View Full Version : Bush questions

09-25-2003, 08:44 AM

I claim no authorship for this, it was sent to me by a friend. Copy this to a new Word document and print massive quantities .. then distribute them to your leftist friends; you know, the ones who are telling you that President Bush is some sort of a international criminal.

'Bush's Illegal War' Questionnaire

Please answer as many of the following questions as you can, and as many with a straight face as possible. Please answer quickly as you already have all of the answers.

1. Since George W. Bush is evil, and thought by some to be far more dangerous than Saddam Hussein, could you please list the instances you are aware of where George W. Bush has ordered the murder, torture and rape of American citizens, like yourself, who oppose his presidency.

2. Could you list any sites of mass graves of American citizens ordered to be killed by the Bush administration?

3. Further, could you please list the instances you are aware of when George W. Bush has ordered the murder of members of his own family.

4. Do you feel that Saddam Hussein possessed no weapons he was specifically forbidden to have by the UN; for example, the Scud missiles he fired into Kuwait during the first two weeks of the war?

5. How do you think Saddam was able to fire weapons that he didn't have?

6. Are inspectors inspectors, or are inspectors detectives?

7. How many more months would you have given Saddam Hussein to comply with the 17 UN resolutions, passed over 12 years?

8. If you owned an apartment building, for how many months would you allow a tenant to defy you to kick him out for not paying the rent he owes?

9. If the UN, and the previous administration, were convinced Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction, and used that as a basis for their actions against Iraq, how do those reasons evaporate when applied by the Bush administration?

10. If the Bush administration, led by the evil GWB, lied about weapons of mass destruction in order to go to war, why haven't we found any WMD secretly planted by the Bush administration?

11. If you feel it would be too difficult to plant WMD in Iraq, because there are too many people watching, such that no one can do anything sneaky in Iraq, then why can't we find Saddam?

12. Do you disagree with the statement..."The weapons of mass destruction used in the 9/11 attacks were box-cutters"?

13. Do you think finding an airplane fuselage in a terrorist training camp in northern Iraq means terrorists were practicing hijackings? If not, for what purpose do you think they were using the airplane?

14. Knowing what little you may know about spy satellites, what do you think Iraq was hiding using the tunnel-digging equipment they bought from the French some 5 years ago?

15. Why do you think Iraq had a 'Higher Committee for Monitoring the Inspection Teams' headed by Hussein's Vice-President, and son, Qusay?

16. The fact that Iraq trained experts to foil UN weapons inspectors is documented not just by U.S. intelligence organizations, but by those of many other countries. Why do you think Iraq needed to use these tactics, if George W. Bush is lying?

17. In 1995, Iraq admitted it had biological weapons. They declared they had, for example, 8500 liters of anthrax. Where did they all go? If Iraq destroyed them, why would there be any need for more UN resolutions after that?

18. When do you think Iraq abandoned their existing Weapons of Mass Destruction program? What do you think was their motivation for abandoning it- the 17th time the UN said 'pretty please', or the fact that it was spending too much money that could used for social programs to improve the lives of Iraqi citizens?

19. Do you think the bio-weapons lab vehicles found in Iraq were being used as lunch wagons, or as mobile auto detail trucks?

20. If a terrorist organization attacked America tomorrow by spraying anthrax over a large city, would you blame George W. Bush for not doing enough?

21. Would Hillary?

22. How many minutes after the attack do you think it would take for Hillary to appear on CNN?

23. If an illegal U.S. president declares an illegal war, wouldn't the two cancel each other out?

Bonus Question: Do you think O.J. killed Ron and Nicole, or was he the victim of a massive conspiracy to plant evidence by many separate divisions of the LAPD?

09-25-2003, 11:30 AM
So this is from a bed wetters self-help group?

09-25-2003, 12:29 PM
22. How many minutes after the attack do you think it would take for Hillary to appear on CNN?

About 12 - that is how long before she got on TV and lied about Chelsea jogging in the area, knowing full well that the former first kid was miles away from Ground Zero.

Christ we need some new political parties in this country

The pro gun corporate party and the pro choice corporate party could both use a 5 million gallon enema to get rid of the shit that has collected inside them.

Vote anything but Republican or Democrat......please

09-25-2003, 12:46 PM
Nice test.

09-25-2003, 04:16 PM
I'm sorry, I can't resist this one.

Asking questions that have no bearing, attempting to distract people from the facts of the Bush Presidency by comparing him to a madman is amusing at best, stupid at worst.

The answers are:

1. None. However, how many times did Saddam Hussein attempt in the last 4 years to effect "regime change" in a country on the other side of the world (no, Saddam's name isn't BinLadin, so no link there...)

2. Arlington national Cemetary.

3. Hasn't happened, mostly because the family has helped to get him elected.

4. A couple of scud missles versus alledged stockpiles of WMD ain't quite the same thing. Many countries have scuds, and they ain't getting invaded.

5. See above. Who cares? No bio, no nuclear, no nothing... again, many countries have much more serious weapons and aren't getting invaded (see North Korea)

6. She sells sea shells by the sea shore, the sea sells that she sells are sea shells I'm sure.

7. Why now? Why not 10 years ago? Why not next week? It was a political decision, not a decision about protecting anyone.

8. If someone else owned an apartment building in another city, and someone living there was a trouble maker, how long before you should go and shoot his ass? When you did, how long before you go to jail?

9. The UN operated on unproven reports and Iraqi bragging. They attempted to send inspectors to prove or disprove. They did not go in and shoot Saddam first, then start looking around. Convinced is a strong term, considering that so many were against action in Iraq because there was a lack of evidence.

10. Planting evidence would just turn out worse in the end. WMD was an excuse, and one that so far appears to have been overstated. WMD is a term no longer used by the Bush administration (UN speech used "weapons of mass murder"), which suggests the administration is trying very hard to get away from the term, probably because they can't prove anything, and nobody would buy anything found this far out.

11. A single man, hidden amoungst people who look like him, with his features altered to disguise him is much easier to hide than 8500 liters of a nerve agent (8500 liters is about 2000 gallons US... try hiding that in your backyard). His well hidden sons got vapourized, no? Also, doesn't the FBI have a top 10 most wanted, people that can't even be found IN THE US, where there are hundreds of thousand of police, FBI, CIA, and other agents working every day?

12. 9/11 isn't a justification for war in Iraq. It is an attempt to pull heartstring, to rile people up in rage. 9/11 was about BinLadin, not Saddam... it was about terrorism, not weapons of mass destruction. Mixing two seperate things together like this just adds to the confusion that many americans feel about the actions of their government. Polls suggest that many americans beleive that Saddam was responsible for 9/11, which certainly has not been proven in the slightest. But the administration plays on this to allow them to take actions that would be otherwise harder to justify. Good politics.

13. Hijackings have been used by terror groups for many years. Nothing new here. They also had pipes, ropes, and buildings. They must have been planning to kill skateboarders and extreme sports enthusiasts too.

14. What little I know about spy satellites tells me that if they can tell how tall a building is, or which truck left which facility and drive to which one, that they would also know where tunnels were being dug. More than likely, those tunnels have all been checked and nothing found. personally, I suspect it was used for those tunnels connecting palaces and the airport that was much talked about during the attack.

15. Since it would appear that Iraq was attempting to mislead the UN at every turn, why not have him in charge? The information minister was busy giving press conferences.

16. In fact, those tacts were used to create uncertainty in the world's mind. I suspect that there were little or no WMD in Iraq, but rather an elaborate ruse to keep the world from acting against them. Again, if there was anything there, something would have been found by now (and would have been used by those groups taking potshots at us soldiers now).

17. The Iraqi information minister said that there were no US troops near the capital, as bombs were going off and troops were taking a tour of the city. They are liars and bullshitters to the max. SO WHAT?

18. Probably shortly after the first gulf war, when they got beaten to a pulp. However, the CONCEPT of having them has kept the world from attacking for over 10 years... which is the most likely conclusion at this point, based on all the evidence out there.

19. No active bio labs have been found, no bio materials, no end products, no nothing.

20. What's the point? Defence must be prepared for this, and if that defence drops, then someone will eat shit for it... if anyone survives to bitch about it.

21. N/A - Hillary ain't in charge.

22. Seeing that she works in and lives in two places most likely to be attacked, I suspect she wouldn't get on the air any time soon.

23. She sells sea shells...

It's a funny little list of questions, because it depends on half truths, non-connected actions and events, and personal prejudices to encourage people to come up with answers that they think are the truth. In reality, it is a grand case of fear mongering and political spinning to keep you looking at the magician's flash paper, and not the sleight of hand occuring in front of you.

Two wrongs don't make a right. Using misleading terms (item #9, the "UN was convinced", as an example) and half truths is sad. Sort of like that famous Clinton hit list. It look impressive on the surface, and is BULLSHIT to the core in the end.


Oh yeah, pre-emptive little tag line: JR, bite me you wimp.

09-25-2003, 04:34 PM
And to think, some people actually believe surveys are written biasedly to create specific answers!! The nerve of 'em! :matey: