View Full Version : The Definitive Word on Limbaugh's Comments

10-02-2003, 12:55 PM
Rush said McNabb is overrated. He then went on to explain why he feels he is overrated... and since the media as a whole hasn't been able to do a feature on a black quarterback since forever without bringing up the fact that said quarterback is a black quarterback*, I'm having a hard time grasping how one makes the argument that the media doesn't have an interest in seeing black quarterbacks succeed.

Further, the NFL itself has a racial hiring policy in place. If I owned a team, and for five years I had been sitting around wanting to hire, oh, say, Steve Mariucci to coach my team, and then I suddenly had a chance to... I would be fined for not going through the pointless motions of interviewing some black guys anyway, even though I already know who I'm hiring. Not only would I be fined for not going through the pointless motions but I'd be fined if I weren't ABLE to go through the pointless motions, such as if I called 6 black candidates who wisely decided not to interview because they knew I wanted Mariucci and they didn't want to be racial patsies. It's not just red tape it's a catch-22. This is prima facie evidence that the league itself has a vested interest in "black success," as it were, and supports Limbaugh's hypothesis regarding McNabb's importance to the league marketing scheme.

In short, since the logic negates everything ELSE involved in Limbaugh's comments, he got skewered for saying the quarterback of the Philadelphia Eagles isn't as good as everyone wants to think he is. Period.

Nobody likes to talk about race because it's an uncomfortable topic. That's Rush's sin, not lying. It's clear that the media wants Black Quarterbacks to succeed and in fact a lot of fans do too just because it makes no SENSE for there to be such a majority of white QBs when most football players are black and Warren Moon and his ilk proved a generation ago that there was nothing inherently contradictory about being an excellent quarterback and having dark skin.

* - The disgusting irony of it all is that in his comments on the fiasco, McNabb himself said something to the effect of, "I thought we were past looking at a man's color." Donovan should probably go read the articles talking about what a great quarterback he is, and see just how many of them fail to mention his race. He won't find many.

10-02-2003, 03:27 PM
Well said.
"That's Rush's sin, not lying", and often times in this PC world that is more than enough for the media to hang you.

10-02-2003, 03:46 PM
I waiting for the media to come around and prop up an asian quarterback...come on, where's the love there??? Are they trying to suggest that asian men can't throw a damn football?

I hate the media

I agree with you Buff, doesn't happen often, but every once in awhile..... ;-)

Last edited by SykkBoy at Oct 2 2003, 02:55 PM

10-02-2003, 03:50 PM
Would he be talking about Michael Vick if he wasnt out with injury?

10-02-2003, 04:31 PM
Who Rush?

He probably believes Vick is a better QB which isn't hard to see McNabb is a good QB but the NFL is full of good QB's, case in point Trent Dilfer, guy wins superbowls then gets dumped. Jake Plummer, finally with a team to support him and he looks like he could become a great QB as was hyped forever. Point of all this is, Rush is right, omgd did I just say that. The media wants to see a black QB be successful, WHY? What does it matter? I could give two shits if the guy's white, black, asian, transvestite or a midget, if he/she/it can get the job done and cover the spread then who cares? The media's to blame for the race problems in this country, if white collar crime were featured as prominently as a liquor store knock-off on the news people would know who to hate, the guy who just swindled their retirement, not the guy who just stole $200 from the liquor store, both bad mind you but which one is more detrimental to society as a whole?

Maybe I'm missing the whole point of the arguement, but I don't think Rush is setting back race relations by admitting what's really happening. One only needs to reflect back on basketball in the late 80's-90's as a kid growing up and playing basketball I had the Pistons, was great years for them, and they were predominantly black, the media didn't focus on this because it was basketball, that was expected then, let's face it my 5'8" white ass aint gonna hang with someone who's 6'9" black, white, or chinese, great athletes are what they are, great athletes and as soon as the media stops viewing them as black/white/or other we'll be alot farther along in getting along in this country.

So to the mainstream media, a hearty :papow: let them play

Last edited by Toolz at Oct 2 2003, 12:39 PM