View Full Version : Am i Gay

09-10-2003, 02:48 PM
:huh: Tough one, If you are asking these questions then you need to look for the truth in all things. right or wrong what is right and what is wrong? Well the thing about sex is if your first time is with same sex then you will most probabbly have attractions for that from then on. With opposite then with opposite, and if you are real young then it can realy screw you up. If like myself you were rsped by a same sex at a very young age then sorry to say but you will still have same sex desires. And that is where all the confusion comes in with desires. Think simply for a moment, If you desire Your neighbors car does that make it right to go and take it, if no then why? could it be because it is not a good thing for the community? So would it be right or wrong to deney your desires for his car? Homo males mix their blood, Seamen,and crap together, is that good for the community or bad *(look at aids) ? Just because you have a strong desire does not make it right. Think about this whatever argument the homosexuals use to prove that they are right so can the pediphile. If pedifiles are born that way then they should have every right to their desire same as homosexuals. If they are not born that way then neither is the homosexual. and that means that if they chose to they could control their desires. They can control their desires I know because I thought i was gay after being raped by a 19yr old when i was 11. when 12 i was in an affair with an 11yr old for 5 years and i could achieve orgasim by suckin his dong. So my desire was as strong as any. but is it love to want to encourage a lifestyle full of dieses and one that goes against god? would that be love to want your son to go through that? After watching my cousion and a couple of loved one's die from aids and the pain they and their families went through, I realy started wondering if that was love to encourage others into my lifestyle. Verses like "those who wish to save their life will lose it and those who lay down their life will find it " And no greater love hath man than this: that he lay down his life for his friends" With so many people comming out of that lifestyle and loosing that desire alltogether, made me decide to travel that road. I am not judgeing or condeming because i do know what it is like, All I can do is say what i have seen in my life through these eyes. with real love dennis get_it@gawab.com :okthumb: :unsure:

Last edited by BooWaaa at Sep 12 2003, 04:13 AM

09-10-2003, 02:53 PM
where is Oprano resident Gay experts when neded???

I told you, Mike, we need MORE diversity here!

Almighty Colin
09-10-2003, 02:54 PM

09-10-2003, 03:11 PM
Originally posted by Colin@Sep 10 2003, 11:02 AM

mmm.. didn't help me any. That person is very lost..

09-10-2003, 06:49 PM
Originally posted by Serge_Oprano@Sep 10 2003, 11:01 AM
where is Oprano resident Gay experts when neded???

I told you, Mike, we need MORE diversity here!
Okay, here's my humble opinion. What happened to you was a very sad and tragic thing. One thing to remember is that everyone did not go through what you went through, and it is not right to hate an entire group of people because of the awful thing that one horrible person did to you. That one person is to blame, not every gay person. Your posting hit me hard because when I was growing up, my parents would tell me that gay people were child molesters and mentally ill. I grew up without an identity, I did not get to go through puberty the way most straight people do, I spent a lot of my teen and young adult years confused and hating myself for who I was. There are good and bad people. Good and bad people come in all shapes and sizes, all races and all sexual orientations. You cannot say that someone is a bad person because they are gay or straight. That just does not make sense.

I am very sad about what happened to you. No child should ever have to go through that. The man who did that should be hunted down and thrown in jail for the rest of his life. I have no sympathy for rapists. And I hope that you will seek therapy and try to get rid of some of the sadness and anger that you carry around with you. Take care of yourself.