View Full Version : RIAA files 261 lawsuits..........

09-08-2003, 09:58 PM
File-sharers scoff at lawsuits

By Shawn Langlois, CBS.MarketWatch.com
Last Update: 6:51 PM ET Sept. 8, 2003

SAN FRANCISCO (CBS.MW) -- The recording industry continued to push mounds of paper Monday, filing suit against 261 people for allegedly pirating songs on file-sharing Websites like Kazaa.

That leaves about 59,999,739 to go.

But if the countless tune-swappers trolling through cyberspace were intimidated by the spate of lawsuits, you wouldn't know it. The consensus message from a bounty of cavalier posts aimed at the Recording Industry Association of America became abundantly clear: Bring it on!

Nanuk, for example, heartily pounded his chest along with his cronies on Yahoo: "You can take away my MP3's when you pry my mouse out of my cold dead hands."

It's all about the money, according to Tnintbubse: "Consumers will not tolerate their price gouging and they need to come up with something else besides suing college kids. The industry has gone unchecked too long and has passed the cost down to us. Now they are crying."

Howler24 drew a line of futility between what he feels are two ill-fated crusades: "Yes, you can cry and moan about the 'evils' of drugs and file sharing. But when you're through foaming at the mouth, you have to realize that they are BOTH here to stay. No law, no court can change that. The best thing to do is to control it and make it profitable, instead of driving it underground."

Needless to say, the RIAA's option for file-sharers to turn themselves in didn't go over to well. See full story.

From Rmonster: "I have a feeling that anyone who signs up for this 'amnesty' is going to find themselves up the creek. Sending a notarized copy of your ID and statement that you did, in fact, break the law (in their eyes at least) does not sound like amnesty, but suicide

09-09-2003, 07:09 PM
Where is the url for the list of those receiving subpoenas?

Aren't any of you downloaders curious if your name is on the list?

09-10-2003, 04:18 AM
P2P is IMHO is fucking great :lol:

09-10-2003, 04:32 AM
i think that science and technology in the last hundred years has an incredibly poor record of putting genies back in the bottle. resistence is futile.

i still believe that the record companies who are fighting this trend, right or wrong and going to be the biggest losers in the end. just like napster... some 20 yr old kid is going to figure out a way to capitalize on the situation and cause a major shift in the business that will leave those fighting change and the natural course of evolution far behind.