View Full Version : These two kids have bigger problems.....

09-17-2003, 11:07 PM
http://news.independent.co.uk/world/americ...sp?story=444500 (http://news.independent.co.uk/world/americas/story.jsp?story=444500)

'Grand Theft Auto' makers sued over teenage killing
By Maxine Frith Social Affairs Correspondent
18 September 2003

The makers of the bestselling video game Grand Theft Auto are being sued for more than £60m after two teenagers said they were copying its violent scenes when they killed a man.

The court case could help to decide the debate over whether violent video and computer games cause aggression in children. Grand Theft Auto and its three sequels are designed in Britain and have topped the UK and US games charts, selling more than 20 million copies in the past five years. The player acts the role of a street thug with 40 different weapons.


The two boys told police they shot at vehicles on a highway near their home with a .22 rifle in an attempt to recreate images from Grand Theft Auto. Mr Hamel, a nurse, was killed while driving home to Knoxville, Tennessee. Miss Bede, who was travelling in another car with her boyfriend, was seriously injured and has eight fragments of shrapnel in her pelvis.

.................................................. .

The Buckner brothers had no criminal record or any history of trouble-making. In court last month, they pleaded guilty to reckless homicide, aggravated assault and reckless endangerment. They were sentenced to indefinite detention. District Attorney General Al Schmutzer told the court: "They said they got the idea from a video game called Grand Theft Auto and that they were bored, that they went out and began shooting."

In a letter to victims and their families, Joshua said: "I did not mean to hurt anyone. I hate that it happened. This will stick with me for the rest of my life."


a 14 and 1 16 year old go out shooting at cars and they did'nt mean to hurt anyone????

I don't think so..... bunch of bullshit if you ask me..... as my eleven year old daughter told me... "It's just TV Dad, nothing is real on TV".....


Paul Markham
09-18-2003, 12:31 AM
It just seems strange to me that they copy a game where people are killed then go out with guns shooting at cars and claim "I did not mean to hurt anyone"

But what of the parents who allow these kids of this age access to guns? Rather than sue game makers, sue the parents for not controlling the kids.

Sorry I'm being stupid again I forgot the game makers are worth more money, why sue the parents when you can get some real money. :zoinks:

09-18-2003, 02:54 AM
This is why those reality sites that claim to abuse and/or "trick" women scare me so much!


09-18-2003, 03:34 AM
Originally posted by Sabby@Sep 18 2003, 08:02 AM
This is why those reality sites that claim to abuse and/or "trick" women scare me so much!

Can I give you a ride in my van :awinky:


09-18-2003, 03:50 AM
LOL, yeah sure sweetie! I think a reality site about pepper spray and a kick to the groin with my stiletos would be a big hit!!!


09-18-2003, 04:04 AM
Originally posted by Sabby@Sep 18 2003, 08:58 AM
LOL, yeah sure sweetie! I think a reality site about pepper spray and a kick to the groin with my stiletos would be a big hit!!!


I'm not really into pepper spray, but you had me sold with the kicking and the stiletos :yowsa:

09-18-2003, 12:20 PM
This kind of stuff really makes me mad. Okay, I never went out shooting people aftar playing Space Invaders or Defender. I never tried to impale a friend after playing Joust, and I never tried to jump off a roof after watching Superman. I never became a satanist after listening to heavy metal music and I never lit the house on fire after listening to punk rock. And why not? Because my mom would have smacked the shit out of me! And you know what? I was scared to death of my father's belt. They only ever had to punish me a few times in my life, they never really hit that hard, and I was not an abused child. But if I did something wrong I new it and I took the punishment.

Okay, so where did the kids get guns in the first place??? Even on the very slim, grasping-at-straws defence that they were playing this game, got all riled up and went on this uncontrolled rampage, where did they get access to guns in which to do it? Either the parents were negligent for having guns laying around or these innocent teens who were just bored and not meaning to hurt anyone planned out a way to get guns so they could go out and shoot people. Hmmm, sounds pretty pre-meditated to me. Grrr.
:kapow: :shooter:

It's just like those kids in the 90's who robbed a 7-11 and tried to say that it was because of Marylin Manson's song "Sweet Dreams". You know, I don't recall anyone knockin' off a convenience store when Annie Lennox did the song back in the 80's! What is this world coming too.

Okay, my point of all this. Do you see people going out and committing violent crimes because of porn websites??? No. So why are they picking on us rather than the real threat? :headwall:

Okay, I'm done. Thanks for letting me rant. :bdance:

09-18-2003, 12:27 PM
Well,I know that there was a study that proves if a guy goes and looks at a porn site with pictures of girls masturbating that they wil also masturbate........

Pretty dangerous stuff.....................


09-18-2003, 12:48 PM
Originally posted by Sabby@Sep 18 2003, 01:58 AM
LOL, yeah sure sweetie! I think a reality site about pepper spray and a kick to the groin with my stiletos would be a big hit!!!

Some people pay good money to have this done.

09-18-2003, 01:05 PM
Originally posted by sarettah@Sep 18 2003, 05:35 PM
Well,I know that there was a study that proves if a guy goes and looks at a porn site with pictures of girls masturbating that they wil also masturbate........

Pretty dangerous stuff.....................

Damn... thats the last time I look at pics of girls taking it in the ass :blink:


09-18-2003, 01:14 PM
Originally posted by sarettah@Sep 17 2003, 10:15 PM
In a letter to victims and their families, Joshua said: "I did not mean to hurt anyone. I hate that it happened. This will stick with me for the rest of my life."


a 14 and 1 16 year old go out shooting at cars and they did'nt mean to hurt anyone????

I think they meant to say that "they didn't mean to get caught". Many people dont mean to do something once they are caught. Shit i didn't mean to steal candy at 9 years of age, and my Mom and her big wooden spoon proved that when i got busted.

09-18-2003, 04:25 PM
Originally posted by Gabriel+Sep 18 2003, 12:22 PM--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Gabriel @ Sep 18 2003, 12:22 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteBegin--sarettah@Sep 17 2003, 10:15 PM
In a letter to victims and their families, Joshua said: "I did not mean to hurt anyone. I hate that it happened. This will stick with me for the rest of my life."


a 14 and 1 16 year old go out shooting at cars and they did'nt mean to hurt anyone????

I think they meant to say that "they didn't mean to get caught". Many people dont mean to do something once they are caught. Shit i didn't mean to steal candy at 9 years of age, and my Mom and her big wooden spoon proved that when i got busted.[/b][/quote]
I think what they really meant was:

"We didnt think before we acted because we werent taught to do so by our deadbeat parents. Now that we do think about it, we see it was stupid."

Last edited by DrGuile at Sep 18 2003, 03:34 PM

09-18-2003, 05:25 PM
Originally posted by ounique@Sep 18 2003, 11:28 AM
Okay, my point of all this. Do you see people going out and committing violent crimes because of porn websites??? No. So why are they picking on us rather than the real threat? :headwall:
Don, there are many groups who would like to have us believe pornography is the root of all rape, assault, insest, sexual crimes etc ...

unfortunately, I don't think they will ever leave us alone :(