View Full Version : SEX.COM wont do business with Australians

09-12-2003, 09:33 AM
http://ynotnews.ynotmasters.com/issues/091...1103/page3.html (http://ynotnews.ynotmasters.com/issues/091103/page3.html)

I didn't know you thought us Australians were scammers Gary...

11. Shun the bad players.
Why is no one going after BabeNet legally as well as after its principals? And why not after those Australian scammers? By showing we live with laws, people will not get beat up in public as much and we will not have as many wars on the boards.

I guess you have enough business already.... Bye Bye DICKHEAD

09-12-2003, 09:50 AM
So, I guess you Aussies are now in the same class as Russians?

09-12-2003, 09:53 AM
damn Aussies

you all make good wine though

:okthumb: :hic: :rokk:

09-12-2003, 09:58 AM
I dunno Voodoo... Gary hasnt included shunning Russians in his tips to success...

He won't have to worry about shunning too many Aussie $$$ from now on anyway hopefully ;-)

And he already has 2 less accounts to worry about! :D

09-12-2003, 10:21 AM
Why anyone pays any attention at all to what Gary Kremen says is beyond me........ He lost the domain and it would have stayed lost if certain people had not helped him out. He then took a "producing" domain and turned it into something that is (imho) slowly going downhill....

I do not agree at all with Cohen stealing the domain...that was wrong.. BUT at least Cohen had a clue about what to do with it... Kremen has taken the single most valuable piece of Adult Internet real estate and has managed to take it down in value quite considerably....

He might "seemingly" have high, lofty moral values, but he don't know shit about business.....

I have had several arguments with Confucy (over at Digs place) about Kremen...

I usually won't crosspost (anymore), but gonna break that for a minute here (hope you dont mind Mike and Serge)

from: http://www.setgo.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=540

from confucy (directed at me):

"Gary is an example for all of us because he didn't give up and let assholes like you take over his sex.com."

my reply:
"Gary is no example.. Back before the lawsuits, he had pretty much given up. If some of your arch-nemeses had not given him a good kick in the ass to get him started he would still be whining about how he had sex.com stolen from him. "

************************************************** ***


History Of How Cohen Lost The Domain

Cohen made only ONE mistake. In 1997 he went after 3 sex related domains: SexQ.com (Dokk's), HotSex.com (Mike & guys from Boston) Sexia.com (Serge's).

First one didn't matter, Dokk called FBI, he thought he had something going, FBI told him: suck our dicks and that was the end of Dokk's struggle.

Guy from Hotsex.com called his lawyers and mounted strong opposition against Cohen. Incidently, HE discovered KREMEN, pennyless wonder, claiming to be the original owner of sex.com, but having difficulties paying his San Francisco female attorney. HotSex.com told Serge about Kremen.

Serge, who was blasting Cohen on YNOT board and who was sued by Cohen for sexia.com made 2 decissions:

1) give Cohen sexia.com without fight

2) get TOP go-getters with proven track records after Cohen.

Yishai claims 'till this day that he didn't understand Serge' heavy russian accent when Serge told him that Yishai can own sex.com 'cuz Serge knew the REAL owner.

Seth Warshawsky and Ron Levi DID understood Serge's English. Serge was offered part of sex.com in exchange for financing of law suit, but Serge said: GET THIS DOMAIN AWAY FROM COHEN, THIS WILL BE MY ULTIMATE SATISFACTION.

And this is how Cohen, the "napoleon" who burnt Moscow and lost the war (per serge's posts on YNOT) lost his prized sex.com.

If he was smart and didn't touch hotsex.com and Serge in 1997, none of you would know about existence of Mr. Kremen.


It was a long and bitter struggle for Kremen who went through a string of lawyers until guided to victory by Charles Carreon.

In 1998, Seth Warshavsky (ClubLove.com) and Ron Levi (Cybererotica.com) agreed to help fund Kremen's legal fight to regain the domain name Sex.com. But Warshavsky quickly dropped out of the deal. Levi kept paying to the eventual tune of either $10,000 or $150,000, depending on who you talk to, until he quit in disgust with Kremen's attorney of the time Joel Dichter.

Kremen next gave the case to a female attorney (Katie Deamer) who seemed intimidated by Cohen's crack legal team. She also appeared to be killing Kremen's case, which looked dead until Gary brought on Carreon.

edited to extract key paragraphs from an accidental paste of the whole fucking article...


Last edited by sarettah at Sep 12 2003, 09:31 AM

09-12-2003, 10:35 AM
S, you are 100% correct in your assesment,
including Luke's piece related to me,
Mike from Hotsex.com IS the one who discovered Kremen first and it's 100% true that Kremen didn't have enough money to pay his lawyer..

side note:
if Seth and Ron knew how the deal they financed turned out-
they would make a deal with Cohen,
but...we are all SMART in..retrospective

so far, there is only ONE clear winner from sex.com debacle -
I met my wife thru her involvement with sex.com
I am VERY happy and
all can lick my hairy Russian ass,
I don't discriminate

09-12-2003, 10:38 AM

that's a post for luke's collection


09-12-2003, 10:38 AM
Aw sweetheart.....you're so romantic. :inlove: :inlove: :inlove:

09-12-2003, 10:41 AM
Originally posted by Serge_Oprano@Sep 12 2003, 09:43 AM
S, you are 100% correct in your assesment,

I'm gonna save that one for my collection :yowsa:

HI LL .............................. :)

Mike AI
09-12-2003, 10:54 AM
Originally posted by Serge_Oprano@Sep 12 2003, 09:43 AM
S, you are 100% correct in your assesment,
including Luke's piece related to me,
Mike from Hotsex.com IS the one who discovered Kremen first and it's 100% true that Kremen didn't have enough money to pay his lawyer..

side note:
if Seth and Ron knew how the deal they financed turned out-
they would make a deal with Cohen,
but...we are all SMART in..retrospective

so far, there is only ONE clear winner from sex.com debacle -
I met my wife thru her involvement with sex.com
I am VERY happy and
all can lick my hairy Russian ass,
I don't discriminate

HAHA Great post!

I love happy endings!!

09-12-2003, 11:03 AM
hi mom!!


has pop had you tied up or something? you hardly ever drop by any more!

09-12-2003, 11:05 AM
Originally posted by cj@Sep 12 2003, 10:11 AM
hi mom!!


has pop had you tied up or something? you hardly ever drop by any more!
YOU try typing when your head is about 12 inches below the key board

09-12-2003, 11:10 AM
Hello CJ....and Sarettah, and everyone!

Sorry to be so absent...it seems I've been unusually tongue tied the last few months. Between lots of travel, a renewed love affair with my first love (reading), and the joys of a happy marriage....somehow I morphed into........a lurker!

When are you coming to visit your American mum and dad? It is way past time for another duck!

09-12-2003, 11:30 AM
Sarettah, how can you insinuate that Cohen did a good job with sex.com. You are back to using MONEY as the proof. It's rare to find anybody who is making the kind of money Cohen was pulling in a few years ago. Sex.com was a banner farm long before pornsites drove you off because of bombarding you with boxes, banners, and non-stop junk causing your computer to close down. Cohen was suing everyone in sight including Lee Noga, and the owners of many domain names like sexbytes.com (a great name)!

Gary is much smarter than you think, Sarettah. Gary's problem, which I believe LL will confirm, is that he trusts too many people. He is easily social engineered by assholes. Even Kevin Mitnick was trying to convince Gary that he really was excellent in amateur radio. Gary knew it was cracker rhetoric, but he was polite and listened, and then locked his door when Mitnick left his house.

Anyway, Gary reads oprano, so good luck with sex.com. :okthumb:

09-12-2003, 11:41 AM
And why not after those Australian scammers?

Not to be the naysayer here.. but it would appear that the above sentence could be read in two ways.

1 - Why doesnt anybody go after those scammers from australia? In which i would assume he was referring to some particular scammers, not saying that all australians are scammers.


2 - Why doesnt somebody go after everybody from Australia, because they are all scammers.

I am inclined to lean towards the former as he mentioned a particular company (babenet) first, which would lead me to believe he was continuing to talk about other specifics. JMHO :)

09-12-2003, 11:45 AM
Originally posted by confucy@Sep 13 2003, 01:38 AM
Gary's problem, which I believe LL will confirm, is that he trusts too many people.
Just not Australians..


Sarettah's right Confucy... times may have changed but I bet most people here think they could have done better job with sex.com than Gary has managed to do.

Sex.com is a dog at the moment..

Thanks Hooper... you may be right about that! But he should choose his words more carefully when he has a shit product... people may just be looking for an excuse to ditch it anyway!

09-12-2003, 11:49 AM
Originally posted by confucy@Sep 12 2003, 10:38 AM
Gary's problem, which I believe LL will confirm, is that he trusts too many people.
Gary is VERY trusting fella...and can't even make $5000 deal without 17 page legal contract

When I got one,
I read first 3 lines and decided it's not for me to spend so much time reading nonsence,
after doing million $ business on handshake.

sorry, but LL can NOT confirm your post

I bet you gonna miss us on Tuesday

09-12-2003, 11:53 AM
In Business.... Money is the ultimate proof.......

Whether ethically obtained or not........ And yes, the money that was there back in 96 through 99 or so is not there any more... But money is still out there.....

Banner farms worked back then..... Good business to do what worked....

And yes, Cohen was cutthroat, suing everyone in sight.... It was his ultimate downfall because he pissed too many in the industry off...
but he was successful for a good long time....

Kremen has now had control of sex.com for 3 or 4 years.. What has he done with it...

He has turned it into a pay per click search engine (with popunders and popups I might add)....

Confucy... Consoles and stuff MAKE MONEY whether the surfer likes them or not... While I agree that paying attention to your customers and treating them "Properly" is a nice idea, IT DOES NOT MAKE MONEY...

to quote ma bell: "Never give the suckers an even break"........and "Whatever the market will bear" are the ways to be succesful in business....... whether it be adult or mainstream.......

Gary could be a genius for all I know.... Smart does not equate to money.. In fact in some cases it might take away from your ability to make money...

Smart folk come up with all sorts of ideas... Lots of smart folks (myself included) can dream up the fanciest ass stuff in a second.... To be sucessful, you must IMPLEMENT and carry through on the ideas... That is the hard part...

Donald Trump is not the smartest guy on the block by any means... But he is one of the richest.....

Bill Gates could probably not program his way out of a paperbag anymore, but he is a marketeer and a half.....

Find the formula that brings in cash, repeat repeat repeat...... That is the way to success....

Smart people are usually trying to tweak the formula, trying to find a "better" way to do it...never satisfied with just using someone elses idea and repeating it.......

The dumber folk can play follower, take the formula and just keep working it.....

The innovators do not always make the money by any means..... Some do, but many great innovators have had to learn the hard way that a great idea by itself doesn't make money... They have had to surround themselves with marketing and sales people to make the money....

Look at Bushnell ... He came out in the mid 70's with Atari... from his garage... Atari was revolutionary, it was the new thing.... What happened ? He had to selll out to Warner (at about one tenth of what Atarii was really worth) because he was going broke.. He did not know how to market his product.. He did not know how to do the business side of the stuff.... He later learned that side...

So smarts do not equal crap in the business world or else everyone that posts regularly on this board would be worth millions and millions.... While some here are worth a lot ... I would venture that the majority of us, while we might make a good living, are not rolling in the big bucks... Otherwise we wouldn't still be working and we would have our secretaries doing our posting for us.......

as far as Gary reading the boards, so what.. I am nothing in the adult business..lol... I have a few galleries up, etc... But that was a learning experience... Since 99, I have been behind the scenes in this business, programming etc... I still work a nine to five job in mainstream and atribute very litlle of my income to the adult net... IN fact, most of the time my expenses far outweigh my income, as it does with any startup.....

I do not do business with sex.com and probably will not.... If Gary reads this and gets something from it, great. If he takes it as an insult... tough...

I am just another voice speaking my opinion.........

edited to clarify (and fix some typos): I started in the adult netin 99 working for a hosting company... a big one that is now out of business... I did not do stuff on my own until early 2002, so I have not been working it for 4 years and still not breaking even...lol... I have been playing with it for about a year and a half on my own and have spent more on content then I have brought in... dont want folks to think I'm a total loser...... :yowsa: )

Last edited by sarettah at Sep 12 2003, 11:14 AM

09-12-2003, 12:02 PM
Originally posted by confucy@Sep 12 2003, 07:38 AM
Sarettah, how can you insinuate that Cohen did a good job with sex.com. You are back to using MONEY as the proof. It's rare to find anybody who is making the kind of money Cohen was pulling in a few years ago. Sex.com was a banner farm long before pornsites drove you off because of bombarding you with boxes, banners, and non-stop junk causing your computer to close down.
Let's not insinuate then, let's flat out say it. Cohen did a wonderful job with the domain, he found someone who knew what the fuck they were doing and he let them do it.

In an industry where money is the meter by which success is gauged, that site was very successful.

Of course there were alot of people making more money than that, I can think of a dozen off the top of my head based on the numbers I've heard.

I've actually sat and talked to Gary about the whole thing and I know what his feelings are on the subject.

And confucy, if you can go a day without mentioning Kevin Mitnick in a post, I'll Paypal 50 bucks to your favorite charity that accepts it.

09-12-2003, 12:06 PM
Bushnell, not wozniak.........

damn it I hate when I do that.....................

Wozniak was Apple..............

fuck fuck fuck

Edited to say... Take whatever I said about Atari out... apparently I have 2 stories mixed up... Bushnell sold atari for 28 million... it was later he got in money trouble.. at least according to what I am reading now....

So, I will find whoever the fuck I am talking or forget about it...........

Last edited by sarettah at Sep 12 2003, 11:24 AM

09-12-2003, 12:10 PM

When that post was relayed to my master, he exclaimed " I love sarettah" :)

""To be sucessful, you must IMPLEMENT and carry through on the ideas""


""While I agree that paying attention to your customers and treating them "Properly" is a nice idea, IT DOES NOT MAKE MONEY...""

They are not customers.Until they pay they are merely browsers,or as my master calls them "scum sucking bandwidth leeching bastards".

""In an industry where money is the meter by which success is gauged, that site was very successful. ""

What other gauges are there?



Last edited by TheNickBot at Sep 12 2003, 08:20 AM

09-12-2003, 01:22 PM
Kimmy, if mentioning Mitnick's name pisses you off, then think what it must be doing to Mitnick when he reads about himself on porn boards. He would rather be listed on security sites, but he deserves to be placed where he belongs...PORNVILLE, USA.

Regarding Kremen, he sits down and has a chat with almost everyone in the world, so don't think you are one of the privileged ones with inside dope.

I do not judge people by the money they make. Some of the biggest fools in my life are very rich and totally off the wall, so much so that they can't wipe their own asses. Gary had the smarts to buy the domain name, sex. com. Did you? Did I? Fuck no! What he does with it is his business. Everyone here would jump into bed with Gary in a second and tell the world how fabulous he is if they could just get their hands on SEX.COM.

I have seen all the mistakes Gary has made. I would have loved to have been given the opportunity to make my own mistakes if I had sex.com in my hot little hands.

Fear not, Gary-son. I will be taking the California Start Bar Exam soon, and you can add me to your payroll in case those bad bad guys try to steal your name again.

Serge -- Susanne, have a wonderful trip. No need to request you send us pictures, because both of you are very good about entertaining the Oprano troops with your photography while you travel. :wnw:

09-12-2003, 01:25 PM
just a little typing error............CALIFORNIA STATE BAR EXAM.

Susanne, want to be partners? Come take the exam with me in Feb. :rokk:

09-12-2003, 01:30 PM
Originally posted by confucy@Sep 12 2003, 12:30 PM
Gary had the smarts to buy the domain name, sex. com.
Gary Kremen did not "buy" the domain name.....

He was awarded it in the original domain name "lottery".... I do not know how many people put their name in the hat for it.. He was the lucky one whos name was drawn for it........

so his being smart enough to buy it was akin to a lottery winner being smart enough to buy the winning lottery ticket....

09-12-2003, 01:33 PM
Sarettah, I didn't know that. I will have to check it out. Do you have a url where Gary states that he won the domain name?

Great piece of trivia. Thanks. :cdance:

09-12-2003, 01:44 PM
Originally posted by confucy@Sep 12 2003, 12:41 PM
Sarettah, I didn't know that. I will have to check it out. Do you have a url where Gary states that he won the domain name?

Great piece of trivia. Thanks. :cdance:
I know he got it for free....

I believe at that point in time (94) they were awarded on a lottery basis...

It might actually be the way luke ford reported it and the way the court papers for the appeal list it (cant cut and paste the ruling it's in pdf), that he got it by making a phone call to Network solutions....

from luke ford:
"On May 19, 1994, Gary Kremen registered with Internet Solutions the most valuable internet domain name Sex.com. Kremen got the name for free and without any official contract."

I have some code to write then I will find some source material......

09-12-2003, 02:15 PM
I stand corrected.... It was apparently not a lottery assignment... It was however free... So he did not buy it but I will give him credit for having the foresight to register it......


The principle for registration of domain names has been till now first come, first served.


In a cooperative agreement43 with the US National Science Foundation, Network Solutions Incorporated (NSI) of Herndon, Virginia has since 1993 administered the registration of the generic TLDs .com, .net, .org, .gov and .edu. The .mil domain is managed by the US Department of Defense (DOD).44 The remaining ".int", a specialized TLD intended for international treaty organizations will, pending final agreement, be administered by the International Telecommunication Union in Geneva, Switzerland.
As mentioned, the .gov, .edu and .mil domains are restricted to US applicants by allocation policy. This leaves .com, .net, and .org that should be considered as international TLDs (iTLDs).

The NSF and NSI have been struggling to deal with the astronomical growth and commercialization of the Internet. When NSI began domain name registrations in the spring of 1993, approximately 400 domain names were being registered per month. However, in March 1996 (see Figure 1), this had risen to about 45,000 - a 25% growth over February alone. Since the overwhelming percentage were in the ".com" category, the NSF found itself essentially subsidizing commercial registrations which did not fall into its mandate.acting to this, NSF amended its cooperative agreement with NSI, allowing it to institute a US$ 50 a year charge for domain name registrations from September 14th, 1995.45

Last edited by sarettah at Sep 12 2003, 01:23 PM

09-12-2003, 02:30 PM
Originally posted by confucy@Sep 12 2003, 12:30 PM

Serge -- Susanne, have a wonderful trip. No need to request you send us pictures, because both of you are very good about entertaining the Oprano troops with your photography while you travel. :wnw:
yeap and...
2! asses are beter than one,
I'll see what I can find ;-))))

09-12-2003, 02:36 PM
I was offered so many spiffy little one word domain names. I almost took babe.com, but I accepted babe.net, not knowing how popular .com names would be. I plan to develop beachbabe.com

I use to dream about what I would do with sex.com. I would have a "tell confucy" column and a newsletter. I would develop many sites for women which would showcase extremely sexy men. Gays wouldn't be excluded, nor would older men. Only criteria: sexiness :redance:

09-12-2003, 02:40 PM
did you say "Older men"?

I'm getting there, and be on the lookout for you

09-12-2003, 02:43 PM
:gbounce: :gbounce: :gbounce: :gbounce: :gbounce:

09-12-2003, 02:44 PM
Originally posted by confucy@Sep 12 2003, 09:30 AM
Kimmy, if mentioning Mitnick's name pisses you off, then think what it must be doing to Mitnick when he reads about himself on porn boards. He would rather be listed on security sites, but he deserves to be placed where he belongs...PORNVILLE, USA.
Piss me off? More like bore me to tears. Take your meds, there will be no charitable donation today apparently.

09-12-2003, 02:57 PM
Kimmy, do you remember when you left Texas and returned to Arizona, a very sad and rejected lady? You took some swings at dear Brad. I was outraged for you, and I also kicked his butt.

Well, I'm doing the same with cracker FAT FELON FUCK Mitnick, until I start to heal. Then I will never shake his hand or cock like you have done with Brad, but I will lower the heat on the bastard.

When you know...and I do mean know and can prove that someone in the news is a fraud and a social engineering conman, do you sit back and allow the public to be duped, or do you speak up and shout the truth to the world? I gave Mitnick an opportunity to apologize. Instead, he went beserk and paranoid. Apologizing never means you have to say your sorry? Whoops, that's from "Love Story"...Apologizing means you have the ability to stand back and see that you were wrong, and you have the guts to admit it. I gave Carrie the same chance, and she brazenly refused.

Now Kimmy, you go take your MEDS or whatever you need to calm down. :lol:

09-12-2003, 03:25 PM
Originally posted by confucy@Sep 12 2003, 11:05 AM
Kimmy, do you remember when you left Texas and returned to Arizona, a very sad and rejected lady? You took some swings at dear Brad. I was outraged for you, and I also kicked his butt.

Well, I'm doing the same with cracker FAT FELON FUCK Mitnick, until I start to heal. Then I will never shake his hand or cock like you have done with Brad, but I will lower the heat on the bastard.

When you know...and I do mean know and can prove that someone in the news is a fraud and a social engineering conman, do you sit back and allow the public to be duped, or do you speak up and shout the truth to the world? I gave Mitnick an opportunity to apologize. Instead, he went beserk and paranoid. Apologizing never means you have to say your sorry? Whoops, that's from "Love Story"...Apologizing means you have the ability to stand back and see that you were wrong, and you have the guts to admit it. I gave Carrie the same chance, and she brazenly refused.

Now Kimmy, you go take your MEDS or whatever you need to calm down. :lol:

09-12-2003, 03:32 PM
Originally posted by confucy@Sep 12 2003, 11:05 AM
Kimmy, do you remember when you left Texas and returned to Arizona, a very sad and rejected lady? You took some swings at dear Brad. I was outraged for you, and I also kicked his butt.
LOL you just cannot keep from bringing Brad up can you? You have some kind of unhealthy obsession with him as well, as a matter of fact he and I have discussed it... at least if Brad and I were feuding for awhile it was relevant to the people on this board, no different than when Serge and I were taking a few roundhouse swings at each other.

Those kind of things make for entertainment value, just like Serge and FM, Forest and Serge, Brad and ok, well Brad and a lot of people, etc.

If I started posting about someone that no one gave a crap about obsessively, my icq would light up like a Christmas tree, telling me to either get on topic or shut the fuck up.

Take some advice, you need it.

Get yourself back to some semblance of normalcy, I'm not saying be a stark raving lunatic again, but for Gods sake, put your intelligence to use and make some witty posts instead of this pitiful self deprecating nonsense and whiny crybaby wailing you've been on the last couple weeks.

If you can't do that, then pretend you are the Nickbot, that should do the trick.

09-12-2003, 03:39 PM
Ban all Ausies!

They sure talk funny.....


09-12-2003, 03:42 PM
Originally posted by DannyCox@Sep 12 2003, 11:47 AM
Ban all Ausies!

They sure talk funny.....

Might as well ban them southerners past the mason dixon line.

They talk funny too.

09-12-2003, 03:48 PM
Originally posted by *KK*@Sep 12 2003, 02:40 PM
at least if Brad and I were feuding for awhile it was relevant to the people on this board, no different than when Serge and I were taking a few roundhouse swings at each other.

make love, not war!

Kimmy, I'll do you in a heart beat as a form of punishment for you taking swings at me!

Brad.....I'd do you too, just gain a few pounds, I hate skinny asses

09-12-2003, 03:53 PM
Originally posted by Anthony+Sep 12 2003, 03:50 PM--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Anthony @ Sep 12 2003, 03:50 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteBegin--DannyCox@Sep 12 2003, 11:47 AM
Ban all Ausies!

They sure talk funny.....

Might as well ban them southerners past the mason dixon line.

They talk funny too.[/b][/quote]

09-12-2003, 05:23 PM
Originally posted by DannyCox@Sep 12 2003, 11:47 AM
Ban all Ausies!

They sure talk funny.....


09-12-2003, 06:08 PM
Kimmy, you and Brad are both from the old school: "I like to see my name in print, good or bad news...doesn't matter, just mention my god damn name!"

I am being a good confucy, and I won't be going down that path that leads to drinking and fucking indiscrimately. We all have our weaknesses, now don't we Kimmy?

Do you think your posts are stunning examples of newsworthy gems?

Fuck No, KK!

I am taking none of your MEDS. I am free of everything except a few vitamins. I was kidding about the wine! I hate it. I don't drink, don't do drugs, don't smoke regular cigarettes, but have been known to try MJ with friends. I am clean as Billy Graham's liver!

Take me as I am, sweety, or forever ignore me! Your little swipes at me are more boring than my posts. Chill out. :zzz:

Back to Gary, is anyone going to his birthday party? I think it will be more fun if held in SF. That house of his has too much bad karma and history!

09-12-2003, 07:00 PM
Originally posted by Opti@Sep 12 2003, 05:41 AM
http://ynotnews.ynotmasters.com/issues/091...1103/page3.html (http://ynotnews.ynotmasters.com/issues/091103/page3.html)

I didn't know you thought us Australians were scammers Gary...

11. Shun the bad players.
Why is no one going after BabeNet legally as well as after its principals? And why not after those Australian scammers? By showing we live with laws, people will not get beat up in public as much and we will not have as many wars on the boards.

I guess you have enough business already.... Bye Bye DICKHEAD
Who says Sex.Com WON'T do business with Australians? I have many Australian clients here at Sex.Com and we just added a gay subdomain for our gay Australian webmasters...you should probably talk to Gary first to find out what the hell he means by his statements if you have any question. Here is a brief IM I just had w/ him:

funkadell1: tell me about what the Aussie comment ment so I can post the real story
Gkremen: Bunch of Assie (good guys) - scammed by running programs and not paying affiliates as well as double billing

If you are not a scammer then you shouldn't be worried about his comment right? Brush it off and be glad you don't fall into that category because we all know scammers suck.

There is WAY to much time and effort spent on "If I owened Sex.Com I would...", "In the old days I...", and "Gary this..Gary that"--from an outsiders point of view it can be quite comical because the truth is...it's NOT you're company, These AREN'T the old days, and you should be concerned with MAKING MONEY with your own biz and not someone elses.

Gary put that points of good biz out in good faith and the best intentions. The way that a huge thread of bitching and whining to come out of it is an example of a HUGE waste of time that could be spent helping to make each other money as well as yourself.

It's time to move forward and work together...this biz ain't getting any easier...



09-12-2003, 07:31 PM
Originally posted by ullimike@Sep 12 2003, 06:08 PM
It's time to move forward and work together...
I don't think that is for you to decide :awinky:

if gary doesn't want so much half correct/half wrong information floating around about him, he should drop by and defend himself!!

come on over gary, don't send spin control instead ... :okthumb:

09-12-2003, 07:35 PM
Originally posted by ullimike@Sep 12 2003, 06:08 PM
it's NOT you're company, These AREN'T the old days, and you should be concerned with MAKING MONEY with your own biz and not someone elses.

Gary put that points of good biz out in good faith and the best intentions. The way that a huge thread of bitching and whining to come out of it is an example of a HUGE waste of time that could be spent helping to make each other money as well as yourself.


Gonna come on in and protect poor poor Gary cause we're picking on him eh.....


When Kremen has made as much money in this business as most of the folks on this board, then I will listen to him when he spouts off about how this business should be run....

When Match.com got sold out from under him for several mill how much did he come out with... 50k is the figure I think I remember....

When Kremen shows he knows how to run a business then he can tell people how to run theirs.....

Until then.....

Don't let the door hit you in the ass... ya know....


edited to add... also, if you think 41 posts to a webmaster thread is a HUGE thread, then you aint seen nothing yet....

Shit this was merely water cooler talk in this industry....

Last edited by sarettah at Sep 12 2003, 06:54 PM

09-12-2003, 08:06 PM

went and played with sex.com for a sec....

results for a search on Gary Kremen:

"Searched for gary kremen ... Nothing was found, please try these ...

The Best Gary Kremen Site! $1.95 - 3Day Trial
Great Gary kremen movies, 100,000 hardcore videos, 80,000 pictures, live sex shows, unique adult services. The Net's highest rated adult member's club."


I guess if they actually ran a SEARCH bot of some sort, they might actually have some results that were pertinent.....

That search should have brought up something in the daily.sex.com (news sections) or the webmaster.sex.com (webmaster resources)

or it should have brought up this page from their site:

which starts with this sentence:
"Gary Kremen, owner of the domain name Sex.Com, has over fifteen years of "

results for Oprano:

"Searched for oprano ... Nothing was found, please try these ...

The Best Oprano Site! $1.95 - 3Day Trial
Great Oprano movies, 100,000 hardcore videos, 80,000 pictures, live sex shows, unique adult services. The Net's highest rated adult member's club"

And this ad at the top of the home page REALLY REALLY helps our industry, don't ya think:

"Napster Of Porn - FREE! - Don't pay for porn when you can get it for Free"

Also...how come when I go to the front page I don't get ANY kind of warning that I am entering an adults only area ??? I realize that I won't find content till I actually search for something, but wouldn't you think a site that advertises itself as "Sex.Com is the global leader in the Internet search engine space." actually lead the way in guaranteeing the safety of minors when they are surfing the web....

Also, GLOBAL LEADER IN THE SEARCH ENGINE SPACE ???? You guys are beating Google these days ??


09-12-2003, 08:23 PM
ok... not to beat a dead horse here...but, I'm gonna anyways......

I did some searches for some fairly common terms:

Tiny Titties.. nothing was found

Petite titties.. nothing was found

so I did titties.... It found 5 or 6 pages..... at the bottom of page 2, in one of the descriptions I found "Juicy Pussies and Perky Tits"...

so I went back to the search bar and type in perky tits...

comes back as nothing found .....

tried again with "perky Tits" (inside quotes for an exact match)

comes back as nothing found....

They dont even parse out the descriptions of the pages they list ????

So lets see, you pay to be listed and if someone types in a match to the category you listed under you will pop up ?? That is called a Linklist guys, not a search engine.....

a search engine would give you something like this:

Searched the web for tiny titties. Results 1 - 10 of about 192,000.

TOP 20 WEB RESULTS out of about 70,600

Lycos (with a warning that I had entered an adult term...nice touch Lycos :okthumb: )
WEB RESULTS: Showing Results 1 thru 11 of 51,412 ()

Those are search engines.....

SEX.COM IS NOT A SEARCH ENGINE by any stretch of the imagination....

09-12-2003, 08:55 PM
We love Australians!
go to:

09-12-2003, 09:19 PM
Originally posted by mich@Sep 12 2003, 08:03 PM
We love Australians!
go to:
Well, I am not from Oz..... But I went there anyways....

Hit the amateurs category and just clicked on the first link....

got hit with a dialer downlaod and when I said no, it forced me to a box with only one choice of yes.... So, I had to kill my browser to avoid dling the dialer...

Nice way to treat the surfers.... (and yes I realize it was an advertisers site but it goes in contradiction to what I read on the advertisers rules and what Gary preaches)....

4. Your customers should be treated well.
Follow these “do nots” and your customers will love you: a) Do not cross bill; B) Do not make it hard for customers to cancel; c) Do not have sneaky trial arrangements; d) Do not put them in pop-up hell; e) Do not download viruses and other junk upon them without clear permission; and f) Do not spam them without a way for them to get off the mailing list. Treating them well will definitely keep your charge back ratio lower.

And....IT STILL ISN'T A SEARCH ENGINE !!! No matter how you position it, the site is nothing more than an overgrown link list...

which in reality is just another form of banner farm, without the banners...

When you guys come up with an ORIGINAL concept... Or a model that will actually make some cash for you or us, let us know....

Until then, as I said....

Don't let the door hit you on the ass on your way out......


edited in:

Also, I just reread Gary's little list of rules on how to run a successful paysite....

What paysites has Gary been involved in building that he knows how to run one ? (serious question there)

Last edited by sarettah at Sep 12 2003, 08:34 PM

09-12-2003, 09:27 PM
Originally posted by ullimike+Sep 13 2003, 09:08 AM--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (ullimike @ Sep 13 2003, 09:08 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteBegin--Opti@Sep 12 2003, 05:41 AM
http://ynotnews.ynotmasters.com/issues/091...1103/page3.html (http://ynotnews.ynotmasters.com/issues/091103/page3.html)

I didn't know you thought us Australians were scammers Gary...

11. Shun the bad players.
Why is no one going after BabeNet legally as well as after its principals? And why not after those Australian scammers? By showing we live with laws, people will not get beat up in public as much and we will not have as many wars on the boards.

I guess you have enough business already.... Bye Bye DICKHEAD
Who says Sex.Com WON'T do business with Australians? I have many Australian clients here at Sex.Com and we just added a gay subdomain for our gay Australian webmasters...you should probably talk to Gary first to find out what the hell he means by his statements if you have any question. Here is a brief IM I just had w/ him:

funkadell1: tell me about what the Aussie comment ment so I can post the real story
Gkremen: Bunch of Assie (good guys) - scammed by running programs and not paying affiliates as well as double billing

If you are not a scammer then you shouldn't be worried about his comment right? Brush it off and be glad you don't fall into that category because we all know scammers suck.

There is WAY to much time and effort spent on "If I owened Sex.Com I would...", "In the old days I...", and "Gary this..Gary that"--from an outsiders point of view it can be quite comical because the truth is...it's NOT you're company, These AREN'T the old days, and you should be concerned with MAKING MONEY with your own biz and not someone elses.

Gary put that points of good biz out in good faith and the best intentions. The way that a huge thread of bitching and whining to come out of it is an example of a HUGE waste of time that could be spent helping to make each other money as well as yourself.

It's time to move forward and work together...this biz ain't getting any easier...


Ulimike.... get back in your box and send the boss...

You are one of the team of dead weight minions that eats up the money.

Gary put that points of good biz out in good faith and the best intentions. The way that a huge thread of bitching and whining to come out of it is an example of a HUGE waste of time that could be spent helping to make each other money as well as yourself.

Gary is a know at all that felt like recyclying the Luke line that "All Australians are Scammers" ...

I am just an Aussie recycling the line that Gary doesnt know dick all about running sex.com...

And btw.. get a clue.. this has wasted 3.5 mins of my time... its only your time being wasted watching it 24/7..

Next time Gary thinks about doing something in good faith HE should spend his time making money rather than trying to feed his own ego with useless bullshit articles telling newbies to shun Australians!

Come out Gary.... Tell us what you really think of Aussies?

Or do you only have the guts to write your bullshit and make no response at all?

maybe your plebs can translate this into something meaningful... But it sounds like you have NO IDEA what your mouth is flapping about to me!
Gkremen: Bunch of Assie (good guys) - scammed by running programs and not paying affiliates as well as double billing

What the fuck does that mean??? We are scammers but "good guys" anyway??? You can't have it both ways down here Gary... What is it? Shun us or treat us like "Good Guys"? Whats your good faith advice?

And btw ullimike... if this is meant to suggest I am may be a scammer.. "If you are not a scammer then you shouldn't be worried about his comment right?" You better re-think posting ANYTHING to me again!

Last edited by Opti at Sep 13 2003, 11:39 AM

09-12-2003, 09:32 PM
"Gonna come on in and protect poor poor Gary cause we're picking on him eh.....


I don't care if you pick on him...just makes you look jealous & un-professional.

"When Kremen has made as much money in this business as most of the folks on this board, then I will listen to him when he spouts off about how this business should be run...."

If you have made so much money then why are you concerned w/ a small time guys like Gary?

"When Match.com got sold out from under him for several mill how much did he come out with... 50k is the figure I think I remember...."

AGAIN...Why do you care?

"When Kremen shows he knows how to run a business then he can tell people how to run theirs.....

Until then.....

Don't let the door hit you in the ass... ya know...."

No prob...I'm out...that kind of pompous attitude is the only reason that I posted...to let you know it sucks.

"edited to add... also, if you think 41 posts to a webmaster thread is a HUGE thread, then you aint seen nothing yet....

Shit this was merely water cooler talk in this industry...."

It's 41 posts too much for such a ridiculous topic.

09-12-2003, 10:45 PM
Originally posted by confucy@Sep 12 2003, 02:16 PM
Kimmy, you and Brad are both from the old school: "I like to see my name in print, good or bad news...doesn't matter, just mention my god damn name!"

I am being a good confucy, and I won't be going down that path that leads to drinking and fucking indiscrimately. We all have our weaknesses, now don't we Kimmy?

Take me as I am, sweety, or forever ignore me! Your little swipes at me are more boring than my posts. Chill out. :zzz:
Why would I ignore you, it is, and always has been, much too easy to push your buttons, even though I keep saying that I do it all the time.

Trying to make something out of nothing is pretty funny on your part, and your little tiny digs are pretty weak these days, though your newfound obsession, and attempt to identify with Brad, is quite comical at best.

I don't do meds, I don't do drugs, hell you can ask Brad that, he'll tell you. And fucking in one's own bed with the person you live with is hardly indiscriminate now is it...

Why didnt you mention your birthday was this week sweetie, I'd have sent you a Yahoo card.

09-13-2003, 12:09 AM
KK, the last thing I would do is announce my birthday on the internet. What's so great about being born? I will leave birthdays to you and Kremen. The two of you need excuses to gather your friends around you. I

Now if you are referring to the birth of *confucy*...that's a whole different story. I will celebrate that birthday. That would be something akin to having a yearly party for Mikey Mouse or Batgirl....characters made up by their bi-polar creators.

By the way, you can always send me a belated card. confucy@errata.to :bwave:

Never thought I was identifying with Brad, but then we do have several things in common.

1. both banned from GFY
2. both attacked by KK
3. both drive sportscars
4. both have caught big fish in the month of Sept
5. both have seen the dentist for some beauty work
6. both preparing for weddings
7. both hate the Texas heat
8. both get bored easily
9. both play on the boards
10. both have successful paysites
11. both are followed by KK
12. both are loved by Serge
13. both have great content
14. both love the outdoors
15. both own guns
16. both have zero tolerance for board idiots
17. both answer to the tunes in our heads
18. both have fought with FM
19. both are concentrating on non-porn businesses
20. both are bi-polar according to JR's definitions

How's that, KK. :gbounce:

09-13-2003, 12:21 AM
Of course it's still funny as hell that when I tell you I'm pushing your buttons you still can't stop me from pushing them.

Last edited by *KK* at Sep 12 2003, 08:30 PM

09-13-2003, 12:34 AM
I don't care if you pick on him...just makes you look jealous & un-professional.

If you have made so much money then why are you concerned w/ a small time guys like Gary?


You dont even bother reading the thread before you get on and tell us what we should and shouldn't be talking about... do you...

from me earlier in the thread:

as far as Gary reading the boards, so what.. I am nothing in the adult business..lol... I have a few galleries up, etc... But that was a learning experience...

I still work a nine to five job in mainstream and atribute very little of my income to the adult net... IN fact, most of the time my expenses far outweigh my income, as it does with any startup.....

So... It's not me making all the money... and I am not a professional... I'm just a small guy trying to do some programming and learn from the guys that actually made money doing this stuff... I don't count Kremen among them.

If you don't care if I pick on him why did you come in to defend him ??

Probably cause he told you to go in and take care of it. You come in and instead tell us how we should be spending our time and what we should and shouldn't yak about....

AGAIN...Why do you care?

I care because I have many friends in the business... and many of them are newbies and your man Gary puts out bad info.... If a newbie thinks Gary really is someone who made his fortune in the adult side of the net, they might listen to him.... It is important that they don't if they want to be successful...

The adult world and mainstream are two different worlds... What works well in mainstream does not necessarilly transfer over to the adult side... Newbies have to learn to market their product, how to make the sale... If they follow many of the rules that Gary laid out in that article, they will fail...

No prob...I'm out...that kind of pompous attitude is the only reason that I posted...to let you know it sucks.

Bullshit..... yuou started by very rudely trying to clear up the aussie thing.... If you wanted it cleared up, either you or Gary should have jumped in politely and said that you wanted to clear up any misconception about the comments he made.... you didnt do that though.. You came in with "who said.....etc"... If you had bothered to read the thread before jumping in, you would have been able to follow where that conclusion had come from. But you didn't bother....

Just so you know, if you had come in nicely, instead of on the attack, I wouldn't have bothered with my several posts "reviewing" sex.com.

Then you went on and tried to tell us how we should be spending our time and what we should be talking about.... Most of the folks that post here have made a bunch of money in this business, I am an exception as I am a newbie more or less and I am in it for totally different reasons... They do not need you telling them how to spend their time or what they should talk about.... and it was very fucking pretentious of you to come in and do that...

It's 41 posts too much for such a ridiculous topic.

Well its at 52 posts now and I happen to feel it's a great topic. You have 18 posts here, but this isn't GFY, we don't judge on number of posts, we judge on the quality of the posts and the contributions the poster makes to our community.... So far your contribution has been a whole lot of spams looking for traffic, 1 actual reply to a real topic and a couple of "Gary is just so great and wonderful".....

Gary is a newbie to this side of the business world.... It's a totally different game and he should learn how it is played before trying to sit up there and tell folks what the rules should be....

Gary, if you are reading this... Get on over to vnwr.com... Tell Voltar that I sent you... He'll show you how to set up a site to actually make some bucks on the adult side......

Ullimike..... When you can post your own thoughts instead of the crap that you think makes you look good in front of Gary, then come on back and maybe we'll play with you.....


Last edited by sarettah at Sep 12 2003, 11:45 PM

09-13-2003, 01:26 AM
Originally posted by sarettah@Sep 12 2003, 11:42 PM
I care because I have many friends in the business... and many of them are newbies and your man Gary puts out bad info.... If a newbie thinks Gary really is someone who made his fortune in the adult side of the net, they might listen to him.... It is important that they don't if they want to be successful...

The adult world and mainstream are two different worlds... What works well in mainstream does not necessarilly transfer over to the adult side... Newbies have to learn to market their product, how to make the sale... If they follow many of the rules that Gary laid out in that article, they will fail...

Just adding this to say...

I overstated this a bit... There are some good common sense things that Gary put in that article...

Yes, you should always stay within the lines of legality, I do not condone illegal content, illegal marketing tactics or any of that... and I would not argue that anyone should do any of the more unethical things that the cockholsters do...

That is pure common sense...

09-13-2003, 02:03 AM
Sarettah, threads aren't staying on subject this week. KK and I have our own thread within your thread. It must be the full moon. Hope you don't mind.

I love sex.com topics. I learned new things today. We need the Cohen friend who was a big poster on the non-threaded Oprano. Jack was his name, I think.

As I said somewhere this week, I would love to interview Cohen. I don't like what he did, but he is a true SOCIAL ENGINEER. Mitnick likes to think he is the expert at convincing people to believe him, but if you talk to him and hear his voice, he sounds like a stuttering kid. His voice goes up and down, and he is not believable. The only thing Mitnick has going for him is that he doesn't give up. That is why he was happy late at night typing in password after password trying to break into someone's system. Mitnick never forgets a phone number once he has dialed a it. The same thing probably holds true once he has punched your SS# onto the computer keys. He never forgets it, and he uses it against his enemies.

Cohen also has a good memory, but he is very lazy, and he hires yes-men to do his dirty work. Wasn't it JoeE who interviewed Cohen on dokk's system before Cohen scurried away like a river rat?

YNOT asked their userbase what they thought of YNOT Bob having Metzger (the KKK ass) on their radio show. Most of the users were against it. I wouldn't want to hear Metzger unless he talked about porn. Cohen talks about porn, so I want to hear him.

Why not track the rat down, Sarettah! Find him and get the reward from Gary, but before you turn him in, set up an interview on one of the porn radio shows. But please, dont use sleazybear from Netpond. He has improved, but he is no match for the big guys.

Nitey Nite, I'm off to watch Letterman...a good Indiana boy who finally got his GF pregnant! :rokk:

09-13-2003, 02:26 AM
My ears are burning!

09-13-2003, 02:46 AM
Originally posted by ullimike@Sep 12 2003, 08:40 PM

If you have made so much money then why are you concerned w/ a small time guys like Gary?

very simple, Sherlock....

watching other people STUPIDITY makes us feel better about our shortcomings and Gary's list is one of the longest in the industry.

Hell Puppy
09-13-2003, 05:13 AM
Originally posted by Opti@Sep 12 2003, 08:41 AM
http://ynotnews.ynotmasters.com/issues/091...1103/page3.html (http://ynotnews.ynotmasters.com/issues/091103/page3.html)

This is probably the most entertaining article I've read since Tjay wrote his article on how to properly recruit and shoot models and publish your own content. That was about a month before he ended up going to jail for fucking and photographing an underage runaway that he picked up at the bus station or some such shit.

09-13-2003, 05:22 AM
Originally posted by Hell Puppy+Sep 13 2003, 04:21 AM--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Hell Puppy @ Sep 13 2003, 04:21 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteBegin--Opti@Sep 12 2003, 08:41 AM
http://ynotnews.ynotmasters.com/issues/091...1103/page3.html (http://ynotnews.ynotmasters.com/issues/091103/page3.html)

This is probably the most entertaining article I've read since Tjay wrote his article on how to properly recruit and shoot models and publish your own content. That was about a month before he ended up going to jail for fucking and photographing an underage runaway that he picked up at the bus station or some such shit.[/b][/quote]

there is only ONE article you can find here:
"Life is a dangerous thing, you all know how it ends"

09-13-2003, 08:43 AM
Originally posted by confucy@Sep 12 2003, 11:17 PM
KK, the last thing I would do is announce my birthday on the internet. What's so great about being born? I will leave birthdays to you and Kremen. The two of you need excuses to gather your friends around you. I

Now if you are referring to the birth of *confucy*...that's a whole different story. I will celebrate that birthday. That would be something akin to having a yearly party for Mikey Mouse or Batgirl....characters made up by their bi-polar creators.

By the way, you can always send me a belated card. confucy@errata.to :bwave:

Never thought I was identifying with Brad, but then we do have several things in common.

1. both banned from GFY
2. both attacked by KK
3. both drive sportscars
4. both have caught big fish in the month of Sept
5. both have seen the dentist for some beauty work
6. both preparing for weddings
7. both hate the Texas heat
8. both get bored easily
9. both play on the boards
10. both have successful paysites
11. both are followed by KK
12. both are loved by Serge
13. both have great content
14. both love the outdoors
15. both own guns
16. both have zero tolerance for board idiots
17. both answer to the tunes in our heads
18. both have fought with FM
19. both are concentrating on non-porn businesses
20. both are bi-polar according to JR's definitions

How's that, KK. :gbounce:
pleeeeeeaaase don't compare yourself to brad confucy! I was just starting to like you!!!!

09-13-2003, 08:49 AM
Originally posted by confucy@Sep 13 2003, 01:11 AM
Why not track the rat down, Sarettah! Find him and get the reward from Gary, but before you turn him in, set up an interview on one of the porn radio shows. But please, dont use sleazybear from Netpond. He has improved, but he is no match for the big guys.

Nah... I'm staking my fortune on finding Osama...... Pays better.....


09-13-2003, 10:07 AM
Gary. . . . nothing? this is sad... why don't you like us :(

Maybe the people at GFY know!

09-13-2003, 11:11 AM
Originally posted by Opti@Sep 13 2003, 09:15 AM
Gary. . . . nothing? this is sad... why don't you like us :(

Maybe the people at GFY know!
Opti, we arent on Gary's reccomended reading list....

16. Keep in the “gossip” loop of the industry.
Sites like YNOTMasters.com, AVNOnline.Com, Netpond.com and GoFuckYourself.com should be read every day. BoardTracker.com and AllOfEm.com are good ways to keep up with happenings as are YNOT News and the AVN newsletters. Yes, keeping in the loop does also include reading Luke Ford on SetGo.com.

You know as well as I do that you can learn more about this business from Luke Ford and GFY then Oprano..... Gary says so, so it must be true...


09-13-2003, 11:46 AM
Sarettah, Gary has said many times that he reads the boards, including Oprano, but it doesn't make any sense to him to enter the fray and be attacked.

But I think the real reason Gary didn't mention Oprano is because he is afraid Serge would kick his butt. :bjump:

09-13-2003, 11:56 AM
Originally posted by confucy@Sep 13 2003, 10:54 AM
Sarettah, Gary has said many times that he reads the boards, including Oprano, but it doesn't make any sense to him to enter the fray and be attacked.

But I think the real reason Gary didn't mention Oprano is because he is afraid Serge would kick his butt. :bjump:

I don't kick butts of "jack brownfields"

09-14-2003, 12:18 AM
Originally posted by confucy@Sep 13 2003, 10:54 AM
Sarettah, Gary has said many times that he reads the boards, including Oprano, but it doesn't make any sense to him to enter the fray and be attacked.

If Gary himself came over and posted, I probably would not attack...

Unless he tried to come on like a bulldog type....

I went after ullimike because of the way he entered the thread, not because he was from sex.com.....

I am sorry that I am not impressed with sex.com.....

I am much more impressed by many of the folks here and what they have done.... MikeAI's stuff is first rate, Danny,Ulfies, Vicks project is very cool.. Ant and Voodo have always impressed me.... CJ is wonderful and knowledgeable and purve is a great site... KK always shows that she quite desrves the excellent reputation she has... even Brad impresses the hell out of me.... If I have left anyone out, I am sorry.. These are the ones whos work annd effort I have noticed... I do not mean to denigrate anyone else here, I just haven't seen what you got yet :)

I am always extremely impressed over at VNWR with the stuff Voltar does and the kind of work he gets out of us newbies... Some wonderful stuff coming out of there on a daily basis...and most of them are doingwhat they do on a shoestring... Using one single domain on shared hosting, but still making cash as they move up to bigger and better... Those are your future movers and shakers in this industry....

Lensman impresses me, even if I think that most of the folks posting on GFY are probably highschoolers.... GFY and adult.com are both impressive endeavours.....

These are the folks that are making things happen.... I am sure there are others who are not quite so open about what they are doing... People laying low and raking in the bucks with their various projects....

edited to add....

oh yeah, sometimes you impress me too Confucy.... It is a brave person who comes on out, takes her beatings and still hangs in there.....

Last edited by sarettah at Sep 13 2003, 11:28 PM

09-14-2003, 03:02 AM
Originally posted by confucy@Sep 14 2003, 01:54 AM
Sarettah, Gary has said many times that he reads the boards, including Oprano, but it doesn't make any sense to him to enter the fray and be attacked.

But I think the real reason Gary didn't mention Oprano is because he is afraid Serge would kick his butt. :bjump:
Gary would do better to take the risk and explain himself here.. I will get some free time soon and I'm sure Ulimike has better things to do than chase me around the web putting out fires.

funkadell1: tell me about what the Aussie comment ment so I can post the real story
Gkremen: Bunch of Assie (good guys) - scammed by running programs and not paying affiliates as well as double billing

Is this the only response you have enough respect to give gary? You are obviously too spineless to back up your own "advice" even to your own employees!! Although, Ulimike does seem to think it makes some sense.. if you insist on hiding behind employees, maybe he can explain why this justifies advising newbies to shun doing business with Australians??

No clarification? No apology? I can only be left to assume you stand by your words. What the hell really happened to you to make you all Bitter toward Australians gary? Did Babenet scam you? If so why not back up your words and hold them to account yourself. Or were those words just empty bullshit too?

I'm going to start calling you Viagra soon Gary.. you are starting to give me one raging hard on.

09-15-2003, 10:10 PM
i keep reading that Gary doesnt know how to run properly sex.com. I'm wondering the ones that have this impression if they have analyzed his site model and have alternative, more profitable ones in their mind. I believe most of them do not.

09-16-2003, 12:10 PM
Originally posted by Soul_Rebel@Sep 16 2003, 12:18 PM
i keep reading that Gary doesnt know how to run properly sex.com. I'm wondering the ones that have this impression if they have analyzed his site model and have alternative, more profitable ones in their mind. I believe most of them do not.
the model isn't the problem.. the slur against Australians is what I don't like.

If he had said "Shun the scamming Canadians".... well that would be different :awinky: