the left who are just as lazy, but we're not talking about them right now). They just don't like to think - they'd rather just say "amen" to predigested little soundbytes. They same sort of folks who prefer Fox news to all the others, I guess.

10-04-2003, 01:13 PM
I think it's a little suspect that the housekeeper supposedly bought the drugs from 1998-2002 and never said a word until she sold her story to The National Enquirer. :unsure:

In addition, from what I've read, the "proof" of this is weak at best.

10-04-2003, 01:23 PM
Actually, I've read just the opposite - including having him on tape discussing the buys. I've also heard that she sold her story to the NE after giving the information to the police.

So more will be revealed ...

10-04-2003, 01:31 PM
Ulfie, I listen to Rush when I am in the US, yes. I spend bunch of the time alternating between laughing and yelling at the radio.

Can we keep on track here? We are discussing Rush, not Moore or anyone else. You cannot answer the questions by saying "well, this guy over here is worse!". That is like the "other cars were going faster" BS line when you get a ticket. Repeating the questions: " Were Rush's comments racist? If Rush did enough drugs to actually lose his hearing (and that was a couple of years back) do you think he has a place on the national stage, portraying himself as the man of high morals and "excellence"?"

Remember, this is the guy who claims on air to have been right more than 99% of the time. I can understand where you can mistake this sort of claim for entertainment rather than being fact. That 1% does it for me every time.

The most important question is this: If these same things happened to a "lib" radio host, do you not think Rush would be all over it, leading the moral forces against the infidel?

Peaches, the same has been said in other circumstances. People who sell their stories to the NatEnq are usually more interesting in Money than truth, but for the most part, there is enough truth to make it work out. Lack of agressive denials tells me that there is something not too far from the surface.


10-04-2003, 01:43 PM
Originally posted by RawAlex@Oct 4 2003, 12:39 PM
Ulfie, I listen to Rush when I am in the US, yes. I spend bunch of the time alternating between laughing and yelling at the radio.

Can we keep on track here? We are discussing Rush, not Moore or anyone else. You cannot answer the questions by saying "well, this guy over here is worse!". That is like the "other cars were going faster" BS line when you get a ticket. Repeating the questions: " Were Rush's comments racist? If Rush did enough drugs to actually lose his hearing (and that was a couple of years back) do you think he has a place on the national stage, portraying himself as the man of high morals and "excellence"?"

Remember, this is the guy who claims on air to have been right more than 99% of the time. I can understand where you can mistake this sort of claim for entertainment rather than being fact. That 1% does it for me every time.

The most important question is this: If these same things happened to a "lib" radio host, do you not think Rush would be all over it, leading the moral forces against the infidel?

Peaches, the same has been said in other circumstances. People who sell their stories to the NatEnq are usually more interesting in Money than truth, but for the most part, there is enough truth to make it work out. Lack of agressive denials tells me that there is something not too far from the surface.

If Larry King had been "busted" for drugs Rush would be all over it. No doubt about that.

I'm not obfuscating the discussion either. Just bringing up the fact that Limbaugh admits he's an entertainer and not a journalist and comparing him to others that claim they are "serious" journalists like Moore does.

If Rush gets busted for buying drugs it was his own fault and he deserves whatever punishment the law allows for. Doubt he will get much more than a slap on the wrist though. That will give you libs another conspiracy to promote that Jeb Bush saved him. :rolleyes:

10-04-2003, 01:51 PM
Originally posted by PornoDoggy@Oct 4 2003, 01:31 PM
Actually, I've read just the opposite - including having him on tape discussing the buys. I've also heard that she sold her story to the NE after giving the information to the police.

So more will be revealed ...
The taping, however, and again, this is strictly from reading reports - I'm not a lawyer :awinky: - is illegal to point where not only is it not allowed as evidence, but may land the person who taped it in more trouble than Rush will be in.

And even if she DID report it to the police before going to the NE, why did it take her at least a year after the last time she claims to have have made the buy to report it?

Something's fishy, IMHO.

Mike AI
10-04-2003, 02:17 PM
The left is using this as an opportunity to marginilize Rush, and concervatives.

The left is trying to get the point accross that all Conservatives are secrely racists, blah blah blah....

PD, Alex - I am a dittohead, am I dumb? I am pretty Conservative ( more libertarian) does this make me a racist?

10-04-2003, 03:32 PM
Originally posted by RawAlex@Oct 3 2003, 02:44 PM
Mike, it isn't a "media" thing as much as a "pile it on" thing. Both sides do it, and it sort of sucks.


What can I say.... I have to respect that!

Rush is typical party line mouthpiece.

Both the core Republicans and Democrats are TERRIBLE representatives of the people of the US.

I would say that many of us are closer to each others thinking than we are willing to accept, but.... I also find it interesting that the argument(s) still draw down party lines.

When are all the SMART people going to ban together and force the gov't to excerize our common will (addressed to Americans, of course)?

10-04-2003, 03:52 PM
Ulfie: While Rush may disclaimer himself as entertainment, he sure doesn't say that very often. He makes a bunch of proud boasts of being correct, right, "excellent", etc. I listened often enough, and never heard a disclaimer of "this is entertainment only". Taken as presented, he is a political pundit, spinner, and much raker with a very specific agenda. You may take it as entertainment, but millions of dittoheads take it as truth and fact, and that sucks.

Mike: You consider yourself a dittohead? Youch. Maybe I can better understand some of your posts and points of view. You might want to get your views of the world from someone slightly closer to center, maybe Falwell? :awinky:

Wig: The US two party system has created the gap you see, where people are forced to choose between A or Z with nothing in middle. Just as importantly, people like Rush and his ilk on both sides only serve to further polarize people by making people (like Mike) think that extremism and politic profiteering (piling on, drumming people out, etc) is the best way to do business. The system doesn't make it easy for people to come to the center, especially because the dislike of people from the other party make it impossible (Oh my god, they have democrats in there? I'm a republican, this must be a liberal plot! or they have republicans, must be some conservative christian god mongering plot!).

The SMART people are falling prey to the notion of the crowd, being dittoheads or pinko commies or whatever the name are this week - polarizing themselves and make it harder and harder to get the center to work.


10-04-2003, 04:03 PM
Originally posted by RawAlex@Oct 4 2003, 03:00 PM
Wig: The US two party system has created the gap you see, where people are forced to choose between A or Z with nothing in middle. Just as importantly, people like Rush and his ilk on both sides only serve to further polarize people by making people (like Mike) think that extremism and politic profiteering (piling on, drumming people out, etc) is the best way to do business. The system doesn't make it easy for people to come to the center, especially because the dislike of people from the other party make it impossible (Oh my god, they have democrats in there? I'm a republican, this must be a liberal plot! or they have republicans, must be some conservative christian god mongering plot!).

The SMART people are falling prey to the notion of the crowd, being dittoheads or pinko commies or whatever the name are this week - polarizing themselves and make it harder and harder to get the center to work.

Alex, I have to disagree with you in part.

First, the two party system, while inherently possessed of flaws, is the best possible political design ever.

Second, the masses are the masses and you cannot expect anything special. It is a given in all places.

It is sad that the two party system has grown to this stage. Politics has become a business rather than a service.

But, it is still the greatest example of freedom and capitalism, and as a result power! Some may not like that, but it is a product of our path.

Just think.... for all the disdain for America, if the US never existed and Canada was next to Mexico, how fortunate would you be then all things considered?

10-04-2003, 04:24 PM
I would go a bit further than wig. Either you have opinions or you don't. If you don't that puts you in the "middle" and the only thing there is roadkill.

10-04-2003, 05:10 PM
And I'll even take it further and say if you have opinions, your opinions should be surrounded with theories and facts regarding solutions.

Opinions complaining about issues while offering no legitimate solution or alternative approach are for children.

Mike AI
10-04-2003, 05:22 PM
I have met Rush a few times, back in the mid 80s.... he is a nice guy, he is an entertainer. Do you really think Arnold kills people in the Terminator? Do you think Pamela Anderson is a lifeguard?

I think rush is entertaining, and I like him - I agree with him roughly 65-70% on issues....

I imagine I agree with you less then 5%....

One of us is right.... :D

10-04-2003, 06:57 PM
Originally posted by Mike AI@Oct 4 2003, 01:25 PM
The left is using this as an opportunity to marginilize Rush, and concervatives.

The left is trying to get the point accross that all Conservatives are secrely racists, blah blah blah....

PD, Alex - I am a dittohead, am I dumb? I am pretty Conservative ( more libertarian) does this make me a racist?
Mike, you're kinda cute when you get all Torone and start blithering on about the vast conspiracies out to get poor defenseless Rush. His troubles right now remind me a lot of the old "chickens coming home to roost" saying.

I don't think that all conservatives are racist. That being said, the conservative movement has not been at the forefront of the battle for equal rights. It was conservatives who joined with Southern Democrats to fight every major piece of civil rights legislation. It was conservatives who built up the power of the Republican party, particularly in the south, by appealing to Democrats who felt alienated from the Democratic party because of its stand on civil rights. And it is the conservatives today who continue to put forth the false notion that the playing field is level.

I think a lot of racists have become much more skilled at hiding their bigotry behind acceptable conservative rhetoric. Hey ... good old David Duke tried to become a mainstream Republican. And a great many so-called libertarians seem to regard equal employement legislation as evil federal intervention in the marketplace - which provides a perfect cover for your garden variety bigot who would love nothing better than to roll the clock back to 1950.

If Rush had made his comments in 1985 about some Jamal-Come-Lately black quarterback he might have had a point. To make the point about a 3-time probowler who has been to two recent Conference championship games at a time when 9 of the 32 NFL teams have black starting quarterbacks does seem sort of suspect.

As far as your being a dittohead (gee, wasn't that a newsflash :blink:) - I repeat what I said earlier. Most dittoheads are not the most intellectually gifted people I've ever met. The ones I've met who are reasonably intellegent are intellectually lazy - and they enjoy Rush because he almost never makes them think.

Mike AI
10-04-2003, 07:12 PM
PD.... Thanks for the entertainment.


10-04-2003, 09:21 PM
No, Mike, thank you ... I miss Torone's conspiratorial paranoia, but you do a damned good job filling in for him.

Rush or Neil must not have a witty response you feel fits my post ...

Mike AI
10-04-2003, 09:56 PM
I actually had a longer, more spirited response, but I edited it.... it was not nice, and I like you PD. I honestly do!


10-04-2003, 11:11 PM
Mike, how many ditto heads do you think REALLY and TRULY think of Rush as "entertainment only"? I suspect that is a really low number. For many, his words are the gospel by which to live your political lives.

Anyway, he ain't above the law, I hope he at least gets the standard celeb law enforcement treatment for it (tap on fingers, slight loss in popularity for a few months).


10-04-2003, 11:16 PM
Actually, if Rush's involvement in drugs is as a user only, as a first time offender he will benefit from a pussy-ass liberal policy that will aim him more toward treatment than severe punishment.

If he's involved in traffic in any way, that's a whole 'nother story.

10-05-2003, 02:21 AM

10-05-2003, 02:32 AM
Originally posted by Mike AI@Oct 4 2003, 04:30 PM
I have met Rush a few times, back in the mid 80s.... he is a nice guy, he is an entertainer. Do you really think Arnold kills people in the Terminator? Do you think Pamela Anderson is a lifeguard?

I think rush is entertaining, and I like him - I agree with him roughly 65-70% on issues....

I imagine I agree with you less then 5%....

One of us is right.... :D
I do!

I am what I am on Oprano....

10-05-2003, 11:02 AM
JR, fuck off your useless git.

Mike, again, you see the reason why I don't participate here much.

Later all.
