View Full Version : Take a look and see if you can help

Lord Aga
09-01-2003, 02:52 PM
Hey guys, this is not normally my style.. but this is real close to home.

I am sure you can all stop work for a minute and take a look at this website, http://www.chloewright.com/

Chloe is 3 years of age and suffering from a very rare form of cancer which requires specialist treatment in the US. Scott, who is a very close friend of mine and Chloe's family has asked me to help in any way I can to raise some funds towards the treatment. This is going to cost in excess of £200,000 with some £100,000 left to find. There is an event at Caesars palace in Streatham auctioning off various things from Football memorabilia to signed books and tickets. Take a look here http://www.chloewright.com/auctions.htm

Any donations big or small will be very much appreciated by Chloe and her family, if there is anything you can do to help please lmk or alternatively make a donation here http://www.chloewright.com/donations.htm or contact Joe@chloewright.com

09-01-2003, 07:02 PM
On 60 minutes, they showed over 3000 in line in a small Ohio town who were waiting for food. US CITIZENS. There are millions of people starving in Africa. There is a little girl down the street who needs a kidney transplant, and her parents have no money. A friend of my family in Indiana needs a heart transplant or he will be dead in 30 days.

Aga, there are cases all over the world where people need money. I don't think a porn board is the place for you to solicit funds for this little girl. Go to the city where she lives and raise British dollars for her. :salute:

09-02-2003, 04:30 AM
Originally posted by confucy@Sep 2 2003, 12:10 AM
I don't think a porn board is the place for you to solicit funds for this little girl.
Why not?!?

Is that because you think all the rest of us pornographers are as heartless as you perhaps?

I've seen over the years many people plea for help on many of the boards, why isn't Aga allowed to?

Aga is simply making an appeal... thats all it is... an appeal. He isn't taking money from your pocket while your not looking... but damn, nooo the almighty Confucy just cant resist jumping on here and acting all self-righteous by pointing out that there are many many bad things in this world... forget the fact that Aga is just trying to help a little girl.

Are you doing this because you got banned from Netpond and your still bitter about it?

Or is it just because your a heartless cretin with nothing but piss and steam for brains

09-02-2003, 06:29 AM
ignore cuntfucy, she's just a bitter person

Lord Aga
09-02-2003, 09:59 AM

Theres millions of guys in Jail too.. and some of them are hackers! but that didnt stop you pushing your "Free Mitnik" shit to everyone did it!

09-02-2003, 01:08 PM
Serge, thanks for keeping this at the top it's very much appreciate mate :))))

Confuckedupfucy - British dollars what are they?

If you know people in a similar situations that are close friends to your family, then you should be doing something about it, not wasting valuable time bitching to others that are making a valid effort to help others. I like many other people in the world make donations to various charities worldwide including the US so this is no exception. There is a massive event on tonight in the UK with all kinds of donated gifts for auction http://www.chloewright.com/auctions.htm , this is just one fund raiser taking place in the UK to help raise "British Pounds". If you have resources to help then why not use them, something similar may happen to you or your family one day and you may need the same kind of help. You should not be so hard on others especially a little girls fighting for her life. It's just as well lots people out there are the complete opposite of yourself and have helped Chloe with her last chance in life. Please don't reply to this message as I honestly have no time for you at all.

I would like to say thanks to all of you out there that have helped and have a heart.

Thanks again,

Danny :))))

09-02-2003, 01:23 PM
Aga, I made a big mistake backing Mitnick. A VERY BIG MISTAKE!

My opinion is just an opinion. Don't get hot and bothered about it. My comments just give your plea more attention. I may be doing you a favor, which is more than I can say for you.

Yes, I'm still fucking upset over your changing my post and banning me and Lee. I was loyal to you and Netpond. You betrayed me. You said that you would never use the information you discovered from your snitch, Carrie, against me. You sold me down the river, you red-headed old fart.

You told me that the First Amendment applied to Americans, but not you. Well, great! Until Serge bans me again, I will say what I please. Aga, you have no ethics, yet you come to this board and try to raise funds for a little girl in need. If anyone else had come here, I wouldn't have opened my mouth. You are an asshole. I don't trust you. I don't believe you.

Truly bitter, fuck no! Just a little angry that you turned into another lying bag of shit like Acacia and the spamming skimming lowlife webmasters I have encountered. Thank God there are some decent people in porn. Sorry you couldn't be one of them. :steemed:

09-02-2003, 10:42 PM
Well, I can't afford to do much at the moment...

But I can afford to bump the thread back up to the top....

we all do what we can, ya know ?

09-03-2003, 10:43 AM
Confucy I'm getting bored with the 'snitch' comment.
Had you not gone searching through all of my personal domains and started slamming me in emails with details about my family in your quest to try to buffalo me into fearing you, I never would have given anyone your emails.

You crossed the line - quit bitching about the consequences.

09-03-2003, 10:44 AM
PS if anyone can help Chloe out, please do! I donated a little and took the cause to the Rackshack forums, those guys are donating some money as well. I know the Oprano folks can out-donate the Rackshack webmasters! :okthumb:

09-03-2003, 10:59 AM
Carrie, fuck off :nyanya:
You sell out to the highest bidder!

Little Miss Cheerleader, raising money
for all the poor people of the world. Sure!

09-03-2003, 12:55 PM
Damn, you've got a label for everything, don't you?
Why am I a sellout now? Please, entertain me with your schizophrenic justifications - this should be amusing.

And yes, I noted how you TRIED to ignore the true facts about you crossing the line. Weak.

09-03-2003, 01:20 PM
There´s a candle burning in the world tonight
For another child who vanished out of sight
And a heart is broken, another prayer in vain
There´s a million tears that fill a sea of pain
Sometimes I stare out my window
My thoughts all drift into space
Sometimes I wonder if there´s a better place
(Tell me)
Where do fallen angels go
I just don´t know
Where do fallen angels go
They just keep falling

09-03-2003, 01:34 PM
Is Anonymous like one of those sirens that sailors hear out in the fog but never see? :okthumb:

09-03-2003, 07:20 PM
Carrie, since I gave you the title, Miss Cheerleader, I am making the decision to take it back. You and Sword drove everyone away from Netpond, along with the help of Aga and his rotten disposition. Isn't it something that a jackass like Aga is the one who is having kids and raising money for little Chloe.

Carrie, from now on, you are Miss Suck Up!

In spite of how I feel about you and Aga, I am contributing to Little Chloe. :okthumb:

09-04-2003, 09:05 AM
Originally posted by confucy@Sep 3 2003, 03:28 PM
Carrie, since I gave you the title, Miss Cheerleader, I am making the decision to take it back. You and Sword drove everyone away from Netpond, along with the help of Aga and his rotten disposition. Isn't it something that a jackass like Aga is the one who is having kids and raising money for little Chloe.

Carrie, from now on, you are Miss Suck Up!

In spite of how I feel about you and Aga, I am contributing to Little Chloe. :okthumb:
Making a note to ask Carrie for a suck job in Vegas....

09-04-2003, 10:31 AM
I am so sorry to butt into this thread, but it has brought a smile to me, I just love Confucy, I don't care what you all say about her, she makes me smile.

I feel bad for those on the receiving end of a rant, but I just adore her ability to just "say it".

Life sould be so boring without her around.

All the best on the fund raising.

I rather enjoy my ban at NetPond Confucy.

Used to be one post on NetPond took care of things, not it takes at least 2, and I do not mean posts, I mean other webmaster boards to hit the target.

09-04-2003, 02:18 PM
Originally posted by LeeNoga@Sep 4 2003, 06:39 AM
I am so sorry to butt into this thread, but it has brought a smile to me, I just love Confucy, I don't care what you all say about her, she makes me smile.

I feel bad for those on the receiving end of a rant, but I just adore her ability to just "say it".

Life sould be so boring without her around.

All the best on the fund raising.

I rather enjoy my ban at NetPond Confucy.

Used to be one post on NetPond took care of things, not it takes at least 2, and I do not mean posts, I mean other webmaster boards to hit the target.
Careful Lee....all this complacency and youll be having a Jack Rickard flashback...

Last edited by gonzo at Sep 4 2003, 10:29 AM