View Full Version : Scary Dentists

Evil Chris
09-25-2003, 09:47 PM
Actually, the dentist I saw today was top shelf.

But about two years ago, a had a dentist give me what he called a "small filling", and it turns out he drilled way too close to the nerve... so ever since then I've had sensitivity to hot & cold on that tooth.

It finally got too bad the other night so I got a root canal done today. I can tell you it feels 100% better. I'm just wondering though if I can go after the first dentist for at least the cost of the root canal. I have access to all the xrays...

09-26-2003, 12:34 AM
I hate dentists. Avoided the dentist for a few years. Thank god I have good dental genetics though. Never had a cavity or anything any drilling. Billy can atest, my teeth used to be yellow, now they are white!

09-26-2003, 12:53 AM
I hate dentists. Avoided the dentist for a few years.

Same ,but in my case genetics and British dentists took weren't so kind.

Several visits to a good one here in the last couple of months,and the phobia is broken and oral hygiene is excellent :)

Anyone need a dentist who is reasonable - my first quote was 40k from another - good,and painless in Vancouver ,hit me up. :)

09-26-2003, 02:31 AM
The first time I got a root canal, it was done by a dentist who specializes in cosmetic work. He should never have done a root canal on me. I may have been his first patient. He was my dentist from hell. He stuck me with so many needles that I developed a TMJ problem and couldn't open my mouth more than a half inch. I ended up in therapy for my TMJ locked jaw and my tooth ached. When I went to a root canal expert, he found that the first dentist only removed one root, and my tooth had two. So, I had to have root canal done a second time. I was pissed. I called dentist #1 and told him I wanted the second root canal work to be paid by his office. He hung up on me.

I sued him. He called me immediately and whined because his insurance went up. Too damn bad! His atty from the insurance company stalled for a year. Eventually, they settled. It was a small settlement, but at least I got enough to pay the second dentist. I should have been paid for pain and suffering. My attorney was a friend and didn't charge me. If he had, it wouldn't have been worth the time and money to sue.

I was watching Extreme Makeover tonight on ABC, and it seems every person on this show ends up getting dental work done. This woman lucked out tonight because the dentist did about 7 root canals at one sitting. Can you imagine that? She would have lost her teeth because they were rotting away under the gums. The work this dentist did would have cost $50,000 easily because he added porcelain veneers and crowns.

Evil Chris
09-26-2003, 07:32 AM
7 root canals in one sitting? That must have taken hours to complete. Mine was done in two parts. The first was a quick fix to get rid of the pain I had. He only took out the inflamed nerve. I got the other three taken out yesterday and it took just over an hour for that.

Brad... never a cavity in your whole life? Whatever!

09-26-2003, 09:30 AM
Originally posted by Evil Chris@Sep 26 2003, 07:40 AM
Brad... never a cavity in your whole life? Whatever!
My son's never had one either - sealants are wonderful things :)

I was born with ridges in my teeth which meant I ended up getting cavities in my molars before they even completely came in. Besides that, I also had to get most of my baby teeth pulled because my permanent teeth came up no where near the baby teeth. :( AND I had to have surgery (which the kid also had to have) to get my upper "eye" teeth down - they were happy staying where they were up in my gums. Then 4 years of braces. Thankfully my Dad worked for IBM back when they had surgery which covered EVERYTHING, ,lol!

Now that I no longer have IBM insurance, I've had to pay for replacing all the old fillings, a crown where one tooth had ridges that were TOO severe to fill, and wisdom teeth surgery.

Right now, I need braces again, but I'm too much of wimp to deal with it after already having them for 4 years. :P

09-26-2003, 09:48 AM
I love the dentist.

She has a huge rack and hangs them all over me during my cleaning.

I try to go back every month but they make me wait 6

09-26-2003, 10:06 AM
Originally posted by Shok@Sep 26 2003, 09:56 AM
I love the dentist.

She has a huge rack and hangs them all over me during my cleaning.

I try to go back every month but they make me wait 6
The scary part is that your dentist is actually a HE! :zoinks:

09-26-2003, 10:11 AM