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09-29-2003, 06:41 AM
Yankees - Braves finsih the season with the same record.

Wouldn't it just be wonderful if they could meet again in the big dance :)

Everyone knows what happens when they dance :D

I love it when October can be "Give Tony Shit Month"

09-29-2003, 10:05 AM
Ah, Grasshoppa......confucious say: Shouldn't talk smack this early in the playoffs......you forget Twins home field and your lack of bullpen may stop you short of the Division.

Confucious say: Remember the Angles....Remember the Angels.


09-29-2003, 10:11 AM
Yankees have home field advantage.

But it is true, that is why I said IF

Do not have as strong a feeling as I have in other years for the reasons you mentioned as well as the "team" feeling just isn't there.

If they don't win it all Steinbrenner is going to do a whole lot of stupid shit like fire Torre and plunge the team back into the hell that was the eighties

09-30-2003, 03:59 AM
Originally posted by OldJeff@Sep 29 2003, 09:19 AM
Yankees have home field advantage.
Ah, yes, Grasshoppa....but it's not the same as the two games that the Yanks have to go to the Great White North. (to quote espn) That place is the loudest ballpark in America. The fabulous September by the Twins has brought back the fans, making the Metrodome a very difficult place for a visiting team. It usually takes a visiting player one game to get used to the fast turf, the high bounces and the glare of the roof. In a five-game series, there's no time to get used to a ballpark.


09-30-2003, 03:40 PM
Damn that crow tastes like shit.

Now I am crossing my fingers hoping there is not a lot more of it to eat.