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09-08-2003, 10:13 PM

An open letter to bin Laden
Miami Herald

Dear Osama:

How have you been? How are the wives and kids?

I'm just writing to let you know that I still think of you often. Mostly when I take off my shoes.

That's standard operating procedure over here at airports now, Osama. Can I call you Sammy?

Anyway, that's just a routine part of life nowadays. You have to remove your footwear to go through the metal detectors. Nobody's too happy about it except, I suspect, the people who make and sell socks.

It's been two years this week since terrorists under your command crashed airplanes into the World Trade Center, the Pentagon and the Pennsylvania countryside. And walking through security in stocking feet isn't the half of it. Our lives have changed in a hundred other ways great and small. But we handle it, you know?

Heck, if you didn't know better, if you were just taking a cursory glance, you might even think the events of Sept. 11, 2001, had never even happened, so completely do other things claim our attention. People are obsessing on what date Ben and Jennifer - that's two infidel entertainers who are quite popular over here - will get married. We are following with morbid fascination the political circus currently unfolding in California. That's our most infidel state. And we're hotly debating the case against Kobe Bryant; he's an infidel basketball player who got into trouble with the law.

Many things on our mind, Sam. We haven't forgotten about you, though. You, we will never forget.

Just the other day, I was watching 9/11, a documentary aired last year by CBS, one of our infidel television networks. It made the wound raw all over again - brought back the planes, the confusion, the cloud of debris, the rain of bodies. The horror. I felt like crying, Sammy. I really did.

Last week, Newsweek - infidel newsmagazine - carried a report that placed you in the mountains of the Afghan province of Kunar. I found myself wondering why we couldn't just drop leaflets warning everyone who was not you to leave the area - and then bomb the mountains flat. I'm sure there's a solid reason we haven't done that, but the point is, I'd never have said that two years ago.

Of course, two years ago was another country. Another time.

......... (rest of the letter is worth reading)

09-09-2003, 05:28 PM
I'm starting to think, screw those turdsuckers! Wherever we know he is just bomb the goddamned place and get it over with!

sand eating shitbags.

09-09-2003, 06:17 PM
Originally posted by A.A.@Sep 9 2003, 04:36 PM
I'm starting to think, screw those turdsuckers! Wherever we know he is just bomb the goddamned place and get it over with!

sand eating shitbags.
Now now.... Lets not overreact....

First we must examine what we, as Rich Capitalist Pigs have done to cause so much hatred across the world...

Then we must figure out how to make amends with those that our greedy ways have caused so much damage to....

The we should bomb the hell out of them.....


09-09-2003, 07:08 PM
Hehe...don't forget we're infidels too. :salute: :kapow:

09-09-2003, 08:46 PM
Gawd dam rite. We outta just bomb the fuk outta all of dem.

What we really need to do is go in and invade us a couple more countries. You know, strike some more fear into all them Izlamaic fukkers. Jezzuz ke-rist, you'd think after we went into I-rak and took all of Sadam bin Laden's ... or is it Osama Hussein? - weapons of mass de-strukshun, and skeered all them fukkers so bad that peace is breakin' out in Izz-ri-el, that what we needs to do is clear.

Fukkin a ... if only we wasn't held back by publik-skuul edukated lilly-liverled liberal pansies we could really get it on.

Last edited by PornoDoggy at Sep 9 2003, 07:55 PM

09-09-2003, 08:56 PM
AMEN BROTHER! :salute:

09-09-2003, 10:43 PM
Originally posted by PornoDoggy@Sep 9 2003, 06:54 PM
Gawd dam rite. We outta just bomb the fuk outta all of dem.

What we really need to do is go in and invade us a couple more countries. You know, strike some more fear into all them Izlamaic fukkers. Jezzuz ke-rist, you'd think after we went into I-rak and took all of Sadam bin Laden's ... or is it Osama Hussein? - weapons of mass de-strukshun, and skeered all them fukkers so bad that peace is breakin' out in Izz-ri-el, that what we needs to do is clear.

Fukkin a ... if only we wasn't held back by publik-skuul edukated lilly-liverled liberal pansies we could really get it on.
What we should do, PD, is all hold hands and share our feelings. Let's talk about what we feel. And when we're done talking and sharing, we can offer tokens of peace to Osama. We can apologize to the Iraqis for killing Hussein's sons and forcing him out of power (and emptying the childrens' prisons).

Here, say it with me:

Oh people of Iraq, we the Great Satan do humbly apologize for liberating you. We were shortsighted and arrogant. But that is because we have a Republican administration. If George W. Bush and his cohorts hadn't stolen the election, we would have all converted to Islam as per Osama's demand in the very famous letter he had published. Please forgive us.

The American Left

Last edited by Buff at Sep 9 2003, 08:51 PM

09-09-2003, 11:07 PM
You know what - there really are people who think like that, Buffy.

They are just as stupid as the folks who believe along the lines of my sarcastic post.

09-09-2003, 11:28 PM
Originally posted by PornoDoggy@Sep 9 2003, 09:15 PM
You know what - there really are people who think like that, Buffy.

They are just as stupid as the folks who believe along the lines of my sarcastic post.
Uh huh. So you're indicting us both. :P

Last edited by Buff at Sep 9 2003, 09:37 PM

09-09-2003, 11:45 PM
No, not really. I don't know if you really think like my sarcastic post or not (although I was expecting Mike to come along and express hope that I was coming around :D).

I believe that the United States has the obligation to try to understand what motivates terrorists. If the opportunity presents itself then we should interrogate them someplace like Gitmo. If not, whatever a pathologist can discover on autopsy is fine with me.

Anyone who thinks they can be reasoned with has no more brains than those who think they can be scared into inaction. The simpletons who believe it's only a matter of "feeling their pain" are every bit as dangerous as the folks who think that any solution can be found exclusively with troops and military might.

I just don't think the tactical approach to the war on terror that President Bush, VP Haliburton, and that pivot man in the circle-jerk of current policy, Paul Wolfawitz, is going to work.

09-10-2003, 12:09 AM
Originally posted by PornoDoggy@Sep 9 2003, 09:53 PM
No, not really. I don't know if you really think like my sarcastic post or not (although I was expecting Mike to come along and express hope that I was coming around :D).

I believe that the United States has the obligation to try to understand what motivates terrorists. If the opportunity presents itself then we should interrogate them someplace like Gitmo. If not, whatever a pathologist can discover on autopsy is fine with me.

Anyone who thinks they can be reasoned with has no more brains than those who think they can be scared into inaction. The simpletons who believe it's only a matter of "feeling their pain" are every bit as dangerous as the folks who think that any solution can be found exclusively with troops and military might.

I just don't think the tactical approach to the war on terror that President Bush, VP Haliburton, and that pivot man in the circle-jerk of current policy, Paul Wolfawitz, is going to work.
That's actually as close to being in complete agreement as we can possibly get.

09-10-2003, 12:10 AM
One - or both - of us should be afraid. Very, very afraid. :D